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Undertow only makes me think of Tool. Good album though.
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Incest in 1x1 interest check. Opinion invalidated.
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Yeah don’t ever recall BLM charging the US Capitol building, scaling the walls, attacking Capitol police and breaking windows to enter.
3 yrs ago
RIP America 1776 - 2021. We had a good run.
3 yrs ago
If I am made mod I will do what everyone truly desires and delete the status bar.


  • Male.
  • Twenty six years old.
  • EST USA timezone.
  • Been RPing since 2011.
  • Mainly into sci-fi RPs.
  • GM'd and been a player in too many roleplays to list.



Feel free to hit me up if you wanna RP with me or have a RP idea you think I might be into.

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@Alfhedil I've been giving this RP a good look since it popped up, just been thinking which character idea I should roll with.
Collab Tishombra & Zes

Location: Chasing Selene

“Yes. I got much the same. Careful about the glowing praise part of referring to her, someone might think you have a bit of a crush on the girl.” Tishombra smirked at Zes and blew him a kiss as she moved past him and advanced down the hallway.

There was a long low noise that sounded like an attempt at a moan. It came from around the corner that Tishombra was approaching the green glow indicated a risen Jedi.

Grinning Tishombra stepped around the corner facing a formerly dead Jedi that was now blocking their way toward the mark. Selene. If she wasn't being so frustrating Tishombra would appreciate the Darkside power that the girl could wield.

The inhuman shriek that resounded from the Jedi as it launched itself at Tishombra made everything else fade. As Tishombra parried the blow with the deep crimson lightsaber in her left hand she kicked the Jedi viciously enough to hear breaking bones. The Jedi flew backwards into the wall a solid crack resounding as it's head connected with the wall.

It was still standing. Tishombra sneered and leapt after it. Using the momentum from the leap she severed the Jedi's head from the body and the purple light died from the once animate body. Hearing the shrieking that was advancing down the hallway Tishombra was able to just block the blue lightsaber that was swung down on her. She pushed up on the saber with her own.

Throwing the new risen Jedi into the opposite direction with the Force she rose and growled back to Zes. "Anytime you want to show off. Now would be great. We have to get to the object of your affection. Normally I would just take my sweet ass time but we don’t have the luxury."

The Sith assassin flung off the ground as he launched towards the undead Jedi which Tishombra had flung. Dual lightsabers pulsated through the air as he cleaved both arms from the zombified opponent. Then he shifted his frame down, kneeling as he launched both blades upwards for a clean slice. Two even, armless halves sunk to the floor as he walked back towards the redheaded Sith.

“I don’t think she can fight anywhere like you. It’s like watching a dancer float across the floor.” Zes said with a flirtatious smile as another scream echoed from down the hallway, another reanimated Jedi came howling towards them.

The Mon Calamari he had already vanquished once had come back for vengeance in a way. The still fresh crater in its gut clearly evident. Zes dashed towards it, blades twirling as he met the undead’s charge with his own Force amplified one. The falleen slide downwards, one blade catching the zombified Jedi’s while the other carved into its leg, nearly removing it at the knee. It snarled as Zes forcefully stopped his slide, kicked off the ground and drove one lightsaber through the dark side creation’s chest. He met the defensive swipe with a sturdy block. Then he contorted his body, calling upon the Force as he flipped over the undead Mon Calamari. Cleanly removing its head and vanquishing it a second time.

“Come on, Tishombra. I can’t leave such a beautiful girl in the dust now can I?” Zes playfully taunted with a smirk of his own.

Tishombra smirked back at Zes. "Flattery will get you everywhere." She recognized this part of the ship as where she'd come in at. She pointed around the corner. "Vaughn's ship should be just around the corner and…"

She was cut off as she felt and heard a rumble. The ship that she'd come in on had separated from the Jedi transport. That better not be what I think it is. She rounded the corner to see five reanimated Jedi standing where the ship had been docked. They were standing over an Inquisitor that quite apparently didn't make it. Two of them she recognized as the twi'lek and human Jedi she killed earlier.

The electric purple light seemed to spark between them as they all turned in her direction snarling. "Five more darling. How many should I leave you sweetie?"

Zes moved to the side away from Tishombra, lightsabers twirling imposingly as he tried to bait some of the zombified Jedi to attack him. As a trio broke off from the quintet, bloodcurdling screams filled the room. The falleen narrowed his flaming orange eyes then cast an illusion towards the charging three. An exact replica of himself, like he had used to break into the surveillance room. He followed its phantom footsteps, running just behind it as the monstrosities swung wildly at it, only to be met with air. The Sith assassin’s blades did not replicate these swings as he slammed both blades into the nearest reanimated Jedi, then followed with two more cleaving attacks.

As the vivisected Jedi collapsed to the floor Zes paced backwards, drawing his other two attackers towards him. The air filled with the sounds of lightsabers clashing, as the reanimated beings tried to overwhelm him he battled away attacks from both at the same time. He contorted his body to the side, unleashing the Force to push away one of them, then slammed a lightsaber into the other’s shoulder. An athletic kick to the knee followed, well practiced and even more well executed from the highly trained Sith. He whipped the lightsaber diagonally, carving the zombified Jedi’s twisted face in half before he booted its corpse away from him.

“Don’t let me kill them all, beautiful. I need to conserve my energy for later.” Zes exclaimed with a playful smile, backpedaling with blocks as the third Jedi he was taking on lunged back at him.

Tishombra grinned as she watched Zes dance across the floor chasing his illusion. While the other two were distracted she launched her attack. She swept the feet from the human Jedi and in a crescent slash opened his chest then separated him from his legs. She caught the twi’lek from the corner of her eye as the reanimated Jedi was using a brutal overhead swing brought the saber down toward Tishombra.

Tishombra grinned as the sabers crossed with a pop and crackle. She’d brought up both of her sabers to ward off the blow. Using the leverage she had, she viciously pushed away the block springing up and starting off a vicious attack. Tishombra giggled as she drove the Jedi back toward where Zes was herding his three. Clash after clash of sabers like staccato pops.

Dropping to a crouch Tishombra blocked yet another strike with one hand as she thrust the other through the breast bone of the twi’lek. The purple light in it’s eyes died and Tishombra flicked off her sabers and grinned as she backed up setting her foot on the wall. With an added boost with the Force she leapt spinning to land on the last Jedi that Zes was distracting. The landing was positioned so that the hilts of her sabers were on his shoulders. She met Zes’ eyes as she flicked on her sabers as she rode the Jedi halfway to the floor. Grinning maniacally she turned off her sabers and walked into Zes’ personal space her hips swinging enticingly. “Promises, promises.” She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss. She smirked. “Let’s go pretty boy we’ve done what we can here.”

Zes had caught glimpses of Tishombra as the red haired beauty leapt into the fray alongside him. As he had cutdown two of the reanimated Jedi she had done the same, albeit with even more displayed ease and playfulness. Her moves were quite a sight to see, he wagered she may have been on his own skill level with her own lightsabers. He batted away attacks from the final standing monstrosity, then watched as she impressively took down the last undead Jedi. As she swayed towards him Zes gave a gleeful kick to the skull of the now finally fallen opponent, scattering dust and bone across the floor. Then flicked off his lightsabers and tucked them on his belt.

“I keep my promises, especially to ones as alluring as you.” Zes stated, his words tinged with lust as he planted a teasing kiss of his own on Tishombra’s neck. Hands dancing briefly along her hips, fingertips tracing along the other Sith’s thighs as he smiled flirtatiously. The falleen stowed away the failure of not capturing Selene, the day was not entirely lost due to his newfound acquaintance.

“Let’s get off this accursed ship.” He then stated calmly as he shifted his hands away from Tishombra, taking them away as slowly as he had placed them, which only added to the tease.

Hihi, would be interested in joining up! How do?~

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Another bump!
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