Avatar of Garth


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I used to play on Roleplay Online (rpol.net) that site did more group games and not 1x1 games. Also a lot more 'rules game' like DnD, Pathfinder, ect
1 yr ago
Don't forget it's his first Mother's Day as your husband. Different families have different expectations. Maybe his family never did Mother Days/Father's day gifts. [/soap box]
1 yr ago
Of my current story partners, none of them are from the US. (and I'm impressed with all of their English)
1 yr ago
Stay Plucky
2 yrs ago
See? I'm smarter than I look.
1 like



I'm a long time RPer. I play group games and 1x1 games.

I only play MxF in my 1x1 games. Group games, doesn't matter.

I'm a guy and will only play 1x1 games with people 21 years or older. I'm trying to avoid going to jail.

I can't play fandom canon characters. I just don't know the characters well enough to do that. But love to play OCs in a fandom story.

I'm pretty flexible. I don't have any demands. Just have fun. One request, if you tire of the game or me, shoot me a PM and tell me. In your PM blame the game and not me ;P I'll let you know if I can't keep up with any game we are in.

I'll be honest, I enjoy romance and smut in my 1x1 games. I do enjoy the build up and plot.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you wanna play or just hang out and chat.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Sundos Oakenarms

Age: 18

Gender: male

Who did they support: Pirates


Objects that the character managed to obtain (Up to 5(Clothing doesn't count)):
Battleaxe, Compass, small chest with various mugs inside

Role: Civilian

Personality: Friendly and outgoing. He talks to everybody. Very low class social status so uncomfortable around rich/high ranking people.

Bio(Optional): Sundos grew up on the docks of the port. His mother worked in a tavern. He never knew who is father was. However, he was told that the compass he carries was once his father's. Sundos grew up around the tavern, doing odd jobs around the tavern and docks. Many of his chores involved loading and unloading cargo from the ships. He has become quite strong from his many jobs. He was worked as a guard and marine on some ships and around the docks. Before the attacks came, he secretly supported the pirates and hoped the king would be overthrown.

Hobbies: He would collect (steal) the drinking mugs of people he met and liked in the taverns. He would add them to his chest and keep them as keepsakes.

Other: He wants to work on the ship as a marine or guard. He wants to join the pirates and not just be a piece of luggage dragged around like the other civilians.

@AnimeraThank you, Captain.. or is it Princess? Either way, thanks!
Aye, MiLady!

Are you still looking for players?

Name: Sundos Oakenarms

Age: 18

Gender: male

Who did they support: Pirates


Objects that the character managed to obtain (Up to 5(Clothing doesn't count)):
Battleaxe, Compass, small chest with various mugs inside

Role: Civilian

Personality: Friendly and outgoing. He talks to everybody. Very low class social status to uncomfortable around rich/high ranking people.

Bio(Optional): Sundos grew up on the docks of the port. His mother worked in a tavern. He never knew who is father was. However, he was told that the compass he carries was once his father's. Sundos grew up around the tavern, doing odd jobs around the tavern and docks. Many of his chores involved load and unloading cargo from the ships. He has become quite strong from his many jobs. He was worked as a guard and marine on some ships and around the docks. Before the attacks came, he secretly supported the pirates and hoped the king would be over thrown.

Hobbies: He would collect (steal) the drinking mugs of people he met and liked in the taverns. He would add them to his chest and keep them as keepsakes.

Other: He wants to work on the ship as a marine or guard. He wants to join the pirates and not just be a piece of luggage dragged around like the other civilians.
Yeah yeah. *blush* You know.

Probably more than one of them on this site, though, too.

There might be, but she is the same one I know...
I came here to make sure I wasn't in any of the posts...

Might I also add that this person managed to get my character's name wrong... No not a misspelling... My character was, let's say, "Steve", and they called him "Phillip". Like how the fuck does that even happen? Did you even read anything about my characters and the RP?

I've forgotten the name of my own character before. I was playing two or three games at the same time. I was using the wrong character's name in the wrong game. The other players were all, "Who is Tom"?

Chick lied to me both about her motivations for joining the RP, and about why she wanted me to change my character. The two are interrelated: she wanted the 1x1 to blossom into her crummy little wish-fulfillment romance RP where the princess gradually falls in love with her loyal, devoted guardian-knight.

I think I might have played with her.

@DeadlyPhoenixThanks! I just posted it on the CS thread.

Thanks for running the game
Here I am!

Welcome Home, Miss Demon!

Fun group of people here. Hope you like it.
Are you still accepting new players? I would love to join as a human fighter (soldier type).
Eric was excited for the chance to hit the road with Nikki. He climbed up into the truck and held on. He just shut up and held on. In the apartment, he was about to shoot the infected when Nikki tackled it. Before Eric could get into the fight, Nikki had killed it..again.

Eric followed Nikki down the hall. He was rewarded by seeing her topless. She was a beautiful woman. All the more reason to stay with her. Once he was sure the bedroom was empty of the infected, he allowed her a few minutes of privacy. Eric waited in the living room for her to return.

Eric looked over at the infected that Nikki had shoved her spiked heel into. "Not only sexy looking, useful too. Thanks."

After climbing back into the driver's seat, Eric returned Nikki's kiss. As they kissed, he lightly caressed her leg. "Do you want to head back to the school or somewhere else?"
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