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<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*Sighs* Just press the button so we can leave and you can go back to the way you were before.

*Reaches out, but my arm turns into sand after it reaches a certain distance*
I tohld you I can't.
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

Why, exactly is that?

B-because! I don't re-remember much, but whoever I was put ush-us in stalemate before the game begahn. It was Russian Roulette wi-with no bullets!
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

You're not a very good puppet. *Frowns* I'm also not laughing at you. I consider you very highly, in fact. I don't have a line, and neither of us are going to be able to die while we're here. You'll find that neither of us can leave either unless you press that button. So if you truly want everyone to die, your best bet would be to press it and then kill me.

NO! If y-you want it pressed, I-I don't!
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>


*Turns around, looks at you and then clenches my other hand*
...Y-you k-know what? I hope everyone dies. I hohhpe I die. I'm S-S-SICK of being your retarded puppet just t-t-to be miserable while you laugh at me! Y-your entire line can go die. YOU can g-go die. It would be m-merciful. Game over, I-I'm done playing. I QUIT.
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>


*Reaches out, but once I reach beyond a certain point, my hand turns into sand*
I... I...
*My eye twitches*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

I don't know. I told you we didn't spend much time together.

Maybe I-I should push it...
*Moves toward the button and then freezes*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

Then people are going to die, and it's all your fault.

What would past m-me have said?
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

People change. If you feel differently now than you did before, then act on it.

I-I can't trust now. And I c-can't be later. So I have to-to trust then.
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

Because you're not that way right now?

I would think th-that I should trust myself. What is now b-but a later then?
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