Avatar of King Cosmos


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Roughly how long has it been since powers first started appearing?
@Classy I guess I should ask what kind of tone you are going for and what the average power level is; I know you said "anything goes", but what's the base line for how strong characters should be?
I'm interesting in this. Is there an expectation that we will play heroes, or at least morally good characters, or would we be able to play villains as well?
The combined assault from himself and Torrent seemed to have caused the Slime a great deal of pain, but the large creature had yet to fall and was evidently still able and willing to fight back judging by the fact that it was lashing out at the Lesser Wurm that it had just expelled from its body. With Digbie focusing on supporting and healing them and with himself, Torrent and Ash focusing on offense they would surely be able to defeat the Slime given enough time to whittle away at its health, but without knowing exactly how much health it had remaining none of them knew how long the fight would last.

Creating another Fireball between his hands, Oberon used Monster Analysis on the Slime again, hoping to get more information about the creature with a second use of the ability. He focused his gaze on its injuries where he had burnt it and where Torrent had torn her way inside it, thinking that perhaps he could see something like a health bar if he focused on assessing its current state.

As he used his analysis skill he used Mana Shape to reshape the Fireball in his hands, forging it into the same shape as his Mana Dart; long, narrow and with a pointed tip. Once it was in the correct shape he began to compress it, exactly like he had when he had first cast his Mana Dart through the rock back in the cave. While his own Fireball had merely scorched the Slime's membrane, Torrent's invasive attack seemed to have caused it much more pain. If he could make a spell that would pierce through this monster and penetrate its body before either expanding or exploding, it would surely be more effective than another Fireball.

When he felt confident that the spell would hold together, assuming it didn't just explode in his hands from the pressure, he launched it towards the Giant Slime from above, seeking to strike at the monster while it was still distracted with Torrent.

@vancexentan I'm just going to weigh in on this, because this is honestly a conversation I've been expecting for a while.

I, personally, wouldn't have an issue with writing in an RP where the outcome was heavily scripted so long as, and this is where the issue lies, I was part of writing the script and knew what the plan was.

You're writing a story, not an RP. That's been clear for a while now. You have a large cast of characters under your control, the plot is mostly pre-determined and you have an expectation for how things should go. You want us to write some of the major characters in a story in which you have almost complete creative control and we don't know what the plan is or what our parts are. And you weren't up front about that being the case. And I also suspect our part in things is kind of superfluous since you set up your cast to be able to handle things should our characters not be able to or if people dropped out, e.g. Monica being able to break the barrier and Anderson being able to see through the illusions.

You've basically confirmed that the outcome of the current encounter is already set in stone and that we have limited scope to affect what happens in the next few posts. I have no reason to believe that will change in later fights.

You want the Berserker brawl to go a certain way? That's fine, talk to me, we can figure out how the fight goes and write something cool, just include me in the process. Because with the way things are set up right now I know that I can't win this fight, or lose it, or do anything that actually makes a difference because you're controlling the outcome one-sidedly; and that's quite disheartening.
“It seems that Saber has the enemy Servant in hand. Let’s just hope that those skeletons don’t decide to come after us.” Speaking with a nonchalance that he didn’t fully feel, Thomas swept his eyes over the wolves and skeletal soldiers that had emerged from the forest. The enemy Lancer, who in a fit of hubris had freely revealed herself to be one of the famed Tiger Generals, had found them much faster than he had anticipated; perhaps it was foolish to think that the Grey’s wouldn’t be on guard against an attack, but even so this response time was admirable.

Closing his eyes again Thomas linked his vision with that of his Servant only to discover that Berserker had been similarly waylaid by a beastly looking warrior, perhaps the Red factions own Berserker.

“Berserker has been attacked as well. I suppose now we find out which faction chose the stronger Servants!”


The arrow bit into Berserker’s shoulder, piercing deeply into the hard muscle even though to anyone observing it would barely seem to have broken the skin enough to not fall out; if the Archer that fired the arrow could see the results, as he no doubt could if he was good enough to make the shot in the first place, he would find all of his shots from now on to be even less effective.

Regardless, right now Berserker’s attention was solely focused on the wolf-skin wearing warrior that was charging towards him. The mad Vikings eyes locked with the other Berserker’s as he charged to meet him, raising his two clubs above his head he leapt heedlessly towards his opponent, roaring his mindless rage for all to hear. The red spear bit into Berserker of Black’s side, leaving a gouge in its wake even as to Berserker of Red the attack seemed to glance harmlessly off of his opponent’s skin; in turn Berserker of Black slammed his weapons down on his opponent, the overhead strike bringing both clubs crashing down with all of his might.
@vancexentan actually, ignore that last comment. Having re-read the skill that I wrote and then forgot about, for regular physical attacks like that arrow there's no condition and it will always appear to do no or reduced damage and subsequent attacks will be with a minus modifier; the only thing it doesn't affect are Noble Phantasms of Rank A or higher.
@vancexentan his pelt is just a regular bear's pelt and is more of a cape than anything regardless; if it offered any kind of protection it would have been included in his sheet. You can make a minor edit to say the arrow hit him directly and pierced his skin if you want, but it's not a big deal.
@vancexentan Berserker isn't wearing armour for what it's worth, just a bear pelt cloak covering his back.

Was Archer's shot less than A rank strength? You don't have to reveal the exact rank but if it's lower than A then any subsequent shot from Archer would be weaker; that applies to anything Berserker of Red does as well.
In trying to tune out the rambling and ranting of the Saber-class Servant, Thomas almost missed the cue from his ally to begin the assault. Nodding to the doctor the older Magus turned away from the pair towards where his Servant waited, the brute standing apart from the rest of the group to give him the room he would need to launch his assault.

The plan of attack was simple enough; Berserker would charge into the enemy forest, destroy everything in his path while attracting as much attention as possible. The aim was to disrupt more than anything else, to force the Grey’s to pay attention to their part of the assault and draw their focus away from other areas so that the other teams would have less opposition to deal with; Berserker was the Servant with the best chance of surviving such a plan and Saber could add her considerable power to the mix if need be while the good doctor would hopefully keep them all alive.

Such brute tactics were a far cry from Thomas’ usual dealing, but after decades of political manoeuvrings within the Order, of carefully concealing barbs within words, maintaining and tracking allegiances and of keeping his back free of knives, it would be nice to throw his weight around for once.

Raising his staff Thomas pointed the Mystic Code towards the heart of the hidden forest. “Go Berserker! Throw yourself to the wolves and rage to your heart’s content! Destroy everything in your path!”

The Servant wasted no time in following the command, as if he had been waiting for this moment his entire life, and launched himself forward. The Berserker leapt towards the forest, dirt and turf spraying his Master’s clothing as he kicked off from his starting position, and leapt again when he touched the ground. After two more leaps he found himself already at the treeline, Berserker diving headfirst past the border between forest and open ground and disappearing from sight.

Thomas closed his eyes and connected his vision to that of his Servant’s, instantly being greeting by the nauseating sight of branches and foliage and underbrush flying past at dizzying speeds. His warrior was moving quickly through the Grey’s vaunted forest, deeper into enemy territory with every reckless step; it was only a matter of time before someone noticed if they hadn’t already.

“Now we wait, I suppose.” Thomas stared into the distance with a contended smile on his face, staff held before him and both hands resting on top. “What do you suggest we should do to pass the time?”

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