Avatar of Jamesyco


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2 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
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4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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@Lumiereyea I added a smallish inventory into mine, but I also don't know how far weapons/armors would be in advancement.

@FoxFire any insight into this?
Took a little bit later then expected to get up, but I finally did. Don't really know what all kinds of weapons so took inspiration from the robo butler and went American revolution/Victorian era.

this sounds interesting.
@TsarDevadded a bit more for ya.

I'd be down for restarting or coming together and make once that can last with just a core group and those who can join in etc.
I'll post a human CS for this when I get home tonight, got to find a few decent pictures.

As well as I probably should know a bit more about the types of magics there are,I saw psudo-elementalism, and stuff like teleportation. But are there schools of magic like in DnD, is it naturally enhanced (star wars force powers) that can be manipulated. Or what is the basis of magics and what are the limitations if there are any. @FoxFire

OH, and also culture, what would their armors be made of, would they have armor and such. What would standard weapons be and such. Medieval style -> early modern period of weapons/armor with that modern/future style or just based more or less off of future/industrial styles of combat where it's primarily ranged and squad based. I know you said something like cyberpunk/future, but I also have that before quick firing weapons/medieval/early modern vibe from it all.
Joseph Vardaham


Age : 25
Gender : Male
Caste : Magus Ordinis


A middle aged man with long curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. His body size would be average/husky, though he does not have as much refined muscle on him. His skin is fair where the sun doesn't touch, but as of recent it has slowly begun to turn back to its natural color, only a few spaces are left with darker tan lines. But mainly where head dress, and clothing does not touch.


For a vigilant man in a order of warriors, he would seem somewhat cowardly to most as he doesn't like to enter fights where him and his friends may meet their doom. He is strategic and thoughtful, hoping his time with books and knowledge will help him and his allies in their battles to come. Inside of combat, he is a fighter like every other man, fighting to survive. He hopes in combat to save at least some of his friends, but luckily he has only been in bouts and various trials. He hopes that his training will not have to be used in defense.

Outside of combat he is somewhat energetic with things that he enjoys such as architecture, engineering, and some dabbling into the human body. He desires to create tools and weapons that can defend that city which he loves so, build forts and citadels that can protect farther then the walls which he stands vigil on now. To recreate man from the golden age of man from before the plague, to see what the world would have looked like pure from corruption as he sees all to have suffered and changed from what humans once were. He studies so much, but how much of the knowledge will be able to be used?


  • Full plate and armet helm /w padding
  • Halberd
  • Longsword
  • Small bag for coins.
  • Smaller belt pouch of herbs, cloths and small instruments
  • Larger bag for cooking utensils, small patchwork kit, underclothing, bed roll, etc.


Born to be the third son out of eight children in a minor house of the Magus Ordinis, this family whose runes covered the left side of the body, and focusing on fine refined points, symmetry, and very little curves. It was based off of the earth beneath them, the edges of stone, and the points of mountains. When his family came to the city, they were given refuge and an area to build their house once again inside the city before the wall was built. Having created forts and castles from before their forced arrival to the city. By the time they had arrived, the wall was already being constructed, and they would continue this process and guide the walls construction until it was finished. Then for the years past, reconstruct parts of the city that needed to be reconstructed due to damage and general wear.

But by the time Joseph came around, the city was already suffering from lack of resources. This would come into his life as he was the youngest in the family. Being educated by secondary tutors, his studies to educate him, and improve upon his skills were the bottom of the barrel compared to most of his other peers. It did not help him much as he was given worn text books to learn from, specially somewhat outdated textbooks that his older brothers would be using. This would continue for much of his life, learning little by little out of any book he could get his hands on. He learned a little of everything, architecture, poems and literature, math, sciences, arts, even a book on the human body.

But at the age of ten, he began growing fond of fortresses, castles and the walls that encased him. He wanted to build such grand monstrosities of stone, he began sketching the walls and streets. He'd find high points and may layouts of the city near him. He would watch the world evolve around him in his youth, and enjoy it in his child state. This is when he would begin painting, carving and begin learning refined metal works that would evolve into his knowledge of basic engineering. But due to cost of resources, this would begin to have effects on the wealth of his family.

This was where he began to fall from grace, when he inflicted massive amounts of debt upon his family, and then the cast. He would use resources that could be used to help rebuild broken walls, or be placed as supports to an aging building that could of had a few more years of life. But instead it was used on this young boys ambitions and desires. If it was not for this, he could have seen himself on the seat of the council as his studies were outpacing his brothers, and his artistic ability was above even some of his sisters.

When he turned fifteen, he was betrothed to another house that had fallen to financial and social downturns. The girl was seven years younger, so he would have to wait at least seven. But it would still give him time to enjoy his life, studying and making himself fit if he was to work on such magnificent arts such as architecture for those who most desired it. Or those who would need the talents of a grand engineer. When this time turned about, he had also began refining his artistic abilities such as refined masonry, and basic mechanical tools. These would be lack luster because of the resources available to him, since the rest of the family was limiting what he resources he could use in his studies and crafts. He would make due.

At the age of twenty he was working in as many jobs as he could, helping design buildings in area's of the city that needed to be refurbished due to various reasons. Selling paintings made of only a few colors. He was still the pride of the family, out preforming the sciences of his brothers, but only beating his eldest sister in the arts. On paper, he was well rounded, an artist, a builder and craftsman, and even a tradesman or statesman at times if need be. But, this would not help his family much at all, this would make them look worse due to the strain of resources he caused his family, and more importantly the Magus Ordinis.

Five years, he was still not married his betrothed had died young some three years early to an infection of some kind and his trades were not working for him. He had managed to pay off some of the debt his family owed to various people, and made a deal with the Magus Ordinis to pay off the rest. To end the suffering of his family due to his drain on capitol and resources, he would join the Phoenix order. He was soon escorted away, begin the trials of the Phoenix order, and not doing the best in the portions of the first trials, he managed surviving nonetheless. But, he will find out soon, that he is most likely going to be sent to his death in the rangers.
@TsarDevI'm down if you're still open for two slots.
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