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Bloomfield Bay's yearly, week-long autumn festival was the town's biggest event next to all the major holidays and the spring festival. The cozy autumn celebration that even big corporate chains like the Royal Casino participated in was a good social event for the town as well as an excuse to party for most. The Fairgrounds and the theme park there bustled with activity for the season and the farmers' market was alight with homemade food and decorations. It was one of the heights of Bloomfield Bay revelry and anyone who was anyone participated with surprise shows, concerts, guest signings, the works.

The city government used it as an excuse to splurge on events for social brownie points that would hopefully translate later into votes from people, but the west-side slums remained entirely neglected in all the fun. There had been some attempts by the government to add public housing and social aid programs specially for the marginalized, but the rampant crime in the area saw most of the charity work withdraw in time. The only completed project was a large 30-story building crammed with apartments and people. Initially meant as government-managed public housing, the building was abandoned when maintenance workers and staff were routinely threatened by gangs in the area and police investigations were overwhelmed with petty crimes. The building remains officially owned by the government, but any attempts to further improve or expand on the project has long been forgotten.

On the southern end of the city, Southpoint Pier was just as bright and lively as the central business district and its easy access from the docks allowed plenty of people to ride a scenic ferry from the northern harbor and back. It was a joyous time, even as security guards arrested several wild-eyed people who had run screaming into the crowds of merrymakers, brandishing knives and bats. Most chalked it up to drunken revelry and the news mentioned it only in passing along with several other petty crimes before returning to the highlights of the festivities.

BURGER QUEEN || 1 AUGUST 2019 || 8:00 AM

"Well damn, if things don't get peskier during the festival, I guess," Dave groused from his van outside the Burger Queen. A small television set hooked up to a portable generator flickered with static as he watched the news, keeping tabs particularly on the locations of various minor crimes. it was how these things started--someone loses their mind and like an infection others around them did as well. During a season as bustling as the autumn festival, any scene could easily escalate into chaos.

He finished his sandwich and sat up from the futon layered floor of the van, rummaging for his morning hygiene materials and tucking them into an inner pocket of his trench coat. The Burger Queen was always open, but the new staff member was on his lunch break and he didn't want to trouble the guy, so Dave slid out of the van, locked the doors behind him, and plodded sleepily to the back entrance of the building. He waved at the part-timer smoking in the back before ducking into a different back door that opened into a set of descending stairs. A light switch nearby took several flicks to catch, but when it buzzed to life it illuminated a cozy basement room further down padded with worn, but cushy sofas and several twin beds. He coughed loudly in case anyone was around, not wanting to sneak up on any poor sod, but with no rustling of clothes or responding noises, Dave continued further into the room, slipping into a clean and tidy bathroom in the back to brush his teeth and shower.

Life as a full-time Crown subsisted on charity and resourcefulness, as he realized over time. Gone were the easier days when his family supported him and he could be a high school student by day and a magical hero by night. Nowadays he was alone, rummaging for food from bins whenever Jared forgot to send his monthly support money and relying on the bathroom being available more often than not in the BQ hideout. Sure, there were other Crowns around, but they had their own lives to worry about, or their own batch of newbies to take care of. He was a veteran, and he should know how to take care of himself. But Dave had never bought into the delicacy of balancing superhero life and normal life--he preferred to just do one thing, and fighting the Elegies had always felt more pressing than filing papers for his previous boss.

Still, no one paid him to save this little patch of world. So for now he was stuck sharing the living quarters of the BQ HQ and hoping Jared had enough money and influence to keep the managers from bothering him.

CAKE CAFE || 1 AUGUST 2019 || 12:00 PM

“Welcome to Cake Cafe! I'm Catherine, your server for the day!” A violet-eyed brunette chirped the greeting as he escorted another customer towards the tables. “Would you like a booth or a regular table?”

The customer was a middle-aged businessman who looked entirely out of his element, um-ing and ah-ing until someone waved to him from the corner. He muttered something about being with a party before dashing off to the booth and sitting down with a bewildered expression on his face.

Micah couldn’t blame him. Who would have thought one of the priciest joints in Bloomfield Bay’s central business district was 1. a maid cafe and 2. blandly named ‘Cake Cafe’? Even better was the obvious tolerance the place had for workers—while some of the male staff dressed in suits, there were plenty others who preferred the cute frills and lace of the female uniforms. The manager had never cared, so longed as they showed up on time, looked good, and did their work properly. Given the upscale neighborhood, there was enough social pressure to keep most of the bigoted silent and even more of them well away.

But the occasional new person was always a treat to behold.

The table wasn’t his, so he left it alone, but he glanced over several times while checking in on his section to see if the guy would start any trouble. The customer just seemed increasingly flustered by yet another man in the female uniform arriving to take his order. Hopefully it was embarrassment and not hostility.

Before Micah could mull over it any longer, the ringing of tiny bells scattered through his thoughts. From the sounds of it, there were quite a few of them in the city all of a sudden. Dave would be able to manage any that cropped up near the Burger Queen, but the city center was too far from there to bet on Dave's help. He glanced back and forth, making sure the coast was clear before spinning around to grab the nearest staff member by the arm.

“Hey, Stella,” he beamed at the poor guy he had grabbed. “I’m gonna go on break a bit early today, take over my section would you?”

“What? Micah—I mean, Catherine,” the guy corrected, looking around to make sure no one had heard him use Catherine's real name, “I’m about to go on break, too!”

“Come on, you’ll be fine. This is more important than your break anyway.” Micah ignored him as he continued protesting, running to the staff room to take off his uniform before slipping out the back and calling forth his Crown.

He’d have to buy George lunch later for that favor.

It's still open as long as the "Apply" status is active, yeah @PigeonOfAstora -- I'll change it to "Full" when I'm done accepting apps.






Setting OOC up slowly, but it's there for people to submit sheets. Take your time, I still need to add things to it anyway.

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