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    1. GodOfWar 9 yrs ago


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Eight six seven five three O’ nInNNneEEe
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@Ophidian Always go too far, because that's where you'll create the truth.
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@datadogie My score was 7. Yours?
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<Snipped quote by GodOfWar>
Fluff image reference I used had sleeves, so.

but not stockings or gloves, smh

Sorry, I guess I didn't catch that. I've been doing my kids' mass of school paperwork while skimming over a lot of the info you guys have made. I'll hunker down tonight and get a good read on everything that's happened.
@Inkarnate@DruSM157 Are the standard-issue Sailor Fukus sleeved, being in the middle of the mountains and all? Can those things even be sleeved?
I'm working on this post a smidge. Anything y'all want me to go over?

Something I think that would be useful is the extent of which Ishin officials will allow a fight to progress; we see in UA they keep a rather lenient code on fights due to the presence of Nurse Girl, but how far does Ishin regulate fights after they go a little bonkers?
In closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Im getting killed it seems

It's more of a "Mosquito-specific Interrogation"
In closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Gankona looked around at the students as they filed in around him, with the boss having nothing to say to his casual greeting. Karada, though looking very dazed and surprised, was gradually regaining his composure as he approached Lorken and the goat-boy. Kaz seemed much like he had been yesterday, but with much more bed-head. Rikka was the worst of the group; her attire and attitude made it seem like she had not slept at all. Looking towards the stern faced Lorken, Gank quietly listened to what his principal had to say on the first formal day of school.

"Thats for my property you broke and tried to hide. Next time it happens and im not told, your punishment will be much more severe."

The goat-boy stifled a chuckle as he watched the unprepared Kaz get punched straight in the gut by Lorken's growing agitation. The absent-minded kid didn't suit so well with this attack, of course, which made the whole scenario a lot more funny to the onlooking goat boy. However, such humor would not be long lasting.

"Karada and Gankona. The mess in my fucking kitchen. Nobody bothered to pick up after themselves before retiring, leaving the scene without any effort on your parts to right the wrong. Congratulations on becoming the new house janitors."

Gankona didn't have time to process his punishment before being squarely hit in the chest with a sloppy mop and broom. The wooden handles bounced off the goat-boy's uniform and onto the ground in-front of him, prompting Gank to bend down and grab them along with Karada. His sly smile had no been replaced with a more serious expression as Lorken continued his commands.

"You want to disrespect your roles as heroes that's fine." ("Bingo.") "But I'll be long dead and buried before I let half-idiots like the two of you ruin my sanctuary. Gankona and Karada, you will be cleaning up the broken wood and blood from yesterdays initiation. Don't expect any help or any food until the job is done right. Kazuto, for spraying a classmate with bug spray you are going to assist them. I expect the walls of my gymnasium to sparkle, and the back lawn to be cut. Push mower is in the back shed. As for Rikka, you will be dealing with every mirror and window on the property. I expect this all done before the practical combat training this afternoon. Dismissed."

The goat-boy sighed as the mass of students started their way out of the dorms behind Lorken. Of course the boss was pissed; why wouldn't he be? Lorken seemed intent lashing out this ire about the state of his household in a rather constructive manner, however. "Being nice again, huh? I like the restraint", Gankona thought. He might as well take over the job of wall-washing; a lot of the students around seemed to be either average or under-average height. They would have a harder time reaching the tops of the blood-splatters than the true ram.

Gankona spoke as he passed Karada on his way out, "Be careful with that leg of yours. You still have the limp."

Whilst entering the gymnasium to begin his new janitor duties, Gankona caught another glimpse of the sullen-faced Rikka. She had had time to put on her tie and other shoe, but seemed still in the many stages of grief after waking up. Her eyes seemed big and buggy, however, as if she was really trying to adjust to the hardships that had already bombarded her. Poor mosquito girl, you could almost pity her.

"Wait, Mosquito? Bug bite?..."

Gankona slowly scratched his back with the broom he carried as a sudden realization flashed through his mind. His face hardened as his gaze burned white-hot daggers into the now filthy mosquito girl's back. Even the goat-boy wasn't stupid enough not to see the immediate connection. "Why, that little bug...", Gankona resentfully thought, his mind wandering to the invasion of his privacy and the advantage Rikka had taken of him. "And when I'm sleeping, as well! She couldn't even dare to ask", the goat-boy thought again, quickening his pace as to catch up with the girl's lithe frame. His hands clenched into fists as he loathed the thought of having been so secretly attacked.

Rikka was now preparing to clean the windows, her wings spread out and her washcloth and bucket sitting beneath her. As she dampened her cloth in soapy water, Gankona slowly prowled behind the unsuspecting mosquito girl. The girl's wings began to flap and her body started to quietly hover above the ground. At that moment, before her take-off, Gank found it an appropriate time to give her a little... talk.

Quickly grabbing Rikka's left-most wing between his thumb and fore-finger, Gankona brought his head down from behind the mosquito-girl's head as to start talking to her in a rather intimidating whisper. "Hey, Rikka, I was wondering. Have you tasted any goat's blood recently? It does horrible things to a mosquito's stomach. Sometimes turns them straight to mush; it's an evolutionary trait they developed overtime. But I was just wondering, anyways. I've never tasted any. You haven't had any, either, have you?". The goat-boy tightened his grip around the mosquito girl's papery wings. "Especially mine. That'd be an awful way to repay me for stopping Kaz from spraying you entirely yesterday."
Congratulations to you guys! Even if you weren't excepted, we had a fantastic roster of potential characters. I'm looking forward to roleplaying with you all
@GodOfWarStill curious in hearing more from you and your thoughts on Kazuo and Ume and how they might interact.

I can see Kazuo becoming somewhat akin to a close, also insecure friend to Ume. Once both of them acknowledge each-other's gaps in confidence, they'll find that their worries about themselves are a bit alike; both fear their quirks for what they can do to themselves and others, and both are trying to tame such a force over time. Though Ume will be rather annoyed by Kaz's snarkiness at first, she'll be extremely happy to find another person that shares her kind of fear.

Furthermore, Ume could refer to Kazuo for a lot of her combat training; Ume, at the start, will be much more of a support hero rather than someone who can engage in up-front confrontations. Kaz helping her develop some sort of fighting style would be a great way for Ume to start off her hero career.

Totally. I actually see Namie making Ume her first friend in class. Their Quirks are both fairly similar in the biological control department which is their ice-breaker. Ume is also (I believe) not very confrontational so it'll be easy for Namie to feel comfortable in the relationship as Namie won't feel aggressively competitive towards Ume. In fact going back to the Quirk thing, Namie could definitely inspire confidence Ume as Namie is secreting a gross syrup-y fiber from her body but doesn't even phase her when her arms are drenched with that stuff. So naturally, Namie would not be concerned or grossed out with Ume's Quirk and would definitely step in to tell her first friend that she shouldn't worry about it.

I imagine Namie being fairly responsive to any questions or doubt Ume voices but will likely not pry until later in their relationship once they understand each other a bit better.

I personally really like the idea of Namie exhibiting her quirk and thus leading to Ume realizing her's is not exclusively gross. It's a great scenario to sort of break into the stride of developing Ume's matured self and abilities early on.

Also, Namie would definitely be the dominant partner in the friendship; Ume could be able to admire her confidence and gradually mimic it, building her's in turn. As well, I think Ume would be a good resource for introducing some creative ways on how Namie could use her quirk. Since Ume, as I said, is more of an outside support specializing hero, she'd be able to introduce some techniques that could help Namie spread out her expertise from just combat.

Ume: I believe Ume is at a disadvantage here. Namie's bodily sap acts as a pretty effective counter to dead skin attachments simply because the sap covers her skin when excreted. With Namie having the edge in close quarters fighting, Namie just has to close the distant putting Ume on the defense. Ume can make all the walls and shields but her hesitation might make her miss an opportunity to turn a fight around. As of right now, I have no idea what tricks Ume can do to counter Namie and if you have any in mind, don't tell me because that'll be fun to be surprised alongside my character. I give Namie 7/10 victories in this one.

You're right; when push comes to shove, Ume is almost always going to lose in a 1-on-1 physical confrontation. Specifically, with Namie's attributes, I'd put the ratio more at 8/10. However, I feel like an upper-hand could be given to Ume based on the parameters of a fight, if there are any. I'm mostly thinking along the lines of the bomb-defusal training at UA, or other encounters that require an objective other than making the enemy physically submit to win. Ume's quirk is almost if not as versatile as Namie's, but is geared more to cover a larger area rather than show condensed, effective strength. When put into a situation like that, where a kind of large-scale versatility is needed, I would think the ball would be in Ume's court. Of course, she'd be double-dribbling it half the time.

However, I've been concocting some tricky applications of Ume's quirk like you anticipated, so we'll see how those work out in the long run. ;)

<Snipped quote by Pirouette>

Hmm, I could probably have a similar power like the Cryptozoic Man, the ability to have several or change into different cryptids: Big Foot, Nessie, Wendigo, Jersey Devil...etcetera.

oooo, like the Bohemian Rhapsody stand? I like the idea.

Another neat transformation quirk would be the ability to shapeshift parts of one's body into the that of other animals; for example, turning your hands into a bear's claws, or teeth into the fangs of snake. You could do a lot with that power, and it'd be interesting to see the limitations that a quirk like that could bring along with it.
@GreyYou know what? You're a bitch.
Nobunobu can try and catch Kazuo's hands whenever he feels ready to take a beating.

It's not NobuNobu's fault that some people like to set their expectations low to protect themselves from disappointment

Nobunobu needs to get rekt taught a lesson in humility.

Only a pussy needs their power to hit hard.

Damn UA leftovers. Even more reason for IA to be bitter.


All this character fighting before the rp begins and Shun is just sitting in the back of the class with a pineapple

"Hey, can I join in your pineapple holding?"
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