Avatar of Inertia


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4 yrs ago
Current Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.
4 yrs ago
She knocked that smug look off my face but luckily I was wearing a second, smaller smug look underneath.
6 yrs ago
There's nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis.
7 yrs ago
Half of Blink 182 is Wink 91.
8 yrs ago
A Freudian Slip is when you mean one thing but fuck your mother.


"I like it when the center is wet."

"You're the biggest bitch I know, but you're funny sometimes, so it's okay."
Friend of mine

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Hmm, thanks for the fair criticism, I did feel like he was a bit overpowered aswell. Ah, well seems like I'm gonna have to withdraw out of this one too.

Best of luck with this.

Good catch, thanks for the heads up, I'll edit it in.

If you still didn't fix it, here ya go. It was something with the list.

Here's my jab at it, hope it's alright/fits the theme of what you were looking for.

This looks pretty interesting, color me piqued.

Cassius observed as his group did face two familiar Mephisto students, Katherine's sister, Christine, and Rurik. He'd rather avoid a fight in general and get to the students to end this mission. His previous assumptions proved true, there was indeed Mephisto interference with this mission, but it was unthinkable how they caught whiff of it, and reacted this quickly. One of the two ways he thought this was possible was a message being intercepted but that seemed unlikely, while the other way was them somehow figuring it out while Alto was drafting the plan, which was also pretty unlikely.

For now he stood next to Samoth, and Andreim, just outside of Katherine's boiling point. He would jump in if it seemed necessary to do so. An unknown person lipped into existance, he seemed to be an acquaintance of the Mephisto duo.


"Best not to leave a body." Cassius mumbled to himself as a row of explosions came from his hand, incinerating the limp hell tiger. "Hey you alright Cya-"

As Cyan's visage vanished from sight, Cassius frowned. "A bit much, don't you think?" he spat out eyeing Andreim, poison unintentionally seeping into his tone. It was an unnecessary comment from Andreim, whom voiced his opinion as if he was the defacto leader. It's not like Cassius to care about this normally, but now they're one member down cause a fellow schoolmate couldn't keep their trap shut. Cassius has heard that Andreim was a bit off, seems they were right.

"Let's get this done with then." he continued, his voice calming down as he regained his composure. He walked right up the stairs right behind Andreim, and once reaching the next floor took his position as vanguard infront of the group of St. Laurel students.

Cassius always had great hearing, his ears twitched uncomfortably at the sound of bones cracking under the pressure of Katherine’s heavy knee, even if his bones did frequently disjoint due to the nature of his powers. He silently wished he could say that he had gotten used to witnessing her ‘berserker mode’, but he promised his mother that he would never lie. A small side of him began to empathize at their unfortunate demise, he wouldn’t wish this on his worst enemy.

”Wakey wakey! There’s no rest for the wicked!”

She now had a chokehold on the unsuspecting imps, he could feel the room’s temperature going up, and soon after the faint smell of burnt demon began to invade his nose. We’re not the bad guys are we? he thought to himself, a small bead of sweat going down his temple as he witnessed the imps whose necks began to char under the heat. Fear was encapsulated in their eyes, as if they were looking at the very demon who had created them. Soon after she threw the limp bodies at the first demon she had disposed of. Ruthlessly efficient with a dash of sadism was what Cassius could describe her.

”Say Cass,” Katherine called out, snapping him out of his thoughts, ”Should we give them an appropriate funeral? Send them back to the blazing inferno they came from?”

”Ah.” he mumbled, shifting uncomfortably from his position to the bodies, ”Sure.” They were dead, and leaving the bodies sprawled across the floors like that is in bad taste. Cassius snapped his right hand, a cacophony of cracks, and bangs streamed between him and the bodies, he could also felt Katherine’s powers supplementing his own. Soon a ring of explosions surrounded the bodies, and after the smoke cleared there was nothing short of fiery ash.


”You know it was probably a bad idea to have a team who don’t have any way to ‘punch’ the ghosts.” Cassius said, after they had cleared their third room. Kath stopped in the doorway and glanced back at Cassius. “Tell em that after they taste my right and left hook on their incorporeal kissers.” She started jabbing the air, and wouldn’t stop doing so until they arrived to the next room.

Luckily they had managed to not meetup with any incorporeal beings yet. The next room had two imps on the opposite sides of the room, seemingly on guard as they had heard the ruckus caused by Katherine’s rampage. ”Wait, I’ll take this one” he said, still feeling a tinge of guilt from Katherine’s ruthless execution. Kath bowed before him playfully, and extended her arms in a motion to allow Cassius to go first. “But of course. Show me what you got Mr Inferno.”

Cassius who was just peeking behind the door disappeared from sight. Using his momentum and with an explosion behind his elbow supplementing his arms’ acceleration, his punch slammed the creature into the floor. The floorboards cracked under the pressure of his punch. The hardiness of imps were to be admired, it writhed weakly. It was a fruitless effort as the weight of his arm didn’t allow the imp to move an inch. An explosion cracked under the hand pinning the creature. It’s arms scratched at Cassius’ arm before falling limp.

Even if the ordeal only took a few seconds, a ball of flame flew towards him hitting his back. He didn’t react, the flame was weak compared to Katherine’s and the recoil of powers. Two explosions cracked at his feet, though this time his aim was off and due to the momentum he embedded himself into the wall. Planks and debris flew in all directions. Damn, missed the trajectory by a needle, he thought to himself vexed, his back rest on the broken wall. The imp watched the hole he had made, and cackled in an otherworldly tone, laughing at Cassius’ near-miss. In the background he could hear the laughing of Kath mixing with that of the imp. Another line of explosions originated from the wall, it’s intensity wringing strongly than before. The Imp quickly fell to the floor.

”I need to train a little more.” he muttered annoyingly as he dusted off his school blazer, and black pants. He came out injured, and unscathed, with the only damage he sustained was one to his ego. Kath rolled her eyes in the background, knowing that it is exactly what she has been telling him to do for weeks now.

After a few more moments he gathered both the bodies and placed them side by side, ”Well, shall we?”

Kath walked up to the pile of bodies that Cassius has made and stopped beside him. “Pfft man, you’re a show off.” She punched Cassius in the arm gently and giggled. “Yeah, time to clear up this mess and head out.”


With the sound of playfully crackling fire behind them, the firebuddies left the last of the rooms on the floor. They had finished clearing the North Western section, and they had both confirmed that St. Laurel’s missing students were not on the first floor, only a couple groups of imps and ghosts they had avoided.

Arriving at the staircase, he plop his rear on the decrepit wood, and rest his back onto the wall adjacent of the stairs. ”First one here then?”

Katherine walked up to the stairs and dropped down on them next to Cassius. Her skin cooled and small drops of water began forming on it once more, glimmering faintly in the ill-litten hallway. She let out a deep sigh that reverberated the air in front of her face and stretched her legs out. “Yeah, sure seems so. Nobody can keep up with the firebuddies.” She turned over to Cassius, and offered her hand for a fistbump.

”Hah.” he replied, he returned her fistbump, ”Well we shouldn’t have gone so fast, it’ll be slightly boring to wait.” Kath nod beside him, her glowing eyes scanning the abandoned building. “Yeah, that it’ll be.”


As soon as he got back after informing each group Katherine went into a (somewhat deservedly) tirade. Casssius did not say anything, choosing to slowly nod after her final sentence. He sauntered right behind the fiery girl, who looked more excited than he did. Indeed, the aura inside the building was worst than the outside as expected. Noises creaked around them, sounds impossible for a lone house to make. Rotting furniture were overturned, tables missing one or two legs, disjointed paintings were everywhere. It resembled an out of place horror movie.

"Yeah." he agreed with Katherine, he swiped his index finger on a dusty painting, "Well, we best be careful. There'll likely be imps here aswell." In the very next moment Katherine's curiosity for the place turned into excitement, her fist pumping in the air, ready to punch unfortunate otherworldly beings. Cassius almost felt sorry for the ghosts, her strength and powers were no joke. Her laugh echoing throughout the rooms nailed this feelings to the ground. Hopefully the other groups didn't mistake that for a ghost.

"Aaaaanyways... say Cass, didn't you forget to tell everyone BUT me where they are going. How are we ever gonna beat the ectoplasmic crap out of ghosts if I don't know where to go?"

"Oh right." Cass replied, "My fault. We are to take on the North Western section, if you don't mind."


The door creaked open, and Cassius spotted three imps in the corner, with two of them laying on the floor while the other seemed to take guard. Luckily they had not noticed the duo,

"Do you want to take this one, or shall I?"

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