Avatar of Gunther


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2 yrs ago
Current The dot over a lowercase i and j has a name! It's called a tittle, which is a noun meaning "a tiny amount or part of something". Like the dot over an i or a j.
2 yrs ago
Cows don't leave the slaughterhouse, steaks do.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water Put water into a cup, becomes the cup Put water into a teapot, becomes the teapot Water can flow or drip or crash Be water, my friend --Bruce Lee
3 yrs ago
The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Mr. Clark, your daughter is a very good kisser.


I am a veteran of the United States Army and the US Army National Guard. I spent three years on Active Duty serving in the 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) at Ft. Carson, CO and 3rd Armor Division at Kirch Göns, West Germany. I spent 18 years in the Army National Guard with the 26th Infantry Division "Yankee" and 29th Infantry Division (Light), "The Blue and the Gray". I was deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina with the 29th ID (L) in 2001 - 2002. I have also been reading military history articles and books for over 49 years. I do prefer Military Role Plays over all other genres, primarily because I have a vast knowledge on the subject to include personal experiences. At the very least, my characters are always veterans.

I have been writing for pleasure for at least 35+ years, but only got into forum-based Role Playing about fifteen years ago. I do enjoy Nation Role Plays and get into minute detail when designing my military. The only reason I enjoy excruciating detail in my militaries is because for me, it is fun. My education and experience on this subject afford me the insight to see the depth of the structure. It is not just a General and a large pile of soldiers. If someone wants assistance in designing an army, navy, or air force, please send me a PM. I will help. Please specify what level (echelon) or depth you would like me to go. When I say echelon, I mean Army, Corps, Division, Brigade/Regiment, Battalion/Squadron, Company/Troop/Battery, Platoon, and Squad/Section.

When I was a student in High School, I used to play Dungeons & Dragons (Edition 1 & 2). Later editions came out after I quit that game. Recently, I have been DMing a 5e campaign of my creation for my son and his friends. 5e is so much less cumbersome than earlier editions of D&D. I do have an interest in Tolkien-esque fantasy-styled Role Plays as well. Time travel has always been a fun genre for me, but to do it well, one must have a firm grasp of historical facts. I love doing this form of role play, especially since I have a solid foundation on the past.

There are only a few fanfictions I will participate in; Star Wars and Star Trek are two of them. I want to do an exclusively Klingon RP one of these days. I also avoid Canon characters.

I have real-world martial arts experience. I would love to write an RP about hand-to-hand combat, no fantasy magic chit, just hands elbows, knees, and feet. Maybe the occasional head butt thrown in to mix things up. I trained in Krav Maga for six and a half years. I earned a first-degree black belt in Krav Maga on 3 June 2017.

Krav Maga is an Israeli martial art form that employs practical self-defense techniques drawing forms & techniques from Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Taekwando. It is very brutal, demanding, and aggressive. During the seven years I trained, I have bruised two ribs, sustained several muscle pulls, and various lacerations and bruises over my body. I have received a sprained ankle and a fractured wrist. Before the first black belt test, I received a bone bruise to my right shin; where my roundhouse kicks impact. Yet, I am stupid enough to continue training. [Regardless of the physical pain, it is more fun than any other physical activity I have engaged in. Fortunately, the bone bruise healed up prior to the third and final test. EDIT: I did leave the sport over four years ago. :(]

Almost two years ago I completed my first novel, a science fiction set in the 24th century. It focuses on a Private Military Corporation solely employed by the earth government. I started a second book in November 2022 and hope to work on that this summer when I have more time.

Send me a PM for a Role Play or if you would like to see what sort of an army I could build for you.

--Gunther (AKA: Old School)

Gunthers Cast of Hooligans

Most Recent Posts

I know everyone is excited about posting. I will hold off until either tomorrow and Friday. That way I can comment on what others write as well; without metagaming of course. ;)
The next time I post, Radford will make contact with Ryger's troops and hell will visit our tiny little corner of the world. This RP needs Sisters Without Banners to save the day. :)
As in, are we just entering the city? Did we just wake up from sleeping in an inn? Are we supposed to be meeting up with the leader of the Band for orders, or are we free to explore?

In an Inn!? ROFLMAO! I spent 21 years in the Infantry. I can imagine an army on campaign. Their soldiers do not sleep in Inns. Make the ground your home boy. Get comfy. I remember spending 12 days in Canada about 20 years ago. It rained nine of those twelve days. I slept in the rain, ate meals in the rain and patrolled in the rain. I got so accustomed to being wet, I never use an umbrella. An Inn. that's pretty funny.

I'm in Massachusetts, if you must know.
I don't really care where that survey says I'm from. I know my current location and that's all that matters. If I did not, I'd be lost.
@Gunther Don't suppose you'd add Cedric to that list, now that he's in the Character Tab.

Ran out of time. I will get everyone in there eventually.

@Gunther Yeah people thinking/talking about relationships is definitely a good idea. Only one quick pointer Lem isn't actually the captain, the captain is an as of yet unintroduced NPC. Also would you consider my character a mentor or a friend? There are only 7 years between us after all?

What is wrong with both? Although, I have had mentors who were not friends, simply by position.
damn it! I though Lem was the Band of Fortune Commander.

I like to write a relationships section to help me direct any comments or perceptions my character may have towards the other PCs in this Role Play. They are merely Baldric Durant's perceptions. This is included with his character in the Characters Tab. I will add the other characters as they are posted.

Lemenuel 'Lem' Arronson: Baldy admires his Captain. Captain Arronson has been his mentor for about a decade. He has learned much from the older Company Commander. Baldy will do whatever Lem tells him to do. He would even fall on a sword for the man. He is the best Cap’n in the world!

Baldric worked in other companies before he came to the Band of Fortune. But he was with the Band five years ago working as a serjent when Lem fell with his horse. At the time, Baldy was wielding his great axe. The Young runt who ran the spear through Lem’s horse, caught the business end of Baldy’s axe. He cleaved the young man at the shoulder, wedging his blade through his torso where it ended at the belt line. The man split like a banana as he fell.

Baldy then called a few others to help get the dead carcass of a horse off Lem and pull the man out. He could not help his injury, but stood nearby to keep the most recent incarnate of the devil from getting close to his friend.

Il Sposoletto, who squires for Sir Ottavio Meduccoli is someone Bladric has grown to tolerate. Baldy admires his Knight, Sir Meduccoli; especially since he does not talk much. The man is a mute, Baldy knows it, but rarely acknowledges this condition. He simply likes him because he is quiet. He really doesn’t care why. But he also appreciates Sposoletto because he can communicate the knight’s ideas for him. He perceives Sposoletto has being a tenacious fighter; that quality he respects. What he doesn’t approve of is, his arrogant big mouth attitude. The Older Northman has has considered putting a mailed fist across the Taration squire more than a few times. His learned discipline has prevented him from acting on this impulse. He forces himself to tolerance.

Berislav Dąbrowski is someone Bladric has only met recently. He respects the young man’s reticence; pigeon holing him as someone who he might mentor if the opportunity arose. If not, it really didn’t matter to Baldy. If the son of a smithy ever wanted to ask Baldy a question, he would respond.

Sister Margaret is a bit of a curiosity to Baldric Durant; watching a nun making her way through the ranks of the Company. At first, he was opposed to her presence, but slowly learned to respect her work with healing wounds. Her quick temper to argue a point or to talk someone down has given him rise to merriment. He finds her somewhat humorous at times. He has never sought her out to converse. He keeps his ideas about the church to himself and feels no obligation to share them with her. She has asked him to attend a regular church service on occasion, but the quiet north man always declines her invitations. He has never needed her services and admits he finds her aesthetically pleasing to look at. He just does not have a need for her.

Sir Branimir Bradford is a respected Leftenant in the Company. Baldric has identified him as such and will obey his instructions. When Baldric first met Banimir Bradford, he questioned his intentions. He does not trust the highborn and was always suspicious of Bradford. Over the past seven years he has grown to respect the former knight. His charismatic quality does draw Baldric Durant towards him; making it easier to listen to his instructions as a superior. But the highborn birth thing does give Baldy some conflict.
@Trivval @POOHEAD189 @Hero @Dziady @Kassarock
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