Avatar of Crowvette


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Current This is an example of speex, an audio compression codec specifically tuned for the reproduction of human speech.
4 mos ago
lmao, even
4 mos ago
dancing dancing raspberry
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5 mos ago
i like it
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6 mos ago
This wall is an eyesore.


I'm sure there's a lot of stuff I could put here but I'm blanking.

Most Recent Posts

Lise was surprised that someone actually greeted her correctly. Though she hadn't been at Laurels for very long, she had definitely noticed that very few people knew how to address a lady in this day and age. She glanced at... Andreim, wasn't it? She has seen him a lot around the school. 'I'll have to keep an eye on him,' Lise thought to herself.

Upon mention of teams, Lise runs a hand through her long blonde hair, letting it flow freely before falling back behind her. "Now please, don't all swarm me at once for partnership propositions!" She laughs, matter-of-factly standing with crossed arms and a haughty smile.

She stands still, waiting for the inevitable swarm of adoring subjects to ask for her hand in this assignment.

I'd say it's fairly important. May I ask what you have against discord? You don't even necessarily need to get the app, you can use it through a browser.

We have a lot of discussions, so you're missing out a tad without it. I'm still trying to put the big and important things here in OOC, but the discord has private rooms for each factions for special plans and stuff, not that that is relevant yet.

I just prefer to keep the amount of chats I'm subscribed to at a minimum. It's not really anything that serious, I was just wondering if I could get by without it.
How essential is the discord to play? I'm not too keen on using it, but if it's important, then I will.
Anyone up for a friendship with Cyan?

Lise would definitely-

@Ebil BunnyIf you'd like, I can have Samus develop a sort of 'protective' role over him. He doesn't like bullying, especially against those who don't have the immediate means to defend themselves.

Damn, I guess she'd have to get through Sam to tease the fox.
Haha the banter is fine,@Crowvette. So you accept my offer? If so, we can PM for details.

We can try and get an idea going, yeah.

<Snipped quote by Crowvette>

Cyan does not like the touchy of fluffy tail. Which I suppose is what makes it a hunt instead of a regular cuddle.

I think that Cyan would make a great hunting partner for Lise, then.
Laurels is some kind of boarding school, right? I didn't really consider it but if it isn't I'm not sure where Lise will be sleeping.

@Crowvette Haha, could be friends with Samoth, but if she calls him "commoner" he may retort by calling her "civilian"(Even though he himself, is a civilian xDD)

EDIT: He isn't really offended by name-calling, but it may be secretly funny to him to call her that. :3

For Lise, calling people commoners is probably closer to friendly banter than it is actual name-calling, so it should be fine, right?

Perhaps she and Cyan could be friends? If she doesn't mind being friends with someone who's as commoner as pretty much physically possible. Probably wouldn't be a fan of being called that, but there's nothing he could really do about it.

How does Cyan feel about touching fluffy tail? Fox hunting is a popular sport for royalty, after all.
Okay, well Lise is posted, though I suppose I should see who in Laurels might be good for friends. Must be okay with being called "commoners" or some derivative of such.
Here's a draft of the character I was thinkin' of.

If everyone plans on going to Mephisto I can tweak a few things but I feel like she'd end up at Laurels otherwise.
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