Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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2 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Najila listened to the group as they spoke and argued on what to do. She rubbed her temples in slight annoyance as well. Some team they were proving themselves to be. Eventually, Angus agreed on moving ahead with them, and Orchid had given instructions. Najila nodded in response to Orchid, and she answered, "Very well. It appears we're all in agreement then," She looked up to her owl familiar, and she called calmly, "Pythagoras,"

"Hoo!" Her owl responded to her call. She then told Orchid, "I apologize but I will have to be a burden for a bit. Someone will have to watch over me. I will be blind and deaf to everything around me while I see and hear through Pythagoras,"

After she informed them as such, she closed her eyes before reopening them again. When she reopened them again, she revealed her eyes to be clouded white, as though she were born blind. The owl then flew ahead of the group, silently scouting ahead to see what the path ahead holds for them.
I have yet to take a look at the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount and what it has to offer, but I am really looking forward to seeing it. ^_^
Sylvia thanked the old woman politely as she handed the two silver pieces to her. She smiled softly as Pylia commented how they reminded her of a field of flowers she and Seraph used to go to outside of Gransys. She commented quietly, "It must have been really beautiful," She was in quiet awe of how the Moonglow flowers gave off a luminescent light for a moment, but it quickly passed. Sylvia refocused her attention on the matter at hand, and she gently nodded to Pylia, leading the group back to the graveyard so that they can lay the bouquet at Seraph's grave.
Sylvia waited patiently for Pylia to stand, helping her out a bit if she stumbled from how numb her legs are. She walked with her friends to the flower shop, thinking about what kind of flowers to buy. She remembered hearing that flowers had certain meanings back home...would the same hold true here? She also remembered the vision when Pylia smoked...weren't both Pylia and Seraph in a field of white flowers in that vision?

Soon enough they reached the flower cart. After they were greeted by the elderly woman, Sylvia answered politely, "Hello Ma'am. Yes, we would be interested in buying a bouquet. Moonglow flowers, and some of those flowers," She would gesture to any white flowers Sylvia could see. She then asked Pylia, "Is that okay with you Pylia?"
Najila looked to Orchid as she spoke with annoyance. She can understand that annoyance, and she could see where Orchid was coming from when she gave her argument. Najila answered Orchid patiently, but just as seriously as Orchid, "Orchid, calm yourself. I understand your argument quite well, and I feel the same, but seriously think about this,"

She then asked Orchid, "Do you know how long we've been asleep? Because I certainly can't answer that question," She continues, "My point is that that madman already has had plenty of time. Any traps he has are probably already set up in case any of his prisoners escaped. Not to mention, if he wanted to kill anyone, he would have done so already. But he didn't. He wants something from us. He'll probably use the other prisoners as hostages as well,"

She then finished "Right now, Ironbane over here is acting as an individual. We need to work together if we want to get out of here and rescue the other prisoners, which means no more splitting up! We need to look out for each other,"
Najila raised an eyebrow at Angus's answer. She had a feeling that there was more to that answer than what Angus was letting on. Didn't she hear mention of some sort of an agreement earlier? She gave a sigh at Angus's stubbornness about staying here if the others were to go ahead. She asked Angus, "Have you truly learned nothing from storming ahead?" She then elaborated "Leaving anyone alone, or going ahead alone, is a terrible idea. If you're staying here, then we'll stay and rest as well. I can get back some of my magic from a short rest anyways,"
Nice! XD
Thank you!
Najila was surprised to see that the Drake actually fell dead after her attack. She had actually ended the fight. She actually killed a drake...? She voiced her thoughts out loud, "Oh! I actually did it? Huh!" She honestly thought the Drake was tougher than that. She couldn't help but smile a bit. She guessed that it was true what some people say, "Many people may start the fight, but it's usually the ladies who end it"

She looked back to Celeste and she answered her softly, "Yes, we are safe for now. But stay close to us, Celeste. The employer escaped, and he could easily come back," Once Celeste was close to them again, she looked to Angus, Aron, and Orchid, "Are you all alright?"

She then looked to Angus, "What happened? You seemed to be having quite a discussion with that employer,"
Najila shook her head to clear her mind and focus. Yes, she is frustrated at the fact that she missed the Employer and let him get away, as well as missing the drake earlier. But right now, she couldn't afford to be unreliable right now. She needed to get her act together and help out her allies, as well as protect Celeste. She lifted her arcane focus once more and this time, aimed at the drake carefully. She shouted in draconic as she fired, "That is enough! STAY DOWN!"

I’d be okay with that. ^_^
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