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Crash tilted his head to the side confused about what Flick said, why would there be laws against changing clothes. The city was a very weird place, of all the things to worry about a little nudity seemed like nothing. He laughed at Dizzy, who look his time changing, clearly to piss of Flick. Then Dizzy ran off with something, into the alley way that Flick had decided was a more appropriate place to change. What did Dizzy have? Was it food? Crash was instantly jealous that Dizzy had something that he didn’t. Mal told him he looked like a homeless bum but fairly normal and he took it as a compliment.

So, while Flick was off changing in private, Crash tried to find something he could trade with Dizzy for some of his food. Unfortunately for Crash there really wasn’t much in the alley. He explored the vicinity of a nearby metal box, bigger than the one with the clothes that also smelled terrible, and he was about to give up when he heard a rustling sound. Crash’s full attention was on whatever was behind the dumpster, what if it was a rabbit, as the sound moved towards on side of the dumpster Crash lunged at it. The small gray creature let out a yowl and a hiss as it slipped through his hands, biting his finger as it ran off. Crash, disanointed, kicked the dumpster and sighed, he would probably not be getting any of whatever Dizzy had found. His hand was bleeding a little but it wasn’t anything too bad, he wiped the blood off on is jeans.

After his failed attempt to catch a cat he saw Flick return. “Princess Flick how nice of you to return, did you enjoy your private time? Crash asked, teasing him and sticking his tongue slightly. He thought Flick was being too cautious, I mean compared to everything they had all already been through who rough could the city really be? Before he had a chance to say anything else the wind shifted slightly and the greatest smell that had ever graced his nose blew through the air. It was food, and it smelled fantastic. Flick seemed to know where the food was coming from so Crash followed without any questions or smartass comments. He didn’t want to stall eating any further. As Mal spoke of needing new names Crash did nod in agreement. “I don’t want a new name either. I like Crash. The guards all had boring names like Chuck Johnson or Janice Smith.” Crash said making a face at the names he could recall.
I propose secret tree house club meetings for all kids who self identify as "fuck ups," held at like 2am, and Wyatt will gladly bring beer and weed to share.

@The Whacko

Ivan could tell that this was not a man who would appreciate being lied to, and he was pretty relieved that the detective already figured out he was a vampire. Good, no charades or awkward stories about why he wanted in on the investigation. He preferred things this way, and Ivan casually took a seat in front of the man’s desk and took another drag on his cigarette. He was silent for a second, exhaled and savored the tobacco before he spoke.

“I can tell you’re a straight shooter so I won’t insult you with the psychic bullshit. You’ve got a good eye, I am a vampire, and I also happen to have very poor self-control. What can I say I eat when I’m bored.” Ivan explained with a glib tone. He snubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray on the desk before leaning back in the chair.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, I don’t mean it as a threat. I don’t want to add to the body count, I’m eight years sober, well in vampire terms at least. Just blood bags for me but I like to keep myself occupied so I don’t fall back into old habits. So here I am, offering to help, I mean you’ve got bodies stacking up, I doubt that lends to the public having much faith in the department as is. These murders are supernatural, no way is some mundane behind this. What do you think is gonna happen to your pal Paul Bunion’s gonna fair when he comes up against some vampire or demon? I’m guessing not well. Me, I can hold my own and if not you’ve got one less unpredictable vampire running around town. Plus, fun fact, vampire’s noses are way better than a bloodhound.” Ivan rambled, unnervingly chipper as he talked.

“I’ve done a lot in my past to make up for and this seems like as good of a place as any to start. I’m not saying you should trust me, I wouldn’t, but right now I’m interested in doing something good. I’m also interested in making sure this draw every hunter in hundred miles to the area, I have strong sense of self preservation and would really like to not experience death for a second time. So what’d’ya say, up for a slightly uncomfortable working relationship?” Ivan offered, if the detective said no he’d probably just follow the other guy with the beard around and cheat off his clues. Once Ivan got an idea into his head he could be pretty stubborn and right now hunting down dangerous supernaturals sounded like something fun to do.

Crash followed along with the others, apparently, they needed special clothes to be in the city and he was compliant with that plan. They had all been wearing the same torn and dirty clothes for three days and the entire group was getting pretty ripe. Forests, as it turns out, don’t have showers or soap, and he was more than happy to change into something that didn’t smell like three days’ worth of sweat, fear, and panic. In the city clothes were left in boxes on the streets, if they were just left out for people to have he didn’t really understand why they put a lock on it but luckily, they had Rook who easily figured out how to open it. Once Rook opened the box, several black bags poured out. He, like the others, began rifling through the bags to find something new to wear.

The clothes in the box were like nothing he’d ever had before; he was always given either scrubs or a uniform at the facility and all the guards there wore uniforms as well. There were pants of various different colors and lengths, but since it was colder outside than he was used to he grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans and best of all clean underwear. Next, he looked for a shirt, several were much too small and had ridiculous colorful characters on them but eventually he found an old faded black shirt and a red flannel shirt to wear. Finding socks was easily, the ones he grabbed wear gray and warm but finding a pair of shoes that fit was a challenge. Many of the shoes were already failing apart, most were too small, but eventually he ended up with a mismatched pair of sneakers; one was mostly red while the other black and blue. Finally, he grabbed a black beanie hat to wear as his ears in particular were very cold.

Mal, who looked a little sick which Crash figured was from a combination of being cold and hungry for three days, asked how she looked. “Coming from somebody who knows nothing about the city, I’d say you like you’d fit right in.” He said with a nod of approval. “Hey how do I look? Like a normal, non-experiment human?” He asked proud to have picked out his own clothes for the first time in his life. He wondered what was inside all the buildings, there were so many of them and some of them seemed impossibly tall, and he wondered if they ever fell over.

Crash laughed with amusement as Mal smacked him with a wing, it was nice to be allowed to goof around. As the got closer to the city he marveled at the view, so many buildings, probably filled thousands of people. He’d never seen anything like it, he wondered what normal people were like, what they did all day, and what the city even was like. His whole world had just expanded, no more cage, no more experiments, or sheltered existence. For Crash the city was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen, right after the forest and open skies, the city was freedom and adventure; new, shiny, and exciting. He let out another scream of pure exhilaration as they neared their destination.

Crash had been slightly annoyed by Flicks constant worrying, every time there was a plane or helicopter, he made them hide. Crash didn’t care for hiding, he wasn’t going to let anyone make him afraid, not ever again. He’d already decided he wasn’t going to live in fear of Chimera, he was trained to fight, he was strong, and he would never let them drag him back there. If they wanted to come after them he would be more than willing to take some revenge on his captors. He didn’t voice his complaints to Flick this time though, it didn’t seem like the others were as interested in fighting as he was.

Flick instructed them were to land, and Crash landed, fairly easily, after the others, tripping slightly as his feet touched ground and landing on his knees with one hand on the ground to steady himself. His landings had improved a lot since he was a kid and earned his name but it seemed like Mal’s landings had gotten worse. “I thought crashing the landings was my thing.” He teased as he stood up and folded his wings in and underneath the torn and dirty scrub top he’d been wearing for the past three days.

“Alright Flick, where do they keep the food around here?” He asked as something caught his attention in one of the trees. A small creature scurrying away, his powerful eyes fixed on it; not a rabbit but a squirrel was almost as good. He was annoyed he hadn’t spotted it soon when he was still in flight, creatures were hard to catch without wings and his stomach, which had almost as much patience as Crash himself, growled with hunger.

“Like I care if I get seen, I’m not afraid of any those Chimera goons, let ‘em try and take me back, I’ll show ‘em how much I learned in training.” Crash muttered, mostly to himself, but in response to Flick’s warning. As much as he wanted food and to hunt, if Rook and Dizzy weren’t staying then he would follow the others. Technically he had wanted to explore the city anyway but being told not to hunt first, not getting his way, made him want to rebel against the idea. He didn’t want to be alone or left behind though, if he stayed by himself he might not find the others again, and then he’d be all alone. He spent more than enough time alone in his cage and he hated it. Everything in the outside world was new and unfamiliar and to have face it all alone was scary, not that Crash would ever admit that to anyone.

Crash’s wings flapped, lifting him up towards Mal, Rook, and now Dizzy as well. He took off as fast as his wings would allow in an attempt to show off. He was annoyed about following Flick’s orders and that they were all now doing what Mal wanted. He soared past Mal and let out a dramatic raspy screech, the cry of a hawk, before circling around them and sticking closer to the group. Spending your entire eighteen years in a cage learning to be soldier did not teach a lot of emotional maturity.

“Hey Flick you coming or what, we don’t have all day.” Crash teased. “Dizzy you can have whatever rabbit’s you can catch, as long as you catch ‘em before me.” He added laughing a bit. His mood quickly shifted back to more relaxed state. It wasn’t like he could stay mad at his flockmates for too long, they needed each other after all. He reminded himself that the city would be an interesting adventure, someplace new, something he’d never seen. Now he was excited to explore, he wondered what kind of food there was in the city. It seemed like sooner or later his thoughts always went back to food.

Crash noticed the odd look he was getting from Dizzy who volunteered to join him on a hunt. He was never too sure what was going on in Dizzy’s head but he liked the kids attitude, always down to have some fun. He eyed Dizzy wondering what the guy was grinning about and before he had a chance to say anything about it Rook wandered into a tree.

“You okay?” He asked, managing not to chuckle a bit, for the smartest member of the flock he could be pretty oblivious. He was more than happy to have other’s help with the hunting, it meant bring back more food for everyone. He thought about Rook’s comment about deer, he wasn’t sure they’d be able to manage a deer with little to no tools and a small fire but a big juicy deer steak did sound wonderful. “Excellent, sounds like we’ve got a hunting party then.” He added looking at Dizzy then Rook, figuring between him and Rook they could certainly keep an eye on Dizzy who had a tendency to wander off.

Of course, then Mal interceded, calling hunting a waste of time. Crash dramatically rolled his eyes at her. “If you want to go to the city alone, then go. I want to eat and I doubt they just hand out food in the city. Hunting is fun, we need food to stay strong, we know where the food is here. The city isn’t going anywhere.” Crash snapped back at her, he didn’t want to take orders, he was free now, he didn’t have to listen. He didn’t like the way she stretched her wings out at him, was she trying to look bigger? It felt too much like a threat. Crash could get grumpy when hungry, back at the facility they would be due for breakfast around now.

Crash rolled over as he awoke in the cave, he brushed dirty from his face and arms as he sat up and stretched out his wings. His eyes took a moment to adjust to the light, the sun was so much brighter than his cage had ever been. He grinned as he took a few deep breaths of fresh air, free air, and he savored the way the forest and the cave smelled. The past three days had been the best of his life, although cold from the constant rain, half starved, and exhausted he was free. He stood up, here he could stand tall with his wings spread wide, at the facility his cage was too small for his wings to stretch, back there he could only stretch his wings when they permitted in training. Although his belly ached from lack of food it reminded him that his life was now in his own hands, it was up to him to feed himself and to survive. If freedom meant pain and discomfort he would gladly take it, even this was better than his life in the cage. He noticed the others were talking and he approached them.

“I want to go to the city.” Crash announced to the others who were talking about leaving the forest. The thought of exploring a new place was exciting, he wanted to know, to learn, about everything beyond his cage. “I could hunt for some breakfast for now though.” He offered, the other’s seemed hungry too and Crash was enjoying hunting, although he hadn’t quite perfected it, flying through the forest in search of prey was exhilarating. He hadn’t cared much for berries or nuts that had been savaged over the last three days but there was one day when he had caught a rabbit. The rabbit had been delicious and he wanted to catch more, but just about anything was better than the tasteless meal bars of the facility. He looked to Flick for instructions, the older boy seemed to have become the unofficial leader.
@Hushed Whispers

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