Avatar of Rabbitconfusion


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9 days ago
Current Similar to clueless dm I think being an unreliable narrator dm would be fun.
9 days ago
Playing clueless characters in DND works great for me because I often miss lots of information and don't know what's going on. It's method acting.
18 days ago
Experiences a strong urge to format a role play post as an APA style paper. It would be funny
18 days ago
If I edit a post and add/fix a @ will it mention the player?


PFP credit: picrew.me/en/image_maker/277578

Old player returning after a few years.

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“HA” one voice rang out louder than the others and the attention of the room was drawn to one older woman who stammered apologies and then said what was on the minds of many there. Or at least what was on Gwynn’s mind. She looked familiar. Gwynn had seen this woman before in the house of Lady Carnviel. Her name was Mary. When she was visiting the lady with her duchess years ago she had snuck off following a cat and ended up in Mary’s workroom where she ended up discussing embroidery with her. Unbeknownst to Mary this conversation had been a great comfort to the younger Gwynn who could tell that Mary, like her, was very much out of place in the houses of nobles. Mary was now even more out of place here. Gwynn silently cursed whoever dragged the poor woman into this.

She leaned over to the woman from her spot on the table and whispered “I don’t think any of us know what’s going on here. I certainly don’t know why I’m here” with an empathetic chuckle hoping to put the woman at ease. She straightened herself and in a gentle but assertive tone told her “come, sit” tapping the bench she was on. This was a woman that was very attentive to rank and status. Casual address from one she knew to be above her would likely fluster her further, so Gwynn chose to frame her offer as instruction.
I'm being Watched

On the internet and in real life since ur sitting right next to me
*stares at my friend who is reading the thread*
Gwynn turned her body to face the speaker, listening quietly and intently. She chuckled at the mention of artistic skill and playfully punched the dwarfs shoulder "I guess an art commission wasn't totally off from the truth then". The priestess continued.

The word dragon sounded familiar but she couldn't place it's meaning. And then the eggs were revealed.

She let out a small gasp. A folktale her mother had told her often. Large powerful shaekens which laid huge decorated eggs 'that were this big!' her mother would say, tapping her hand to her hip. 'large powerful beasts which great abilities! Some say they could breath fire!' the fire would flare up when she said this, always happy to contribute to her mothers theatrics.

She felt the souls inside the eggs. Unformed like chicken eggs but they felt already ancient like large trees did. One had a speck of familiarity. The presence that could be felt when her mother told her tales of one of her ancestors long ago who lived with shaekens. Perhaps that shaeken egg was descended from one of those shaekens. Her mother had died before she could teach Gwynn how to converse with spirits so she only knew how to vaguely recognize their energy. And the older the spirit the more difficult it was to converse or awaken so their was no hope of any advice from the one who lived with shaekens. She could still venerate them to invoke their goodwill in whatever was about to happen. She rummaged through her pockets to see what she had on hand. From her pouches she took a bit of dried raspberry leaves and the stem of an orange flower. She crushed them with her fingers and drew a circle and egg on her palm. After muttering a small prayer in her native language she swept half the ashes discreetly off her hand to scatter and the rest she scooped into a small locket which she promised to burn later as was proper. She doubted it would catch attention from the ancient ancestor.
"Well, I thought I was asked to make a sculpture for the Queen but this seems less and less likely.”

“Huh. Odd” Gwyn sat on the table in thought while the dwarf finished his job.

"You don't happen to have any ideas as to what is going on yourself, do you?”

“That would be nice wouldn’t it” she looked around then rested her chin on her fist and laughed, “maybe we’re all about to be sacrificed to a blood god”

Something moved under the table against her leg. She flipped her head over to take a look. A large cat with tufted ears. “You’re hoping to get some dropped food aren’t ya” She flipped back up to face the dwarf “I think our friend here might have some ideas”

She hopped up from the table. Her knee spasmed, it was being bitchy from the rough boat ride. She limped a few steps then regained her normal stride as she went to examine the food table, closely looking for a good bit of meat, one with minimal seasonings, at least free of any that would endanger a cat. She found her selection and went back to the table and crouched down to offer it to the cat, sitting on the floor next to it as it ate. “I bet you have some opinions as to what’s going on”
The cat looked up at her. It definitely did know a bit of what was going on. Or at least understood the gravity of the situation.

She wrinkled her nose, thanked the cat and sat on the table again.

I don’t know what’s going on. Seems more serious than an art commission though”
It’s a jabot
I’ll probs put her in a cravat for future art since I like how they look.
Wanted to show off the piece I’m getting done of Gwynnn as part of a trade (artist is YuuHyena on toyhouse)
Hello, fine fellows. I will be pushing the story forward again either tomorrow or the day after. That being said, I was curious if you lot were interested in a Discord for easier communication?

I’d be up for a discord

"woah woah woah hold it right there" Gwynn took a step back and put her arms out as the guard took out the blindfold and moved to put it on.

"the hell is the blindfold for?"

"those are the orders" the guard responded bluntly.

"the f***?" she said quietly, then shrugged. Seemed like she didn't have much choice. "whatever". She permitted herself to be led blindly. She breathed a sigh of relief when it was taken off and used her very much appreciated vision to examine the busy room, trying to attain even the slightest idea of what was going on. The noise of peoples chatter was merged as white noise to her until,

"-us such a warm welcome, isn't it?"

She gave a small jump and turned to face the speaker with a quiet "hwuah?" then heard somebody else respond.

"I was very comfortable at home, this better be worth it"

"oh. Talking to them" she muttered. She had ignoring the people in the room to focus on the surroundings first. Though since her efforts to ascertain what she was stuck in, she figured it was better to figure out who she was stuck here with and if they knew anything. She looked around to pick a victim. A dwarf laying out tools caught her eye. That sort of preparation could indicate he had something of an idea as to what was going on. She strode over to him with a cheery disposition and leaned on the table facing him.

The chances of him actually having an answer were slim, but that didn't matter much. He had a quieter and more predictable energy than the two others she had encountered. Her smile hid a stressed animal. She was out of place and overwhelmed and needed something or somebody to anchor herself to. "Hi there! You wouldn't happen to have any clue as to what the heck is going on?"
Working on my post.
apologies in advance if my writing is bad I've been writing solely academic papers for a whole.

edit: AHHH IT'S DONE. Hope its not awful XD
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