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1 yr ago
Current España bound. Bring on the sunshine and yummy food.
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1 yr ago
I swear it gets more bizarre every day.
1 yr ago
Just been to the osteopath. Feeling all aligned again. Felt sure my head was about to fall off when he clicked my neck though. Thankfully, I'm not in the Anne Boleyn squad. Time to write.
1 yr ago
When you're supposed to be going out for the evening, but your pyjamas are far more enticing.
1 yr ago
The older you get, the worse the hangovers get. Amazing weekend though.
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@Noxxis Sure, I would love to hear it!
@Rosalind Yes, as long as both pairings are given as much effort as far as development and interaction goes.
Hi all,

I'm Hari and I've been bumping around this site on and off for a few weeks now. I'm on the search for a new partner or two, so I'm putting a new IC out there. Well obviously, because you're reading it! I'm a laid back sorta' person and I like to think that I'm easy to get along with. A sense of humour is essential and I do like a good chat. I think that it helps story development to be able to bounce ideas around and get a feel for each other's tastes.

At the moment I'd like to find a high casual - advanced level writer. That said, I'm not militant about grammar and spelling mistakes. Obviously I expect someone to make a little effort, but I'm not here to grade you. We all slip up from time to time. Someone who can post daily would be fabulous, but real life happens to us all. I work for myself, so I'm lucky enough to be able to respond pretty regularly, but I'll match your pace. It's no big deal! I love character development and plot twists and I'm always happy to share or hear ideas.

Admittedly I really enjoy romance and alot of my pairings will lend themselves to it. MxF is preferred. I like to play F, but I can play M if it takes my fancy. I don't go in for this whole dominant and submissive deal, I think it should be mutual and not left down to one person to control. Mature themes are fine. No abusive or illegal undertones though please. I have both morals and limits.

The genre's I enjoy are quite varied! modern, medieval (especially the Tudor period), slice of life and other historical settings are all gravy. I'm not a fan of fantasy in a magic and werewolf kinda' sense, but I don't expect historical accuracy in my historical roleplays. Perfect characters don't interest me, I expect realistic characters with both strengths and weaknesses. No Mary Poppins please.

I can be forgetful - I'm juggling my own business and being a mum. If it seems like a while since I've responded, feel free to give me a poke. I wont mind. I will mind passive-aggressive comments. Let's keep it warm and fuzzy, huh?

It would be amazing to find somebody that doesn't fall off of the end of the world after a few weeks, so long term is a real buzz word.

Here's a few pairing suggestions;


King x Lady in Waiting
Noble woman x Tutor
Princess x Knight
Maid x Prince


Professor x Student
Work Place scenario
Ex Lovers
Modern day Mafia
Gang leader x Rival's sister/girlfriend etc
Old friends
An affair situation

The sky is the limit really!

Fandoms that I
may be interested in, (original characters only);

Pride x Prejudice
Pirates of the Caribbean

Titanic- this would be based on two original character's of different social paths meeting aboard the ship. It would be exploring their relationship as it develops. In this case, the Titanic wouldn't sink! Think alternate reality.

Historical scenarios

1920's (Think large estates, pots of dosh, fast cars and swanky parties! Throw in two rebellious heirs and you have a recipe for much adventure!)

If anything takes your fancy, shoot me a PM!
Yep! @Mixcoatl
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