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5 yrs ago
Current "Soon you will have forgotten all things. And soon all things will have forgotten you."
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courtesy of @Muttonhawk

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Thank you for your feedback, I hope my response is satisfactory and that you can come back to me with direction as to how I should proceed soon.

Edit: It slipped my mind, but Capy mentioned it on the Discord: Seihdhara's connection with Red-Haired Folk is a fairly significant interaction with Galbar.

Edit 2: After Leo and Capy very helpfully shared their thoughts with me on the discord, I will now no longer be pursuing Seihdhara's werebear form.

It's over. Go home damn you!

The Revolution Endures!

Bigger cages! Longer chains!
The ap-Cantar

And the spear was raised high, the wickerwork shield was set upon the head, feet beat at the earth, and the war shout rose resoundingly. The warriors were gathered, all one-hundred and ninety of them, and the two qoljulas left behind by the most noble Hiwcantar, wily Miksuin and stalwart Furrayn, stood before them and were in all ways glorious. And the foremost warriors of Tilaticantar revelled in the all-consuming power and might granted them by GREAT Cantar, and the war roar enveloped them and caused the fires that lusted after battle to rise even within them.

And Furrayn spoke. 'It has reached you, and they know best who have seen with the twain,' and he gestured to his eyes, 'that the Mewaris are an evil lot. What begins in evil is destined for nothing other than evil. Look how they cast out their weak, and how we take them in and welcome them - for it has come down through our chieftain Hiwcantar that GREAT Cantar has made the riverfolk as one with us - and we are endlessly merciful to our own, unapologetically cruel against all others, fierce in battle, gracious in victory. We have been gracious to them in victory because they are our brothers yet, despite their crimes and heresy. But they are as the rabid dog that ravages the hand that seeks to discipline and feed, and so that hand must now become the one that puts them out. We shall put them out!'

The declaration was met with hard, determined stares and nods, a few warriors beat the ground with the butts of their spears. Furrayn turned on Miksuin and the two nodded to one another before Furrayn raised his spear and shouted for his warriors to go forth. Some eighty warriors set out with the qoljula. Some days of travel later and they found themselves staring out at what remained fo the town of the Mewaris from the long grass at the bank of the Tala.

'They are dogs, and shall be hunted as dogs.' Furrayn declared, splitting his jula up into units of ten and commanding them to track and hunt down these brigands. 'Capture them alive and deliver them to the villages up the river. If you must kill them then do so, and deliver their bodies up. That all may know that we are the punishers and that we here are the protectors. They who incur our wrath can hope for no protection, and they whom we protect may fear no punishment!'

And so it was.

@Double Capybara I am following. My issue is that I get to reading posts long after they have been posted, so I am not yet caught up on the last three pages or so. This means that I tend to lose track of where the plot was at and have to go back and at the very least read summaries or skim posts I've read before, so a refresher would be good anyway.
I've been following all these ruminations about Mk.III and weird spheres and whatever shenanigans Cyclone's trying to put in. I would be lying if I said the idea of joining hasn't come to mind, but I am currently in Termite's boat. I want to ensure that storylines here are wrapped up and given justice before leaping into something new. I'm already struggling with that, so I am hesitant to push myself beyond capacity.
Where's my whip.

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