
Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Merry Christmas! and Happy Holidays. :)
5 mos ago
Note: Ice Reaver stop getting sick
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5 mos ago
Happy Holidays everyone!
6 mos ago
Welcome back A N X I E T Y :)
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7 mos ago
I have a sugar problem, Soda. Sigh….
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I'm here :)

Most Recent Posts

still open?
I am also down
Forgiveness I didnt really realize that was your name. I just thought you were being quite polite frankly. Honestly apologizing for being the gm.

Now that I realize that its your name I think it was kinda funny.

Um, and I like the sunbro thing I enjoy watching people play dark souls, if thats the reference?

I'd like to partake in your story, will every player's character be about the same age?

Nice to meet you Liseran
@OneWayOut Cancel that post that was coming.

I've got no originality and i've got problems...
cancel that post I mentioned tonight....

Have problems...

Cool, I got 4 characters in 2 different stories.

I'm going to do the other story char tonight.

then tomorrow I'll do 1 of my guys here.

1 character a night.

Unless a.) someone is interacting with me then it'll be a collab between us instead.
b.) On a day off I might be able to do 2 characters a night.
@OneWayOut Is this discord idea a go ahead?

Can you provide a link, if you are setting it up?
I'm also working on putting circles together. You should see the number of balled up post-it notes i have on the table rn lol

The struggle is real y'all.

all cool. just dont have a panic attack.

I'd rather you be happy and this whole thing doesn't happen.

Then you lose your mind over it.

Anyways, I'll be work the rest of the day, so yeah no activity for me today.
@Rabidporcupine@KazAlkemi I work the rest of the day I'll get a post up tomorrow.
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