Avatar of Heat


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3 yrs ago
Undertow only makes me think of Tool. Good album though.
3 yrs ago
Incest in 1x1 interest check. Opinion invalidated.
3 yrs ago
Yeah don’t ever recall BLM charging the US Capitol building, scaling the walls, attacking Capitol police and breaking windows to enter.
3 yrs ago
RIP America 1776 - 2021. We had a good run.
3 yrs ago
If I am made mod I will do what everyone truly desires and delete the status bar.


  • Male.
  • Twenty six years old.
  • EST USA timezone.
  • Been RPing since 2011.
  • Mainly into sci-fi RPs.
  • GM'd and been a player in too many roleplays to list.



Feel free to hit me up if you wanna RP with me or have a RP idea you think I might be into.

Most Recent Posts

Still a few spots open on the OOC!
"What the hell are you doing here barging into my territory?" The tattooed Asari hollered to the intruders gathered in front of the main door to her safehouse. There were ten of them, four heavily armored Krogan flanked by six psychiotic looking Vorcha. Cearya glowed blue with biotic rage, a single step away from unleashing on the foolish Blood Pack which invaded her ground. Her two guards each had their weapons leveled at the ten gathered mercenaries before them.

"We came for Barrons. Garm wants his head. Give him up and we'll be on our way." One of the Krogan exclaimed, clenching onto a heavy machine gun. His eyes narrowed as Callan stepped through the doorway as his fellow Blood Pack soldiers seemed to tense up. "There he is! Show some honor and give yourself up quietly."

"You savages wouldn't know honor if it slapped you across the face!" Caerya shouted before Callan could even speak in a word. "Get the hell out of here, last warning."

"You're foolish not to just give him up, Asari. Do you have any idea what he's done? He'll stab you in the back and steal all your wa-" The Krogan began to say before he was flunged backwards with a scream as a grin slipped onto the lips of the arms dealer. For a moment the Vorcha around him just stared in shock before another one of the Krogans hollered at them all the unleash fire at Caerya and Callan. Fausion and Kollek then returned fire, covering their boss.

The exterior of the safehouse then exploded in a frenzy of gunfire. The turret above the door unleashed a stream of high powered shots towards one unlucky Vorcha which shredded through the rabid mercenary's hide like it was nothing. In response another of the Vorcha fired a rocket launcher at the turret which caused Callan to dive to floor, grabbing the Asari as they both hit the deck. The turret above them ignited in flames as metal parts spewed throughout the area below. The Blood Pack merceneries continued to unleash shots towards Caerya's guards as one went down in heap right after he had torn through one more Vorcha. As Callan rose to his feet his biotics flared up and he pulled one of the enemy Krogan off the floor and into the hard wall of the alley. Caerya then followed it up by emptying her thermal clip into the crippled enemy.

"Fuck this, guess you get to watch the show Adam!" The arms dealer stated excitedly with a smirk as she flipped a switch on her omni-tool. A moment later the heavy steel door once more came open as the Chimera mech emerged from inside the safehouse.

The imposing metal machine towered over everyone around it and is trekked into the alleyway. A moment later both machine guns began to spin inside of the mech's arms as they ripped into the remaining opposition. Another vorcha bit the dust as one of the remaining Krogan hollered for a retreat. Callan noticed the smile widen on the Asari's face as clicked another switch on her omni-tool and the mechanical monstrosity lifted upwards, the thrusters pulling it to hover above all the combatants. The ex Cerberus operative's jaw nearly dropped off his face as the armor on the mech's left shoulder shifted then a missile launcher emerged from it. Then the end of the alleyway lit up in what could only be described as a beautiful blaze as the rockets propelled from the mech and slammed into the unfortunate Blood Pack troopers. As the smoke cleared all that was left were mangled, obliterated corpses of the foolish mercenaries.

"Jesus." It was all Callan could mutter as Caerya brought the mech back down to floor level then deactivated the heavily armed war machine.

"That'll teach them. Made for a pretty good live fire show didn't it?" The arms dealer replied with a wink as she approached the Chimera mech, its arm slightly marked with shots but none broke through its plating. "I bet everyone in the next block heard that."

"Where the hell did you even get that thing?" The human biotic asked as he walked over to his two bodyguards, both men were still standing having avoided any serious injuries. Caerya's one remaining guard knelt over the body of his fallen comrade, respect filling his heart over the sacrifice his fellow Krogan had made defending their employer.

"A magician doesn't reveal their tricks, Adam. All you gotta do is let me know you want them and they are yours. Better you than Eclipse or the Blue Suns, but I charge them a hell of a lot more than I do you." The Asari stated truthfully as she walked back towards Callan and patted him on the shoulder, then strolled back towards the door to her safehouse. "I'll make sure to have this one all patched up too, not that they put much more than a dent in it."

"You will hear from me, Caerya, trust me on that. But I have to head back for now, the Blood Pack might be just about to declare open war on me and my friends." He said with a nod then motioned towards Fausion and Kollek as both loyal men flanked behind him. "Until the next time."

"Don't worry, Adam. They won't get a second of my business after that stunt they pulled, they're dead to me. My door is always open for you, take care, handsome." The Asari teased as she stepped inside of her headquarters. More of her 'employees' emerged to clean up the aftermath of the firefight as the trio departed the scene. As Callan went on his way back towards his own headquarters his thoughts once more went back to Odette, wondering when exactly he would see her after faking a murder attempt on her.

@The Ghost Note well I appreciate you letting me know. Good luck with everything!

@Lady Selune Lou is an interesting character, he should have an intriguing rapport with John. Both men being on their third tour of duty. Accepted! Our Automatic Rifleman slot has been filled.

@Bronco Also accepted! We got our explosives guy.

For those keeping track we still need a Team leader as well as another rifleman. I am considering adding another rifleman slot due to higher interest than expected. For those who were seeking a role which has been filled have no fear, you're more than welcome to adjust your CS to an available role and apply for one of those. My own CS for our staff sergeant has also been finished.

If things continue to go swimmingly then the IC may be up this weekend, latest being next tuesday.

I’m chugging through my own character’s CS basically one handed. I will finish it monday then commence sheet reviews!

Wow lots of sheets.

So I sliced my hand at work today which might slow down my CS making. But it will come! I just need to figure out my character.
Everyone is looking good! I’ll do some reviews Sunday night. I unfortunately cut my hand pretty gnarly at work today but it shouldn’t slow me down too much.

But if we get a flood of applicants then I might have to slow down the process and do like a first then final reviews system.
@Maglar Accepted! Welcome aboard Private. You can post it in the character’s tab.

@Edie If you could expand the personality and backstory a bit more it would be perfect. Let me really get a feel of Andrew and all that he has gone through. While we don’t have a radio operator listed I could easily turn that into one of the riflemen.
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