Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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2 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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As much as I would love to continue playing, I don't think I can post at a fast pace. I'm sorry to keep guys waiting, and I wish you guys the best.
Sylvia was glad that he answered her questions, and she could understand his inclination to be protective. After Pylia answered his request, she left the shop with her friends. She smiled at Pylia and answered her words of gratitude, "It's not a problem," After Pylia talked a bit about not being able to deal with people from the past, Sylvia answered her, "I think that's normal. I think anybody would be really nervous about meeting someone they haven't seen in a long time. The fact that you're facing this head on and not running away...that says a lot,"

After saying that, Sylvia recognized that she held some anxiety about going home and meeting her grandfather and friends as well. What would he say? How would she answer him if he asked her where she had been? She couldn't exactly tell him the truth, he probably wouldn't believe her! ...Would her grandfather even be alive when she got back home...?

Shoving those pensive and anxious thoughts aside, she focused her attention back onto Pylia. She asked her, "So, with that said, off to the gardens then?"
Sylvia nodded in response to Pylia's words. It was inspiring to see that Pylia was going to go in despite what fears and hesitations make her want to run away. She followed her friend inside and listened to her talk to the shopkeeper. As she listened, she could see that Pylia was giving up too easily. The shopkeeper was being honest, but he clearly wasn't going to give out information if he wasn't asked. So, when Pylia was close enough, Sylvia laid a gentle hand on Pylia's shoulder, as a subtle way to keep her from leaving the store, and thus keeping her from running away.

With her hand still on Pylia's shoulder, she turned her attention to the shopkeeper, and she asked him politely, "Sir. I don't suppose you know where Johnathan likes to spend his time when he's not working? Or maybe who his friends are? Maybe they can point us in the right direction,"

She then commented, "If you don't know, that's fine. We can always come back during his work hours here. But, I'd rather not impose like that,"
Hoo boy...

Not good.

Nat 1

Then I used the last luck point to get an 11
Can I roll Insight on the shop keeper to see if he's lying? And if so, why he's lying?
Sylvia didn't respond to the nobles as they whispered or wondered out loud about their appearance and why they were here. For those who wondered out loud, she simply muttered "High schoolers..." under her breath. She noted the guards were watching, but didn't follow them. Thankfully, the stares died down as they reached what seemed to be the artisans' district. She was glad to see that some of them at least moved out of the way so they can pass, even if they were busy. That was very considerate!

She looked at the workshop Pylia stopped at and she took in its appearance and the sounds coming from inside. She looked to Pylia and she noticed that she was holding her arms again. Just like back at the college campus like temple....

At first she answered, "Yeah...we're here..."

She then tried to reassure Pylia with a soft voice, "Hey, we're here for you, Pylia. If you're not comfortable visiting Jack right now, we can always come back another day,"
At first, Cleo was glad to see that the Shield Hero had a mind of his own, and a spine to use when standing up to the boy king. But alas! Fortune seemed to have frowned upon her as the Shield Hero stormed out of the room. While she can understand the feeling of not wanting to be a slave, she couldn't help but feel...a little frustrated. Of course, she may look like a child, but did he not know that appearances can be deceiving?

After watching the shield hero leave, she turned her attention back to the King. When he asked if she was from the church, she simply nodded. She didn't like the idea of a Church that neglected any one of the heroes. It reeked of foul play to her. She certainly wasn't from the church, but she wasn't going to cause any more fuss than what was already caused today.

After he made his suggestion, she found that it was best to follow that suggestion. She curtsied in response and politely answered, "Yes, Your Grace," She then walked over to Cole and she speaks to him, "I would like to offer my assistance to you, Sword Hero. At least until the Shield Hero comes to his senses, or a new one is summoned,"
Yes, I'll get a post out today. Sorry for the wait.
Sylvia noted Shortfang's anxiety quietly before leading the way back up and out of the sewers. She listened as Pylia explained who she wanted to meet. Sylvia was a bit nervous, considering that Erendel did die this morning. What if they ran into his family or friends? Or the cultists? Sylvia pushed the hesitancy to the back of her mind. They should be okay...she hoped. She watched as Shortfang crawled into Buddy's backpack. She nodded in agreement with Pylia when she brought up how they didn't fit into Castle Town.

She gave a sigh and she answered Pylia's comment about progress and change, "I wouldn't say so. Progress in science, or magic I think, can be fast, but it takes people way longer to change ideas...and sociological structures. Hopefully, people will be enlightened in time,"

When she gave the advice to ignore the stares, Sylvia nodded and answered "Shouldn't be too hard. Alright, let's go find Jack," She then led the way to Castle Town, prepared to deal with the glares sent her way. She would let Pylia lead the search for Jack.
Sylvia let out a quiet "Oh!" at Shortfang's explanation regarding the Dragon Guard. She must have forgotten that bit of information. She did her best to answer some of their questions. Some of the questions made her chuckle a bit. When the smaller boys started to try and beat up her shins. She just stood there and took the punches with a smile on her face, and she played along with a playful tone in her voice, "Oh noes. Mighty warriors, so strong," She watched as Shortfang simply bopped those little kobolds on the head to get them to leave.

She then noted the older female kobolds, and when she saw them speaking quietly to Shortfang, with eggs in their arms. At first she was about to shrug it off, before the memories of the celebrations after the trog war and a thought hit her.

"Hey...Wait a minute...
Is Shortfang...a Dad now?

She didn't voice it for now and simply turned her attention to Buddy. She snickered as she noticed that Buddy was now T-posing for the tiny kobold children. She then turned her attention to Pylia as she reconvened with her. She answered her comment about the little ones, "They were cute," She noticed Pylia's brows furrowed and she wondered if Pylia came to the same conclusion as she did earlier.

After Pylia mentioned tying up loose ends, Sylvia answered with a smile, "Shouldn't be any trouble. Can't let you go wandering off on your own again, just in case there are ghosts to exorcise," She made the last statement a little jokingly. She then looked to Buddy and Shortfang and she asked them, "You guys ready to head out of the sewers?"
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