Avatar of Doc Doctor


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3 yrs ago
Current Moved to Discord. Visit my YouTube channel (ArtyPickles PvP) at m.youtube.com/channel/UCVer…


Call me Doc. I'm open to just about every form of roleplay at any time, so if you want to have some fun just toss a P.M my way.

I do prefer RM, URM, or low tier fights, with human or peak human hand-to-hand and swords & sandals being my speciality.
Challenge me to a match just any old time!

Arena Characters: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87852-docs-characters-no-posting/ooc#post-3105991

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Kull stepped back onto his left foot as Selandra moved forwards, knees bending. His reach was indeed far shorter. He had little choice but to try and play on the fringes of her reach as best he could with a mere ten feet of leeway, hoping she'd slip up.

*A grim show of teeth, wicked eyebrows arching sardonically, as if in audience of a black comedy*

Except he didn't screw around or retreat. He didn't take another step backwards. The axe swayed perilously and Kull abruptly moved towards Selandra almost as quickly as she was moving towards him, legs scissoring as he closed the distance on her. He was estimating the reach she currently had with her net and trident as she did so, and would take note of how far her hand was from the head of her weapon as well as what kind of grip she had on the net. The captain was strong, but he moved also with a fluid conservation. He wasn't a chunky bodybuilder or a useless weightlifter. He was a lifetime warrior, quick and decisive as well as powerful. Selandra wanted to whittle him down, but judging by the prowling purpose of his approach, by the latent burning electricity crackling and sizzling just below the surface, there'd not be time for playing it safe. It seemed like he barely even acknowledged her net as a threat, and that looming axe might as well have had her name emblazoned on the flat of the blade. Yet... He had so many openings, didn't he?


"Ha-hey! You're kinda hot! In a freaky way, that is. After this clobberknocker, let's you and me go hammer out our differences on some fat, fucking anvil of donkey-snogging love. The feeling must be mutual! After all, with a net that big you must think me quite a CATCH! HAW HAW HAW! What!? You look like a baboon with dysentary shat down your back! Lighten the holy fuck up!"

Kull stood neutral, gripping his axe in both hands, right over left, holding the head near his right shoulder and the shaft diagonal across his body. He seemed to be poised for a right to left swing. He was both shorter and lighter than the elf, but damned if he didn't look stacked. The noisy bastard could've passed for a chimney on legs. His sharp face was beat red with mirth at his own crappy jokes.
@Doc Doctor
Here is the thread, though I messed up and didn't put it as ranked, which is what I intended.

My, ranked? Wow, you're the first to go ranked against me in a year. Rain in a barren desert, salt in an English stew. Shall we consider it ranked?

Sounds good!

Aye, that'd be sufficient, though I'd be fine with you increasing her weight to match her height. She's already a beanpole, without her magic strength buffs I don't imagine she'd be very combat effective with what I presume to be the body of a bulimic street lamp.

Here's my character.


RM is my specialty. Btw you can @Mention someone just by clicking the @Mention button in the lower right hand corner of their post.

Heya! I'll volunteer. T1 is the style we use here.
@Avali@Fury Panda@Bluetommy@Rockin Strings

Zande skidded to a stop several yards from the conflict. Everybody was fighting over a fancy looking sword. Frowning, he scratched at his chin. It looked pretty cool.
@Dynamo Frokane

For the first round, I'd like to dust off Donny. If you want I can remove some of his weapons, just let me know which ones.

Actually, I'll wait for my opponent to bring up their character, then I'll restrict Donny's arsenal based on how many goodies they have.
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