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Note: Ice Reaver stop getting sick
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Happy Holidays everyone!
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I have a sugar problem, Soda. Sigh….
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Hey, everyone wake up. :l
The message from the one bandit to watch out for the silver haired man kindof trickled into the brains of their entire group. The effect was immediate and rather evident. As one and all they gave the man their undivided attention. Learning that the guy was a tavern owner changed the atmosphere from tense or fearful to merryment. Bandits Loved Drink like it was second nature. Ofcourse there was a little chagrin at breaking the property of a pub owner because it was like breaking their own property. One could even go so far as to say their most valuable possessions were broken, such was these bearded fighters affection for alcohol, merryment and everything in-between. They had to make it right, they had to get in the door of this great man’s booze shack. Understanding that the man wanted payment for the windows the bandits were more then happy to comply. The bandits then turned as a newcomer was introduced ‘Mr. Bright’, understanding that he was the brawn that would force them to pay, this Blacksmith. Without furtherado the bandits each grabbed a handful of silver coins from their pockets and one by one approached him in a line as if they were buying things instead of apologizing with money. Not wanting to let the cat out of the bag, they didn’t tell the man that they were so quick to change tune, because of hearing of a tavern. Lest this giant decided that they were just going to be stupid drunks and want nothing to do with them.


“I’m the guy who will give you hell as my father would say!” Jerad roared in the face of this disgusting thing, he didn’t even want to call this guy a man… What man would dare to brutalize girls, little kids like he did. No one. No one would.
Hearing the guy introduce himself as a notable figure with a unusual name but maybe he was telling the truth, maybe he was important in the city. Jerad mused. Either way…. “It doesn’t matter man… Like I’m a guy who would not brag and I mean you can brag about whatever actual real job you have like being a king if you want to..” Jerad shook his head firmly as he sighed. “But.. I can’t respect you if you are killing people, and I can respect you even less if you are holding a high station and using that As An Excuse!!!” He spat on the ground with his last words as his voice cracked with anger. He never really could keep his voice under control during emotional times.

Jerad took a step forward and stopped when he noticed papers flying past him. But it didn’t really register to him that they were heading towards his enemy. They were just papers that were blown randomly on the wind. Something that could happen when somebody didn’t have a clipboard and got clumsy and tripped, papers everywhere. Or at least that was Jerad’s explanation for it. Jerad sheathed his longsword and thought of a different tactic instead. He paid the papers no mind and rushed this evil fiend. Running straight for him ahead of the random flying papers between them and the bald guy. Jerad stopped for a half a second and then pulled his arm back and then forwards to give his punch, a right hook, some extra power. The punch was arcing towards his enemy's shoulder as Jerad's intended target.

@Lady Ostara Ok to be frank I honestly am in a roleplay that has started already. It's called Virtue and Sin.

What I mean to say is if like a month from now if I find myself with a tremendous amount of extra time I'll join this.

But in the meantime I'm going to just focus on the one roleplay.
I'll have to get back to this tomorrow.
I'll have to come back to this, don't have much time today.

<Snipped quote by Gareth>

I do, quite many of them actually. lol

Also guys, what would you think about me making a discord server to make comunication easier?

Discord is big.

I like it.

Cool that you like anime too :)

I watched an episode of shichisei no subaru last night, it's like log horizon/sword art online.
And apparently there are many fresh anime like that one, this summer/fall.

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