Avatar of Crossfire
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    1. Crossfire 10 yrs ago
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@Rultaos I told ya, no such thing as a post going too long around these parts!
@iTem Updating the little list in the first OOC post about the crew quarters, Matija still sleeping down in the storage room or has she moved up with the rest of us?
Waking Up

A Collab Between Me and @Xandrya

Grayson slowly came to in his bunk. He blinked and lightly groaned as his body and mind woke up. His arm was wrapped around Amy's midsection, exactly where it was when they'd fallen asleep the night before. Within a few weeks of the battle in Sovereign's Valley, the 'secret' that the two of them had gotten together became public knowledge, and a couple of weeks after that, she moved in to Room 7, right around the time Grayson pointed out that the chilly draft she was feeling in Room 3 was likely due to the fact that there was still some lingering structural damage, cracks in the wall and so on, from the explosion in Arex's old room all those months before.

From the way she was breathing, Grayson could tell that she was already awake.
"Mornin' beautiful" he said.

"Morning," Amy whispered, sighing as she slowly turned to face Grayson. She gave the slightest frown as she started to recollect her dreams from that night.

"I had another nightmare, one where we were both shot dead..." Amy trailed her hand across his side before she pulled herself a little closer to him. She then buried her face on his neck and used her nails to lightly scratch his back.

Her voice was muffled, but she knew Grayson could understand her.

"But we're never going to let that happen, right?"

"Not in a million years love" he replied as he tilted his head to kiss her cheek, he snaked his arms up around her back and embraced her fully "A million stars could turn into a million supernovas, melt down the whole godsdamned galaxy, and we'd still be standing. We're too stubborn to die, you an' me."

"Wow, quite the poet you're turning into," Amy smiled, her mood suddenly shifting to a more pleasant one, "I like it, and I like seeing you."
She planted a quick kiss on his cheek before sitting up on the bed to stretch, the bedsheet falling to her lap to reveal she was wearing a simple white t-shirt. "I gotta go to the ladies' room for a moment but I'll be back, okay?"

"Okay, I'll be here. Nothin' on the old 'to-do list' immediately jumping to mind, so I could just stay in bed all day, love for ya to join me."

Grayson rolled onto his back as she exited and put his hands up behind his head. He thought back to that morning a few months ago when he had woken up to find her staring deeply into his face. Immediately, he noticed the change, the focus on her face and the brightness in her hazel eyes.

He came to the conclusion that somehow, miraculously, Amy could see him.

He jumbled and fell over his words, shocked completely speechless for a moment as he tried to ask her how. Finally, he managed to say it and she launched into her story...

Grayson was jolted out of his reminiscing by the sound of the room door opening, Amy was back.

"Hey you" he said

Amy couldn't help but give a little laugh.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" she teased, closing the door behind her before making her way to the bed and climbing in it to join Grayson. She playfully pulled on the covers so he could let her in as she had suddenly developed chills and was seeking some warmth and comfort.

"I'm gonna use you as my personal heater now if you don't mind." Amy hugged Grayson, pulling him close to her as she buried her face in his chest, hearing his steady heartbeat and feeling his chest rise up and down with each breath. It was all so soothing...

Amy's mind then took her back into the past for some reason, when things weren't going quite as smoothly.

Grayson absent-mindedly rubbed Amy's back with one hand as she snuggled in close. This was a pretty regular occurance with them, her getting up first and having to come back to bed because she was too cold. He didn't mind it one bit, though he always swore that the next time they hit port or requisitioned supplies from the Alliance that he was getting her a pair of slippers so her feet wouldn't be like ice cubes when she jumped back in.

With his other hand, he was tracing his fingers along the right side of his face, drifting them back and forth across the invisible line between the real and synthetic skin, one of many constant reminders of a job gone wrong five years ago. In a way, his recklessness that day was what led him to this very moment. If he had ignored that call, he probably wouldn't be here right now, then again, if that Bezengarr's claws had been a inch or so longer, he wouldn't be here either.

His eyes turned towards the small speaker mounted beside the door as it crackled to life. Stryker's voice filled the small room:
"Good morning everyone, welcome to another day in purgatory. I'm headed down to put together a breakfast spread, so in about twenty minutes, come on down to the kitchen, we all gotta talk about something."

Seemed like Amy had drifted off again, that or she was deep in thought. Either way, she didn't react right away, he reached over and brushed a strand of hair out of her face and tucked it up behind her ear, that got her to look at him.

"Ya know ya always look a' me the same way when I need your attention? Even back before ya could see, when we'd talk while I worked on the repairs to yer gear. It's the cutest damn thing. Anyway, cap'n's doin' breakfast in twenty or so, says everyone's gotta come for a chat. We don't have ta go, if ye'd rather stay in bed, you know Stryker, if it's real important, he'll find us later an' fill us in."

"Well...I want to stay in bed but I'm also hungry. The great conundrum this morning..." Amy nudged him with a little laugh. "Come on, let's get ready. I doubt we'll have much to do today so we can always come back to bed later," she added suggestively before planting a big kiss on his cheek.

"Well damn it Ames, how'm I supposed to eat when ya teasin' somethin' like that? It's all I'll be able to think about now 'til we get back here. Won't hear a word Stryker says at all because I'll be so preoccupied" he grinned as he returned her kiss. Still rubbing her back he continued speaking, voice barely more than a whisper.
"You know..... cap did say it'd be a little while, we've got time if ya wanted to fool around."

"If I wanted to fool around?" Amy glanced at him with an amused expression on her face. "That's all you men ever think about..." she smirked, her finger lightly tracing along the contours of his chest. "But yes, I would very much like to."

Grayson responded with a smirk of his own "Well, I'm happy to oblige."
He wrapped his arms around her pulled her up slightly and began kissing her.

About thirty minutes later, Grayson and Amy walked into the galley, very clearly late for breakfast from the looks of the rest of the team's plates. Grayson could only smile sheepishly as he walked over along the counter and began putting together a couple of plates for himself and Amy.

"Mornin' everyone" he said as he slid a couple pancakes onto his plate "Thanks for doin' this Stryker, really 'preciate it mate."

"No trouble at all Grayson, glad you could find time in your busy schedule to join us" he said with a warm chuckle.

@Gardevoiran@iTem@Silver Carrot@Rultaos@BKburke
@Rultaos@iTem No such thing as a post being too long in my book, so by all means carry on!
@1Hawkeyes@King Tai

Reaper reacted by snatching out one of his pistols and unloading three quick pops in her direction. A flash of flame shot up in immediate response, rendering his bullets useless as they were redirected or melted entirely by her powers.

"Damn it" he said, diving down behind a column for cover to avoid the rush of fire.

"Alright kid, you wanna be a team, fine, I'll keep her busy. I don't have a ton of ammo though, so whatever you're gonna do, make it fast!"
@Gardevoiran@Rultaos@iTem@Silver Carrot@BKburke@Xandrya

Stryker walked out from his quarters dressed in his most casual attire- a loose-fitting t-shirt and baggy gym shorts. The Revenant had had absolutely zero contact from the Alliance in about three weeks. The last time he had to deal with them was when a ship had arrived to retrieve the doctors in charge of Benny and Matija's recovery. Since then it had been complete radio silence and truth be told, the monotony was starting to get to the captain. He strolled up into the cockpit, his usual first stop when he got up in the morning.

"Morning Tibulus" he said as he dropped into the co-pilot's seat and observed the room. It wasn't the cleanest, but Stryker knew there was a method to his pilot's mess, the bits and bobs of machinery strewn about the empty spaces of the console. The ever-present, but faint whiff of cigar smoke hung in the air.
"You know it occurs to me that I hardly ever see you outside this room. How about you come on down, have breakfast with us? Ship'll be fine on auto-pilot for an hour or so, it's not like we're really headed anywhere in particular. Think about it at least alright?"

Before he left he wheeled around in the seat and used the co-pilot's console to access the ship-wide comms.
"Good morning everyone, welcome to another day in purgatory. I'm headed down to put together a breakfast spread, so in about twenty minutes, come on down to the kitchen, we all gotta talk about something."
He clapped Tibulus on the shoulder as he headed out "Hope to see ya down there."

About twenty minutes later, Stryker was sitting back in his seat with a cup of coffee and a small plate of toast, bacon and eggs. He wasn't a gourmet chef by any means, but he was able to cover the basics. One by one the crew filed in and as they arrived Stryker waved his hand over to the countertops.
"Help yourself to whatever you like, plenty there. Should be all warmed up unless that damn heating circuit shorted out again. If you're not eating, grab a seat."
As they settled in, Stryker glanced around the table. With so few of them living on the ship these days, it was easy to spot who wasn't here.
"I guess the lovers are a little preoccupied" he said after a sip from his mug, drawing attention to the fact that Amy and Grayson were late.
"Well, we can wait a bit. In the meantime... what's new?"
Just gonna bump this up a little, we still need some people if anyone is interested
Just gonna bump this up a little, we still need some people if anyone is interested
@Hawlin Alright, sorry for bothering you man. You're always welcome to come back if you change your mind.
@Hawlin@Rultaos@iTem@Xandrya@BKburke@Silver Carrot@Gardevoiran

Yeah, so it's been a bit quiet around here, Rultaos and iTem's collab notwithstanding (great stuff by the way). I'm thinking that tomorrow (writing this at like 4am on Friday night- Saturday morning if you wanna get technical) I'll get a post up so we can get something going, seeing as the slowness is entirely my fault.
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