Avatar of Fetzen


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4 days ago
Current If you don't have a clue, you can still resort to glue in order to fix things.
4 days ago
IBANs have proven not to be annoying enough. Let's kill both metric and imperial systems by expressing everything in Planck units.
1 like
12 days ago
Where's a whip, there's a way!
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1 mo ago
I don't know where to even start when it comes to just how ruined my weekend has just become.
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1 mo ago
Having jaw ache due to a lymphatic node swelling ain't fun.


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

Vathalyk didn't feel comfortable. For a few days after the event that presumably had been the fall of not only one, but all of the gods, he had hardly noticed anything. Fyr didn't believe in the same gods as humans did -- in fact they didn't truly believe in any god in the conventional sense at all. However his close connection to his human friend had helped him notice the sudden change in behavior much more earlier. While he could only assume that the vast majority of his kind was still oblivious to what had happened, he had already come over the worst part of grief.

The village had turned into a strange place. Normally he would never ever have dared to stroll across any of its muddy roads so openly, but now it seemed as if almost all of the inhabitants were expecting the sky itself to come crushing down on them within the next hours. Well, in a twisted and metaphorical sense, that had actually happened... but in what way was locking onself into one's own small house supposed to help ? Didn't they know that life had to go on somehow until it came to a definite end ? Maybe they'd find out after they had run out of candles, but until then Vathalyk expected to have a lot more of unexpected 'free time' to venture into places he wouldn't have put one of his toes into just a mere were ago.

Currently he was located at the marketplace, in the midst of the bunch of traders that seemed to be much more worried about dumping their half-assed merchandise into the next unwary customer's pocket than about him. An unusual experience to say the least, but once Vathalyk dared to reach out for a promising looking apple a much more familiar reaction finally occurred: His hand, that enormous looking thing with nails resembling claws, was firmly slapped by the apple's current owner. "Don't touch that! You have to buy it!"

Vathalyk raised his head and looked at the fat man. If there was night one could see his ever-glowing eyes gently illuminating the spot he aimed them at, but at this time of the day it was nothing more than a simple stare. "Am I not allowed to inspect anything before buying it ?" He didn't wait for an answer, but instead lowered his head to sniff. Even the merchant could see how unfeasible it was to try and have any impact on those horns with bare hands, so Vathalyk was allowed to do what he wanted and come to a conclusion: "That thing's halfway rotten anyway! Can't you smell it ?" and he grimaced.

The man put his massive palms onto the desk, the latter thing protesting audibly against his overabundance of soft, wobbly girth. Just two words, spoken out with a decent degree of disgust, if not flat-out hate. "Get away!". Vathalyk complied. He wasn't eager to engage into anything right now, even if he could reasonably have. It was rather clear that he would not be able to pick up anything of real value here, even though the few pieces of cloth offered by the neighbouring trader indeed appeared to be in better shape than the worn-out shirt and trousers he was wearing. At least the rope holding the two things together around his waist was quite new!

Vathalyk continued his stroll. There was no real clue in his mind about the village's layout, so his next move was basically a random one. However, intentionally or not, it managed to get him in proximity to the local tavern. And what a mess it was! It seemed that those few who didn't have a home to barricade in or didn't want to go there for other reasons had decided to wash away their worries with... what was it called ? Beer ? Yeah, that probably was the name. He had not drunk that stuff himself before and had no real plan for a first encounter right here and right now, but a large part of him was intrigued by the gathering anyway. Maybe there was another reason to it than drinking as well ?

Not knowing what would await him inside, Vathalyk entered. Or well... he tried the best he could. As he could hear the tips of his horns scratching along the wooden ceiling the desire grew to turn around and get out much faster than he was getting in. Just going backwards however wasn't a real option since it would deteriorate the situation unfolding above his head by snagging. Turning around ? If that damned corridor would have been wider that would have been much more easy to achieve. So he ducked and ventured forth, into the main hall that, to his amazement, seemed to already have attracted other beings than humans and his own as well. What was going on here ?

Vathalyk instantly sought for one of the walls. With his back to it there'd be no chance of anyone coming in from behind -- and he would be able to watch everyone's move in front of him. Also neither the chairs nor the tables looked as if they were a match for his weight, so just leaning back standing appeared to be the best option.
I'll go for the latter. Sorry for the huge delay, but illness has been standing in my way (and still is... but I'm going to post now anyway).

Týfurkh looked down at what Millie was presenting in her hands. A stone ? He didn't want to ask it openly, but his facial expression slipped enough to tell it anyway: Seriously ?. How in any god's name would a stone do good at this point ? He reached for it and pulled it out of her grasp. "Beautiful piece of aggregated minerals, but I don't think that anyone will respond in an exactly benevolent manner if its trajectory even just allows for the suspicion of it having been thrown close to one's head intentionally."

Týfurkh dropped the item, obviously thinking about alternatives. "I have already tried some of my magic, but with them out of direct sight by now it won't trigger the desired reaction." He started scratching along his almost unbearded chin. It was a usual bit of body language whenever he was busy thinking about a complicated problem. "However... we could deliver something else up there. Something much more intelligent, agile and capable of autonomous behavior!"

Having said this, Týfurkh barely left Millie an opportunity to evade his subsequent move. His hands were beyond huge. His fingers were so long and his palms so wide that he found it extremely easy to get a firm grasp about the woman's hips. "Unfortunately not exactly lighter. You really could lose a few!" Týfurkh added, grunting a little as he lifted Millie off the ground and as far into the air as his long arms could. "Can you reach the roof ? Get up there and run after them! I'll try to follow you down here as much as I can!"

He tried to relocate one hand first, then the other one further down towards her legs in order to boost her further up. Hopefully Millie had some muscle in her arms and would make it! "Also I'd appreciate it if you'd tell them about that as well. I would really like to get up there in one piece and not reach the sky as a wisp of smoke, so even a hint to the next ladder would be a real deal of help!" Aside from this a gut feeling told him that there could very well be individuals on the move in this city who were on the responsible side of things and not victims.
Still here as well.

Vathalyk's skin is of a grey-ish complexion very much unlike that of human's. It's safe to say that his body is painted almost all over the place. It's not for war, but merely an abstract decoration in red and black hues. His ears are pointy and thus resembling those of your average elf, but shorter. His hair is long and split up into several massive strands running down almost to his hips. Vathalyk's most notable feature are his massive, spiraling horns and his ever-glowing, almondy eyes.

Vathalyk's a very massive being, standing over seven feet tall with shoulders broad enough to fill out the usual doorframe from left to right with ease. He's a hungry colossus of thick bone and muscle.

Race: Fyr

Gender: Male

Age: 22

  • Somewhat worn-out piece of ringmail
  • Large morning star
  • Thick woolen coat and trousers.
  • Food and water for several days.
  • Two mechanical traps. Not like bear traps, but still they can deal excruciating pain and injury.

It's comparatively easy to set off Vathalyk's rage. A simple insult, a word too ambiguous in an already heated up situation or an unintentional injury are enough to make him give you a rant at least. As long as you don't lose yourself in one of those sandtraps however and think before you speak it is quite possible though to get along with him rather nicely. Become true friends though is a major achievement for his species is essentially one of loners. He has a firm understanding of the concept of 'priorities': As long as he sees benefit for himself he is willing to help and bring sacrifices. What appears to be an extremely selfish attitude is attenuated by the fact that Fyr, due to their very nature-driven lifestyle, are less suspectible to greed, one of those things that usually impair one's providence the most. Vathalyk is somewhat cunning, but also capable of extreme acts of violence. There are times when he essentially goes feral.

Fyr do not live in towns or villages, but dwell in the wilderness. Their population is very scarce, so neither is it very likely for anyone to encounter more than one at a time, nor is his kind interested in anything like 'family'. Parents stay together barely long enough to teach their child how to live on its own, then depart and continue living their lonely lives until, some years later, it is time to mate again. So due to natural causes, Vathalyk's childhood can be considered quite boring at least from more human standards: Hunting, eating, sleeping and roaming around for the sake of one's own curiosity.

His species is far from dumb and being purely animalistic, but still he has all reason to regret the day he dared to stroll though a village in the middle of the night: Isn't it that demons often have glowing eyes and massive horns ? Those simple people had never seen his kind before and confused him for one of them. With stakes and pitchforks at the ready they forced him to succumb and locked him away in a damp cellar. It took the damn priest months to come and once he told the confused villagers that there's nothing here requiring any kind of exorcism or divine assistance, Vathalyk had already acquired a grasp of the human language.

There was no compensation from the villagers whatsoever, but at least he had found sort of a friend with the priest. He was 19 and now they both had to be more careful than before -- neither could it be ruled out that Vathalyk would be captured anywhere else again, nor was a priest essentially telling an entire village that it was flat-out wrong prone to be very liked in a region where a word could spread fast. He felt obliged to be grateful and the priest felt there was someone in need of help -- or maybe the man just wanted to try something in his old days. Anyway, they continued to meet on a regular basis where no prying eyes were around. Vathalyk had the opportunity to learn more about human life and culture, improve his language skills and even pick up a minor proficiency in armed fighting.

It could have continued so well, but even his only real human friend probably couldn't stand the sudden fact that the gods... vanished. At least Vathalyk has not heard a word off him since the event and has solid reason to speculate that the old man has fallen. He just doesn't know if due to the onset of madness like many others or because of the shock itself.

  • Strength: 10
  • Perception: 5
  • Endurance: 9
  • Charisma: 2
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Agility: 4
  • Luck: 5

It's not a magical thing per se, but a Fyr's blood is known to be toxic. It is an aggressive agent towards a broad variety of body tissues, including those of humanoids and bacteria. Clearly the latter property is responsible for Vathalyk's resistance to many common diseases (though it does not protect against those of magic nature, of course), but self-injury in order to gain access to the large amount of venom carried around by every Fyr is a battle tactic not unheard of. Skin is quite resistive and will only show itching as the primary symptom, but exposing a body's interior to his blood is bound to cause massive trouble.
Yes, I had an idea and I apologize for not having carried it out as of now. My week's been extremely busy so far but I have a free spot tomorrow. As far as I'm concerned a bit of trouble tossed into our way could be very fun, but I'd suggest waiting until after my next post if that's ok for you ? @eclecticwitch@Pezz570
Sent you a PM.
Alright well do you all want me to start a OOC?

At least for my part I can say: Yes :)
@vancexentan I'm very intrigued by this RP, please consider me interested. I do not yet have any clear idea about what kind of character I'd be making though.
@eclecticwitch Forgot to mention you in the IC post so I'm doing it here. I hope my reply's okay ?
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