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4 yrs ago
Current Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.
4 yrs ago
She knocked that smug look off my face but luckily I was wearing a second, smaller smug look underneath.
6 yrs ago
There's nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis.
7 yrs ago
Half of Blink 182 is Wink 91.
8 yrs ago
A Freudian Slip is when you mean one thing but fuck your mother.


"I like it when the center is wet."

"You're the biggest bitch I know, but you're funny sometimes, so it's okay."
Friend of mine

Most Recent Posts

The Ballroom

August 31st, Sunset | Alice Allaire @Lionhearted

"Wymark, Niavak Wymark." Niavak pronounced, giving her a smile. Though he disliked it, he knew his way around political scenarios. It was a necessity after all, as wholly dismissing politics is career suicide. Still, he tried to keep doing so at a minimum. This ballroom dinner was definitely one mired in politics.

Following around the would-be leader of the band was his initial plan. Gauging her competence and leadership abilities would give insight on whether the mission was doomed to fail or if she could pull off a miracle. Niavak's ears pricked at the familiar sound of an arrow cutting through the air. His hand unconsciously hovered above where his sword would've been holstered. The arrow pierced the king of Thelan, blood now seeping into his once immaculate garments. Crap. He thought, were the Alovians going to be blamed for this? A man he recognized, Commander Mathieu Bastian, revealed himself.

"A coup, huh?" He said, watching Mathieu's men fill into the room. They were garbed in ornate armour, seeming to glimmer against the dimly lit ballroom. "Thelannians, always the ostentatious bunch."

Being part of Alovia, Niavak didn't really care much for his grand speech. He found it slightly humorous that regicide was how they played their hand. It was an extremist action and now they face the danger of a civil war, those loyal to the crown and those not. Fighting a civil war and another kingdom simultaneously is strategical suicide. Though it was equally likely that they would pin the blame on an Alovian, which would be the smartest play. It would rally support from both sides. Still, it was foolish of them to not finish the job, there were nobles that observed the whole debacle.

"I believe you're right, Lady Alice." Niavak said, accepting the sword. The sword had great balance, heft and weight. It was an exceptional broadsword. The air of the ballroom changed from politics to that of war. He took a deep breath as he heard the ever-familiar sounds of steel clashing with steel. Brandishing the sword, he ran into the fray.

Location: Class -> Cafeteria
Time: Morning
Mentions: Felix Ivanov @Otterpop
Interactions: Felix Ivanov @Otterpop, Open

Jason's early morning class had just ended and he felt a tad hungry. Today he was too lazy to make his own lunch and figured he'd grab something in the cafeteria. He had an a few hours before his next class anyway. That particular class was draining to sit through. The professor flew from concept to concept at blinding speeds, luckily he managed to keep pace with his teachings. As he ambled through the halls he let out a heavy sigh thinking of the class. The group ahead of him, who had been shooting him leery glances, stopped and parted to the sides.

The group of people refused to meet his confused gaze as Jason sauntered pass them. The confusion wouldn't last as his thoughts wandered back to the class, his mind was back on autopilot. A few minutes would pass before he suddenly felt a chill run up-and-down his spine. It felt creepily familiar somehow, nostalgic even. Ah, it clicked in his head. It was a fight-or-flight response, the kind he gets just before a brawl. As adrenaline coursed through him he pivoted his head around, looking for something- anything. The hallways were oddly empty and deathly silent. His gaze fell over his shoulder, and he could see long fingers wrapped around a corner.

"What the fuck." Jason spat out unconsciously, his heartbeats grew louder with every thump. His right shoulder began aching. He rubbed his eyes and like that, it was gone and sound of idle chatter slowly returned.

Jason would be lying if he said that that wasn't a frequent occurrence. He always tried to dismiss it as stress overloading his mind, but it felt less and less convincing the more it happened. The dull, throbbing pain of his shoulder was a sobering reality check; it reminded him that he wasn't just hallucinating. He rested his arm on a wall and let out a few panicked breaths. He felt like his heart run a mile a minute, he let it settle before he began moving again. In fight-or-flight scenarios he always chose fight, however in this scenario, his primeval instincts blared one continuous warning; RUN.

With a final drawing breath he collected himself. His hunger seeming to have faded. Despite this he arrived infront of the cafeteria and since he was there he may as well eat and settle his nerves. Entering the cafeteria, he found it slightly packed. Most tables were full. A student holding a tray bumped into the inattentive Jason, causing him to drop his food and splatter some of it on his jacket. The student looked incensed and turned towards the offender, likely with a few choice words. His figure shrank back as he recognized who it was.

"Sorry that was my fault. Mind was somewhere else. I'll pay for-" Jason stopped himself as he realized the boy had already ran away after hastily picking up his wrapped food and tray.

Left standing on the floor with mashed potatoes dripping off him, Jason shrugged and continued to the counter. With a handkerchief he cleaned his jacket. He had more troublesome thoughts to worry about. Finally arriving to the counter he ordered a simple wrapped garlic chicken bread with soda. He scoured the room for an empty table. Luckily he spotted a student sitting alone. He wasn't entirely sure of the etiquette, as he didn't use the cafeteria often, but he figured asking would be best.

"Hey. May I take a seat?" Jason asked the student- Felix, who had a panicked looked about him. "Actually, are you alright?"
Oh yeah if you guys wanna do a bit of collab for first post hit me up.
I am down for the discord, better for stuff like interactions so we can get real time responses.


So who wants to be friends with the 'delinquent'?
If the GM approves, I'd be down to do a character relations sheet (that's optional), might be good for initial impressions before the rp gets started and it'll help with interactions.
Here's my CS, do tell me if you find any issues that I can append/change.

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