Avatar of Goldeagle1221


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
I am Spartacus!
1 like
9 yrs ago
"Stay awhile and listen!"
9 yrs ago
God bless.
9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago


I'm not really a bird.


Where did I play,
A land of twisted branches,
A kingdom of clay,
A swamp of memories,
A never-ending day,

Where did I run,
Across the dawn,
Through the sun,
Across the sky,
Through laughs and fun,

Where did I walk,
Pristine grass green,
White cliffs of chalk,
Pools of sky so blue,
Orchard stones that talk,

Where did I sit,
By the gates of silver,
Near endless pit,
By forever horizon,
You may remember it.

Most Recent Posts

I'm alive! Reading now.
pew pew
You tricky bastard. AGAIN!
Thoroughly disappointed. Go to hell.

That said the first idea reminds me of a certain adult swim pilot and I am interested in this Conan knockoff.

Actually you know what, I am super interested because I was JUST planning a similar idea because of HEMAN. I'm all in, brother.
I'm certainly interested!
I think so yes.
@goldeagle1221 Speaking of, I could try and get more people in here I know a few people that might want to join... No guarantees though.

Hmm mI think we lost traction, as well as the CO-GM... maybe we should close this until a better time such as after the semester.
Still here, just have had a busy week. Working on a collab RN. Could we get a definitive list of who's confirmed to still be here and work from there? Dropout damage can be mitigated with a month timeskip and a bunch of empires having fallen to the color, or perhaps a map alteration and mod erasure of dropout posts.

Agreed! If you are here sound off! If not, death comes swiftly.
<Snipped quote by Goldeagle1221>

Have a fourth. I am still occupied a bit and I am uncertain how my shift is going to be tomorrow but otherwise I can help you with the numbers. BTW, I am shocked you never mentioned me and gave me an ultimatum to finish my NS and post.
Granted, if you'd have done I'd have probably said to be dropping out. Things are perhaps different now.

With so many disappeaances I had no power of ultimatum XD
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