Avatar of Cyrania


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I'm an Interdiscplinary BA, searching for a job in the current market, and this site has been my introduction to role-play. I prefer medieval and/or sci-fi roleplays and am a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, RWBY, Fire Emblem Awakening, Superheroes, and Fairy Tail.

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That would also require that you're always able to find someone like that before you starve to death. Pessimistically, its viable, especially if you don't mind breaking into prisons. On the more realistic side though, your character's judgement on whether a person deserves to die isn't always going to be accurate. I don't recall any lore about vampires being able to discern a person's true heart and information you hear from other people and/or from your observations can be flawed, especially if time is an issue. Then we get into the moral ambiguity of vigilante justice outside of self-defense or direct defense of others.
@Jarl CoolgruufThere have been demons that have been superheros before in comic book history. A vampire wouldn't be that far of a stretch, especially if you also got it so the vampire didn't need to commit murder in order to stay alive.
What sort of power limits would you be wanting to do? I do have an idea for a character that could either just have light manipulation or have that and teleportation depending on how you're defining low-powered.
Anyone still here or is this dead?
And gm post posted. If anyone needs a translation of Gwyn's butchered attempt at an accent, I'll be happy to provide.
Port Raventine

Cicero Bladewalker, Dalious, Nylah Aldaos & Gwyneria

"If she's what Dalious considers trustworthy, I'd hate to think where the point that someone is thought of as untrustworthy would be." Gwyneria mused to herself as she tried to figure out how they were going to get out of this. Everything screamed dangerous about this new elf, especially how Gwyn was sure that no coins were dropped. Call her paranoid, but this was the city for paranoia and it seemed like the best route was to lose this person.

Unfortunately, it'd probably be best to heed Dalious's advice on no obvious magic, at least nothing that could obviously be connected to her by someone else. And glancing around this side street, it was still pretty deserted. Saving an image of the three of them traveling together for later, she spoke, pitching her voice into some sort of different accent from her usual. "Yes, wesa most away. Thank yes for thes! I hoop ya hav nah truble wit thee man whoose purse ya stoole" With that she gestured behind the stranger, sneakily closed Dalious's mouth with ice for the time being, then headed away with Cicero. As they left the street for the next one, Gwyn prepared the illusions to go opposite the direction would go.
Will post in the next few days.

Sorry, this last week was unexpectedly rough.
*shakes head* It's official. Gwyn's the single braincell of the three.
Perfectly alright. This does provide a better segway for Gwen to do something.

*cocks eyebrow* And here I thought Dalious was suppose to be a bit cunning or at cynical enough to be distrustful of situations like this.
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