Avatar of Crusader Lord


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@Dinh AaronMk It is time! Greece and Anatolia shall be MINE. ROMA INVICTA, SCREW YOU MUSSOLINI XD

I shall happily join and create Not!Byzantium. :P

Though i will miss the Greek Fire. Alas, too late in history to have it. XD
@Dinh AaronMk Noted! But to ask out of curiosity...would you mind a Byzantine/Greek rebellion that 'restores' the old Byzantine Empire and took some stuff from the Ottomans? Like a historical "what if", taking the Ottomans at their lowest and basically pulling a "Greco-Rome Returns"? Or maybe it was during the war or...er, something. It is a fun idea to me, but i want to ask to get your thoughts on it! :O
@Dinh AaronMk Just to ask, out of curiosity at least, has anyone claimed the Ottomans or Ottoman lands?




The catgirl would have cursed under her breath if she had the focus to, but right now her survival instincts were kicking into overdrive. She'd chosen to follow the new girl on the spur of the moment, and yet even with the shining gatehouse right there the thunderous steps of death followed rapidly. She could hear it. The stop. The growl. The movement now coming towards them. She'd jumped the gun. They'd jumped the gun. It was coming for them. Donovan was perhaps the safest one right now, all things considered in the heat of the moment, and they were being focused. Should they just gun for the exit? Should they scatter and hope it confused this thing? Would they all just gun for it and let Donovan die? Dammit. Dammit dammit dammit.

No. She had to think. Something on the-...crap.

Well, she'd lived a good life and gotten this chance at another start.


Wait. What?


The catgirl virtually screamed at the stone giant as she began to break off to her right, heading north and beelined it toward the entrance door of the tower at top speed. Whatever 'magic' stuff she had in her, or something, maybe, she did her best to try to push it into action as well. Speed. Give her speed. Push it through her body like a flowing river. Imagine a flowing river. Imagine the racing currents are her body moving, but not her body beaming. Just don't let it fail, please. If she could do one thing right let it be this right now.

She didn't care if it made big light, or somehow amplified her voice, or whatever that could draw attention as a side effect. She wanted to draw attention as she darted off. Draw the big lug towards her a bit, scatter away with some insults tossed at it, see if she could help the others try to make a break for the exit.

But who knew? She believed that Malphas guy had some ability, so as she heard his own call aloud she decided to try something. She would try to believe. Believe he had the power to get them out of here. She wasn't going to complain right now about it. She was willing to do anything to get this to work.

Her spear was clutched in her hand so hard her knuckles were turning white, but heck she had to get moving. If she died trying to save some strangers, then at least she died on her own terms. Not that she'd get another chance, but it wasn't like she knew she was getting this second chance in the first place. Wasn't even guaranteed one. So yeah. No skin off her bones, ah, in that sense.


Initially she raised an eyebrow at Itzara's comments that Sekhandur had forseen her coming, and that they'd planned for her from the start to accommodate her to boot! It was something to be expected for those who looked into the future itself, perhaps, but even so it was something most curious to be told and ponder over as well. Not that she wouldn't have more time to think on it, perhaps divine to see what may come in due time even. Yet it was the appearance of the golden prince's very teacher that caught her most by surprise in the end, flinging her out of her train of thought as she was left staring for a moment. The intimidating older magus was definitely something to behold for Ishara, though to see the very White Seer himself (Magus Ashur Kai) standing here was something more notable to her than his appearance!

He hadn't earned that designation of his for nothing, and to work so hard and gain such respect for his skill and work was something she respected greatly herself. It made butterflies flit about in her stomach, and the weight of his gaze was something fierce. Yet doing her best to keep a calm appearance and hold herself well, as the fear of embarrassing herself here or dooming her future was greater than it already was, the green-haired girl gave a respectful and deep nod to the older magus. She also met eyes with Sekhandur for a moment, letting a glimmer of understanding cross her face before calmly steeling herself to speak to the boy's master.

"I wouldn't seek to pull down a peer in their studies, nor distract them from them," she said, answering the Magus' rather pressing question as she tried to do her best under the pressure of his sudden presence.

...Though the bit about Magus Dagon and himself not being suited for 'this climate' was something that made sense. All had a 'climate' they were best suited to, even if they had to work to find which it was. For example, she'd be more than woefully under-prepared to being a fisherman or taking on a job like her mothers each did! Such a climate would be totally ill for her. Such was seemingly true for Sorcerers as well, who might be best suited to being around their work and peers than a big social gathering (if her theory was correct enough).

Two weeks...running low on food...the talking chicken above me is starting to look tasty. Yes. Hmm...send help!

Ruined Building (???), ???

...Screaming and running Scottish Man? Check. Sounds related to the generally understood gist of "some asshole just blew our location wide open"? Yes. Dealing with Malphas and Narkissa here with her at the same time as things went to hell and the grinding stone giant screamed in a robotic-like shriek that drilled into her ears? Priceless.


She could shout at this point, it was of no consequence when death was grinding and barreling closer to them in a heartbeat. There wasn't time to plan. There wasn't time to do anything else but act at this point. At least that was what her mind told her. Even if her breathing began to slow after her brief burst of loud frustration, the catgirl found herself falling back right into her martial arts instincts before anything else...like a re-calibrating kick to the head.

"Dammit. Ok, Malphas, Narkissa, we need to move! Donovan's trying to get the thing's attention! Come on, let's get going!"

With that, the catgirl motioned for the others to follow her...grabbing up her spear in hand and blitzing for the exit. If she was as fit as this, then maybe all of them were. Probably. Hopefully. All she knew was that they needed to move, some asshole had blown their cover, and Donovan was playing the stupid sacrifice. She had to solve that last and first thing before all else, at least in her own mind, though right now the time to move had come. They couldn't dally about anymore.

If she saw something good or useful on the way out she'd grab it up, but other than that she was going to keep moving at top speed.

Second Floor, Ruined Building (???), ???

Well...at least Malphas was being more cooperative this time around, Donovan had completed those stairs, and the person upstairs had finally spoken! That much was a relief at the very least, and she'd even nodded along at the thoughts of her compatriots before turning her head towards the latest arrival among their 'bunch'. Albeit the new girl seemed nervous, which was to be expected given the sheer lunacy of this situation. Literally.

"Name's Leannah! Got pulled here by the goddess, just like everyone else it seems-"

The catgirl suddenly froze in place, like a deer in the headlights, as her ears flicked in the direction of the left wall. Scratching noise, and the ground shifting as something that had been making the ground shake approached. Was it the Guardian? No idea. But whether it was or not, it could draw attention to them as well.

"Ok people, look alive! Planning time's up! Something is closing in on us, so let's get armed, be ready, and get moving!"

She called out aloud for the others to hear, though she wasn't trying to project her voice to everything outside those walls either. A light panic crossed her face as she spoke, though soon after a certain resolve seemed to cross her face as she whipped out her spear and looked towards the doorway.

The green-haired noble gave a respectful nod to each of the other Fellows as she was introduced, though otherwise mentally took note of the others in turn.

Ukris' name and his father were indeed people she'd heard of before, or at least their names were not registering as 'alien' to her, and his hair was rather indicative of his status as being among a certain southern river-dwelling clan. He seemed to jovial sort that had been through some kind of rough-and-tumble given his prosthetic tooth. Perhaps a hard working sort of person? Though Sekhandur wouldn't have taken him in if he was lazy, that much she could glean about the noble son's demeanor already.

Mekhari and Djedhor were another story, however, as their appearance almost seemed twin-like in effect. Or rather, more like a pair of siblings from at least one similar parents. Perhaps it was the Aemeni blood they had that led to such a thought, however, but she'd most definitely heard of their houses to be frank. A more noble demeanor seemed to hang about them, and the polite nod was something to be expected in that case. Perhaps the type of people to hang around a 'prodigy' such as Sekhandur. She got the feeling there was more than met the eye, however, when it came to the two noble sons.

Then came the final member of the "Lion's Spirit", and seemingly the only other other girl than herself that was to be among these ranks. Her head was shaved and her petite frame seemed to speak of a fragility or sickliness, at least traditionally speaking, though her beauty was something to note. Yet despite the distinctly odd lack of introducing her 'pedigree' or family's relations to Photep, which drew Ishara's curiosity even further, the girl seemed to carry gentle eyes and a soft voice that matched her outward appearance. Something to both note, but also something to keep herself from falling into the trap of. Considering the girl was here and involved with these people, it was reasonable enough to assume she was a rather adept Noviate in her own right.

Though of course Sekhandur, as much as she had respect for his skills, would push out those assumptions as expected. More than expected, actually, as she'd have been more surprised without him sounding as he had been. Fit the stereotype of a noble and magic prodigy to a 'T', so incredibly so she rather unconsciously and unthinkingly took a mental note to keep an eye on the boy.

"I must confess, to be looked forward to so much by others is something I did not expect. Even so I am honored to be here, and to have been invited in the first place!" Ishara confessed as she took the offered seat, an ever so noticeable hint of sheepishness in her voice as she genuinely tried to come off somewhat humble despite her polite manner of speaking, "Though I am embarrassed to admit I have many a question, and am eager to get working with you all! I pray I will at least be a good, contributing member of this Fellowship of course."
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