Avatar of Invader Len
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Invader Len
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 760 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Invader Len 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Wow it's been a long while since I was last on. I'm gonna have to update a lot of stuff.
6 yrs ago
Lifetip: Don't forget to eat for 2 days, then drink 44 oz of coke at the movies. I don't feel too good, Mr. Stark.
6 yrs ago
Finally finished editing that transcript. At this point the only person I'm rooting for in this case is the judge.
6 yrs ago
"Boy I sure am feeling harassed after I bullied someone else and people pointed it out to me"
6 yrs ago
"A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making the truth itself appear like falsehood." - William Shenstone


I'm a 24 year old college student with a "tragic past" and a series of flunked schools and medical bills. Roleplaying has been my one escape from a harsh reality while growing up, and I really appreciate this site and everyone on it.

I've been on Roleplayer Guild for eight years, going on nine in a few months.

I started roleplaying at 13 on an Invader Zim fan site... I accept my shame and disgrace.

Most Recent Posts

Just another bump! This RP is always open to newcomers! We're looking for more people!
Minor Announcement

Due to their extended absence, @General Scales has been put on the waiting list. They are not being kicked, however, they have not been on in several days and have not told us where they've gone or when they'll be back. Once they return, we'll gladly do our best to get them back into the RP.

That leaves us with two mages without a partner now. @Avanhelsing, @karamonnom, we'll do our best to find a solution to this dilemma as soon as possible.

Today was supposed to be the last day of the monster design contest. Was. Due to our whopping number of 0 submissions, we've decided to extend the deadline until 10:00 PM PST on Sunday! We're really looking forwards to seeing some of your designs!
@Invader Len maybe do a friendly mention for everyone who hasn't gone up yet, just to make sure people see :) I'll get something up soon if there's still a free podium when I get home tonight

Good idea, I will.

So far, we've had Felicity/Korrey, Regis/Monty, Talia/Leo, and Nancy/Nathaniel gone up and finished their ceremonies, and Marth/Liliac are on the podium now, with one free.

Pairings that have not gone up yet are:
Richard/Robert (Controlled by myself and @Natsu)
Janine/Henri (Controlled by @General Scales and @Avanhelsing)
Vyvyan/Samuel (Controlled by @Republic and @duskshine749)
Beatrice/Kyra (Controlled by @The Errorist and @Sorrelmyst)
Ruby/Loke (Controlled by @onenote and @HeartlessNobody)
Okie doke! Nancy and Nathan are now off the podiums, which means Liliac and Marth can now go up, and we have a podium that's free! For now. Just a reminder guys, make sure there's a free podium before you post IC!
Congratulations! You’re accepted! You can feel free to put your character’s CS in the Character’s Tab! We’ll move you to the waiting list and try to get you a partner ASAP. However, until you have been partnered and given a magic type, DO NOT post in the IC. As soon as a Familiar has been accepted and partnered with you, you may join the IC.

Glad to have you with us! Also, feel free to join the Discord chat, the link is on the first OOC post!
Minor Announcement

Klaykid has dropped. They notified me via PM and let me know that life has gotten hectic for them, and they didn’t want to hold the RP up. We wish them the best in life and in their role-plays.

I’ll be removing Clyde Lee from the opening OOC post. @Natsu, worry not, we’ll fix you up with a partner soon. Don’t kill them.
@Invader Len . . .

makes three alt accounts to break the system

We always take input and ideas from players, so if you have ideas for monsters NOT for the contest, feel free to PM us!
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