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Character Archive

Mid 20s. Been here a long time, generally only join friend's rps. Constantly tired. Masc nonbinary, preference for they pronouns but he are ok too!

Most Recent Posts

Bianca Manalo

Interactions: Lynn @NoriWasHere, Stormy @Blizz, Meifeng @Punished GN
Cracker Island Cracker Bar

When Lynn ordered another drink, Bianca quickly calculated how much she’d had to drink… A couple of beers and a cocktail, barely enough for her to feel tipsy. Being able to handle her alcohol was pricey, but good in this situation. And if Meifeng had a problem with her getting another drink, she could just stop her. ”Make it four!”

Her eyebrows raised slightly at Lynn’s attempted whisper about Lila, which she could hear just fine. She didn’t comment on it. She wasn’t even planning to use it, unless it was to help. Bianca only vaguely remembered Lila from ten years ago… but she hadn’t been one to cause problems.

”Yup, same number,” Bianca nodded. Changing number was a hassle, so she always made sure to move hers over… It also meant that Linqian could keep her blocked if she wanted. Or not. She held up her hands and grinned when Lynn suggested they meet up, but off the record. ”Hey, I like to keep my work and leisure very separate. Unless you try to kidnap someone, it’ll stay off the record. Us feds need to have private lives too!”

She laughed, finishing off her last drink and moving onto the new one. ”We should definitely catch up. I can drink much tonight, so let’s meet when I can drink as much as I want! Next time I’m off, maybe, which is…” she frowned. ”No idea, actually. It’s infrequent and random.”

”Bianca is in danger, no less than any of us.”

”However, I will give anything not to lose Bianca or any of the other Agents under my command, so maybe it's something that I will look into....”

Hearing her name a couple of times, Bianca shifted her attention. ”Well, I am in a much safer position, spending most of my time around other qualified agents along with being one myself. Wait-” her head snapped towards Meifeng. ”Is that why you haven’t given me a day off all week, and I keep ending up on overtime with Trevor? To keep me safe? Aww, you really do care.”

She grinned, sipping her new drink. ”I was pretty clear about it being a cross country threat, but I also didn’t expect him to get Kali…”

Bianca trailed off. No point dwelling on that right now, rather than the future - and drinks.

”I, on the other hand, will drink you dry,” Bianca laughed, winking at Stormy. She didn’t actually plan to have much more after this one, with the whole being on duty thing, but she had no qualms about using Stormy’s money. With his job he probably earned more than she did!

Her eyes flickered over to Lila again. She’d already noticed the arm with Lynn’s not so subtle whisper. Any of them interfering probably wouldn’t make the situation better, so she didn’t say anything, and just watched.

Interactions: Jasper / Lila @NoriWasHere
Gay Panic Central, Supposed To Be Straight Town, The Halloween Festival

Jasper was holding Luca’s waist.

Jasper had his arm around him and was holding his waist. Luca’s heart fluttered desperately in his chest as if it was trying to burst out and fly away. He could feel the warmth of Jasper’s palm against his skin through the thin dress he wore - it almost felt like it wasn’t there at all. It was difficult to properly pause when he felt like he might stop breathing, but Luca forced through it - smiling brightly for the camera. And he did feel happy! Really happy to be this close to Jasper, and taking photos like this. His smile was somehow even brighter than normally. But he really wasn’t used to physical contact. At all. He couldn’t do it because of the rot! So this was a lot.

His brain was frazzled, his thoughts completely confused. He’d moved closer for the picture and because he wanted to, but he hadn’t expected Jasper to pull him in even more… and to put an arm around him! A hand on his waist! So smoothly!

”No, no, it’s your smile that makes the picture so good,” Luca gestured vaguely, cheeks turning bright red. Thankfully, Jasper let go, and Luca could breathe a bit easier again. The butterflies desperately trying to free themselves from their rotten cage within his chest calmed down slightly.

”Yeah?” Luca made the mistake of turning his head towards Jasper when he called his name. His breath caught in his throat - Jasper was so close to him. Their faces were way too close, even with the height difference. His hand was on Luca’s shoulder now. It wasn’t his waist, but it was still on him. And he was so close. ”Uh, what comes after the photo? There’s more?”

He tilted his head to look at the photo… and it was really cute. Like, they both looked so happy. Luca was definitely going to get it printed and then put it somewhere in the apartment he wouldn’t go near but could see. But it was difficult to think about it just now when Jasper was right there, compliment him. Phew, was it getting hot in here? Why was he feeling so warm when wearing so little? Must be the lack of the rot. Yeah. That was it.

”Yoursmilebrightensmydaytoo!” Luca practically vomited out the words. He was obviously flustered, unsure what to do with his hands as he moved them to the table, then back to his lap, then up in the air. He didn’t move away - couldn’t really… because he also liked being this close. It was also a lot.

"What? Are you getting ready to fly away? Caw caw!"

”Huh?” Luca’s attention shifted from Jasper, the fuzzy panicked feeling in his chest turning very harsh. Lila’s arm was covered in feathers again. Her crows had all disappeared. He shot up from his place beside Jasper, wincing as pain shot through his legs and they nearly crumpled underneath him. With one steady hand on the table he gritted his teeth and pushed through it. He had to for his friend. This much was nothing anyway. Luca made his way over to Lila as quickly as he could and reached out to grasp her clawed hand.

”Are you okay?” He lowered his voice to a hushed whisper. ”Do you want to leave? We can go somewhere else, maybe back to the festival- or my place! We could continue the party at my place!”

Interactions (Speaking): Edict @AtomicEmperor, Britney / Sabrina @Punished GN, Layla @Estylwen
Interactions (Horny Look): Leon @AtomicEmperor
Interactions (Longingly Horny Look As They’re Torn From Each Other): Vashti @Atrophy
Interactions (Desperately Trying To Avoid): Henri
Togaway Soon To Be Threeway -> The Hell Outta Here, The Halloween Festival

”What the fuck are you doing?” Linqian hissed when Layla approached and tried to lead her closer to the conga line. It didn’t do much because Layla was a fair few inches shorter and weak as fuck, but it had forced Linqian to stop moving backward so she didn’t walk into Layla.

Maybe she just should do that.

Her temperature started to tick up, from normal to like a heated rock under the sun- then Sully grabbed her.

”Sully, you piece of fucking shit, I said I didn’t want to join!” Linqian started mouthing off - but she didn’t take the action she would against anyone else grabbing her, which was turning really fucking hot. She couldn’t bring herself to hurt him. Almost anyone else was fair fucking game, though.

Unwilling to hurt Sully, Linqian was swung towards the toga line.

In that moment, it was like there was some kind of magical pull to it. The closer she got, the more she thought that it wouldn’t be so bad to be in there. Maybe it was because of where she was being thrown to - right in between Vashti and Leon. The thought of being pressed in between two very hot (in completely different ways) toga clad bodies was far too appealing.

She’d felt the way Vashti stared at her when she changed - and Linqian openly stared at her now as she was swung in her direction. It was like everything went in slow motion. She bit her lip, lips curving into a playful smile as her eyes narrowed enticingly. Leon didn’t avoid her suggestive, lingering gaze either. She looked back at Vashti, lips parting to say something-

When a thick thread wrapped around her waist, and pulled her away from the conga line. She stared at Vashti as she was dragged away, like she was Juliet being dragged away from Romeo right before they finally got down and dirty. She landed just a bit past Sabrina, barely managing to keep her balance and not fall on her ass. The massive drink of wine she’d had was really fucking with her.

Just like that, the magic was gone. Linqian shuddered. She wasn’t that desperate, what had she been thinking, wanting to end up in the most embarrassing situation ever (a conga line)? Still, without the conga line but with the togas she still absolutely would. Still looking at Vashti, she held up her hand to her ear in a ‘call me’ motion. A very alcohol based decision… Not that they’d exchanged numbers.

”Thank you,” Linqian said to Sabrina. Just the words, which she spoke rarely anyway, didn’t feel enough. She’d almost lost herself to that toga line. But the Vanburen’s were rich, right? She couldn’t just buy her a cheap beer. ”If you, uh, ever need a favour, give me a call.”

She hurried to catch up with Britney and Edict. As much as she wanted to get laid, being the perfect combination with alcohol to forget all her troubles without drunkenly sobbing it all out, she wasn’t willing to stick around that. There were other ways.

”Fucking hell, I think someone in that line is using some kinda enticement magic,” Linqian complained, shooting a glare over at Layla. She wasn’t going to forget her trying to push her into the conga line from hell. ”At least I look hot as fuck in this toga.”

She gestured to the new outfit that left very little to the imagination. The combination of alcohol and her still increased temperature meant she didn’t feel the cold either. She was glad they were heading towards the ferry, and could finally get off the island to somewhere without the risk of running into people she hated. Then she could get properly fucking drunk, and-


She must be hearing things. There was a voice in the wind that sounded an awful lot like her brother.


Oh no. No, no, no. Linqian’s eyes widened and her expression turned incredibly ugly. Not when she was with Edict. He was the last person she wanted to meet Henri. Honestly, Britney too, on the off chance she went back to her old ways and forced an apparition on him.

”Oh shit, let’s hurry, we might miss the ferry.” Linqian raised her hands to start pushing both Britney and Edict towards the ferry - though with both of them being taller than her, and her not being particularly strong, they could easily just not let her. She didn’t care if Sabrina or Layla didn’t keep up - one didn’t know her at all, and the other was too young and Edict drugged up to be a threat.

If any of them looked towards the source of the yelling, they’d see a tall, moustacheless Mario barreling towards them. Dark curly haired spilled out across his forehead from his red cap. As he got closer, he would look familiar - similar in appearance to Jinhai when he’d been an older teenager, with a softer jawline like Linqian’s.

”Jie, why are you moving away? Why did you change? Jie, waiiiitttt!”

”Who the fuck is this crazy guy, must be drunk off his ass, let’s go,” Linqian hissed, still trying to push Britney and Edict.
Annnddd here's Linqian's updated spellbook

Linqian was so nice.

Layla's about to find out how not nice Linqian is when she turns herself super hot to not be pushed into the conga line :D

Interactions: Ezra Vanburen & Sloane @Atrophy & Jack @Blizz
The Halloween Festival: Money Making Area

Sloane giggled. Giggled. it was almost... Cute? Wait, since when did Anya think anything was cute? Ah. Must be the shock of hearing such an unnatural sound coming from Sloane's lips.

She couldn’t give it much more thought Jack suddenly teleported them - something Anya wasn’t prepared for even though she’d expressively begged him to help prevent Sloane from seeing Drake, and he’d said before it was going to happen. Honestly she'd been looking for a distraction to help her steer Sloane away - with their legs. Her stomach roiled, all the alcohol she’d drank threatening to spill back out the way it had come. When Sloane grabbed her to not fall over Anya also nearly fell over. It was only thanks to the handy Jack next to her, whose arm she grabbed, that she and Sloane didn’t comically fall onto a pile on the floor. Thankfully Anya was sober enough to save them both.

But Sloane was much drunker than she’d expected. And they’d had the same number of drinks, yet Anya was perfectly sober. Well, perhaps lightly inebriated. Only lightly. Anya’s lips twitched up into a half smile. Drunk Sloane really was quite cute. Ah, there was that strange thought again.

”I drank the same amount as you?” Anya answered the question Sloane had asked mid teleportation, quite a bit after it had been asked. She had been saving them both from dramatically falling, after all.

But unlike the totally not drunken stumble from both of them, she wasn’t able to prevent Sloane from storming off over… who knew what. It was often the way with Sloane. Something would upset her and it would be obvious (to Anya), and then Anya had to slowly pull it out of her. Normally Anya at least had an idea about what it was. Was it because she was so clearly drunk that she was acting erratic? Because she’d almost fallen?

Anya was stumped.

She could only watch as Sloane walked away, right past her own stall and the man perusing her wares who she didn’t recognise- until he turned around. Anya’s eyes widened slightly. Everyone in the city knew of the Vanburens, and anyone in business knew of the more influential ones. Anya was looking at the most influential of them all - the new head of the family, the one who’d inherited the majority of his father’s money and businesses, Ezra Vanburen. And Sloane had walked right past him without even an acknowledgment.

They were definitely having another chat about politeness later. When Sloane was sober again.

Anya’s lips twitched up into a slight smile when he looked at her - at least, that’s what appeared to be the case. Her gaze then flickered between Sloane’s retreating back, and the richest man in the city.

To do the socially acceptable thing and go after her friend to ensure she was alright, or try to talk to someone who could be incredibly beneficial to her business and future goals.

It was a difficult decision. On one hand, Anya did genuinely care for Sloane. She was one of the three people Anya would even consider putting aside her own priorities for. Surely even considering it proved that she cared, even if she didn’t follow through in setting it aside?

Why was she even trying to justify it? It wasn’t like either of them could read her thoughts.

But, perhaps it wasn’t as simple as her goals and checking up on a friend. After all, someone had to perform damage control for Sloane’s impolite actions.

Damage control. Yes, this was damage control after Sloane had stormed past one of the richest and most influential men in the city. Anya had noticed the way his smile had dropped. He might consider choking Sloane’s business and running her out of town! He’d put down the incredibly creepy doll he’d been considering buying! Sloane was done for!

She had to rectify this. She had to save Sloane.

"You go after Sloane, I'll catch up,” Anya said in a low voice to Jack. ”I need to make sure she doesn't lose everything after offending the man who practically runs the city.”

At least that was the excuse she would tell Sloane later if she was upset about it. It was all for Sloane, not a single selfish thought in Anya’s mind at the moment. She definitely wasn't hoping for an investment in her business or just a powerful contact. She was only ensuring her friend didn’t lose the business she’d worked so hard to build.

She really was the perfect and amazing person Sloane thought she was.

”Excuse me, Mr Vanburen,” Anya interrupted Ezra as politely as possible before he could get too far away. She gestured in the direction Sloane had headed in and pasted a polite smile across her lips. ”I’m sorry about my friend. Sloane- Well, she’s had a difficult night. Please don’t hold it against her. I’m sure she didn’t mean to ignore you.”

She totally did. Anya knew Sloane was perfectly capable of following enough social conventions to not walk past someone without even acknowledging them. She sighed softly, considering pulling out a business card but deciding it would be tasteless at that moment. ”Ah, I should introduce myself. I’m Anya Baksh, close friend of Sloane Farris’ and a fellow businesswoman.”

Interactions (Speaking): Sully / Vashti @Atrophy, Interactions (Desperate Hand Gestures): Edict @AtomicEmperor, Britney / Sabrina @Punished GN, Layla @Estylwen
The Toga Line from Hell, The Halloween Festival

One minute, Linqian was taking hilariously embarrassing photos, the next a toga hit her right in the face.

”What the fuck, Sully?!” Linqian yelled, removing the toga from her face. Where the fuck was he carrying spare togas? What the fuck. ”First time properly seeing each other in years and you throw a fucking toga in my face? Shit, what am I supposed to do with this?”

She looked around - they were right in the middle of the stalls. The toga line was edging closer to her, dangerously so. She was still within view of Sabrina, Britney, Layla and Edict (not that he mattered, he’d already seen everything). Loads of strangers were around. Unsurprisingly, not a changing room in sight. Did she even need to wear this? Sully had given her a strangely terrified look. Were people who didn’t wear togas more at risk of getting attacked during the festival? That did track with everything she’d experienced so far.

Before she could think any further of it Leon appeared - she saw him before she heard him, and it fucking hurt her head. He shouted for the whole fucking island to hear - she bet whatever crackers were on it were broken by now from his fucking yelling. He was much more onboard with joining the weird ass conga line, and stripping down to pull on a toga. Damn. She definitely didn’t eye him up at all while he did it.

”Fuck it, give me a drink of that,” Linqian shot forward and grabbed the chalice from its current holder. She took three big gulps of the wine, sighing as it slid down her throat. Much better than the lukewarm beers she’d been drinking. Once she was done she handed it back… realising who she'd actually taken it from.

”Heh, fancy seeing you again,” Linqian smirked at Vashti, feeling a lot less nervous about the possibility of dying with another dose of beer and wine in her system. She then glanced her up and down. The toga suited her surprisingly well. Huh. And she was clinging to Drake like she wanted to jump on his dick- she probably did. Seriously, of all the available people? ”The toga looks good on you… but you should really go for someone more available. He,” Linqian pointed to Drake, ”Is too busy pining over his wife and punching pathetic losers. But there are plenty of other hot singles on the island down to bang.”

Linqian gestured towards Leon, winking at Vashti. Then she took a few steps away from the line.

With the liquid courage she needed to change in public, Linqian awkwardly pulled her red cloak around herself and over her head. It was just about big enough to cover everything as she stripped off all her outer layers (her underwear was still on, it wasn’t that bad) and very clumsily stuffed it into her bag. She then pulled on the toga. With everything just about covered up, she pulled off the red cloak and tied it around her waist as a finishing touch.

The toga just covered her ass (clearly wasn’t made for people with a bit of booty) and her choice to wear a black bra was a bit unfortunate because it was slightly visible through the white fabric… but no matter! She was pretty sure it looked good on her. All the Greek gods had been sluts, right?

She didn’t really know anything about Greek mythology, to be honest.

It was at this moment, toga settled on her body, that Linqian realised she’d made a massive fucking mistake. She was right beside the conga line. She’d gotten into a toga (because honestly, she looked hotter in it). She was getting that tingling sense that someone she fucking hated was in the area (or maybe that was just the alcohol working its way into her system). Someone was definitely going to try and drag her into the conga line. She absolutely did not want to be in that. Fucking hell no. Even drunk off her ass she wouldn’t go into something like that.

”Alright, I put on the fucking toga to stop whatever horrible thing you thought was gonna happen to me, but I’m not joining this fucking conga line,” Linqian put up her hands and started to back away to where she’d come from. She held one hand up in front of her, ready to get real hot if she needed to fend off anyone dragging her into the conga line, while she threw her other hand behind her. She gestured at Edict, Britney and Layla with a thumbs down at first then a series of desperate waves. She had no fucking clue how to show that she needed help in case someone toga jumped her… but it was pretty clear she’d realised her fuck up and wanted out. ”I’ve gotta get back.”

She kept moving away, slowly, as if she was fleeing from some kind of wild animal. Really, she was. The wildest animal - a toga line of drunken god wannabes. She was prepared to fight for her life if any of them made a move towards her.

Interactions: Jasper/Lila/Lynn @NoriWasHere, Trevor @Punished GN
The Halloween Festival

Luca easily posed for the photos, folding his arms and grinning while leaning closer to Jasper. ”Hey, it’s in character if Lila doesn’t smile, it’s alright!”

He laughed, smile becoming even brighter as he nodded enthusiastically to Lila saying they needed a group photo. Definitely! The might may not have gone how they wanted it to so far, but it would from now on. They’d all cheer up and have a nice time. Then after they could-

Luca’s thoughts ground to a halt at the feeling of Jasper’s fingers running across his back. He froze, lips still in a wide smile even as his gaze went vacant. It had been nice, he could still feel their gentle warmth, but he wasn’t sure what to think about it. He liked being close to Jasper, being able to actually touch- but it was just as friends, right? It couldn’t be anything else?

Was it a straight guy thing? Was Jasper so confident in his straightness that he could just casually touch Luca, running a hand over his back, like it was nothing? Or maybe he wasn’t and Luca was mistaken… No! That was a dangerous place for his thoughts to go. While Luca was an optimist, he liked to be realistic about it. Just like he’d accepted that he was dying, he’d also accept it would never happen.

Would it?

His attention half drifted to the conversation going on between his friends and the PRA, but he couldn’t quite process it. Logically, he should be one of the ones most upset by what happened. It could have killed him. But perhaps that was why he didn’t hold onto any hard feelings. What was the point, with such limited time?

”Oh yeah, let’s,” Luca snapped out of it, smiling brightly again at Jasper. His eyes creased slightly, joy radiating from their depths. There was no point thinking too hard about it. He’d just enjoy Jasper’s company right now and the fact he could be so close to him - and the others! - without hurting them. ”Alright, let’s do this.”

He shifted closer to Jasper, moving himself to be slightly in front of him - practically half in his lap while leaning his head back against his shoulder. Getting so close was a bit unnecessary but… he wanted to, and it made it easier to take the photos! Because of the height difference! It also made him feel safe and happy… Luca threw up a peace sign and grinned brightly for the photos, throwing a different pose for each one.

Luca then turned his head towards Trevor, not moving away from Jasper, and flashed the power ranger a relieved smile at the sight of his unrotted hands. ”Phew, I’m glad! I dunno how long decay like that takes to heal naturally… Good things healers can get healed, yeah.” He laughed.

Interactions: Britney & Sabrina @Punished GN, Edict @AtomicEmperor, Layla @Estylwen // Mentions: The Toga Crew @Atrophy
The Halloween Festival

”Sorry, Layla, but the money has spoken,” Linqian laughed, rolling her eyes at Edict's weirdly fatherly frown. Did he see himself as some kind of Layla protector after messing with her mind? Well whatever. She leaned in and winked jokingly at Layla. ”Don't worry, I'll get you some booze when we're off fed island."

She tilted her head to smile coyly at Edict when he slipped the money into her bag. He didn't take the beer yet, which was fine… she'd somehow made more on a single can of beer than she would've by actually handing out the business cards the beer had partly paid for. Happy with that, Linqian pulled out the other Heineken she had, leaving the last Stella for Edict. She cracked it open and took a long drink. The drink and money combo was enough to stop her from swearing at Edict for his suggestion they go to his Uncle’s bar first.

”So long as there really isn’t anyone there,” Linqian shot Edict a hard look, pointing a finger at him. She’d already dealt with far too much of his family today - while his Uncle seemed the most tolerable, she got the idea that plenty of the rest would normally hang around that spot. Just the looks alone she’d gotten had been annoying. ”I met way more family members of yours than I ever wanted to today, I need at least a fucking week before I see a single one again. Preferably years, or never again, actually.”

She rolled her eyes again, but followed his look into the festival. Just Auri with two people she didn’t recognise, eh, whatever.

But something incredibly interesting past that caught her attention - well, more a recognisable booming voice dragged her eyes over to a toga clad conga line. Even in the distance she recognised Sully and Drake’s ugly mugs (though Sully’s lack of beard was shocking). They were clearly pissed and behind them… was an equally drunk and toga wearing Vashti, along with fucking Emily! Hah! Even without those two additions Linqian wanted a picture to taunt the front two with… but with them, it would be even better material. She chugged half her beer in one go.

”Hold my beer,” Linqian shoved her nearly empty can at Layla (who seemed least likely to just throw it away, magically cheerful as she was). She completely ignored the tendrils of Edict’s magic sliding off her emotional field. She didn’t give a fuck about what he was doing when she had a goal set in her tipsy mind. She pointed to the chaotic pantheon conga line. ”I gotta go get a picture of this. I’ll be back in a moment. The ferry won’t set off for a bit anyway, if its even there now.”

Linqian pulled out her phone and walked a bit away from the group (but still in their sight) - closer to the conga line, but hopefully still far enough away to not be spotted by them and dragged into it. With a malicious grin, she held up her phone and spammed the camera button.

Perfect. She couldn’t wait to send this to Sully and Drake when they woke up hungover tomorrow.

Interactions: Sloane @Atrophy & Jack @Blizz
Resort Bar -> The Festival

“It sounds like Jack doesn’t trust our taste in men, Anya,”

”His loss,” Anya laughed lightly. It was fine that Jack rejected their very generous offer. She could understand his reasoning somewhat… Though she couldn’t really understand why anyone would want to be in a relationship in the first place. Ah well. She was the odd one out there, Anya mused as she finished the fourth drink she’d magically ordered.

The alcohol was beginning to go a bit to her head. Four cocktails stronger than the wine she normally drank over a whole night would do that. She was still very much aware, though. More than aware enough to look at Sloane in surprise when she spilled exactly what had been on her mind without any subtly prying questions on Anya’s part to wheedle it out of her.

”Of course he didn’t,” Anya said coldly, eyes narrowing. She’d never had good opinions of Drake, and wasn’t close enough to Jade like Sloane was to start to see him in anything but a negative light. ”Drake doesn’t have the ability to see beyond his own narrow point of view, or realise the harm he’s done.”

She scoffed, shaking her head. Out of nowhere Sloane slammed the table and Anya jumped, half falling out of her chair and very gracefully catching herself with a hand on the table. Her head swam slightly. Ah. Drinking while sitting down was always dangerous, it seemed, because it hit harder upon standing up. No matter. She could handle being lightly inebriated.

”But you’re right, he isn’t worthy of even a single thought. Instead, let’s enjoy the rest of the night.”

She stood up properly, smoothing out her skirts and quickly making sure her hair was still all in place. All good after a near fall. Perfectly saved, Anya.

”Shall we?” Anya smiled at both Jack and Sloane, taking the lead in leaving the resort bar to an empty area where Jack could teleport them. The trip back was more disorienting than the one there. Perhaps drinking pre teleportation wasn’t the smartest idea, nausea roiling unpleasantly in Anya’s stomach. She smoothed out her rather ugly expression before the other two could look at her.

They were just a short distance from the festival proper, hidden by the shadows of one of the few actual buildings in the area. It was a quick few steps to get to the stalls.

Anya nearly immediately wanted to leave and go back to the resort bar for another four drinks.

“Toga, toga, toga!”
The Toga Conga Line

”Oh. My. God.” Anya must be seeing things. Had those four drinks gone to her head more than she thought? She was slightly tipsy, but not drunk enough to start hallucinating.

Anya’s eyes were assaulted by haphazard togas that barely covered skin she had no interest in seeing. Even on the path to inebriation she’d rather men’s chests were kept well within clothing- But it was the people in the budget Greek God conga line that had her wanting to hit her head against a rock so she could forget all about it. Sully, Drake, some fake redhead, Vashti and… Emily G. Reed.

Slapping a hand over her mouth, Anya stifled a combination of laughter and gagging. At least Emily wasn’t bearing it all for the world to see - but the whole thing was ridiculous. And horrible. What an embarassment. A line of complete and utter fools. Worse, drunken fools. She wanted to get very very far away from it.

Ah! Sloane had already been upset once by seeing Drake! Witnessing this was even worse.

In a move very unlike Anya, who disliked most physical contact, she reached out with the intention of grasping Sloane’s shoulders. Assuming Sloane didn’t dodge it, Anya would try to spin her around to face the other way - didn’t matter how much, as long as Drake wasn’t in view.

”Didn’t you say you should check on your stall, Sloane? Let's go there now.” At the same time she looked at Jack, expression begging him to play along. Hopefully Sloane hadn’t seen them. Or heard them. It wasn’t like Anya had paused and stared for a good moment before reacting. ”Best to get work out of the way so we can enjoy the rest of the night!”

Bianca Manalo

Interactions: Lynn @NoriWasHere, Stormy @Blizz, PRA @Punished GN
Cracker Island Cracker Bar

“Maybe she wasn’t,” Bianca shrugged. She raised her glass with a smile. “Here’s to fresher pastures.”

Bianca’s suggestion they introduce themselves was ignored, but that didn’t really bother her. She waited for Lynn to be done with her photos

"Since nobody else wants to introduce themselves, I'll just take you through them," Bianca said to Lynn. "You already know Meifeng, and the maid next to her is Cindy. As for the power raaangersss." She pointed to Trevor first, finger moving along with each name. "Trevor, the HR violator. Fiona, our youngest. Samson, who asked if Stormy was my boyfriend during the shootout situation… as if. Leon... Yeah, I know, confusing when you have your own Leon. And Maximilian, who just got here."

Bianca then turned back to the main conversation, which was mostly Stormy and Lila ripping into Meifeng for her apology. Which was fair, after what had happened. Stormy talked a lot and… it did make sense.

"Hey, let me just jump in here," Bianca held up her hand as if that was needed to talk, before continuing. "Look, Stormy, it wasn't just about Kali. That was a part of it... But you're so mad because people, friends, got hurt. You'd go after anyone who attacked other coven members, right?"

She rubbed the back of her neck, trying to figure out a way to say this that would get through to Stormy without sounding like she was excusing an, admittedly, poor action. It wasn't like she could entirely distance herself from that either, since she'd had the option to sit it out.

"A big part of it was Everleigh beating me up in the Veni parking lot for absolutely no reason. It was my day off, I was trying to make sure the situation didn't get out of control... And Everleigh slammed me with a shadow fist for sending a text. If the situation was reversed, if I'd punched Everleigh multiple times while the rest of my group was starting a gang war, would you not go after me and my... Uh, friends, in that situation?" Bianca frowned, taking a sip of her drink. "Not justifying it, but it was more than just Kali... It was also one of her agents getting attacked unprovoked."

That whole situation had been a shitshow. She should've just stayed out of it... But her boosting had also helped keep people safe.

“Just wanted to fill in the missing details, y’know.”

Interactions: Britney & Sabrina @Punished GN, Edict @AtomicEmperor, Layla @Estylwen
The Halloween Festival

They left the situation almost as quickly as they left it and honestly, Linqian was unbothered by that.

Would’ve been nice to get drinks, but they were also way overpriced here. She couldn’t afford to just start spending cause Edict paid her a hefty amount tonight.

Layla looked way more cheerful than she had when Linqian left. Unnaturally so. Oh yeah, she’d let Edict inside her mind. Fucking idiot. Sure, hypocritical when she’d let him in herself - once. But she wasn’t some snivelling coward who went around calling him ‘Mr Devola’ like she was still in highschool. Anyone who knew what Edict was like wouldn’t be calling him anything vaguely respectful… She was in for a treat in four hours.

Linqian definitely wouldn’t be sticking around her long enough for that.

She looked at Edict and raised her eyebrows, though she didn’t say anything. Obviously. But still, he worked fast. They hadn’t been away that long.

"But the whole scene was a big bag of NOPE."

”A ‘big bag of nope’ is an understatement,” Linqian snorted. ”There was bird shit everywhere and Stormy was tryna get into some sexy PRA maid’s pants. You’d have to kill me before I’d drink with them, fucking hell. And the lines were like a mile long... for some booze you could get for half the price at literally any bar on the mainland.”

Linqian had absolutely no qualms about essentially throwing Stormy under the bus as someone trying to get friendly with the feds. That was on him. She didn’t even want to be associated with that. It was bad enough her ex was one… ugh.

”I’d rather go somewhere we can drink,” Linqian said. Then maybe she could finally eat the dinner she’d been lugging around with her all evening, without a decent chance to sit down for a moment and eat. She should’ve done it at work before leaving… Well, hindsight was a bitch. She did have a bunch of finger food too, though, so she could munch that in the haunted house if she needed to. ”After already running into Sloane and Vashti, I don’t want to risk running into more assholes… And a haunted house is kinda shit when you’ve fought a fuck ton worse looking than people dressed up as skeletons and ghosts. I’m not a good enough actor to fake being scared.”

She then carefully (because there was a fucking gun inside) lifted up her bag, giving it a slight shake. Her lips curved up into a joking smile. ”I do have another two cans with me… The highest bidder can have the second one! Since alcohol's in such short supply on this fucking island.”

Linqian wasn’t really bothered either way. If they stayed on the island then they’d eventually end up going towards activities she enjoyed… or she could jump ship and find someone fun like Sully. If they left, she could drink cheaper booze and would still spend most of the evening with people. Which was her main reason for even going to the festival.

”But hey, going to-” Linqian paused, trying to remember Britney’s friend’s name. After a moment it came to her. ”Sabrina’s place sounds fun.”

Though the name Trisha, combined with her surname being Vanburen, rang some very strong alarm bells in Linqian’s head… she lived with fucking Trisha Vanburen. Someone Linqian had absolutely hated ten years ago, and she highly doubted she’d changed.

”So long as it really is empty, uninvited siblings are real night ruiners,” Linqian half joked, deciding not to say that if she saw Trisha Vanburen she’d probably just straight up burn her face off. Best to keep that to herself when talking to a very rich near stranger. She then glanced at Layla, then Edict - lingering on him for a few moments before deciding to make this offer… Against her better sober judgement, but seeming good three drinks and one near death experience in. It probably wouldn't even be neccesary anyway. ”There’s also my place if needed. Definitely empty, my brother'll be out all night.”

Interactions: Stormy @Blizz, Jasper/Lila @NoriWasHere, Trevor @Punished GN
The Halloween Festival

Britney left, and Luca relaxed slightly. She’d panicked when she’d seen him… Which didn’t make Luca feel any better. Part of him was glad she didn’t even bother trying to talk to him, but another part that he’d tried to bury was pissed off about it. If she felt so guilty why didn’t she even try to make amends?

She was gone, so there was no point in dwelling on it. Luca forced himself not to. Normally he wouldn’t even care - he’d moved on! He could peacefully exist in the same place as her!

Just not tonight.

At least Lila seemed to be alright, now. The two of them would have to talk later… But not tonight for that as well. They all needed to relax now.

Luca really wanted to take up Jasper on his offer for going to get food, but they needed to follow Stormy. Honestly, Luca didn’t want to sit with the people who’d raided them last week. Not because he didn’t want to make peace, he was perfectly happy with that, he was just drained. He wanted to spend the rest of the night with his friends, with Jasper… And Lila and Lynn and Stormy! He blushed.

”Let’s follow before Stormy gets too far away,” Luca said to both Jasper and Lila. Last thing he wanted was for the Rot to slink back right now when he was dependent on Jasper for support. He could walk now, just he’d fall over if he did it without something to lean on. Though maybe Jasper wasn’t the best idea… he was getting all sorts of fluttery feelings in his chest with how close they were.

He looked up at Jasper with a grin, poor expression disappearing as if it had never been there. All the pain he’d let slip through was hidden back down underneath layers of optimism and bright smiles. It was still there, eating away at him, but he was no longer letting everyone else see it. He’d already worried them enough - and would continue to do so until he could move properly.

Leaning on Jasper for support, legs aching with each step, Luca followed after Stormy and the whole PRA entourage. He sat near to Stormy, making sure there was space beside him for Jasper and Lila, and ordered a water.

”We should get pictures while I’m still… rotless. Then we can do all sorts of fun, close-together poses. If you guys are still up for it… Maybe Stormy will take them for us?” Luca said softly, leaning in towards Jasper and Lila. Lynn was drinking with Bianca it seemed - which was nice, Bianca had always seemed like a good person… Incident last week aside.

Which their leader apologised for. Luca was taken aback, staring at her wide eyed for a moment… Before quickly looking away. He couldn’t look at her and Cindy for too long without feeling… weird. Definitely just embarrassment after the whole bottle feeding incident. Definitely.

Since they’d apologised, the slight hard feelings Luca had about the incident were gone. Sure, he’d almost died - but he almost died when he tripped over his own feet every other day! That wasn’t their fault. They made a misjudgement, they wouldn’t again, it was all good. He didn’t say anything, though, because he didn’t feel it was his place to accept it.

”Oh.” Luca turned to Trevor with an apologetic smile. ”Are your hands alright? Sorry about uh… the rotting. I can’t do anything about it without this guy,” he gestured to Stormy with his thumb, ”to keep it under control. I appreciate it, though, I’m okay cause you healed me… Well it was you guys fault I was like that, heh, but all good now.”

He grinned, taking a large gulp of his water. He then leaned back towards Jasper and Lila, though he was talking directly to Lila this time - voice lowered to a near whisper. ”You alright being here? We can go elsewhere if you want… I can handle the rot coming back.”

If anyone looked close enough, they’d see a pair of glowing eyes staring out from underneath a nearby nachos stall. They were focused on a pair of men that were enjoying themselves a little too much…

Razgoy, Stealer of Joy, was good at biding their time. They had followed the two through the festival, hiding from stall to stall, waiting for a moment when they were alone. They were perfectly hidden, perfectly silent, waiting for the right time to strike. But the targets were on the move. Time to follow. Slowly Razgoy moved their skeletal head out from under the stalls fabric cover. With them so distracted, it would be easy to follow-

Something hot landed on Razgoy’s head, trickling down the white tendrils and covering their eyes. A bright yellow, sticky sauce. Cheese sauce dripping from a human’s nachos. They were clumsy, and now it was all over Razgoy.

No matter. Nacho cheese sauce covered, Razgoy continued their hunt.

Bianca Manalo

Interactions: Lynn @NoriWasHere, Stormy @Blizz, PRA @Punished GN
Cracker Island Cracker Bar

“My last boss was just a piece of shit,” Bianca shrugged. Being a Nazi made you the biggest piece of shit, so it was a bit of an understatement. But unlike some of their members she didn’t just go spilling shit like that, as much as she liked Lynn. Certain things had to stay secret. “The details are… classified, sorry.”

She figured if she was open about not being able to tell her, Lynn would understand. Hopefully.

“Mommy Meifeng-” Bianca snorted, covering up her mouth with her hand before she spat up a bit of beer. Oh lord, she was not going to forget that nickname anytime soon. It fit too well… Damn, that was her boss. She had to not think like that. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll introduce you.” She shook her head, still laughing, and got up.

“Hey, it’s always the way with exes, I’m just surprised she keeps unblocking me,” Bianca shrugged, eyebrow shooting up when Lynn mentioned Kari. They’d dated? Huh. Must’ve been after the coven ended… Bianca didn’t press, cause she could tell Lynn didn’t want to talk about it and she wasn’t an asshole. “It’s a constant cycle. I reach out, she blocks me, then a year or so later I realise I’m unblocked and try again. She did have me unblocked for a solid couple of years, once, when in another relationship. Probably wanted to show off. Crazy. Not surprised piece of shit guys blocked you- this is why you should stick to women.”

Bianca flashed Lynn a bright grin. She adjusted her now slightly lopsided werewolf ears, before following after Stormy and the other agents. She tried to position herself right in the middle - so she could be in between her coworkers and the Sycamore Tree members essentially, leaving space beside her for Lynn if she still wanted to sit with her.

“I’ll have whatever Lynn is having,” she said, leaning back, completely relaxed. Of course, that didn’t last long when Stormy jumped right into it. He did know that they were federal agents, right? He was acting like a school teacher talking to two kids who’d gotten into a fight. She sniggered at that thought.

“Hey, hey, hey, c’mon Stormy, you can’t just jump into it,” Bianca leaned forward and waved her hands as if to stop a fight breaking out. “Let’s start with introductions, yeah? If we’re all gonna be drinking together. Everyone knows me, butttt,” she dragged out the word, gesturing to everyone else around the table, “none of you even know each other’s names. Well. Mostly. So, introductions. Then we can talk about what happened.”

Two could play at pretending to be a school teacher.

Interactions: Edict @AtomicEmperor, Layla @Estylwen, Britney & Sabrina @Punished GN
The Halloween Festival

It looked like the information hadn't been as useless as Linqian thought it would be.

Surprisingly, Edict hadn't pushed her away or tried to create any distance even with Britney standing right there. He did the opposite - putting his arms around her almost automatically. Maybe the night extending beyond the festival wasn't off the table after all… Her eyebrows raised when he took her hand, before smiling at the feeling of a thick, paper wrapped block underneath her fingers. The following movements to cover up the whole transaction, from his pocket to her handbag, were incredibly impressive.

And a little too attractive. She almost rolled her eyes at herself for that.

Linqian could've gagged over how Edict got over Britney. His smile was sickeningly sweet, it was almost jarring compared to the normal Edict. This time she really did roll her eyes. At least Britney ran off before he could start saying some grossly romantic shit or something.

”Linqian, please go with them... I'm gonna stick around with Layla, make sure that we spread the firepower around a little bit, y'know? You're better with those people than I am anyway. We'll catch up, and yes I'll take a Stel. Thank you.”

“Got it,” Linqian agreed easily, the extra weight in her bag more than enough to stop her from getting annoyed at essentially being told what to do (albeit politely) - and the fact she hadn’t offered to get him a drink. But it was fine. If she thought about it, he was essentially paying for a glorified bar service! On top of the information. Though at the end of the day she was still herself, and had to get a little snide about it. ”Wasn't going to ask, but fine- A Stella for you, and I’ll get a bottle of water for the non drinker.” Linqian smiled somewhat convincingly at Layla. ”On me.”

As much as she always claimed her brother had the brains, Linqian wasn't actually stupid. She may not be academically intelligent, but she was smart enough otherwise. It was immediately obvious to her that Edict wasn't staying with Layla to make sure she was protected. She'd just given him information about the void's sealing, which he'd paid handsomely for (unless he'd handed her a massive stack of one dollar bills), and now he wanted to have a nice chat with Layla alone? Connecting the dots wasn't hard. Why it was so important to him she didn't know, nor did she care, quite frankly. She'd been paid and would keep doing whatever she needed to to get paid again.

Including making herself scarce, and going after Britney.

”Don't have too much fun without us,” Linqian smirked, before turning on her heel and hurrying after Britney and Sabrina. She didn't want to stick around, anyway, after she caught the start of Edict laying it on thick with Layla. As she walked, she carefully opened her bag to rearrange the things inside. The envelope was moved underneath the tupperware and beers, and the gun slipped down the side of them so it was easy enough to get out but not so easy to see. Satisfied, she closed her bag and covered it with her cloak.

Nothing could restore Linqian's good mood like a massive stack of cash. There was a slight bounce to her step as she followed Britney into the drinks area. Now nothing else could ruin her night, nothing-

Except Bianca and Evelynn drinking together.

Just like that, Linqian chest tightened and pure hatred seized her. Seeing Evelynn was enough to put her in a bad mood, but her cosying up to Bianca? That was too fucking much. Fuck. Linqian couldn't fucking believe it. It hurt more than she wanted to admit. It really fucking stung. Bianca had fucking seen what happened! She’d offered her fucking condolences and said she wanted to meet up again. Now she was cosying up with the fucking enemy? The person who said Jinhai deserved to be fucking dead? Bianca had gotten on with her brother- she’d practically been a part of the fucking family for the time she was there. Yet she was fucking drinking with that bitch? Fuck. This was the fucking worst.

Linqian tore her eyes away from them, dark red lips twisting down into a nasty scowl. Part of her really wanted to go over and slap Evelynn again... But the colder, more detached part stopped her. Evelynn didn't deserve the effort right now. She was dead to her. Something to be ignored. She felt nothing towards her at all. She wasn't even worth having feelings over. A cold apathy washed over her, pushing away the residual fiery rage. She would completely ignore Evelynn's existence.

Linqian looked back over, gaze ice cold as it passed over Evelynn as if she wasn't there and came to rest on Bianca. It softened slightly there. She looked cute, dressed as a werewolf- shit, they practically matched. Her expression lightened slightly. Bianca caught her gaze and grinned, giving a small wave. Linqian's lips twitched slightly upwards towards more of a straight line than a scowl. She immediately turned away, giving them both the cold shoulder and going over to Britney.

”Can't believe all it took was some sexy maid outfits for Stormy to fall in with the feds,” Linqian muttered, watching him gather them for drinks (out of his pocket). Fucking typical. She looked up at Britney, and realised that she hadn't been there when the PRA had ruined everyone's day a week ago. She'd have no idea who these people were, and had barely paid attention to anyone beyond Lila. Which was strange, cause Lila looked perfectly fine. Linqian gave Lila a nod, because she may be friends with Lynn but she was impressively anti-fed, before leaning in towards Britney.

”Oh yeah the annoyingly hot maids are the ones that tear gassed us last week,” Linqian said in a low voice to Britney (and Sabrina). She tried to subtly point to Meifeng. Lila could definitely hear her too, but that wasn’t exactly a problem since she clearly didn’t like the PRA either. ”That's the leader. An absolute fucking bitch- Bianca says she not normally like that, but I don't believe it... oh yeah, Bianca's part of the PRA too. Between us we've got exes in the worst groups possible - the mafia and the government. Lucky us.”

Linqian lips twitched up into the semblance of a teasing smile. Though, she knew which one she'd choose to work with any day - and actively did. She'd sooner starve to death than get a job like Bianca's.

Now that she was coldly ignoring her ex she kind of still liked and her worst enemy drinking together, and Stormy making nice with the feds, she actually took note of the situation. Namely the awkwardness. Luca looked like absolute shit and was clinging to Jasper like he was about to jump his bones (which surely wouldn’t be fun for anyone), Lila looked distressed and of course Stormy said that ‘nothing happened’ while essentially telling Britney to fuck off. Which clearly meant something had happened, that much was fucking obvious, but Linqian had no idea what.

And again, she really didn’t care. All she wanted was another drink and to be out of this uncomfortable atmosphere… But the drinks line was long. Far too long.

”There isn't another drinks stall is there?” Linqian eyed the queue with disdain. Surely there must be, in a festival this big. She'd give anything to avoid being in that crush of bodies. She still had two cans in her bag, but there were three of them here and then Edict who'd already put in his order with her. ”Or literally anywhere else we can buy drinks? I don't like the look of the queue, and Stormy clearly isn't inviting us along.”

Interactions: Sloane @Atrophy & Jack @Blizz
Cracker Island, Halloween Festival

"I have a feeling he only pretends to be so disgustingly stupid, and I'm well-versed in the art of lying to someone's face."

Anya found it almost funny how Jack thought she needed help with the lying part of the whole situation. That showed just how well she'd mastered 'the art of lying to someone's face.' It was so easy to keep a lie that people wanted to believe. Of course she was the unfortunate one in this situation, forced on a horrendous date where all she could do was grin and bear it. There had been no manipulation on her part, of course, or subtle nudges towards information. None at all.

Ah, it was so nice to make people believe that had control, or were superior, when they truly weren’t.

Her dark brown, carefully painted lips curved up into an agreeing smile. She didn't need them to see her talent for what it was. After all, the fact that they both truly believed her to be a good person proved just how well she was doing it.

And unlike Jack, she didn't idiotically brag about her lying ability (which really defeated the purpose of lying in the first place). She would keep up the facade until she passed, or it was no longer necessary.

”Thank you, Jack. You too, Sloane. I’m sure it’ll be fine. I don’t plan to meet him again unless we need more information, which is unlikely right now. I’m sure by then he’ll have forgotten about me, and you can take my place. I think Sloane is right, though, I think he is just that stupid.”

Anya’s eyebrows raised as Sloane mentioned her own dating life. It was one thing the two of them never discussed, like an unspoken agreement that it was something neither had an interest in sharing. Though now that Sloane had let it slip, albeit accidentally it seemed, she was curious. Anya allowed her to change the subject awkwardly, while making note of the information. With Sloane she knew pushing would only cause her to withdraw.

Though them finding her an actual date with someone deserving of her (which was no one) wasn’t an idea she was fond of. She watched Sloane who was acting strangely - refusing to make eye contact and brushing back her hair, when her hair was perfectly how out of her face.

”I don’t really have a type,” Anya replied honestly, deciding not to try and keep up a socially acceptable pretence around them when it came to dating. While very few - perhaps no - people were allowed to see the real Anya, these two were her friends. Well. Sloane was her friend, Jack had newly reentered her life, so that still wasn't definite in her eyes. She didn’t really do friends anyway. Sloane was a bit of an exception there. ”To be perfectly honest, I have no interest in dating, and that’s why I don’t talk about guys. If you want a physical type, I can give it, but that’s not what you’re looking for. I’m quite happy to be single, and plan to stay that way for the rest of my life. Romance doesn't appeal to me." It was more than that, but explaining a lack of romantic attraction whatsoever always lead to more questions. "It’s not like I haven’t been through a long list of eligible bachelors provided by my parents. I can’t say any of those dates, well, marriage meetings, were bad, but it made me realise it wasn’t something I wanted. My parent’s didn’t take to kindly to that.”

Anya laughed lightly, though her gaze turned colder. Her parents were, and always would be, a sore spot. Even if she’d brought them up herself, it made her mood unpleasant. She finished her third drink and glanced around for a server Sloane was so desperately trying to find. Where had they gone?

”I do appreciate the offer,” Anya smiled, coldness in her expression disappearing. Even if Sloane had only brought it up to awkwardly cover up mentioning her own dating experience. She’d hidden it so clumsily that it was near impossible for Anya to miss - but thankfully for Sloane, Anya thought through all her actions enough not to bring it up. ”But Jack… I don’t imagine you’ve had many options in the void? I’m sure we can find someone for you, between us. There’s plenty of handsome, gay men in my field of work if there aren’t any here.”

Lihn Phan

Interactions: Clancy @Zombiedude101, Shayton @Punished GN
The Halloween Festival, Kids Section

Lihn smiled when the kid took the cat ears. He looked a lot less… racist with them on top of the outfit. More ridiculous, but he was young, what did that matter?

Then he started acting odd again. He walked away from her without saying anything - no explanation. It wasn’t the normal running of an angry or scared pre-teen either.

Lihn followed him over to the colouring table out of concern. It was the same table that Tayla was colouring at - Clancy approaching a man that Tayla was conversing with. Lihn raised an eyebrow.

Tayla was quick to leave - which was a shame, Lihn had hoped to exchange numbers with the other mom before leaving. Or at the very least give her a business card so she could get in contact. St Portwell was large, but Lihn interacted with a large proportion of the magical scene. Hopefully she’d meet her again. She understood her leaving, however. She wouldn’t want her family time encroached on either.

Lihn glanced over at her own daughter. Story time was wrapping up, but she had accosted the story teller himself and was bombarding him with questions. She’d have another few minutes before she came running over.

“Are you his Uncle?” Lihn asked Shayton, raising an eyebrow. Seeing Shayton made her even more confused about how Clancy had left the house dressed like that. “You should keep a closer eye on your nephew. This may be the kids' area, but there’s plenty of dangers for someone so young. Don’t let him lose you again.”

Lihn then looked over at Clancy with a smile. The energy between the two was… off, but it wasn’t her place to question it when the child himself had approached him. The calming emotional aura she’d been putting out momentarily brushed up against Shayton’s emotional field before immediately retracting as she stopped doing it. “I’m glad you found your… family member. I’ll leave you two alone now.”

Bianca Manalo

Interactions: Lynn @NoriWasHere, Linqian
The Halloween Festival

"Oh there's one guy that'd have you beat when it comes to HR cases," Bianca laughed, pointing to the red power ranger. "Pretty sure HR is sick of his face by now, dudes in there every few days. It's badddddd."

Bianca sipped on the second beer, pocketing her ten bucks. She wouldn't say no to the free drinks... Though unfortunately she couldn't just down another. She was technically on duty, and while two beers wouldn't even get her tipsy it was best to take it a bit slower. So she could drink throughout the night, of course.

"Hey, I get it, that wasn't cool," Bianca held up her hands again, with a smile that said she really wasn't bothered by Lynn bringing it up. She'd already had the conversation with Linqian anyway. "We're not normally like that. Meifeng- my boss- really doesn't like when we get hurt. Eve punched me a couple of times over nothing and it just escalated. Can't take it back, but I'm sorry that shit happened. Shouldn’t happen again. We’re here to protect people against the paranormal, honest."

She went to answer how she'd been doing, but Lynn took a quick trip to the future - and Bianca kept an eye on her drink just like she'd asked to, as if anyone wanting to spike it could get through them. When Lynn came back Bianca grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

"Well, there's plenty of drinks to be had," Bianca glanced over at Britney, then back to Lynn. "Glad you're doing well... And hey, being a fed isn't really that bad nowadays, you should've seen who I used to work for!" Bianca laughed, seemingly joking. Though she wasn't. Her last boss had been a Nazi. "What's new with me, well... It's been ten years, so a lot. I work for the government now, been all around the place with it. Came back to St Portwell two years ago. It's been nice, even if there's a lot different. Not many people still around, and my job doesn't exactly give me the free time to see them anyway."

Stormy seemed to be taking off, gesturing for everyone to follow them. Bianca raised an eyebrow, tilting her head towards Lynn. "Are you planning to follow them?"

Bianca was quite happy to stay here, finishing the beers - she'd followed her colleagues to the drink line for that, after all. She was also happy to follow. As she was waiting she felt a chilly gaze on her, hair at the back of her neck standing on end. She turned her head to the side and spotted Linqian staring at her. She was dressed up as red riding hood - if a slightly damp, tired looking one. It was cute. Bianca grinned and waved at her cheerfully.

As expected, Linqian turned around and completely ignored it. Ah, how difficult it was keeping up a friendship with an ex (who perhaps didn’t even want it). Bianca took another sip of her drink and glanced at Lynn, joking, “she’s so gonna block me again. Surprised she keeps unblocking me to be honest.”

Trisha Vanburen

Interactions: Adora @Punished GN, Leon & Casey @AtomicEmperor
The Halloween Festival

Suddenly, Adora was pulled off her - and someone else was pulling her up too. The bees automatically split into two groups and swarmed up Casey’s hands too. Trisha didn’t recognise him, but the voice was familiar. She squinted at Leon through blurry eyes and quickly realised who it was. The enforcer himself! No wonder he was stepping in.

Having recognised him, though she had no idea who the other guy was, she silently told her bees to withdraw. Most of them flew back to her, crawling back inside her onesie. Three rested in her hair like guards in case anyone tried something else, and two flew circles around Adora while buzzing threateningly.

“Leon!” Trisha cried, immediately groaning and doubling over. Leon probably wouldn’t recognise her because he face was fucked up beyond recognition, but he’d probably recognise her voice (she’d yelled at him a lot back in the Stygian Snake days). Plus there weren’t many who had a whole swarm of bees they could control (though it was only a small amount of her actual hive). “She just started hitting me!”

She was an absolute sight. Blood flooded down her face from a broken nose, coating the top of her bee onesie until the yellow turned red. Bruises already bloomed all across her face. Her red rimmed eyes squinted up at the two men - she had difficulty opening them, and her vision was incredibly blurry. Her head ached, she could feel blood sluggishly dripping down from where it had hit the stall she’d been thrown into.

She was already sobbing from all the pain she was in, ugly tears streaming down her bloodied face. That wasn’t fake, even as she lied about whose fault it was. But Adora had taken it too far! Unable to take a few fucking words...

Her face was in agony - she was fairly certain more than her nose was broken! She was going to look awful for days! That bitch!

“I was just trying to have a nice chat with an old friend, bringing up other older friends, when out of nowhere she punched me. She just wouldn't stop, look at what she did.” Trisha gestured to her face clumsily, because she was incredibly dizzy and couldn't really feel her limbs. She hiccuped, tears still streaming down her face uncontrollably. "She... she... she ruined my face..."
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