Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
7 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

An Unexpected Roadtrip


Location: On a side road heading out of NY
Time: Morning (1 am -)

Ben sat upright in the back seat of the moving car, fully human now. His naked figure was mostly cleaned of any bloody remains and modesty provided by what he assumed was a purloined blanket from the truck. It tormented him with itchy flesh much to his already irritated mood causing him to scratch every few minutes at something on this shoulders or legs before he readjusted, mainly to stop any extended touch for brief relief. He continued to stare at both Otto and Rune, their names introduced to him upon transforming back, while he was careful to use the blanket to shield himself from any moonlight.

According to Rune, if he did then he would transform back. He didn’t really want to become a bloody mess again since he still felt filthy. For the most part… he looked like something they picked up directly off the street.

Drinking the herbs provided in the water, his mind was finally clear to ask the two most important questions that lingered on his mind, “Who in the world, are you two? And what insane force drove you to believing kidnapping me was a good idea?”

Naturally he thought they were purely crazy for believing kidnapping a newborn werewolf like himself would result in anything good.

Otto and Rune had been driving for a while now, just away from the Vampire in general and only just now turned the car towards the Stateline. They had ways to make it to Nevada faster than by driving cross country, but the closest shortcut was outside city limits.

“We already gave you our names Kid. I’m Rune. This is Otto.” Rune said as he looked back from where he was driving. “As for why. We need to borrow that nose of yours. Me and Otto are magicians. Not the rabbit out of a hat kind, the real kind.” He said with a grin that was strained to say the least.

Ben’s eyebrow raised at the word magicians. A bit of irony considering he could turn into a looming tall werewolf as his arms crossed over his bare chest, his eyes sizing both of them up. It didn’t help his head was on fire despite being human again and a fogginess hurt his focus.

“Something terrible is about to go down, and we need to stop it.” Otto said, ever the calm and collected one. “Turns out a major league demon got a hold of something very powerful. “

“Yeah. Thanks to some snotnosed Witch who cannot see pass her payday” Rune muttered, not aware that Marie and Ben knew each other. “Not that we can do anything about her now, I promised Puck we weren’t gonna hurt her.”

“I doubt kidnapping a minor will really help you save the ‘day’,” Ben said in a sarcastic tone, “Besides there’s a huge over sight with your little idea: I can’t control my shifts. What happens if I’m in the middle of a room full of people and I begin to shift forms? I can’t exactly stop in the middle and go back to human. Another issue is that I can barely recall anything when I go wolf, save for recently and those are hazier than a guy on acid. I won’t remember what you want me to do, let alone not become distracted.”

Rune and Otto looked at each other, then at the teen werewolf then back at one another. Then they began cackling. The cackle turned into full manic laughter, so violent they had to pull the car over. Once they got control over themselves they coughed.

“Ok. So you clearly are new to this.” Otto said trough wheezing, coughing gasps.

“I literally got bitten almost yesterday, so you think?” Ben snapped with an irritation created at being laughed at, his teeth subtly gashed under his pressed lips.

“What he means kid, is that We been doing this for somewhere around 30 years, give or take five.” Rune smirked. “We won’t bring a teen werewolf into a room full of people who aren’t clued in. And Otto here,” He motioned to his friend. “Know a few things about wolfing out. Show the lad your stuff Otto.”

Otto nodded, as he had remained in human form. Stepping out of the car, he clasped an amulet he wore around his neck and closed his eyes. Then he started to change, hair growing thick and black, spreading down his back. His arms swelling with muscle, his teeth elongating. In less than a minute, his hexenwulf form stared at Ben amused.

Instinctively, Ben turned to face outside the window. At the sight of the change, his lips curled back and his teeth bared as he let out a feral growl that surprised even him. It took a moment or two for him to realize it was actually him doing it before he inhaled then took another sip of the water in hopes to brush off the experience. Inside it worried him deeply but he wasn’t about to show that on the outside.

“He ain’t no American Werewolf like you. He is a Hexenwolf, a sort of shaman that imitates or mimics lycanthropy. His amulet was made by a European Gristlehair Werewolf, if that helps. But he is tight with the werewolf community. And he is no threat to you. Neither am I.”

“You’re still expecting me to be able to identify whatever you’re looking for, which means I need to learn to how to do whatever wolves do to track,” The teenager pointed out as he shifted his attention between the two.

“You can smell magic, correct? Your werewolf form was all but drunk of my arcane energies.” Rune said, now with a much easier smile on his lips. “That gives us somewhere to start. All natural werewolves can track, its in their blood. You can to.”

“I don’t… recall that? I mean, I do remember, vaguely, the emotion and it seems to have stuck around because it is why I haven’t literally bolted yet. However… I can’t figure out how to tell one magical source from another, merely if it’s magic. That’s it,” Ben commented, trying to consider what to do as his arms uncrossed. His eyes caught the ring on his finger for a moment and recalled what Marie had said. Without drawing too much attention to it, he ‘made’ a nervous gesture out of it as his fingers rotated it once, twice, then thrice with a deep thought over how to say what he was about to. Alright, it seems two ‘magicians’ have saved me from a vampire and taking me to Nevada… They need my help or so they say, I don’t fully trust them.

“You said you turned and wolf out yesterday, right. You shouldn’t shift on a dime like that.” Otto said, his voice a whole lot more hoarse and rough in his wolf form. His form was seemingly relaxed, he showed no outer signs of hostility whatsoever.

“I’ve literally wolfed out about at least three times already, counting the full moon. None by choice, believe me,” Benjamin explained, honestly. His fingers removed from the ring as he settled into the seat, but his eyes was mindful of both of them.

“Unless…” Rune mumbled. “What if the Soul Stones creation messed him up. That would explain the Pax-Luna stuff.”

“Wait… Pax-Luna what?”

“...Aw shit. It means Peace of the Moon. As in, werewolves shouldn’t turn when the moon isn’t full unless they really want to.” Otto rubbed the bridge of his snout. “Yeah. That would do it. A great mystical nuke being created would mess with a newly formed werewolfs senses.” Otto began to turning back to human again. “Ok, Ben was it? I think we can help you get some more control over it. At least for a while. Turns out, the reason we are on this entire trip, might be the same reason your shifting is out of control.”

“Benjamin,” Ben corrected, not liking anyone besides his dead mother using the shorten version of his name. Even Daniel got the same dirty look he was now showing Otto whenever the mistake was made after his mother died and the man tried to create the illusion of a perfect father, “No one calls me Ben. And if you need someone to smell it out, why can’t you just use yourself? Or another werewolf.”

Otto was about to answer but Rune had picked up on the pained edge of Ben’s voice and spoke instead. “Benjamin it is kid, don’t worry about it.” He said then settled against the hood of the car. “Because I never heard of a werewolf able to track magic before. You are exceedingly rare and just what we need right now.” He said as he went to the trunk of the car and picked up a small plastic jug and some bowls.

“So I’m a freak even among freaks?” He asked, through it wasn’t really a question.

“ Freak? Boy, I am the lover of a Elven King. I am so gay, even the faeries look at me weirdly. Not to mention humans.” Rune chuckled. “You aren’t even registering on the freak scale.”

“Well you’re not cheerful that’s for sure,” He shot back in a smartass fashion, referring to the other meaning of ‘gay’.

Ben’s words made Otto chuckle and Rune rolled his eyes. “Yeah. No. I am an cynic at heart. I just love beautiful pointy eared men too much. Now, Kid. You wanna know what real magic feels like?” He shot him a grin that nobody had ever trusted, but all had caved to in time. The grin of a man who really seen it all. He shook the jug as Otto eyed him wearily.

At seeing the grin, Ben let his blanket slip a bit from his shoulder and prepared to lean back. He didn’t trust it and the fact he was prepared to turn wolf made that very clear.

“We really going to do this?” Otto asked. “Kid’s strung up tighter than a circus rope.”

“It is the fastest way the help the Kid.” Rune shot back. “A little Peyote never hurt anyone.”

“Or give him another reason to never trust us again. And it has. Bad trips are no fun.”

“Its russian roulette for the magical!” Rune exclaimed. “Look. Why don’t we ask Benjamin.” He turned to Ben and said, suddenly serious. “You want to control your beast kid?”

“Yes, but not enough to fully trust two individuals that literally kidnapped me,” Benjamin stated bluntly as he pressed closer to the door. His arm reached out to the handle, mentally bracing himself for the pain when he hit the pavement with his back and make a break for it.

Rune flicked his finger and there was a click from the door. “You shouldn’t trust anybody but your pack kid, the supernatural world is cut throat and full of killers, crooks and worse.” He opened the door closest to him instead.

“But what you can trust, is our need to stop someone very evil from setting off the magical equivalent of a nuke. And the fact that we wish to help so you can help us. We scratch your back, you refrain from calling the CPS about a kidnapping.”

“One, I don’t know you so anything you said could be a lie. A fact you, yourself pointed out was that in the magic world was not to trust anyone. Two, I’ve already been dropped by enough people that I learned not to rely on anyone but myself. It’s pointless to pretend that fact isn’t true for everyone and more of a child’s illusion to pretend people care at all about each other,” Benjamin said as he spoke from experience, his voice held a hardness unfitting a youth his age, “Three, you want to take me to a place I don’t even know, without giving me proof you can even help me.”

“Oh. Look Rune. He is not even half your age and as cynical as you are.” Otto said, not moved in the slightest by the teens existential angst. Truth to be told, they had both seen more than most and Ben's fate, his story and his suffering was dwarfed by some of the stuff they knew others had suffered.

“Well. It will either kill him or save him.” Rune said with a small nod as he began to pour the diluted substance into the three bowls. He looked to Ben. “You do well to remember one thing though Benjamin. You don’t know shit. You are young, and you haven’t experienced half the stuff some people have. Life can always get worse, but it can get better. You think you know people, but you don’t. You paint a broad picture, but your brush is tarnished. Yes. I told you not to trust anyone in this world. I stick to that. Because magic works just as much trough favors, deals and contracts.”

“But you will find or make a pack of your own one day, as Werewolves tend to do. And in it you will see people care for one another. You have that, as a werewolf. You might see yourself a freak right now, but one day, you will merely see yourself as individual like any other.”

It was Ben’s turn to chuckle, “I doubt that.”

Rune smirked. “You’ll see.” He said as he sat cross legged in front of his bowl now. “Come. Sit. IF nothing else, you can consider me a bad influence that you can blame all your teen anger and shortcomings on later.”

Still wary, Ben edged over to the empty seat left by Rune as he adjusted his blanket over him until it wrapped about his waist. The car roof protected him from any shining moonlight while he got as close to the door as he could, “If this doesn’t help, I’m out of here. Keep that in mind.”

“Duly Noted. City is still in sight, on all four you can make it back in no time,” Rune said, his face split in a grin.

“Rune…” Otto sighed as he sat down.

“It worked for Red Mane.”

“Red Mane is a Huicoli Shaman. His people have been using peyote for hundred of years.” Otto shot back.

“Hush. Ok. So we know you trigger outside the moon. And I’m going out on a limb here and say that the magical vortex and the whole millions of souls crying out as they were extinguished somehow upset whatever triggers your shifting.” Rune continued. “So we are going on a little astral trip, to find your beast and talk to it. If nothing else, your next shift should at least retain some memories and possibly some control.”

Ben listened to the conversation between the two carry out then focused on Rune’s last statement. His mind debated on if the two were immature or plain crazy, subtly wondering what he got himself into by not bolting already before he crossed his legs underneath himself. He considered what to say for a moment then spoke, “What happens if I try to get out of the car? How are you going to stop that as I’ve already pretty much keep escaping everyone’s measures to keep me contained?”

“I imagine I need to buy a new car.” Rune said with a shrug. He shrugged of his cloak, showing arms tattooed on every inch of skin, runes glowing faintly with magic. “We told you we won’t stop you if this doesn’t work out.” Rune said as he hunched forward and placed a few rune inscribed rocks into the middle between the three. “Eld,” He spoke as the stones went from inert to glowing with intense heat in a second. Throwing some dry leaves and small sticks on it they soon had a fire going. “Allright.” He mumbled as he grabbed the bowl.

“Drink as much as you can stomach, then stare into the fire before you close your eyes. Think of your wolf, and try not to be scared of what you first see.” He fished out a old native american looking talisman. “And let’s hope this works.”

Tathos? Do you mean Talos?

Yeah, it's been a while since I've played the game. The two are still pretty similar to me in spelling however. That and Elian sounded more Elven to me than Tathos. >_>

Location: Safe House Appartment, Lost Haven-Maine → Midas Industries, Lost Haven Maine
Time: Morning (Around 7 am) → Afternoon (Around 1 pm)

Midas led Racheli into the front entrance of Midas Industries. As he stepped through the front doors, the atmosphere within the company changed. People seemed more focused on the task at hand. As he stepped into earshot of any of his workers, he was greeted with a “Good afternoon, Mr. Midas.” to which he would nod back in acknowledgement. He made a straight line from the front door to a large set of heavy black doors which led to a hallway which only those with the highest clearance within Midas Industries had access to. The hallway itself was brightly lit and had an almost hospital-like quality to it.

Racheli quietly walked behind him, her senses tuned off but she could still smell the sterilizing agents used. Everything looked overly clean that made her feel like her presence here was a pure insult and threatened to stain its very existence. It added to her growing anxiety from memories rushing to her awareness, ones from the CDC, causing her to instinctively keep her eyes dead ahead and ignore it. Everything seemed to go on endlessly that it seemed they would never reach the place Midas seemed to believe would help her. Silently she continued down the hallway, noting nothing different from a hospital’s.

However, the one thing that would stand out to anyone who happened down the corridor would be that there were no doors. The long hallway seemingly only led to a single elevator door. As they reached the elevator, Midas placed the palm of his right hand into the biometric palm reader. The console flashed a green light and seconds later, the elevator door opened and Midas stepped in. Racheli paused and looked at him, seeming somewhat hesitant, but after a moment joined him in the elevator when he motioned for her to follow. Once they were both inside, they could see that the elevator was seemingly no different than any other elevator, other than the fact that there were no buttons. Instead, when the doors closed, the elevator began its long descent into the bowels of Midas Industries.

After several long moments, the elevator came to a stop. Then it was another moment before the doors opened. When they did open, Midas stepped out and beckoned Racheli to follow suit. When they stepped out into the cavernous room, which looked to be constructed from a shiny obsidian metal. At the back of the room, there was another small room which was made entirely of glass. Inside that room, which was only large enough for about three or four people, was a set of controls.

“Welcome to the Power Plant Racheli, this is where you will take your first steps into a larger world.” Midas told her as she stepped into the room for the first time.

Racheli’s brow arched as she examined the room. The place looked like some military secret base one might find in an underground bunker, making her question what Midas had been truly up to under his offices and began to walk deeper in. Her steps echoed off the walls as she looked upward in slight awe, through she would never admit it.

“Alright, so we’ve got a glorified bunker. What now?” Rach said as she turned to face him, trying not to sound impressed.

“Oh, I assure you it is far more than that. This room is a state of the art...actually, to be perfectly honest, it’s beyond state of art, nonetheless, it is the single most advanced training facility in the Western Hemisphere. This room has the ability to simulate any situation you could conceivably find yourself in. I think that you’ll find it most helpful in teaching you to control your powers.” Midas told her simply.

“Or something else for me to break,” Racheli mumbled, as she placed her hands on her head back and looked at Midas, “Sssoooo, still didn’t answer my question about ‘what now’. How is this suppose to go?”

“Oh, I doubt that you have to worry about breaking anything. This room was originally built for Icon to test his powers, sadly, he and I never could come to terms and work together, so it has more or less sat idle waiting for someone to utilize it.” Midas said matter of factly. “The glass room over there is the control center. That is where we make all the magic happen.” he said with a grin.

“I wonder why,” Rach mumbled again referring to her head’s explosive surprise. She sighed then waved her hand for him to lead the way, replying in a normal volume this time, “Alright, so what do I do? You haven’t really gone into details over what I want to know or even explained in clear words how this is going to go. I don’t know if I’m suppose to stand here and wait or you going to give me a tour before we start or what?”

“You don’t have to do anything, to be perfectly honest. I’m just going to go into the control room and start a program, and then we’ll have a little fun.” Midas told her with a hint of glee in his voice as he started to walk away from her and toward the glass encased room.

Once inside the control room, he looked down at the control panel as he contemplated where to begin. “Let’s start it out nice and easy.” He said to himself as he activated the Power Plant’s training module at its lowest setting. Once the training module was activated, the lights within the room dimmed. Then there was a low buzzing sound as the room’s training system kicked on. Within moments, Midas watched as something began to form out of the side of the wall. It was what looked like a massive walking tank. Matte black and heavily armoured, the slow moving behemoth silently advanced toward Racheli. While the menacing tank, which had a strange, boxy structure with a rounded top looked like a twisted marriage of technology and heavy weaponry come to life, it was in essence a hologram. However, it was not your typical holographic light show, it was what Midas called a “Hard Light Construct,” or HLC, and it was more than capable of injuring, or even killing a test subject. Midas watched in awe of his own technological prowess before activating the intercom which allowed him to communicate with the training room.

“Now Racheli, let’s just see what you’ve got.”

Racheli stared for a long and hard moment. The damn thing looked like it had four spider like legs , through about ten times thicker, and a tank for a body and covered in black armor like some twisted nightmare an engineer had during his sleep. She noticed she could see through it which made it difficult for her to grasp how exactly she was suppose to hit it. Even how it was suppose to hurt her.

Not trusting Midas in the least, she carefully walked to the right of it. Her head tilted and studied it deeply as she drew nearer. Immediately the tank’s cannon muzzle lowered and shifted in her direction. Shit, Racheli thought, as she was staring down it and watched the back of it heat up, rotate and fired.

Everything happened too fast for Rach to turn her heightened senses on so instead she moved. Her right foot jerked forward and rushed to the right just when she heard the ball of light explode from the chamber. Adrenaline rushed through her system as she ran to the side, unaware of any pain etched across her body until she came to a grinding stop.

In that dreadful moment, she realized she couldn’t move her arm. Her eyes shifted to the side and all color drained from her expression. She wasn’t fast enough and forgot to watch all her limbs.

Where her arm had once been was only a black, bloody stump. It can clipped her left arm off at just the elbow and dangled like some useless thing. Her face twisted to spot the ragged thing charred, dead and useless. Shock immediately swarmed her awareness over her heavy wound causing her to fall to one knee. Her breath increased heavily and heart raced in her chest, her adrenaline pouring through her system in rapid pace.

Fuck...FUCK! She screamed in her head unsure how she was still alive or thinking.

“Get up.” Midas said under his breath as the walking tank construct advanced on Racheli. He hadn’t believed that the first level of the training program would be able to cause the young woman so much trouble, but as he looked over to the charred remains of her lower arm on the floor of the proving grounds, he realized that either she had underestimated the program, or he had overestimated her. Either way, that miscalculation would soon be rectified as he upped the training module to the next level.

“Racheli, you need to move. Do something, it will not relent until you stop it, or you’re dead.” Midas said into the intercom.

Still huffing from the shock trying to overwhelm her systems, her eyes snapped up. She sharply held a venomous sarcasm in her tone over the fact she just lost her arm while she spoke, “Gee, thanks. I didn’t notice when I lost my arm! If this is your training for most metas, I get why Icon thought twice…”

Her ears caught the humming sounds of something coming in from her right and left. The moment her eyes noticed the flicker of steel, her undamaged hand raised and jerked down. One drone hissed then spiral down and crashed a foot from her. Mumbling curses, likely about Midas and his mother’s sexual reputation, Rach darted for the drowned drone. Her hand flattened her palm at the surface as it quivered and in a few seconds, became liquid.

The metal raced up her body and traveled to the other shoulder. It glided down the upper part of her stump to form a arm at her elbow just when the machine from hell decided to fire again. This time she was ready. Rach’s arm extended and the arm vanished, creating a half shield which the shell exploded on instead of her.

Her feet dug in, the impact and force sending her to skid back a few meters before grinding to a stop.

It scorched the metal a bit as she retracted it back into an arm. Her ears caught the other drone zipping back around to attempt to hit her and her right arm tore that one down in the same fashion when it came into range. Unfortunately, it landed a meter or more from her location. Sighing, Rach began to move toward the large machine while it was ‘recharging’. Her arm shifted into a large, over side blade then took a swipe at what she guessed was the machine’s joint. It crumpled to one side with an almost metal squeak as she continued to run, not looking back at the damage.

It would be very clear shortly that she lacked any training in combat when the tank turned about and fired again. Barely missing. The explosion smacked the ground and the kinetic energy sent her crashing into the far wall with a dull smack. Rach felt something break on impact but unable to determine what, she slid to the ground and landed on her knees for the moment.

“You are going to get us killed,”Michael said as he stepped into view for everyone to see. For Midas, it would appear as if someone had managed to bypass his security and entered the power plant. Only after they did indications for life signs, or analyze her brain waves did they realize it was actually from Racheli.

“Shut up,” Rach spat blood through her lips. Her figure worked itself up against the wall and wobbled a bit until they steadied after a few moments.

“Try to not just bash your way through them and think about how to cripple them…”

“Tch.” Rach said as she began to turn on her heightened senses, every color, sound, and more sudden flooded into her attention. She squinted a moment, giving the tank machine time to lock on her.

“Might want to move… Now.”

Midas looked on in disbelief as a second individual, this one a slightly older male seemingly materialized within the testing ground of the Power Plant near Racheli. Then her remembered what Ms Sparks had told him about her experiences with the young woman and the almost spectre like man who revealed himself to her. Using the sensors in the training room, Midas gauged Racheli’s vitals, and found something interesting...while he was looking at two people inside the room, the readings within the room only identified one life form within the vicinity.

Interesting. Midas thought to himself as he pondered what this could mean.

While he didn’t know the relationship between Racheli and this man, from what he witnessed, and what he could put together from what Ms Sparks had told him, their relationship was a contentious one. It was also unclear where the man had come from, but he could only surmise that he was a projection of sorts, perhaps some sort of artificial intelligence that manifested from the alien virus that had infected her, but it seemed to show up whenever Racheli was in any kind of distress. He wondered if this was some sort of defense mechanism, however what kind of advantage his presence provided was unclear to Midas, as this “man” seemingly only served to aggravate and distract Racheli.

“What the hell are you?” Midas whispered under his breath as he watched the construct of the tank continue its assault on the young woman.

The construct fired at Rach again but instead of finding flesh and blood, it found the outside barrier of the room. Scorched and dented in slightly, the construct turned to the movement that stopped just in its peripheral vision. Rach, still focusing on her arm’s shape, breathed heavily then gashed her teeth in frustration. Her eyes briefly turned to the newly formed arm with a sickened expression before she turned back to the machine of light.

“You took my arm, it’s only fair I take something of yours.” Rach snarled then let her eyes go completely black once more. Her hand touched the nearest post. In moments it began to liquify and swirl along her arm. It curved before it rested on her torso, like armor. The surface seemed to resemble more flesh than actual metal. Each breathe caused it to swell then fall with her lungs.

She whipped her arm about from left to right. Suddenly several quill like metal projectiles shot from her arm’s side. They zipped toward the machine and embedded into the surface, easily, until she focused on them again. Her nostrils flared while she extended her arm. She jerked her fisted hand open and made a claw gesture. No time to brace, the embedded quills oozed into the created wounds and immediately extended. The cracks were made bigger then shifted as new holes were made on different angles and surfaces. With each new whip of her arm, the liquid metal moved then erupted elsewhere.

Without another thought of self preservation, the construct rose its cannon then fired again. Rach darted to the right and narrowly missed it. However, she didn’t count on the second shot that followed it up. It aimed just a few meters ahead of her and popped off almost instantly after the first. She barely had time to brace as she twisted her torso and all metal from it rushed out into a metal shield.

It took the force but the impact abruptly tossed her from her feet. She collided with the dirt and rolled a few feet away, her skin torn by the rough surface. Her mind trying to orient herself, Rach feebly pulled herself upright into a wobbly stance. The metal within the construct ceased its inward attack the moment she was knocked from her course. She raised a hand to wipe away the black blood, letting it smear over her lip, as she glared at it.

“You fucking piece of shit!” Rach cursed.

The virus, naturally not being in any true danger, didn’t move from his original position. His illusion unfazed by any of the explosions, he casually walked through the light construct and toward his host. Each step resembled the predator whose form he took on.

“She’d be truly impressive if she actually knew how to fight. I’m amazed that War-Pulse didn’t mop Chinatown with her.” Midas quipped to himself as he watched Racheli battle the construct. “Fortunately, that’s something that can be remedied, still...she has a lot of raw talent.” he finished.

Midas watched as Racheli tried to dodge and attack the construct, and from the way she seemed to drag herself around, he knew that he had seen enough, at least for now. He figured that she needed some time to recover, as he wondered if the fight with War-Pulse had taken more out of her than he had anticipated. So just as the construct brought its weapons to bare on her, he pressed the switch that would end the program. The battle tank flickered twice, and was gone.

“Well, that was...educational.” Midas said as he stepped out of the control booth toward Racheli, who was gasping for air, trying to catch her breath.

“Personally, I could’ve lived never going through that,” Rach snapped as she turned to her missing arm. The metal remained and continued to retain the given shape, but she knew it would take a day or more to recover completely. Her mind, the part that remained human, doubted it would ever grow back.

“How many times must you be told? You’re not human. It will grow back,” The virus explained with a slight irritation in his tone, his path walked around to her left and there was where he stood comfortably.

Midas looked from Racheli to the “man” standing beside her as he gently berated her. He was unsure what exactly this apparition was or how it worked, but his curiosity had been piqued. He just stood there for a moment and watched the two interact with one another, and noted that there was something odd about their relationship, but he was unable to pinpoint exactly what that was.

“We’ll give it another go once you’re recovered.” Midas said to Racheli. “Considering everything that you’ve been through over the last few days, you did remarkably well.” Midas then turned to the mysterious figure standing beside Racheli. “And as for you, I’m very curious as to exactly what you are, and what connection you have with our dear Ms Desemona.”

“A thorn in my ass,” Rach mumbled, ignoring Midas’ comment for a moment, then flopped down into a cross legged position.

“If you run a background check, you’ll learn quickly who I’m projecting,” the virus began, then turned to focus on Midas’ figure, “As for what I am… Let’s just say I came with the package when she became infected and it’s in my best interest she continues to live.”

“Hmmph.” Midas nodded as he listened to the projection. “Well my friend, it would seem that our interests align. I have no desire to see any harm befall Racheli, much less see her killed. Quite the contrary, actually. I have very high hopes for our girl.” Midas told the projection, ignoring the apparition’s first comments.

“Really?” Came the virus’ answer, his lips narrowed into a frown. His right foot took a stepped toward Midas, his eyes hardened and predatory, as he closed the distance casually and his tone sharp, “I fail to see how tossing her into a fight against a large, unknow structure is helping her at all. Especially since she’s already lost a limb. I assume you’ve seen her ability already and know she’s got no fighting experience or you would’ve never targeted her at all.”

“Perhaps.” Midas acknowledged. “Or perhaps I see something inside of her that even you fail to see. I can provide her with training. I can teach her to control her gifts...maybe even to control you. My methods may not be kind, but I assure you, I have nothing but her best interests in mind.”

The virus’ lips curled into a wicked smile. His chest bubbled with amusement and into a hearty chuckle, it slowly faded as he sought the right words to reply, “I doubt that, highly. As for her best interests, it won’t matter in the end.”

“Just look around you.” Midas told the virus. “You seem at least self aware, I’m sure that it hasn’t escaped you that this world is changing. Men flying through the air, portals to demonic realms opening in the very heart of the city. How long before our so called protectors turn against us? Or worse, they attract something truly malevolent to us, something that is determined to wipes us from existence? You see, I believe that young Racheli may be the only thing capable of preventing that. She might be this world’s last hope when the shit really hits the fan. So yes, I have NOTHING but her best interests at heart.” Midas finished, his tone harsher than before.

“And what happens when she is the very thing attracting more trouble than she’s worth?” He asked, his eyes glinted with a hint of anger and assumption. The answer was clear to him to the end result and unfazed by the aggression.

“That is a bridge that we will cross when we get there. But I have no intentions of harming her.”

“You’re human, your intentions are nothing but harmful. Even when they are pure,” Michael said in a venomous tone, his mind recalling the days he was ripped to pieces and experimented on as proof to his words. The whole human race would one day pay for their ‘intentions’, a promise he intended to use Racheli to carry out and wipe them off the face of the earth.

Rach’s voice, laced with sarcasm, interrupted the pair’s conversation, “If ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ are done talking, can I fucking leave so you can continue to pretend I’m not even here?”

Her metal arm had already shorted into a sort of silver cap to prevent bleeding out all over the training area as she waited for their answer.

“Of course Racheli. Two levels up is our medical wing. Why don’t you go there, we have hyperbaric chambers to encourage a speedy recovery. In fact, I’ll take you there personally.” Midas said with a half hearted smile, ignoring the apparition’s comments completely.

“Unless they can accelerate nanites into quicker speed and supply materials, it’s unlikely to help,” The projection stated, popping the bubble, then glanced about the area. His eyes landed on a few of the metal poles untouched in the chaos then pointed at them, “Smear your blood on those posts and break them down. That should provide enough raw material for you to mend but it will still take time.”

Rach gave him a look and it was clear she wasn’t about to listen to a damn thing he was going to suggest, “Very well, do it your way and don’t say I didn’t give another method. Eventually, we’re going to have to learn to work together even if you despise the idea.”

With those last words, Michael faded from sight.

“Right…” Midas said as the apparition vanished before him. “Let’s get you upstairs. The chambers are quite comfortable, and even if they don’t help accelerate your healing, they will give you some peace and quiet, and I think that right now, you could use that.”
Also @Fallenreaper, it's STEEEL fist, not iron fist.
Just a pet peeve :P
And is it just me, or is it more story about the poor slave than your character?

IF you look again, I noted it then changed it to just a merc company just to be on the safe side! And to be fair, Kiseo was the original inspiration for when I considered to join (a month or so before Duncan revealed the Mao race by the way!) but I'm getting attached to Dyril quicker than I original expected. So they both will likely develop ICly as individuals which is often what happens with my pcs.

Looks like a middle age version of Dumbo Drop. Thankfully it's not a zombie like in the game Resident Evil. :P
I realized, later into the creation of the sheet, that Tathos is a god in Skyrim and decided to alter the last name to Elian, lol. Also I hope the grammar is alright. I did check them a few times over, but I started to find that when I review CSes too many times... it just makes it worse some times.I tried to go with the plausible route with some fun mixed in. The recent details of their status and IC knowledge will be made clear in their intro post.

@TheDuncanMorgan: *pats* You might want to get comfortable when you read these and please let there be only a few edits. I didn't have very much to go on with the Elven culture, save what links you gave, so I took some creative license with that and tried to use logic though the influences you mentioned for them.

*Now, hits the dirt and waits* ._.

@TheDuncanMorgan: The CSes are done. They don't covered everything as I wanted something to explore and reveal over time as the rp progresses, but all the skills should be accounted for. I'm going to do one more review to make sure I covered the important things and it reads well, then I will post it. I apologize for the length for Dyril's ahead of time. XP *now very nervous*
flips again and dances
Just for fun.
With any luck, it will be up tomorrow or by Monday at most.
<Snipped quote by Sundered Echo>

Will the post be up soon?

@Fallenreaper How close would you say you are to finishing your character sheet?

I'm currently getting to the tail end of Kiseo. IF you need proof, I can pm the unfinished/unrevised CS to you showing I've been working on them. XD I did get half way through Dyril's 1st review and feel alright with how it reads for the most part. As I said, Dyril took a lot of the time and Kiseo's more adding things up and making them follow timeline wise. However, both bios only cover events they consider important to the PCs, not all of them. I didn't want to make it any longer than they already were.
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