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2 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Sylvia felt a little concerned when she noticed that the circle was only big enough for her and the cat. She looked to Buddy and listened as he spoke. She hoped that Buddy would indeed return to his body when she would. She listened as he explained what he learned from what he could translate. She figured that the skeleton was talking about Pylia’s friend. She also listened as he mentioned that his curiosity over his existence. She was curious as well...Did the necromancers have anything to do with Buddy?

She answered his apology, “Don’t worry about it, Bud. Thanks for letting me know. In the meantime, just in case you don’t return to your body when I do, maybe try finding a familiar and coming to the circle as well? Who knows, maybe the ring lets the spell scroll work for the both of us?” It was good to have a back up plan. She then told him, “Other than that, if you’re still stuck here, I’ll ask Pylia for help in getting you back,”

She then told him, “Ok. I’ll try going back now. See you soon!” She then steps into the circle with the cat in her arms. She couldn’t wait to show Pylia and Shortfang.
Weekend was okay. How was yours?
Sylvia let the cat’s head after she rubbed her face in her hand, and she adjusted her arms when the cat moved to lay down in her arms, so that it was able to do so comfortably. She couldn’t help but smile at the cat. She looked to Buddy when he spoke, and she nodded, “Sounds like a good idea to me. Let’s get back to Shortfang and Pylia,” As she led on back to the mushroom circle, she started thinking about names for the cat. She wondered if the cat already had a name to begin with.
XD So cute!!!!
Sylvia nodded in agreement with Buddy’s words. As the both of them walked on, she was in awe over the beauty of her surroundings and the fauna around them. As both she and Buddy walked through, she made sure not to disturb the animals too much. She especially kept her distance from the animals with almost menacing red or orange eyes.

She stops at the calming oasis with Buddy. She guessed after Buddy made his comment, “Maybe it’s because of the spell somehow?” After he said he would help her, she nodded to him and thanked him, “Thanks, Bud. Let’s keep looking,” She continued the search, wondering if there were any unique familiars. In the end, she didn’t find anything of that sort.

What drew her attention were some cats of a celestial nature, or so she guessed. When she tried to bend down and reach for a cat, they moved away from her. At first, Sylvia started to think that maybe her familiar wasn’t a cat.

Then she felt something hit her head.

“Ow,” Sylvia rubbed her head as she looked at what hit her. An acorn...? She looked up to see a little white furred kitty with two tails from the shoulders and a unique striped pattern on its fur. She grinned a bit as she came to realize that the cat was messing with her a bit, by dropping things on her head and hiding, until finally it pounced on her harmlessly. Thanks to Buddy’s warning, she wasn’t surprised.

She looked to the cat on her and greeted softly and kindly, “Hey there, little guy. Wanna be my Familiar?” As she spoke, she gently moved her hand to pet the cat.
Would a 12 help me find an exotic Familiar?

If not, I’ll go with a celestial cat
Sylvia was about to say something after a quiet moment of nothing. However, before she could speak, she felt as though she was dragged out of her body and back into that weird out of body state she usually finds herself at night. She was surprised to see the scene change from their room in the inn, to in the middle of forest, with her standing in the center of a mushroom ring.

She turned to see Buddy after he spoke up. She asked him in surprise, “Buddy, are you seeing all of this too?” She then saw the songbird with traits that moths have. After it flew away, she looked around and saw the other strange animals. She let out an awed “Woah...” at the sight. It was like she stepped into a different world...again.

She then realized that she had no idea how to find a familiar. Was she supposed to pick an animal or let one come to her...? She kinda wished she asked Shortfang before starting the spell. She muttered to herself “Okay, how do we do this...?” She looked around at the animals, seeing if any of them catch her attention or approach her.
Sylvia listened to Pylia as she talked about magic items. She looked at her rings and to Buddy as she mentioned that they required attunement. She turned her attention back to Pylia as she continued her explanation and touched the scroll to make it reveal the runic circle. She let Pylia guide her hand to touch the scroll. At first, Sylvia instinctually retracted her hand at the electrical shock, but she moved her hand back to the scroll and felt the numbing sensation.

When Pylia made the pun, Sylvia looked up to her during the pause and she grinned while laughing a bit. Pylia made a pun! Sylvia was proud of her friend. She calmed down and listened to the rest of the explanation. After Pylia finished and suggested using the scroll, Sylvia nodded with her hand still on the scroll and she answered, “Alright, I’ll give this a shot. Thank you, Pylia,”

She then turned her attention to the scroll and she spoke, her hand on the scroll and her gaze on the circle,

“Find Familiar”
Sylvia nodded in agreement with Buddy’s written words, and after he apologized, she answered him, “It’s alright, Shortfang. It’s understandable,” She should have thought about this possibility beforehand, Sylvia thought to herself. She smiled as Pylia made her suggestion to Shortfang and he agreed. Soon enough, it was her and Pylia once more.

She noticed that Pylia wasn’t looking at her. Was she still ashamed about hiding the necromancer situation from her? Sylvia blinked at her words. That’s right...there were the scrolls. She answered her, hoping to distract her from the shame that she was feeling, “Oh, uh...Sure. That sounds like a good idea,” She then looked to the scrolls and commented somewhat jokingly, “I don’t think it would be a good idea to summon a bunch of bugs in the room...again. Why don’t we try and use the Find Familiar scroll?”
Sylvia nodded to Pylia after she asked for a moment. In the meantime, she watched Shortfang as he climbed onto Buddy and talked about riding him and shooting at enemies during battle. It made Sylvia chuckle a bit at the thought. Then Pylia splashed something in his face, before giving him a murky, yellow drink. She watched Shortfang in concern as he ran to the water closet and proceeded to throw up. Before she could ask, Pylia answered for her. At her warning, Sylvia’s eye widened at the thought of having to drink that if she got drunk. She answered Pylia, “Sounds great to me!”

After Shortfang became lucid, she answered him, “You had too much of the dizzy drink, Shortfang. A little is fine, but too much isn’t good for anyone. From what I saw, you were telling the other inn patrons about our fights this morning,”

She then added, addressing everyone in the group, “I don’t mind if you guys want to talk about the events from this morning with everyone at the party tonight, but I think we should be a little more discreet with everyone else for now, considering the cultists are still out there,”
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