Avatar of FamishedPants


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1 yr ago
Current "Is this a joke? What, you think--You think I can't deal with a CAT?"
3 yrs ago
"You're a slave to history."
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3 yrs ago
"He was infuriated to see Jinguuji-san eating with another man."
5 yrs ago
"When you get to the point where you can laugh at your mistakes, you'll find new things to replace what you lost."
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5 yrs ago
"Damn stupid sun, making it morning whenever it wants even though I'm sleepy. Who does it think it is? Doesn't it know it has me to thank for its continued existence? "


You showed up.

One way or another, you've arrived at my profile. You've taken a wrong turn in an alleyway because you didn't pay enough attention to your map. You've heard of something cool and new and thought maybe you'd see what all the fuss is about? Or maybe it is that you noticed like me updating my status or were lurking through an RP or something I am in and just kinda clicked my profile, that happens too. Regardless, you'll come to learn that your actions have consequences. Not this one since you can always just, like, leave.

I have a few names and I don't mind being called whatever you fancy at that given time. KingofTheSpectrum, FamishedPants, ChadChadlainn. Any derivative of these is fine as well. Most tend to use Pants, however. I'm nearing my thirties and enjoy games, anime, V-tubers, and visual novels. You can find my still-obsolete list here as it contains everything important on it.

As for games particularly, I am a huge fan of Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, Nier and its sequel, FFXIV, and recently, Project Wingman.I tend to lean towards shooters and action games, but I have also wasted 8+ years on League of Legends. I think the only games I tend to avoid are card games and sports games, but there can always be exceptions.

For anime, I tend to watch whatever looks entertaining. It doesn't have to be good. I've seen a lot of the generic, poor-quality isekai harems that are out there. It's difficult to remember what I actually genuinely like, but Chaika the Coffin Princess comes to mind, as well as FMA: Brotherhood. I'm currently enjoying Tokyo Revengers.

I've read my fair share of visual novels, as my list would tell you. I can't recommend going through Muv Luv Extra/Unlimited, then playing Alternative enough! Big fan of Rance, Grisaia no Kajitsu, and Demonbane as well. I could probably go on and on about them, but I'll stop here.

Also, fuck you, Broken.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by FamishedPants>

Or, should he find out about Aleph's origins, showing him Truck pictures...

Do you want Alexander to be stabbed?

Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier. Guhhhhh, guhhhhhhhhlllllll. Or in this case, an Aleph and more annoying.

Also this might have been explained before but is there any true consequence for an OC who is super duper chaotic evil? Like what if he goes around murder-killing people all day and then dies? He just gets crazier, no?

I'm going to make sure that Aleph becomes buddies with Maria just so he can be THAT guy. The one your friend likes but you just can't get along with for whatever reason but you have to deal with him anyways. And then he is going to join all the parties and outings and Vesta's going to be miserable because he butts into everything but you can't be TOO rude because I mean hey it's your best friend's friend and you don't want to hurt your besty but the guy is so annoying so you just sit there and bide your time until you can make it look like an "accident" but then you realize he has RbD so killing him doesn't work, so you resign to your fate.

How's that sound?

But first, Aleph needs to get out of this mini slump. I will be posting tonight!

It is okay, buddy. Have Maria come to the tavern and she can acquire at least one drinking buddy in Aleph. Maybe two, depending on how a certain horned-pal is feeling.

@liferusher Cool. Artifical spirit magic FTW. Imma update the CS soon then.

Ps: Do you know any good winter animes?

Keijojo's Bizarre Adventure is a nice spinoff series you could watch. Alternatively, as previously suggested, My Diamond is Unbreakable is great.

I mean, maybe for like ten minutes. And then he'll respawn.

Vesta looks pretty small to Heinrich.
Aleph is 5'8 and Heinrich is 6'5, if anybody was interested.

Going out to get paid and get laid, probably won't be on until later tomorrow.

I'll leave you guys with a classic.

Wow I am tired. Spent like 20 minutes wondering why the fuck Blanc was in two places at once until I realized that Blanc and Emile are two different characters.

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