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    1. jynmi88 7 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Kind of going through a breakdown. Some personal stuff is getting mess.. Thanks to some idiots who not only left the fan on but threw shit right at it!
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@Crimson Lion
"Thanks" Risiru said with a slight bow before Takuya finished his series of attack with a half circled wall of ice. "But unfortunately he's not very good with wide range attacks, at least not at the moment." She laughed, scratching the back of her head. One of the strange hollow creatures took that as a sign her guard was done and she'd be an easy target. It raced towards her like a bullet, jumping over the corpses of its fallen kin, and lunged directly at the blue haired woman. It never reached her though. Instead it found itself in a giant's hand, and then slammed into steel, which bent under the force like clay. Then things went blissfully silent.
"But there's hardly a better opponent when it comes to one on one." She grinned, turning her head to look at the large grey giant, whose arm was shoulder deep into the wall.

@Red Mage
Understanding comes to the hollow far too late. It's confidence in it's attack caused it to pause, to savor the moment, but there wasn't any blood. None. What should've been a geyser of red didn't exist anywhere. Panicking it looked around for a second, which was a second far too long when a fight for life was concerned. One moment things were as calm as a choatic battle could be and the next yellow light, blinding yellow light. It was the kind of light whose brightness caused a momentarily shortage of understanding, and then it turned into an actual physical restraint that kept the thing glued to the ground. Rage boiled out of its lips as it made a cawing sound, trying to force its way out of the light and at the target.

"Hmm?" Nemuri said, tilting her head to the side as she looked at something on the wall. "Hold on, just a second here." Her hands disappeared into her pockets and reappeared, each holding a strange looking tool.

Several rapid shots fired from the red haired shinigami's zanpakuto and several white faces disappeared in order. "Strange." The shigiami blinked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and moving towards the hollows. "Don't you think?" He walked passed the scythe wielding, possibly fanatic, and knelt by one of the corpses around him. "How come these things are piling up instead of being purified and disappearing?" He said, watching Bakuto for an answering

The hollow let out a screech as it's target approached her. It's body tensed with the certainty it would manage the kill this time, and then it knew nothing. It felt nothing. Time and being ceased the cascade which it had known since birth. The world went black, but not just any kind of black. It was the darkness that swallowed up thoughts and light like a fat man at an all you can eat buffet. Before it even came to understand it was dead, it's various pieces fell to the ground with, hard, surprising loud wet thuds.

"Ah!" Nemuri shouted in excitement. "I think I figured out the problem here. One second, and watch your eyes. Don't want everyone to go blind for a second." There was a loud click, and the lights just above them, the ones over the entrance flickered to life. Then the ones next to them like a row of dominoes that were on fire, lighting up the gigantic, dark room as they went.

A few of the hollows managed to understand that what the man in the air was doing was actually something to consider a threat, but not many, and by the time they realized what was going to happen, it was far too late. By that point all they could manage to do was start to dodge, but that was it, start. Most couldn't make it more than an inch away from where they started before the attack hit, and they burst into flames, screaming.

While the last of the hollow things were screaming, the lights made its way to the end of the room, revealing a large, mess of machinery that appeared to belong in an HR Giger work. The main point of the machine was a circular metallic bulbous piece, suspended a few yards off the ground, with steel wires surrounding it. Lights flickered from the various buttons and screens on the mammoth machine's front. Beneath it were several glass tubes, filled with smoke.

As they watched, one of the glass doors slit open, and three brown, eggish objects fell out, onto a pile of empty husks. While they continued watching, several familiar purple, bony hands reached out of the pile and began pulling themselves up out of the mound.

"Damn thing is on the fritz" again, Nemuri sighed.
@Drunk Uncle Bob

Forgot to ask. Does your character count as a Devil Fruit user? I mean, they're under a devil fruit's effect, or connected with a Devil fruit user, so does that mean he has the same weaknesses as other DF users?

She looks great to me! Go ahead and move her over and you can get a post up once we get to Hargeon if you like since that would make the most sense.

Now we have an ice dragon slayer and an ice devil slayer haha, interesting.

I'm still in. Just have been suffering some writer's block for the last couple of days on account of it being so hot at night I can't focus. @.@

As for the rp, I think that maybe the problem is we're moving at kind of a slow pace. I mean, sure, introductions are great, but only so long as things move along. People join power fantasies to put their characters and powers to the test, I think. I could be wrong though since everything is subjective as far as preferences are concerned @.@
Sorry guys. I was supposed to have a short day today, but they called me in frist thing in the morning, and I spent a full, LONG day there. So I"m out of it. I'm off tomorrow, and other than seeing Avengers, I'm free. So I'll get you guys a post then.
I'll be posting tomorrow.
Heads up. I'll be posting tomorrow. So if you'd like to put in something in before the next stage of the fight now's the time to do it.
Paco's bullets hit the on coming spear dead on. Each bullet struck the head, with the intent of causing the explosive to alter course, and once again cause problems for the Swordsman, the one the two had identified as the real threat of the group. However, instead of veering off course like it should've, the projectile's rear end exploded like a moose that ate too much of something a moose's digestive system wasn't designed for and propelled the weapon forwards at a far greater speed than was customarily possible for a human to attain. Normally, someone would've panicked in these circumstance, and Paco did panic, but it was a short lived panic like upon reaching your home and thinking you lost your keys somewhere down the road, only to realize you were fishing around in the wrong pocket.

Once again, he dropped the guns, aimed at the woman's chest and fired two shots. The guns fell from the man's hands, and his fists tensed at his side. For a split second, he somehow seemed larger than before. That was all he had time for before the explosive projectile reached his destination, and detonated.

The blades clashed and the long armed swordsman felt painful vibrations shoot down into his arm, and up into his shoulders like a billion ants had burrowed their way into his skin and trying to stampede their way across his body. Understanding dawned him in an instant. He assumed, wrongly, his strength was far superior to the woman's, but it wasn't, at least not on the level he assumed it to be. Victory wouldn't come as easily as knocking his opponent back and following through with a unrelenting force.

Eyes narrowed, He grit his teeth, ignoring the pain as best he could, and putting his shoulder into it, because it wouldn't do any good if he couldn't at least hold his ground. He cracked a smile. It was like ice cubes dropping into a warm drink. "Shigan" he whispered. Then, as quickly as only a swordsman was capable of moving, his other arm lashed out, and his finger pierced itself into the woman's shoulder.

Not letting giving his opponent a chance to react, the man surged forwards, finger pulling itself out of Red-Eye's shoulder, and moving to wrap around her throat.

@Crimson Lion@grandia20
The giant of an old man, at least by human standards soughed at the redhead's words. "Damn pirates, arrogant and stupid in any day and age." His face didn't exactly break into a grim, but the corner of his mouth twisted upwards in the slightest. "Which is fine by me, means I don't have to waste time trying to teach you to know your place." With that his light brown eyes narrowed, as he turned his attention to the covered up man with the barrels.

"Pirates," he muttered as he tensed his arms back, and flung them forwards, creating two blades of air that shot to, and then past the barrels the man had launched, straight for his opponent. Without hesitating, the giant of a marine disappeared out of sight and reappeared directly in front of Kyy. "In the bag, you say?" He didn't wait for a response, but instead brought down his massive firsts, with the intent of taking the smaller's mans arms off at the shoulders.

"Hey!" A familiar voice called in surprise. "Hey, you, lady with her blade in the ship. You get over here this instant, the captain wants to talk with you and your friends."

"Why are you saying that," a woman with pink hair, and sunglasses sighed. "It's not like she's going to believe that. Just pick her off so we could help with the others."

"Ugh." Her partner, with a single shot rifle rolled his eyes. "Don't you think the captain would like some info on this group of sea dogs?"

"Nope." The womans hook her head. "He just wants them dead."

The man shrugged. She had a point. Without another word, he readied his rifle and began following the target.
@Red Mage@Drunk Uncle Bob@Yorutenchi
Which reminds me, could you guys get with me, Probably Via PM so we can discuss how you all will be introduced into the rp?
@Red Mage

Alright got my character done.

Nemuri shrugged at the shinigami's comment. "You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs." She would've said more, but before she could, the white haired shinigami was off to meet the new threat. "Oh. Never mind then. I'll just wait here while you guys take care of this." She folded her arms over her chest, and tapped her sandal while she waited.

One moment the hollow was falling down towards it's selected prey, bladed talons stretched before it like an arrow on it's way to piece an apple. Then it wasn't. The figure, so far below it, suddenly was in front of it and then behind it. Everything happened far too quickly for the masked creature to react. Not that understanding the situation would've done it much good, as by then, it's left arm and shoulder had been disconnected from the rest of it's body. The lack of mass within the limb caused it to descend at a slower race. So by the time the creature reached the ground, it still had a few feet to go. Upon enlightenment the white faced monster let out a loud, piercing scream as it continued to fall.

The creature's one good hand opened as it reached the ground. It's arm bent with the weight of it's body, before tensing. Behind it, it's feet met at the center, bottoms touching, pointed straight up. The claws at the end were just as vicious as those on his hands. As the face grew closer to the ground, the moment slowed. An inch before the floor, the monster's arm when straight and it propelled itself in a Bee line for it's opponent far faster than when it just let gravity pull it towards the white haired woman.

On it's way up, the hollow-like entity grabbed hold of it's arm.

@Crimson Lion
Upon the destruction of their fellow beast, the hollows all let out a roar. Which was in turn met with roars, further out in the darkness of the room beyond. It didn't take long before the whites of their mask pushed against the darkness, and a new wave was upon the recently graduated shinigami. Three of which, noted their fallen brother and focused their attack on the shinigami they deemed responsible.

The three headed straight for the fighter, breaking off, trying to attack him from the front, above, and to the left.
"Sculpt, Gin no kessaku" Risiru shouted as she thrust her blade forwards. There was a puff of black smoke and then there was a large, grey, hulking figure in a sharp dressed suit, standing in front of her. With a wave of her blade the hulking form let out a roar, and leaped into the air, grabbing hold of the hollow creature above Takuya's. It continued sailing over the man's head and smashed the creature face first into the ground upon landing.

The hollows near center of the fighting pause. The the sudden explosion of light from above was wrong. They're bodies tense as their white heads tilt to the side as if there were voices only they could hear, saying things that didn't make sense. Curious, they turned their attention upwards, towards a newly arrived individual. It's head tilts to the side as if something was wrong. A brief glint of light appears over its eyes like a the beam from a flash light streaking across a mirrored surface.

Then, as suddenly as the confusion set in, the creatures seemed to understand what was going on, and the newly arrived entity above them was not to be trifled with, or allowed to live. Without hesitation the creatures bent down, and shot themselves upwards like cats upon the discovery of a mouse that could fly.

@Red Mage
The hollow-esque creature lets out a low snarl as its clawed hands, the ones which it was recently planning on using to rip the young shinigami asunder was forced behind it's back as if it was just roped by the world's best invisible wrangler. It didn't stop though. It couldn't stop. The forces that be, it's driving core, wouldn't let it. The creature kept right on moving. Only instead of slashing with it's hands like it had hoped it turned around and did a round house kick at the woman, intending on ripping open the woman's stomach.

Bakuto's wind-covered blade had no problem slicing through the creature's arm. One moment the creature was hole and the next second it could technically apply for disability. That didn't stop it though. It didn't react in the slightest bit. It's stomp of an arm just kept right on going, but at a slightly altered angle. The only difference was now it was aiming upwards for the shinigami's throat, intent on crushing the windpipe.

While it's first attack was continuing, it's second attack moved started. The monster's left, and now favorite hand, streaked towards the shinigami's side, intent on piercing in him and continuing on through the other end.

Another shinigami hating entity appeared behind the man, arms reeled back for a strike that never came.
"LR 001" the red haired valedictorian said, thrusting his arm in front of him, with a glowing white sphere in his hand. The sphere shimmered before taking the shape of a strange, revolver like weapon "six shooter." He smiled as he pulled the trigger. Two shots, and the hollow creature lost two arms.

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