Avatar of DocTachyon


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3 yrs ago
How much wood WOULD a woodchuck chuck? If a woodchuck could chuck wood? Maybe that dork Sally selling seashells down by the sea shore knows...
4 yrs ago
Can everybody do me a huge solid and like this post: roleplayerguild.com/posts/5…
5 yrs ago
Because asking the mods "gib power" is a much better bid than demonstrating a groundswell of supporters, right? #Wraith4Mod2K19
5 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
@KingOfTheSkies but could you fix it with Flex Tape? I say nay-nay


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@BingTheWing I hate to say it but I'm not sure how much I can ultimately get behind this idea? Much as I like it in concept, I'm not sure how I'd feel about Stark manufacturing symbiote tech that quickly. Peter's only had the thing for a month or so at the time my story starts, and Oscorp hadn't had it for too long before that -- that Stark would be able to throw something together that's beyond Spider-Man level power in that time is a little troubling to me, especially considering Sep's concerns. I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of a Miles Morales, but part of the problem is that I'm shooting for a fairly small, intimate Year One story, and having an expansive Spider-Family from the get-go might mess with that. Sorry.

As for @alexfangtalon and @CosmicComet on Silk, I'm fairly against the idea of Silk as it stands? Her origin is pretty inherently tied to Peter's and it feels weird to have so many Spider-people that prominent from the get-go, if that makes sense. Plus I don't really know how her origin would be modified to suit Spidey's new symbiote-based origin, so I think it might be better to shelve this idea for an few arcs, if that's no hassle.

Sorry to shoot you guys down, but the more I think about it the more specific my vision for Spider-Man is, I guess. Sorry!
@Simple Unicycle this one goes out to you, sport, but to @Saint Maxx especially.

my fucking god. i can't believe i posted in the wrong section.

it's over. i'm gonna get that deleted

i'm sorry

Don't worry, I'll do it too. All the cool kids are, anyway.
Here's my shot at Spider-Man! I'm very unhappy with the sample post but it's... Something. Probably going to rework over this week. Hope everyone enjoys what I've got so far.

EDIT: Aaand of course I forgot the witty quote. One is forthcoming. Probably.

@unicorgi Just some organization or larger group you're associated with. For example, for my Spider-Man sheet I put down Midtown High. Hal Jordan might put Green Lantern Corps., etc.
The most important question is
Is rocket raccoon taken????

We've got someone working on a GOTG sheet, but you're welcome to throw your hat in the ring.
@Zoey White I wanna be Spider-Man! The sheet's still a heavy prototype but, yknow. And I always welcome competition! Excited to see what your Spider-Man looks like if you decide to throw up a sheet, too!
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