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7 yrs ago
Hot dogs are already cooked. Might as well just sear them to add flavor.
7 yrs ago
I love it when I catch up on my posting.
7 yrs ago
If you take college seriously, it opens doors. Harvard and Hopkins makes it easier, but you can do well anywhere.
7 yrs ago
Prefer to brainstorm on Discord for that reason.
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7 yrs ago
Windows 10 is very much like a German prison camp guard, "Ah, I see you are tryink to escape work fifteen minutes early, Herr Colonel Hogan, here ist an update zat vill stall you!"


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Hello, this is still recruiting.
The long days were standard in the White House and they all knew it. Often the days came where he'd be barely in bed, barely saw the kids and barely communicated with his wife, when he got some sort of a call. Prescott burned right out, and Bill had to cover, but it was also the Chief of Staff's job to coordinate what was going on, and it was a constant grind. The press secretary got reporters, but Mike got the Hill, which was, like State and like the Press Office, a constant exercise in diplomacy and communication. You did not just fob off the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, you had to brief the guy or you had to get the right staff to do it. Odds were, you had to prepare for that meeting.

And you had to prepare the President, when necessary, which was always right now.

This wasn't to spare the workload of AJ, this was to keep the workload and responsibility from crushing one person, the President, entirely. He wasn't taking it easy either. The grind was a constant flow of emails on every device he owned, so that he was never free of them. If he was in his little office in the West Wing, he was hammering away at a cheap plastic keyboard through emails that demanded responses, flagging them or forwarding them. The Eisenhower Matrix was a good weapon; four quadrants and an axis for two categories: "Important/Not Important" and "Urgent/Not Urgent." If not on his actual computer, he had a laptop, a tablet, and a cell phone, and had taken to carrying a small fabric keyboard for the tablet. He learned that it was faster to handle texts on that thing by keyboard than trying to screw around with a touchscreen. The volume was immense.

Part of his hell was that the Important and Urgent was a practically limitless list. But there was also a talented staff to delegate to. They barely kept him afloat.

"Some of the people on the Hill are not happy with the idea that Sweden currently holds the best understanding of the Probe, but that's a pretty bold request even from the Russians, Bill," he said with a wan smile to match the understating tone. Mike Gerard didn't look rumpled, but he looked like he was running on all cylinders and conserving his energy.

He understood the position though; the Russians were concerned about their ability to hold onto their prestige in a world where their geographic rivals, the EU, seemed positioned to dominate through their much more robust research and scientific establishment. That wasn't to say the Russians weren't without resources, but they were afraid of sucking hind teat. Oil stocks were not looking well, not with a renewed and invigorated debate about Earth's energy resources, an argument Mike was particularly aware of given his work when he was a Senator. The break for the sweeping energy bill he sponsored came about after a solid several months of haggling and cajoling senators and getting AJ Shepard on his side.

He wasn't necessarily a policymaker, but he was most certainly an advisor to the president, and the Chief of Staff served at the President's pleasure. It was also worth noting that the role was whatever the President wanted it to be. He kept the Russia comment down to that observation about the mood on the Hill.

Over coffee, AJ and he both noted that from the information they had alone of the probe's separation and the departure of a piece of it, that there was an energy technology out there well beyond the power that could be harnessed by terrestrial technology, and that information leaking out created economic shockwaves that drove interest rates down as a stability measure. Russia clearly felt they had a good position now, but it would dwindle over time. Thus the request, and all its potential disruption and fallout. Nothing was easy, that was for granted.

Things were hairy. And that didn't even bring in the part about someone attempting a cyber-warfare attack on certain parts of their infrastructure, Bangladesh's crisis in the wake of a series of attacks or that they had a domestic terrorism threat barely held in check.

The President did arrive momentarily later, preceded by Secret Service agents that established the security in the room and ushered the man in. Andrew James "AJ" Shepard was a former federal prosecutor and looked the part, dark suit and a striped tie, along with the conservative sort of solid shirt that said, "I work with the FBI." Presidents and politicians in general didn't really go for unusual suits, to the point where Barack Obama once drew comment for wearing a tan suit on a hot day. But, perhaps owing to the internal nature of where they were, the man was wearing a pair of boat shoes, which was wholly inconsistent with his political image of a no-nonsense western lawyer gone senator that had a gift of concise, sometimes terse, communication. He had a tendency, like Robert McNamara, to wear wire-framed glasses that produced that sort of steely effect. He'd been a good trial lawyer once, but he also put them on or put in contacts as the situation demanded.

He worked hard to erase Harvard from his public image, because that was part of being a Republican. But the comfortable, even slightly ratty, footwear gave him away in private. It was almost a signal for Mike; it meant that they wouldn't be photographing any element of this meeting. There were a bunch of laptops, cords, tablets, phones, coffee cups, notebooks, folders, binders, stacks of paper and so forth on the table, marked in various ways. The reports might have taken hours to compile, prepared by the deputies in the room to brief the principals. The idea was to summarize and support as best possible without wasting time.

"Good morning everyone," the president nodded to the room as he stepped to the head of the table, eschewing the podium that was set up in the Situation Room. He was used to using a courtroom voice if necessary, "We have a lot on our plates, so let's wade into it. Bill, Russia. You indicated by email that they want us to freeze out the EU. Brienne, I was hoping for your input first."

That's correct.
I put up the OOC. It's here.

TL;DR Summary

  • Please post sheets here for approval.
  • Please post sheets in a hider to make navigation easier for everyone.
  • If possible, let's not do all humans. Mandalorians are pretty cosmopolitan, they care more about whether someone has the guts to be a Mando and live (and die) like one.

TL;DR Summary

- Galactic Civil War era, maybe slightly before the events of Scarif.
- Starting out in the ass end backwater of the Outer Rim.
- Mandalorians.
- 'Mandalorians' means, not Jedi.
- And, no offense, not really feeling HRD's and so forth.
- Sort of Rebels, but way more Mandalorian than Rebel.
- One role is loosely defined, and up for grabs.
- Mandalorians.
- Discord.

In Character Info

Every military formation has its misfits, its iconoclasts, its troublemakers, its brig rats, its nonconformists. Colonel Ghill Jest, ex-Imperial Captain, thank you very much, has the misfortune to lead a unit of green recruits for the Rebel Alliance, by the Force, that are going to be a crack unit, boots polished, chins out, shoulders back. Like the Clone Troopers he once led. Tengaru might be a fetid stinking jungle world, wet where it's not overgrown, but it's his slice of the war against the Empire that passed him over for promotion to Major.

The problem, of course, is that damned Mandalorian, a grizzled old bounty hunter that claims to have fought in a number of different battles and worlds. Undeniably a good warrior, the man is not a truly disciplined soldier and he continually questions -everything-. So, in a move of brilliance suggested at an officer's mess dinner, which are held nightly, the Mandalorian is given an independent command and the company commanders are fast to recommend the people they want least, the misfits that hold back the unit from its true potential as a crack unit in every aspect.

Resol Squad, the man calls them, and then he trains them. And then he trains some more. And somewhere down the line, they start talking in that Mando nonsense, wearing the armor and swaggering. And smirking. They're cocky, and nothing seems to be able to bring that lot into line. So they get sent out on 'independent' missions.

But they keep coming back.

They come back with kills, intelligence, prisoners (embarrassingly enough, one of the Imperial officers that sat on his promotion board. Awkward.)

Around this time, the Sultana of Tengaru is taken prisoner and held hostage by the Empire, to quell support for the rebellion. The tactic is devastating for morale.

Intelligence sends an agent, who sends for a crack team of SpecForces to rescue her. The team, en route to the system, is waylaid and destroyed in transit by Imperial Forces. Stuck on a base in the middle of some swamp, with a martinet colonel that shouldn't hold command and no suitable troops, she begins to consider her options for leaving with the mission not even attempted, leaving Tengaru without its hereditary leader to push the resistance.

The Agent, Kare Hadaj, spots a group of rebel soldiers in their base, deep in the swamps, that is actually putting a dent in the Imperials; they aren't standing sentry and saluting anything that moves, they're bringing back prisoners in their own captured vehicles. Their armor is dented, nothing matches, and her interrogation of the prisoner reveals that the local Imperials fear this unit like nothing else.

Kare Hadaj immediately realizes that she has a way to pull this Tengaru operation out of the bag. She has little trouble convincing the Colonel to turn this squad over to her. The idiot has no idea what an asset he's giving away...

Out of Character Info

So where does this tale of Mandalorians start? Well, it starts like a good commando action flick, of course! They're three seconds away from storming the place and rescuing the Sultana.

The backstory, of course, is that these misfits of the alliance fall under the mentorship of a Mandalorian warrior (and maybe a biological son or daughter, why not?) and become quickly swept up in the survivalist, self-sufficient, dangerously libertarian ways of the Mandalorians, who are warriors to the bone, but not necessarily the most easily led. Old Man Resol (that's his name) is a damned good trainer, knows a lot of tricks and has a paternal streak, often a thing with old school Mandos, a mile wide. Another old school Mando thing is adopting people into the ways. So he takes these wayward ducklings and turned them into a pack of Nexu; loud, resourceful, audacious, dangerous. These were the ones the Colonel couldn't mold into ideal toy soldiers, they instead became highly dangerous, independent thinking warriors under Old Man Resol...and then they forged themselves in fire, as a Mandalorian must do eventually in a hard world.

The basis of the RP is this squad. The intent is to take this unit out into the wider galaxy as a fire brigade. Kare Hadaj knows she has a valuable asset here for high risk missions. So, of course, there is a larger mission, for high stakes. The Rebellion needs dangerous beings...

Currently available roles - Kare Hadaj and Old Man Resol. These are named characters, but beyond that, people can develop them as they see fit as they create them. Or come up with a character entirely on your own, assuming this gets interest and we take off here.
Guess I better get the OOC up since we have character sheets already rolling.
Cool deal. Bear in mind that Mandos can come from any species. These folks are generally adopted into the Clan.

Everyone gets a set of armor and their choice of heavy weaponry.

Status: Hello, this is still recruiting. - OOC is here.

TL;DR Summary

- Galactic Civil War era, maybe slightly before the events of Scarif.
- Starting out in the ass end backwater of the Outer Rim.
- Mandalorians.
- 'Mandalorians' means, not Jedi.
- And, no offense, not really feeling HRD's and so forth.
- Sort of Rebels, but way more Mandalorian than Rebel.
- One role is loosely defined, and up for grabs.
- Mandalorians.
- Discord.

In Character Info

Every military formation has its misfits, its iconoclasts, its troublemakers, its brig rats, its nonconformists. Colonel Ghill Jest, ex-Imperial Captain, thank you very much, has the misfortune to lead a unit of green recruits for the Rebel Alliance, by the Force, that are going to be a crack unit, boots polished, chins out, shoulders back. Like the Clone Troopers he once led. Tengaru might be a fetid stinking jungle world, wet where it's not overgrown, but it's his slice of the war against the Empire that passed him over for promotion to Major.

The problem, of course, is that damned Mandalorian, a grizzled old bounty hunter that claims to have fought in a number of different battles and world. Undeniably a good warrior, the man is not a truly disciplined soldier and he continually questions -everything-. So, in a move of brilliance suggested at an officer's mess dinner, which are held nightly, the Mandalorian is given an independent command and the company commanders are fast to recommend the people they want least, the misfits that hold back the unit from its true potential as a crack unit in every aspect.

Resol Squad, the man calls them, and then he trains them. And then he trains some more. And somewhere down the line, they start talking in that Mando nonsense, wearing the armor and swaggering. And smirking. They're cocky, and nothing seems to be able to bring that lot into line. So they get sent out on 'independent' missions.

But they keep coming back.

They come back with kills, intelligence, prisoners (embarrassingly enough, one of the Imperial officers that sat on his promotion board. Awkward.)

Around this time, the Sultana of Tengaru is taken prisoner and held hostage by the Empire, to quell support for the rebellion. The tactic is devastating for morale.

Intelligence sends an agent, who sends for a crack team of SpecForces to rescue her. Stuck on a base in the middle of some swamp, with a martinet colonel that shouldn't hold command and no suitable troops, she begins to consider her options for leaving with the mission not even attempted, leaving Tengaru without its hereditary leader to push the resistance.

The team, en route to the system, is waylaid and destroyed in transit by Imperial Forces. The Agent, Kare Hadaj, spot a group of rebel soldiers in their base, deep in the swamps, that is actually putting a dent in the Imperials; they aren't standing sentry and saluting anything that moves, they're bringing back prisoners in their own captured vehicles. Their armor is dented, nothing matches, and her interrogation of the prisoner reveals that the local Imperials fear this unit like nothing else.

Kare Hadaj immediately realizes that she has a way to pull this Tengaru operation out of the bag. She has little trouble convincing the Colonel to turn this squad over to her. The idiot has no idea what an asset he's giving away...

Out of Character Info

So where does this tale of Mandalorians start? Well, it starts like a good commando action flick, of course! They're three seconds away from storming the place and rescuing the Sultana.

The backstory, of course, is that these misfits of the alliance fall under the mentorship of a Mandalorian warrior (and maybe a biological son or daughter, why not?) and become quickly swept up in the survivalist, self-sufficient, dangerously libertarian ways of the Mandalorians, who are warriors to the bone, but not necessarily the most easily led. Old Man Resol (that's his name) is a damned good trainer, knows a lot of tricks and has a paternal streak, often a thing with old school Mandos, a mile wide. Another old school Mando thing is adopting people into the ways. So he takes these wayward ducklings and turned them into a pack of Nexu; loud, resourceful, audacious, dangerous. These were the ones the Colonel couldn't mold into ideal toy soldiers, they instead became highly dangerous, independent thinking warriors under Old Man Resol...and then they forged themselves in fire, as a Mandalorian must do eventually in a hard world.

The basis of the RP is this squad. The intent is to take this unit out into the wider galaxy as a fire brigade. Kare Hadaj knows she has a valuable asset here for high risk missions. So, of course, there is a larger mission, for high stakes. The Rebellion needs dangerous beings...

Currently available roles - Kare Hadaj and Old Man Resol. These are named characters, but beyond that, people can develop them as they see fit as they create them. Or come up with a character entirely on your own, assuming this gets interest and we take off here.
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