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I imagine the lair to be very girly and frilly, candy machines from wall to wall, with one large circular dome in the middle to show mission progress and information. All the chairs are a either a blinding white or blush pink, and would also be small enough to accommodate teenage girls. There would be a magical wardrobe to dress up in the latest cute teen trends, a hot chocolate machine, and a karaoke machine. Plushies and adorable cushions are everywhere, the walls painted white with multicolored polka dots to show the team's unity. There is also a pinboard with old pictures of the girls with the word "Friends!" in super shiny glitter letters.

Y'know, all cutesy, girly, teen girl stuff. Adorable yet out of place for women in their thirties.
<Snipped quote by Hero>

Would Lakshmi made her way to France or Western Africa, by chance? There could be an association with our characters there.

I can see France happening for sure, she does like to travel.
<Snipped quote by Hero>

For your character, or for group dynamics?

There's always the guy who sent the thugs after her, or maybe a professor at Victoria University that kind of helped her realize her goals?

Both. Either or.
I'm open to suggestions for relations!

Also will this have a discord?

As their friends chatted happily away, Kalder and Noel walked side by side in silence. The gears in Kalder's head were already at work, his intentions murky, though he could tell Noel was tense. They kept eyeing one another, almost daring the other to speak, but both refused to go first. Kalder didn't mind; if he was going to expose him, he needed to be more focused. Well, 'when', not 'if'. Demi's little rant had further proven that something was between them, but admittedly that thought alone made his blood boil, so he tried hard not to think too hard on it. Kalder was too aware of Noel and his conquests; he had bragged too many times about the girls he charmed and the ways he would ravage them. Kalder didn't care much, but now his head would mess with him as the image of Noel with his hands on Demi would continuously bring itself to the forefront of his thoughts.

But on the outside, he was as cool as ice. Or rather, he was acting relatively normal. As they approached the inconspicuous wall, Benjamin would pull out his wand. Tapping the bricks in a certain order, Kalder was reminded of Diagon Alley, though he was sure there were several different ways to get in. The bricks shifted, shimmying away to open a path to the room. The five entered, the wall closing behind him, and Kalder was surprised at how large the place was. It was somewhat dark, decorated with festive ornaments and a slight fog at their feet. He couldn't help but eye the many doors scattered on the opposing wall, already knowing their use.

People were just starting to arrive, but Benjamin already had his eye on a girl wearing cat ears. "Target Acquired!" Benjamin announced, grinning devilishly as he pulled his hood over his head. "Fiona Wildegrass, here I come...!"

Blake rolled her eyes, instead turning to the table near them. "They managed to sneak whiskey in, I'm impressed," She admitted, taking one cup for her and offering the other to Kalder.

He would take the cup, but not drink from it just yet. He noticed Noel was looking around, though he wouldn't comment on it yet. Coco began to chat Blake up, and Kalder decided to take advantage. Taking a swig from his cup, he could feel it burning as it went down his throat. Firewhiskey--Ogden's Old if he recalled correctly.

Emptying his cup, he nudged Noel playfully. "Letting loose?" Noel asked him.

"Mhm. I think it's about time I did," He admitted, bidding his group farewell and walking into the quickly forming crowd. He spotted the girl he was looking for, and after taking in a deep breath, forced a smile.

The dark haired Deva was definitely stretching the code, her outfit outright being lingerie with a set of bunny ears--and a tail as she would turn and reveal as such. Clearing his throat to catch her attention, he saw her eyes light up. She wasn't quite drunk yet, but she was getting started already, her smile revealing as much. "Wow, I didn't think you'd show up," She admitted.

Taking a page out of Playboy Jameson's book, he let his eyes wander for a moment, giving off the impression that he liked what he saw. "I'm looking for some fun tonight," He replied. "Think you can help?"
>Finishing a post like

Good thing I posted then!

So much for trying to change.

Aquarius had departed, and Aurelia had spent the rest of the flight alone. If her interaction with the girl proved one thing, it was that she still had a long way to go to become more sociable. Still, she figured she could just focus on her teammates; she didn't have to interact with every person that crossed her path, right? Then again, it felt more like an excuse, and as she watched the people around her interact with one another, she isolated herself out of habit. The rest of the day was uneventful, so to speak. Ozpin's speech did strike a chord with her; she did want to improve. She did want to stick to her convictions. But to do that, she would have to take that first step, something that seemed so simple and yet she kept hesitating.

For now, she would resign those worries to tomorrow, laying down her sleeping bag at the edge of the hall. Admittedly, she was slightly put off at the idea of sleeping with so many people around. Even the bathrooms had thrown her off! Her upbringing was quickly becoming a disadvantage, a discomfort being surrounded by so many in situations where she was used to her privacy. She certainly never imagined having to be seen in her nightgown--a simple, sleeveless silk hanging off her though only reaching her mid-thigh--and she was admittedly self conscious as she did her best to not show more than she needed to. Had she known, she likely would have brought pajamas like some of the other girls.

Letting out a shiver, Aurelia sat with her back to the wall, legs flat on the ground. She had decided to do a little reading, having brought her Properties of Dust as a refresher. If tomorrow was initiation, she needed to get her head in the right place. No need to worry about other people there--she'd be in her home turf on the battlefield for sure.
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