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I am also not like other girls. I am not a girl.
4 yrs ago
NEVER forgive. ALWAYS forget. Remain in a perpetual state of confusion and anger forever!
4 yrs ago
Honey is the best insect vomit I’ve had so far.
4 yrs ago
It's fucked up that there are 1000 Christmas songs but only one song about the boys being back in town.


A letter of recommendation:

People on my junk mail list <3

@The Ghost Note
@Luminous Beings
@Spoopy Scary

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When you feel it. Deep inside. That’s when it happens.
@JunkMail Is Kayla getting Herik's name wrong on purpose? She keeps calling him Henrik.

Thanks for the catch mate
I think this is going exactly the way ghost wanted lol. Leader comes in, "hey guys look at this"
Another member: "Nahhh lets kick vampire ass"
Group: "YEAH!"

friendzoned again
hey guys pm me your boob and i'll guess if its the right or left

There was... a great deal going on in Archie's head.

All things considered, Archie was doing his absolute damndest to at least somewhat enjoy his stay. Yes, he was up here because he had an uncontrollable rage elemental inside of him- but he was doing what he could to not let that slow him down. He had mad mistakes, but he had also made friends, and talked to girls and had at least done what he could to strive for some semblance of the normalcy that had been objectively obliterated when he woke up naked in the woods with his father's gun aimed at his head. Archie had known nothing but normal, and he had strived to maintain that consistency.

But it was beginning to add up. First they found a corpse, something he had never seen before a day in his life. He had never seen a dead person before. At least, not like that. Not freshly killed and bloated from bog water and rot- tortured to death and tossed into the river unceremoniously. The first time he had seen the results of a murder. Then came the breakout- where he was going to be raped and maybe killed and he watched the people he cared about be forced to defend themselves. The first time he had witnessed a murder. Then there was Homecoming, where Officer Radvi shot himself in the head in front of everyone trying to apprehend the greatest espionage and assassin candidate outside the atmosphere- the first time he had seen someone attempt murder. Then there was the shooting, where he had been shot and forced to turn and almost killed his friends again.

The first time he had committed murder. Even if it was in self defense.

He understood that, if there was a god up above that maybe he wouldn't make it into the pearly gates for such an action as taking another human life. There was nothing a priest at some confession could do to absolve him of those sins. But children aboard? Children that might be being tortured and experimented on and forced into those cold, silent rooms like he had been before he came up here, and never seeing the sun and the stars or seeing the grass or the sea? That wasn't right. Maybe he was damned, but if he was he would make sure they weren't. At least- if he could help it.

"I don't wanna be here anymore." Archie said with finality, a grit to his tone that he hadn't spoken with before. "If kids are up here... that aint right. Now- I can't help much but... I'm strong. Just gotta... aim me, I guess." he motioned with his hands, the leaning forward as he did so, and then sat up straight again. "I can buy us time. If it comes down to that. Oh and- one question. Do we know of any way onto The Spire? I aint seen any way in my walks around The Ring."

"Ooooooh, how about we skip the intimidation and just wipe them out? After all; the only good enemy is a dead one."

"I've heard about how to kill a vamp, but I've never really... done it. I can't guarantee I can do anything but act as a decoy, but I'm not sure I can stake a vamp if I have to."

Kayla immediately reeled at the statements, and her hand came up to her face in exasperation. She was going to drown someone later, she knew it. She understood the risks of inviting a bunch of estrogen crazed egomaniac (and Herik) to battle in her name, but she didn't expect anyone in the group to jump to murder. She doubted any of these women had actually killed anyone in their lives, and she double doubted that anyone here understood the affects that had on one's psyche.

Kayla knew what it was like to be unmade. She knew what it was like to have a monster inside of you, lurking in the shadows, waiting for a chance to escape and destroy everything you held dear. She had a bit of a ledger, after all. She imagined briefly imagined what it would be like if the others did too. She imagined that they knew the name of every person the they had ever hurt or worse, intentionally or no; she could see them lying in bed at night, reciting that list from memory, like a prayer. If they could, she imagined they would want to meet with every victim's family like her, to explain, to apologize, to beg for forgiveness that they would never really be able to accept, because she hadn't been able to forgive herself. At least- not in full. Claudette used her abilities in that moment to silence everyone, much to Kayla's eternal gratitude. Breaking her silence, she nodded to the elder witch in silent thanks, and then addressed everyone's concerns.

"Let me be extremely clear," Kayla said, her voice like a razor blade- but not directed at either of the two people who had insinuated murder. It was to the general group. "We are not going to be killing anyone. I still plan on selling to these idiots. We're breaking bones and blowing homes- I'm not looking for murder charges. If I find out one of you cant keep a lid on it and kills someone... and that trails back to me, then I'll kill you myself."

The pupils of Kayla's eyes seemed to glow unnaturally, like molten metal, but her hardened expression did not change. There was no humor or wolfish grin tacked onto her face to mask the thinly masked threat- because it was just that. She massaged the bridge of her nose and blinked, and just like that the hellfire in her eyes had died away as if it had never been there at all. She began addressing each individual who had spoken.

"Let me just say, for the record, I think both of these are bad ideas... I'm going to tag along anyhow to make sure that this doesn't, y' know, go wrong."

"Then don't come." Kayla said evenly. "I want you there, but if you aren't going to help, then don't show up. The less witnesses, the better."

Kayla turned away from Madison, allowing the resounding statement of 'stay out of the way then' sink in. She paid no mind to any response- it was nut up or shut up, and Madison's two cents mattered like a fart in the wind if she wasn't going to do the former.

”If you really need me, I can tag along, but it sounds like you have a lot of volunteers already, Kayla.”

"Every able bodied person is invited. If you can swing a bat, you're in if you think you can keep yourself from getting turned into a smear on the floor. If you get hurt, hurt 'em back. If you get killed, walk it off."

"So you got a plan of attack, or are we just going there looking tough?"

"This is mostly intimidation." Kayla stated, crossing her arms. "We're going to show up and see the group of lowlife thugs. I'm going to beat the macaroni and shit out of their ringleader. They are either going to back down, or they're going to come at me. Your jobs are to pick a dance partner and keep them away from me, and to beat the shit out of your chosen dance partner. I don't care how you do it."

""This one is going to have to go, unless you guys think if a Chimera is too much... Hey, I'm here for a good time, not a long time, let's go fuck up some vampires."

"Everyone here has been to grade school, headass." Kayla said, motioning to the entire table dismissively. "Your greek mythology, Walmart brand Percy Jackson and the Olympians summoner ass isn't surprising anyone. Use whichever works, but if you cant keep them on a leash, then I'm going to put it down before it kills someone. Or kills someone a second time."

“So when are we doing this? Today? The sooner the better, if you ask me.”

"Today." Kayla stated. "I deal to them today every week. Meet me in South Tampa in a place called Greenwood in two hours. It's a mobile home neighborhood. Park a few minutes walk away. Bring a bandana or a mask if you have one." Kayla instructed. She turned to her dog and made a low whistle, and Oleander was up and off the table and by her side in an instant.

"I'm going to go home and make my preparations. If you have any questions, text me. Or text someone who has my number. Cheers." Kayla stated, and with that she was out the door.
So what powers/abilities/attributes to vampires have in this universe?

Metagaming is for chumps.
Okay I have a question for the Adept players and this probably going to be a tough one: I want to rework the Adepts like completely to make them stand out from the other types (and because I kinda think their description is a bit of a clusterfuck atm). Basically they'll have the potential to use all possible abilities within their category but will be limited to a list of "spells" that they have to learn first. It might require a little bit of rewriting some power descriptions, but if you guys are cool with things atm I'll leave it alone.


Oleander did his best to... appreciate Izzy's attention without necessarily trying to encourage it further. Yes, of course he enjoyed the treats, and affection- but he had an image to maintain damn it! And Kayla's image too, who simply peered down over the edge of the table when Izzy said her name, and little more. The enormous Herik's appearance was a welcome one, as it removed the distraction- but the empty Tupperware bowl smelt good...

At that moment Emily spoke and despite her entertaining display with Elise, it was obviously in quite a bad mood. Kayla knew it wasn't directed at her because of anything she had done, rather the antics of the rest of the coven and the frustrations they created. Kayla was... equally less than enthused. Agatha mouthed on, did her typical grandstanding. Something something dead people. Something something mutilation. Kayla had enough. "I think," she began as soon as Agatha gave opportunity to speak. "... That this is a great way to get arrested doing something incredibly stupid."

Not too many would so openly defy the leadership as her, but it seemed as though Madison had similar thoughts and further supported Kayla's claim. Kayla sighed, and stood up. "Listen, thousands of people die every day. Some in really horrible ways. This sounds like some Florida serial killer who uses piranha solution as his calling card. We don't even know if this is supernaturally related."

Kayla crossed her arms, and her left came up to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Ladies and Herik, use your abilities to keep you sake. Herik- use your..." She motioned to the man's entire body and his enormous stature. It was obvious he had very little to fear from most other men. She shook her head, deciding to move on to what she came here for. She looked away from Herik to the rest of the group and leaned against the table. "I need some muscle." she stated, her voice firm even if her tone was easy.

"I sold to some hicks in a trailer park about twenty minutes north of here. I may or may not have mixed their weed with oregano and actual dog shit since they gave me fake bills last time. They're pissed, and some goon broke into my home the other day." She explained, then her head snapped down to her dog. "Oleander, up."

The dog was instantly at attention, and leapt onto the pool table. "Down." Kayla followed, prompting the dog to lay down at an easy eye level. With gentle hands, Kayla leaned over and spread the fur on the dog's neck to show a large, ugly bruise that was only just now beginning to heal. "They sent some goon after me, and Oleander stopped him before he made it far past the door when he broke in."

Kayla released the dogs hair, but did not command him down in case any of the others wanted to see for themselves. A rare opportunity for Kayla to so openly allow others to give her dog such unadulterated attention. "I want to teach these rednecks a lesson. We're aiming for hospital visits and chronic pain that doesn't go away. Not paperwork and police chases. They sent a motherfucker after me. The goal is to make sure that doesn't happen again."

Kayla placed both hands on the table and leaned against it. She scanned the people around her with laser focused intent, and finally the edge of her lip quirked up. "You all help me, and I'll see what I can do about freshening this place up a bit. It could use it." she said her eyes flashing over to the destroyed slot machines.

Time to... set the hook.

"And one last thing... They're vampires."

"Oleander, heel."

The Siberian Husky, obedient as ever, stopped a few paces from the alleyway entrance of the casino. The dog turned back to his mistress, a tilt to his head as if to convey his curiosity. Oleander took direction from few people, and being issued a command with such sudden conviction was... unbecoming of his mistress' normal demeanor. He waited for her to catch up with him. Kayla knelt down by the dog, and ran a hand through his fur. Oleander leaned into her touch, ever appreciative of the attention. There were stories upon stories about dogs being heroes. It was why he had taken this form.

A Golden Retriever pulls a baby from a burning house. A German Shepard taking a bullet for their handler. A Labrador calling neighbors when their owner has fallen and cant get up. A Dachshund standing up to bear to defend their home. Stories that were essentially modern legends singing of their feats of loyalty or sacrifice- Hachikō waited for his master for years at the train station. Balto transported the Diphtheria antitoxin six hundred miles through sleet and hail and snow to Nome. It was for this reason what he had assumed this state. A Familiar's job, their whole purpose, was to protect their masters. What better than man's best friend?

Some of his kin followed different philosophies than he did. He understood their choice, sometimes. Depending on their master's place in this world it would be appropriate to assume the form of a bear, or a lion, or something more... exotic. However, these creatures elicited fear in the societies they ventured into. They were met with resistance, and what good was strength if one could not apply it? Similarly, some preferred to be nimble, and oversee from above. Birds of all shapes and sizes, bats, insects... He could understand this philosophy as well. Being small made one hard to spot, and the power of flight? Being able to see for miles was a powerful warning system. As with the mighty beasts, though, it had its drawbacks. Namely the distance they had to maintain to play to such strengths. What good was an early warning if none were there to hear it?

Being a dog was an easy middle ground, Oleander felt. His methods and mentality were tried and true. His experience had lent itself to his shape, for there was no better state than a dog. People didn't question his appearance indoors or outdoors, or the fact that he followed his master wherever she went. That's just what dogs did. They were walked, and run regularly. They were loyal to their keepers and guardians of the hearth. All things considered, they were the familiars of the mundane world. It was a no brainer- the mundane world was the world they were trying to blend into, after all. There were some caveats though. He was a fairly sizable dog, so in some places it was more difficult to hide. There was no perfect solution to that without their disadvantages. There were also many places that did not allow mundane familiars- or 'pets' as they called them. Schools, some restaurants, etc... and while he and his mistress had not exactly been the most considerate of these rules in the past, perhaps she was wishing to be more respectful of a potential 'No food, drink, or pets' ruling that she had seen and he hadn't?

"Give it a few minutes, bud." she instructed, leaning against the wall and taking a cigarette out of her jacket. She was bewitching, like fire standing tall in dark jeans and a maroon leather jacket. She snapped her fingers, and a small jet of flames erupted out from the place where her index finger met her thumb. She lit the cigarette and took a long drag. She could hear the jostling and the banging of people and things inside and a part of her sighed at her party's antics. Kayla detested the infighting, and the group's inability to not shit where they slept for lack of better wording. She didn't take to it, or deal with it at all really. Sure, she was loud and proud and enjoyed being herself (even if she be'd herself all over everyone else)... but she'd do that outside. She kept the paranormal abilities outside, where she wasn't at risk of breaking something she actually liked.

There was an inkling of a flash that peeked out from the bottom of the door, and without missing a beat Kayla snuffed the cigarette out on the wall of the building. "Come, Ollie." she said gently, stepping up the two or three stairs and opening the door for her dog.

The casino was of course, trashed. Agatha looked flustered as she always did- her definition of leadership being more along the lines of 'get everyone's attention and hope they listen'. Unfortunately her most defining personality trait was tall (albeit, she wasn't the only one who suffered from such a affliction) and she had yet to learn the difference between hearing and listening. Kayla herself was guilty of being unable to or unwilling to listen to the younger woman. It wasn't for lack of trying, she was known for her bullheaded stubbornness after all, but she just never found the poor woman saying anything that really worth hearing or committing to memory. That wasn't her fault, though. At least, not entirely.

Stupid, or Sin as she insisted she be referred to and never would be (at least by her), couldn't keep a lid on it or control her familiars per the usual. She seemed upset at something, but Kayla wasn't particularly interested in trying to be the woman's therapist. Emily was screaming a moment ago and collecting herself now- acting only exasperated, probably at something that Babylon did. Madison looked absolutely ready to give up and go home. Claudette was collected, thank fucking Christ... Maya and Izzy were... distracted it seemed. No surprise there that Agatha's call had fallen on half deaf ears. Elise was talking shit to Emily- which was sure to get things interesting again. Riley was oblivious.

Business as usual.

Kayla wordlessly moved from the door to the poker table just as Claudette probed Agatha for whatever she wanted to say. Internally Kayla cringed at the concept of 'the boss' being told to lead, but she kept her passive expression because frankly, nobody asked her and she didn't feel like bringing any more bullshit to the table. Enough was being brought already by the rest of the suicide squad that was bumbling to the beat of their own drums. She pinched the bridge of her nose, and the only thing that reigned her internal strife in was Oleander who had padded along with her and had placed himself under her off hand in what likely a bid for attention as much as it was an effort to comfort her. She was, as always, infinitely grateful for her dog.

"I have actual business, today." she said, her voice carrying an edge of finality and command in her tone. This statement would undoubtedly catch some of their attention. Or at least, the attention of those that actually mattered. Kayla didn't often have business that she didn't handle herself, and when she invited The Coven into her ledger, interesting events always followed. She rested her elbow on the table and leaned into the arm that wasn't scratching Oleander behind the ear. She was uncharacteristically quiet for her usual self, and her bored expression held inklings of the just barely hidden frustration that simmered just beneath the surface. "So lets all cooperate and get the pleasantries out of the way quickly. For once. Please."
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