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20 days ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
20 days ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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20 days ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
20 days ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
20 days ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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In Shelter 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


As far as Elliot was aware there wasn't any de facto 'leader' of the group; they hadn't even been in the situation for a full day it was a bit early to start acting like it was Lord of the Flies. By all accounts, Elliot could've gone to her locker without telling them and doubled back to rejoin the group en route to the cafeteria but all that would accomplish was making her appear selfish while also risking her own well being. Right now, there needed to be trust and a good first step to building that trust was keeping the group as it was informed of her plan, no matter how much they might not have wanted to go for it. It was bad enough some people thought they were better off holing up in the teacher's lounge but that was their choice.

"A little over halfway down the hall." Elliot answered with a simple estimation. How many students really kept track of the exact location of their lockers? It was always just 'close to the math room' or 'near my English class' or whatever. What was important was the number and the combination, not really the location. In Elliot's case her locker was near enough to the room where she took math and it was where she always stopped at before lunch. It had never seemed for far away before now.

"It's out of the way of our cafeteria goal, but I might not get another chance, you know? It's why I'm not asking anyone to go with me. One person can run faster than a group if something goes wrong, right?" Elliot was doing her best to keep her optimism up. Did anyone really know what they were dealing with, truly? No one knew if anywhere was fully safe, but standing around talking about a locker was taking up valuable time. They were in the open, exposed, and in some cases afraid, it wasn't a good situation. The last thing Elliot wanted was to make it worse. "Just figured I'd let you guys know. Just in case."
I'm game
"Should likes/dislikes, hobbies, fears, etc. be included/required in a character sheet?

Absolutely not. The only time 'fears' should be in a character sheet is if the RP is horror-themed around someone's fears or whatever. Too many times character sheets have useless stuff like '5 likes, 5 dislikes, 5 quirks, hobbies, aspirations, hopes, dreams, bank account, social security number' and it sucks. A character isn't any more or less defined by putting down 'they chew on their eraser when doing math problems' on a sheet especially when you can integrate literally every aspect of those sections in a post itself. Character sheets don't need to be autobiographies of a character, especially when it's a character that is newly created. I've been in dozens of SoL RPs and not once has the likes/dislikes/quirks/hobbies played a factor into anything other than padding out a sheet that was already a bit too long anyway.

Maybe I'm old fashioned but there's only about five things you really need for any given character sheet:

-Appearance (Either a pic reference or written out I don't give a shit; if your sheet has appearance and then a section for 'style' then fuck off, just describe the outfit in a post or something jesus)

And by summary I mean like two sentences to make your character intriguing enough to want people to know more. You can take any fictional character and describe them adequately in two sentences, you can do the same for an RP character. I don't need to know the life story in the character sheet. Yes, it's great that you've thought about your character enough to write pages of lore about them, but don't dump it all on the table before the RP starts.

You don't need stuff like a character's sexuality since nine times out of ten that exists solely for the purposes of quick shipping, you don't need their hobbies or habits or quirks because then people just don't do anything with them in the RP, you don't need half the stuff in any given character sheet. More often than not, overly lengthy sheets feel more like a way of vetting people based solely on length rather than content. Like a job application in other words.

There are exceptions based on genre, sure, but even in your fandom/battle/anime/isekai/superhero/whatever the shit RPs you don't need a fucking tome to explain that your character knows how to use a fucking fireball. It's okay to have a light character sheet, it doesn't make someone a lesser RPer; conversely someone filling out a long sheet doesn't make them better at RP than others. There's a stigma around it for some reason but sometimes less really is more.
I told myself I wasn't gonna get Persona 5 Royal because I played Persona 5 already but I'm only human and did it anyway. It's easier than vanilla and also they made it way easier to make money (even without the skill to rob enemies), the only downside is that it's in Mementos and that's still fucking Mementos.
In Shelter 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Despite Elliot being one of the ones leading the charge for the 'give the people table legs' cause, Elliot herself opted not to carry one out of the lounge. Her whole point had been to let those who wanted them take them; for some people having a simple thing to put some space between themselves and whatever meant them harm was helpful. She understood why some argued against it, but they had more important things to worry about now than whether or not bringing a small bit of help to the seemingly hopeless was a waste of time or not. Eventually, the ones that opted to make for the cafeteria left the teacher's lounge and Elliot counted herself among them. It was bigger, more open, which of course had its own issues to take account of, but staying put and hiding while hoping everything went away wasn't her idea of a good time.

She hoped those who stayed behind stayed safe, at least.

On any normal school day, the drumsticks stuffed haphazardly into her pockets would've been in her hands and banging away on the lockers they were passing, much to the annoyance or delight of the various students unfortunate enough to be in the path of her cacophonous solo - but given the current situation the only thing such an act would do would make a bad situation worse. Who knows who was listening for something loud. Loud probably meant food. Instead she was listening to the tense footsteps of the group. The cautious but swift feet stamping down the floor was a tense reminder of how messed up everything was. Suddenly instead of eavesdropping on gossip about what happened at a party or who did what crazy thing, now the only thing to listen for were sounds that were not exactly...human.

Elliot wasn't paying much mind to the conversation but proximity and volume - she had been bringing up the rear and was constantly checking over her shoulder - meant she picked up most of it anyway. Talk of water, of big cans, of something about smelling and killing? If they were comfortable enough to talk, no matter how softly, then she supposed she was comfortable enough to contribute. "Not so sure the chem lab is your best bet." Elliot piped in, addressing the comment of the guy who had effectively agreed with her back in the lounge. "It's glass which really only works once and that's on a normal person. If you could make some chemicals that'd be different, yeah? Barring the gym, my money's on machine shop for the best weapons. Never underestimate the stopping power of a good wrench."

The other train of thought was about service cans; nothing said quality education like technically-food served from can to pan to lunch tray. Elliot had gotten in the habit of bringing her own lunch to school but she was also in the habit of eating her lunch by about second or third period so most days she wound up eating chips from the vending machines anyway. Still, it was arguably better than the alternative, but when the alternative was the only option suddenly its value skyrocketed. "You wanna run with a cart? More power to you, but a cafeteria probably has like...you know those trays they use at buffets to put food in? Or like...smaller containers? Couldn't you just open some cans, put them in smaller containers, and carry them that way? Seems easier than lugging cans around like we're a food drive."

Elliot shrugged, her piece had been said and she returned to the matter at hand. Still, her steps slowed as they approached an adjoining hallway with more lockers along the walls. Halfway down the hall was her locker and something quite important was waiting for her inside. But, the cafeteria wasn't down that way, and she couldn't ask them to stop on her account, but then again...hadn't they talked about classrooms or backpacks or something? "Hey, guys, I'm gonna hit up my locker, got something vital inside. It's that way." Elliot pointed to the connecting hallway to the right. "I'm not asking you guys to come with me, it's not technically on the route but..." She trailed off; while she wasn't asking them to come with her for the sake of protection and/or lookout, she wasn't not asking them, or at least one or two.

"Either way, I'm gonna go for it, if you guys wanna keep heading to the cafeteria, I'll catch up. Or I die. Banking on the former, though. Optimism, yeah?"
Gun to my head I'd say my favorite tv show is LOST, but not strictly for the show itself. While I love the show (most of it, anyway) what really elevated it for me was the weekly discussions with friends and co-workers and fellow forum posters as the show was airing. Everyone sharing theories and trying to unravel the mysteries, arguing over who was right Jack or Locke, it was a hell of a time and it's something that hit at the right time for me because I'd never been part of a fandom quite like that before. It's sort of a lost (pun intended) benefit in the wake of binge-able streaming programming and social media reactions. Or maybe I'm just showing my age. LOST is a show I can always rewatch, it was truly something special. And the score for it was phenomenal. I even like the ending.

Okay next question: do you collect anything? If not, is there anything you would like to collect?
I'm down
In Shelter 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
oh shit it lives
Autumn. It's not aggressively hot and shitty like summer but it's not as annoying and shitty as winter. It's like spring bit cooler because the leaves are going through their edgy teen phase.
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