Avatar of DruSM157


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2 yrs ago
Current Jokes on everyone I just look like a sad Travis Touchdown who has really really loud shits
2 yrs ago
You status bar people sure are a contentious bunch
2 yrs ago
Adding to that, unless you are exhibiting life threatening symptoms (unable to breathe, etc) go to a rapid test site in your area than going to the ER. Local ERs are swamped and overwhelmed here.
2 yrs ago
As someone who has been stabbed in the past knives are not kinky
2 yrs ago
I'd rather just...never take a lewd of myself.


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Most Recent Posts

Don't wait up for me [if you were], I can't think of anything Terhikki will do besides just 'follow Marina' for now and that's not a satisfying post. I can't very well bumble into every possible interaction without it seeming contrived after all.

Bumbling is half the fun!

Marlowe Vallis

• Windward Island, Docks. Southern Seas •

Marlowe watched as the men continued to load up materials to the ship. He kept low, moving between abandoned stalls and empty netting, doing his best to keep out of sight knowing that if any of the islanders saw him, he would never leave the island. Talu could carry four men in one arm, or at least, Marlowe believed the Chief could. You didn’t become Chief by simply being a good diplomat, Talu had been a distinguished fighter in his youth.

Marlowe turned to Marea, his face grim. “Okay. We’ve got one shot at this.” He watched as the men stopped working for a moment, just to talk. “Marea, I understand if you don’t want to go.” He turned back to the blue haired girl, his face surprisingly serious for the first time in a while. “This island is your home. Talu’s your father. If you want to stay, I understand. He’s proud of you.” He’d known Talu all his life, and he never remembered Talu ever being proud, or supportive of him. When his mother was still alive, he’d visited almost every day. He’d talked to her for hours, always checking up on her. But Marlowe never remembered a time Talu talked to him as a child, or played with him, or even smiled. Why did Talu hate him?

He knew why. Those cursed to live without the sun or moon brought tragedy. Marlowe knew no one who was born during the eclipse but him. Instead of being special; he was…different. And that curse spread not just to him, but to those he loved. His father died at sea. His mother died of sickness. Talu probably kept him at arms length to protect the island and himself.

A younger, blonde man came from the boat. He sported the same thick coats than many divers wore, and seemed geared up for the mission already. He carried himself with some modicum of authority, and Marlowe wondered if he was also an experienced diver. He walked over to the men guarding the docks. “Excuse me, I need some help loading a few things from Mr. Reballo. Please come with me.” He led them off, leaving the ramp to the boat unguarded.

“This is it…” Marlowe muttered.
Geez Louise, I play some video games last night and suddenly we get some nice forward momentum. I’ll have a post put together this afternoon

Edit: afternoon? Pshaw, with the power of cell phone posting: it’s up NOW!
After reading these past comments...I’m deleting this rp.
Everyone can keep posting if you feel the urge. I'm gonna hold off on posting in the Tavern or in Marlowe and Marea's sneaking mission just yet, so as to give @AGenericUser some time to post. But I mean, continue to gossip, plan, dream, etc. I love it!
45 IC posts in two days is 'shocking' aye.

Just shows how cool we are
Oh wow, came back to a sudden wave of activity. Left at like, 18 posts, and I come back to 45. Thought I was seeing things. Sorry I couldn't get a post in - was off on an excursion for most the day. I'll try to get one up quick though - though depending on circumstances I mightn't be able to make a whole lot of posts after tomorrow, for three days... but I'll see what I can do about that. No way I'm letting some measly excursions hinder my quest for Gaea.

But yeah, should be able to get a post up soon and all that. And after all those things this week, it should be smooth sailing from there on - in both senses.

It’s all good! I promise we won’t leave you behind. Yesterday was just a shockingly productive day for rp!

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