Avatar of Crossfire
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    1. Crossfire 10 yrs ago
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@superservo27 Yeah looks good man, welcome aboard! I'll send you a message shortly and we can talk about how to introduce you!

I'll PM you to discuss
@Xandrya@Gardevoiran@Shard @iTem@Silver Carrot@Rultaos@BKburke

"Alright love, I'll tell 'em" Grayson said quietly when they got out in the corridor, he reached up and laid a hand on her forehead "Don't feel a fever, all the same, ya should go an lie down for a spell, I'll bring ya some water in a bit, and if ya need anythin' else, I'll have my comms open, ok?"

He squeezed her hand gently as he let go and walked away, still concerned about her and wondering what could have prompted such a sudden reaction......

He heard Tibulus speaking just as the door to the galley slid open:
"Stryker, what do you think happened to Amy...?"

Grayson, feeling their eyes snap over to him walking in, interjected quickly.

"No worries lads, jus' a bit of stomach sickness. My money's on the juice here, didn't see anyone else drinkin' it, so it's probably turned." He picked up Amy's plate and scraped the remains into the waste, then he poured out the juice left in her glass, and to be on the safe side, also emptied the rest of the carton down the sink. All of that taken care of, he sat back down and started picking at his own leftovers.

"So she's ok?" Stryker asked.
"Oh yeah, grand" he replied, halfway through a bite of toast, he swallowed and continued "I told her to go rest for a bit and I'll gonna check in on her after. I'm not too worried, if she's still a bit ill later, I'll grab somethin' from med bay to settle her."

That last bit was a lie, he was obviously worried, his mind still turning over the sequence of events again and again, trying to figure out exactly what had caused her illness.

"OK, good to hear" Stryker said before turning to the rest of the table "So as I was going to say before, I've got the strangest feeling that we're going to be mobilized soon. I know that there's been no contact from the Alliance in weeks, but I don't know, I just can't shake it, so what I'm gonna propose is we keep our skills sharp. Feels like it's been months since I held a gun, much less fired one. They really neglected to outfit the ship with a firing range, but we can rig one together pretty easily, maybe pull all the equipment in the gym off to one side, weld a few layers of steel plating against the wall for targets, is that doable Grayson?"

"Yeah, wouldn't be any issue at all." he said as he finished off his coffee.
"Ok, well after you check on Amy, maybe all of you guys can go down and get started on that? I'm gonna fix up a plate for the kid, see if he wants any."

A few minutes later, Stryker was walking down through the lower deck, towards the storage room Matija had once called her bedroom. He was carrying a covered plate with a bit of everything from breakfast on it, and a small thermos of coffee. Arriving at the door, he decided to knock, and speak through the thin metal.

"Willow? You up kid? Brought you a bit of breakfast if you want it. There's more leftovers up in the galley if this isn't enough. Oh yeah, and I know you like the quiet, so I guess I should mention that it could get a little loud down here in a while, we're converting part of the gym into a firing range, to keep everyone fresh for when we're mobilized, you could join us if you want."
@Xandrya@Gardevoiran@iTem@Silver Carrot@Rultaos@BKburke@Shard

My slightly-delayed IC post should be going up tomorrow... or I guess technically later today, because it's 2:45am at the moment.
@Shard We just did a big time skip, which happened in this post here -> https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4535128 (the aftermath section) and I've got a plot summary of everything else saved somewhere, soon as I dig it out I'll make sure it's up to date and PM you!
@Gardevoiran Nope, no one else around at the moment, we'll have to acquire the subject during the next job.

@Shard Forgot to do it yesterday, but just to make it official, you're in, welcome aboard!
@Shard Just getting a chance to review your CS now, I'll send you a PM in a little bit!

@iTem That's really good!


But they're both humans

Are you sure about that? *dramatic sound effects*

(Yeah no, they're both human, so if it's an alien baby, Grayson would have some... questions to say the least)

Grayson didn't hesitate for more than a few seconds before he abandoned his food and chased after Amy, he stood back and let her take care of business before stepping in to hug her shaking form.
"Ya alright?" He whispered as he used a wad of tissue to wipe away some excess sick from the corner of her mouth.
"It's ok" he continued as he kept holding her "Get it all out babe, I'm right here."


"Interesting" Stryker said after Amy had dashed off, shortly followed by Grayson "Well, if you need any help with that at all, I'm right here, getting more and more bored by the day."
@Xandrya Well, there's a twist!
@Xandrya@Gardevoiran@iTem@Silver Carrot@Rultaos@BKburke

Grayson chuckled a little to himself at Matija's teasing and Amy's playful ignorance as he walked over and slid into the empty seat next to Amy. In any other circumstance, this much talk involving something in his private life would be a source of embarrassment, but he wasn't the same cold-blooded assassin that stepped onto this ship nine months ago. I mean sure, he was still a remorseless marksman, but he felt an uncharacteristic closeness with the crew, one that allowed him to joke around without the voices in his head screaming and calling him an idiot. He laid his coffee mug down after taking a gulp and slyly slipped into the conversation, taking Amy's approach of feigning innocence.

"I'll confirm, it was a hard choice for the lass. Every mornin' seems like she'll be up and about for just a minute 'fore she hops back in the bed, stickin' her cold feet up on me. Loves the warmth this one" bracing himself in case she hit his arm, he quickly added "Which I'm more than happy ta provide of course"

Down at the other end of the table, Stryker leaned in to speak to Tibulus.
"It got lost a little bit in the conversation, but you said you're building a robot?"

SAL, having elected to leave the kitchen just after Grayson and Amy arrived, marched down to Tobi's room. He knocked before hitting the button that slid open the door.
"Tobi come with me to the Tech Lab, we have a new combat routine download to install."
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