Frizan is a Contest Moderator.


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Oi JOSUKE, I logged on to my personal desktop computation device and went to ROLEPLAYERGUILDDOTCOM, now I'm trapped in the one-times-one section! Ain't that wacky?
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I didn't steal your meme, I colonized it.
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John Table. The man. The myth. The furniture.


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Thieves, daedra summoners, LITERAL DAEDRA...

<Snipped quote by Leidenschaft>



Though Orintur continued to stare daggers at the door with his hammer raised in a readied position, the High Elf's attention found itself divided between his duties and the myriad of hushed whispering around him. A man and a woman not too far behind him were speaking lightly, quite unfitting for the situation they were in. Some others spoke of loved ones that had not made it to the chapel, hoping that perhaps they had made it out of Kvatch. Orintur could not help but pity them, as he knew that Daedra were ferocious beings, and they were very thorough in their deeds, but he still silently prayed with them for the unfortunate souls that could not find their way to the sanctuary of Akatosh.

Suddenly hearing a commotion from outside, Orintur gripped his hammer tightly and advanced a single step, ready to throw himself at the foolhardy beasts that dared violate such a holy place. What he did not expect, however, was for a very large Nord and a tiny Imperial to run through the door. The fireball missed them all by mere inches, charring a bit of wall in the back of the chapel; Orintur was grateful for his luck, as he was certainly not keen on having another burn scar...

To Orintur's relief but ever-so-slight disappointment, nothing followed the new visitors through the door. The Nord went to the back to find his wife and child, and the Imperial woman asked for the priest. It was rather curious; what did she want with Brother Martin? Whatever her aim was, she was rebutted harshly, as Brother Martin staunchly refused to abandon the chapel and those within until the blasted hell gate was closed. Orintur could hear her irritated grumblings from the front door, and caught word of her indirect request for aid in closing the Oblivion gate. The first to volunteer was the small girl with a bird hovering over her shoulder, and a warrior, whose heels were guarded by a fierce-looking hound. Was Orintur about to let them all dive head-first into Oblivion alone? ...that was a rhetorical question, of course he wouldn't! The sooner the gate got closed, the sooner Kvatch could be purged of Daedra and other heretics.

"Excuse me, madam!" Verbally announcing his presence was probably unnecessary, what with the loud clanking and thunking of his heavy armor, but Orintur deemed it more polite than simply immediately interjecting. "If you are thinking of going through that hellish portal, I would gladly offer my assistance! This humble servant of Stendarr asks for nothing in return; I wish simply to rid the people of Kvatch of these foul creatures. All Daedra in your path shall fall to my hammer, and taste of the wrathful fury of the Divines!" Orintur wasn't certain that the guards within the chapel could hold out for long on their own, but if the gate did not shut soon, those uncertainties would be washed away by an endless stream of Dremora. He had to at least try...
Sponsored by: @Mortarion and Frizan

Seeing that Tsleeixth had difficulty standing(and honestly, who wouldn't after being stabbed that many times), Sagax hauled the beastman up by the underside of his arms and lifted him over his shoulder, careful not to agitate the wounds and letting Tsleeixth use his admittedly small frame for support. "The way seems clear enough...we should be able to get back to the others without much issue. If we do get intercepted though, leave the fighting to me, ya?" Small and frail Sagax was indeed, but he wasn't bleeding profusely out of several new holes in his body. The potion wouldn't do much at all if Tsleeixth reopened his wounds trying to fight, and while the rest of the company couldn't have been too far away, the less time his scaly friend spent bleeding out, the better. Peering through the steam as best he could, Sagax carefully navigated the room, steering clear of anything that looked particular big and mean. He didn't come across any more Ashlanders, which he was most certainly thankful for, and Sagax didn't have to guess why they all took the opportunity to run off: All the armor in the world wouldn't stop a hammer the size of a small boat from turning them into paste. "I hope someone over there has some first aid supplies...maybe Roze or Do'karth could help, but I haven't seen either of them since the steam settled."

Tsleeixth grunted in pain as Sagax hauled him up, pain flaring from his wounds as he was moved, although he was grateful that Sagax had the forethought of hauling him up by the underside of his arms rather than pulling him by the arm. Leaning for support he nodded when the Imperial told him to leave hte fighting to him if they ran into any trouble "Hmm.....alright." He said finally, letting out a sigh of frustration, clearly not happy at not being able to help Sagax in case they got into a fight, although he knew that in his current state it'd only worsen an already problematic situation. When they began to move around the steam-filled room, part of Tsleeixth was happy that the steam made them move more slowly as he doubted that in his current state he could move very fast or at least not without it causing his wounds to open up again or some other complication occurring "Seems that the Centurion scared off most of the Ashlanders, eh?" He commented, his wounds flaring up in pain as a coughing fit racked his body, crimson blood splattering on the floor of the Dwemer ruin "Ah, Hist-damned bloodlung." Said the Saxhleel, wiping the corner of his mouth with his good arm, turning his attention towards Sagax when he spoke again "Yeah, hopefully they'll have some medical supplies....I think Niernen knew some restoration magic so hopefully she'll be able to help too."

"Ah, yeah, that's true, Niernen seems very skilled with magic...far beyond anything I could possibly hope to learn, that's for sure. I'm sure she'll fix you right up. Hopefully no one else requires her services, she'd have her work cut out for her." Progressing further, Sagax could hear voices. Tamrielic voices, one he could recognize as Edith. Finally, they were back with the company! "Nearly there, Tsleeixth. Hopefully we can get the hell out of here soon..." Adding slight briskness to his pace, Sagax went to rejoin the rest of his and Tsleeixth's comrades. He couldn't see Sadri or Niernen immediately, but having Tsleeixth sit with the others for a little bit would be better than leaving him alone in the middle of the room. Eventually though, Sadri made his way over to the beastman and patched his wounds up with little issue. Sagax bowed and said his thanks, and attempted to help Tsleeixth test his steadiness, and lifted him to his feet again.

"Hmmm, hopefully, but something tells me that, with the luck we've been having, I won't be the only one in need of restoration magic, far from it." Said Tsleeixth, shaking his head slightly. He raised his head a little when he heard people speaking in Tamrielic, vaguely able to recognise that the owner of the voice he now heard belonged to Edith "Ah, good, it seems that there are more of us still in the fight." He said, relieved at the fact that, to the best of his knowledge, he was hte only one that was injured so far. Grunting slightly in protest as Sagax started moving a little faster, Tsleeixth did the best he could to keep up with the Imperial's pace although it was evident that he was much weakened and even a slight jog was taxing for him in his current state. Once they were amongst their comrades he couldn't help but let otu a sigh of relief and sat on the ground tiredly, letting Sadri take care of his wound to the best of the Dunmer's capabilities "Hmmm, will have to thank him latter." He htought to himself. Once that was done he didn't protest when he was lifted back up once again by his Imperial comrade "I think I'll be fine now Sagax." He said as he moved a little away from Sagax to stand on his own without leanign on him, but his knees quickly gave upon him and if it wasn't for the nearby wall in which he leaned, he'd have collapsed to the ground for a second time.

It looked like Sagax wasn't the only stubborn one. Going over to assist Tsleeixth, he helped the beastman to the door to leave the room; Tsleeixth was in no place to fight a Centurion. Staring down one of the Ashlanders that were miraculously, if only temporarily, made allies by Madura and Niernen, Sagax cautiously lead Tsleeixth out of the room. "I don't like the way those Ashlander guys were looking at you...looked like they would have pounced on us at any moment." Sagax had heard stories and read historical books about the lives of Argonians that lived in Morrowind, how they were kept as slaves on farms and in mines. The Ashlanders clearly saw Saxhleel as a lesser race, more akin to animals. "You should be fine here, Tsleeixth. As much as I'd rather not, I'm going back in. That metal monster in there won't topple itself! Ah, but hold on a moment..." Tearing off a few strips from his shirt, Sagax handed the fabric to Tsleeixth. "If your bandages start being bled through, you can tie some more on to stop it." Turning around to walk back into the steam-filled deathtrap ahead, Sagax was glad he was so agile...the best way to fight is to not get hit at all!

Tsleeixth didn't protest when Sagax guided him towards the door so that he'd leave the room, he was in no shape to help against the Centurion he had to accept that no matter how much he disliked the truth of his situation. As thee moved away from the room Tsleeixth was surprised, albeit unpleasantly, to see the two Ashlanders there, the looks that the Dunmer's threw at him and Sagax having not gone unnoticed by the beastman "Yeah, tell me about it...." Said Tsleeixth, waiting until they were away form earshot of the Ashlanders before continuing "Bastards would probably be happy to see me in chains, working in some mine or farm back in Morrowind." He spat with disgust before Sagax set him down once they were sufficiently away, the Argonian frowning when Sagax, after he had handed him a few strips of cloth from his shirt, said that he was going back into the room with the Centurion. Reachign with hsi good arm he grasped the Imperial's wrist when he had turned around "Sagax, be careful.....don' t let your guard down, not with the Centurion nor with those, I don't trust them." He said, his tone weary, bbefore letting go of Sagax's wrist and allowing the Imperial to return to the steam-filled chamber at the heart of the Dwemer ruins.

"Don't worry about me, friend, I'll be fine! When am I ever not the soul of caution, ya?" Pausing momentarily, Sagax turned back to Tsleeixth with one hand raised. "Actually...don't answer that." With that, he sped off back into Robot Hell to lend his, albeit little, assistance with the current situation. Nothing could go as wrong as the bombing run though, he was most certain of that.

"...fingers crossed."

Hey yo, you wouldn't mind if Mort and I put in our collab a brief mention of Sadri healing up Tsleeixth, would you?

<Snipped quote by Frizan>

No worries man, I understand, and Etherphad sounds fine by me. We using the one that GC set in the opening post I take?

Yep, that's the one.
Hey, @Frizan what pad are we using in the end for that short collab?

jdvbdsbg holy shit, sorry about my sudden absence. Thanksgiving stuff and general life things stomped me into the dust for a bit, but I'm back now! I'll be hopping onto the Etherpad in roughly two hours, if that works.
Hey @Frizan I was thinking that, since Sagax is helping Tsleeixth get out of the room, maybe we could do a short collab about that? If you'd liek to do that, that is, if you'd rather make a solo post that's fine too. (And if GC is ok with that idea as well that is)

Sure, I'd be up to do a short collab for that. I'll be around on the pads in a few hours.
"Almighty Akatosh, Dragon of Time, One-Above-All, safeguard this great empire through these troubling times, and may it stand tall against this looming threat...Mother Mara, Life Giver, One-Of-Love-Eternal, let not the people of Tamriel forget to afford their hearts to one another, and guide them through this dark night to peace...Mighty Stendarr, Ever Merciful, One-Most-Just, give your humble servant the strength to strike down the beasts that seek to bring harm to your people, and render unto them your blessings, so that they all may see the next sun..."

Hands clasped and hammer laid flat in front of him, Orintur prayed to the Divines near the front doors of the chapel, ever ready to stand tall and bring heavy steel to the heads of any daedra foolish enough to enter. None would so much as brush against the people hiding further within, not as long as he lived, and the stout elf did not intend on dying any time soon. Finishing his prayers, Orintur rose and grasped he long oak handle of his hammer confidently, his face obscured by the large front plate of his helmet.

All Orintur had wanted to do that day was pray in the chapel, in mourning of the late Emperor. It was supposed to be a simple event, invoking the basic rites of Akatosh and praying in hopes of guidance and prosperity for the Empire, just as Orintur was taught. But then that gate opened, flooding Kvatch with daedra that slaughtered and set aflame everything in their path. The only thing keeping them out of the chapel was a large piece of rubble obstructing the main doors, forcing them through the one side-door. The chokepoint made them easy pickings, and so the cowardly demons simply sat outside after five of their brethren were destroyed.

In the dreadful silence that permeated the chapel, Orintur wondered to himself just how this all happened. How did these demons find their way into Tamriel, on their own no less? That flaming hellgate was certainly not the work of any conjurer, and no mage, no matter how strong, could bring forth so many daedra of their own volition. Then there was the fact that they seemed to be strangely...organized. Was this planned? Was the Empire being invaded by the Princes themselves!? Nothing about the situated boded well, and Orintur could only hope Kvatch received reinforcements, and that they could close the hellgate and gain access to the city. Until then, Orintur had only his hammer, and his faith in the divines.
"On careful reexamination we have determined that everyone's sheets are flaming garbage. Do it over, shitlords!"
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