Avatar of King Tai


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Did not realize I've been gone for over a year. Not sure if I'm completely back here but just visiting. Apologies to all who I ghosted. I'll reach out to a few once again. I'll keep you posted.
3 yrs ago
Managed to drop 33 lbs and have 17 more to go to reach my goal!
4 yrs ago
I feel the only ones that are not complaining about the mandatory lockdowns are the gamers and people like me who likes staying home not doing shit.
6 yrs ago
My fondest childhood memory.......... not having to pay bills
7 yrs ago
ME: I got paid today!! MY BILLS: Nah! "I" got paid today!!


(Currently under construction)

Don't have much to say right now but while this is under construction, wanted to mention that my circumstances have changed now that I have a newborn baby in the house. With that said, I will be on when I can and my posts may not be consistent or fast on a daily basis. That goes for both group and PM RPs. If I take forever posting, my apologies in advance. But I will try and inform ones I work with of my current status and when I'll attempt to post again.

Appreciation to the ones I work with
Thanks :D

In the meantime:

If you want to add me on Discord, you can reach me with: King Tai#7510

If you have interest in RPing with me, I have a page that you can sneak up on: RIGHT UP IN HERE!

Most Recent Posts

Started back up!


Full Name: Carson "Motion-Play" Cobb

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'10

Weight: 165 lbs


With use of a device called the Velocity belt the user gains:

-Super speed, reflex, agility, reaction time
-Allows the user to utilize speed combat
-User has a special ability of using the slo-mo particle beam to slow down anyone for 5-10 seconds at a time.
4 Horsemen Clique

Full Name: Damien(Death), Warren(War), Peyton(Pestilence), Fabian(Famine)

These four boys are descendants of four cursed men that were made into the four horsemen. A mysterious immortal being from that time when the curse was first bestowed, found the descendants and awakened that curse once again to do his bidding. The boys were originally shocked for the power they've gained but saw this as an opportunity to cause havoc wherever they go and call upon anyone who wants to challenge them, just for the sake of having fun. They exist in this modern day in time behaving like delinquents. They are learning more to be like normal and to know the values of living along with love.

Age: Unknown


Damien: Usually gloomy, satisfied with bringing about death, loves dark places, constantly finds people on the verge of death simply to watch them die.

Warren: Violent, aggressive, loves to fight, loves watching boxing, wrestling, mma, and any sort of action revolving around violence. He has a love for weapons as well.

Peyton: Uncaring and malicious, Peyton marvels over ones who are ill and would do whatever it takes to make them succumb to whatever illness there is. Any kind of epidemic, if he can cause it, he will use it as long as he gets to watch people and society suffer.

Fabian: Despite what he represents, he's a bit of a glutton. He loves to eat and will steal food off of others plates to satisfy his hunger. He gains joy watching someone starve to death.


Damien- Representing death, Damien can use necromancy. Using death energy to suck the life out of someone or us ectoplasm/ectokinetic combat using such energies. Mostly immortals and people with longevity can resist the full on effect but can still weaken them. Damien is an expert hand to hand and weapon combat.

Warren- Representing war, Warren have combat empowerment. He has super human strength, mastery over hand to hand and weapon combat. and is capable of using rage energy and cause rage inducement.

Peyton- Representing pestilence, Peyton's body is infested with parasites. He can release swarms of locusts and other parasites onto others and can cause disease inducement on a specific target. the potency depends on the user and the target's physical condition. Peyton has adept skills in hand to hand and weapon combat.

Fabian- Representing Famine, Fabian is capable of making crops and vegetation rot, wilt, or make anything edible, inedible. He capable of causing dehydration through touch and has the ability to eat through any material.
Witch of Kondo

Full Name: Hasela the Exiled Witch

Gender: Female

Nickname: Exiled Witch of Kondo

Race: Cursed Human

Age: over 1,000. Immortal

Height/Weight: 5'9/ varies

Magic/ abilities:
(Hasela found and used an evil ancient artifact called Succubus Heart. It's a greed crystal that curses the one who uses it and grants them abilities.)

Life force feeding- This ability allows her to heal and keeps her charged with energy.


Animal Mimicry/ Hybrid- She have the ability to mimic different abilities and adaptations of existing animals. The only difference between herself and Salamel is that she becomes a hybrid of the animal she is using the adaptation/trait of. (Example: While using cheetah speed, she will take the form of a hybrid cheetah-human. Same goes for using the strength of a gorilla, swimming abilities of a shark and so on.) Her version of Animal mimicry is a bit stronger than Salamel's.

She also have the keen senses and above peak human physical attributes (before animal traits). She have genius intellect, an expert martial artist, a strong mind, and capable of using melee weapons.

Personality: Cunning, cocky, bossy, cruel, seductive, and angered, can succumb to rage induced violence where her animal instincts kicks in. Besides her animal side, she can be civil when need to be but usually she is not to be trusted. She hates her brother Salamel (technically her brother died hundreds of years ago but Salamel is her brother's current reincarnated life. So in that case, Salamel is her brother since he is in a new life form.)

(Hasela have a servant/partner who she trusts fully to help her on her mission of gaining more power)


Panthea is a powerful warrior princess who have left home to fight in the gladiator games to prove her skills are superior and to leave the boring life of her home to have a better purpose. She have enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, durability. She have enchanted armor that can defend against magic and release energy and force upon impact depending on the user's applied skill. She uses a Shield and Spear to fight with. She's a master hand to hand combatant.
Angel for Hire

Full Name: Tagas

Gender: Male

Tagas, an angel living in human society to basically serve whatever community service that requires his assistance. There are many dangerous foes out there and with his power of light, he seeks to defeat the criminals who cause pain and oppression.

Powers/ skills:

The power of light-
constructs light arrows and spears
embue his limbs with light for melee attacks
Can revive others with his light and even heal himself
Can expel dark forces and demons from others
Can call upon the heavens blade
Can use the judgement beam to shoots down from the sky to obliterate those with evil in their heart but it weakens the user.

He also has flight
superhuman attributes

Terra Splitter

Full Name: Tyulvus

Gender: Male

Race: demi-god

Age: ???

Height: 6'2

Weight: 265 lbs

Abilities/ Skill:

User of The Terra arts: Standard earth bending like skills where the user can pretty much control earth all around them.

Molten Terra Arts: User can call upon molten lava and rock, using magma freely.

Awaken Terra Art- Sky Terra: Utilizing and controlling terra from space being that of Comets, meteors, and asteroids

Terra Arts: Golem: the user can become an enormous Golem that looks like a titan. Capable of speaking and eating, the user is the heart of the golem and is still capable of using Terra arts.


Burning Axe: an axe that's super heated to burn through almost anything.

Heavy Broadsword: a sword capable of increasing the weight of someone's weight or weight if their weapons when the sword strikes.

Tyulvus also have an older brother named Grem (I'll add more about Grem soon)

(will add some info soon.)

Full Name: Menos Oxtar

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Menos, born from the now dead race, The Colossus. Titan giant size beings that was once feared and hunted because of their immense strength and power. Being half Colossus, half human, Menos is a 5'6-5'7 mixed blood who was raised by his human mother and learned the truth about his other heritage. Upset about the fate of his colossus side and being the only one left with colossus blood in him, he seeks to hopefully one day rebuild the colossus race. In the mean time, he's traveling the dangerous world to learn more about himself.

Abilities: Super strength, durability, stamina, super leap, and quake attacks (basically fist slamming the ground to cause a quake-like attack.)

Personality: Brave, hot-blooded, and usually have a hard time controlling his rage when challenged or aggravated. He can be easily tricked and taunted, usually answering with his muscles than his mind. He can be calmed by ones he's grown fond of.
Nimbus Bros.

Full Name: Rai and Rumba Nimbus

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

(Still a W.I.P)

Bad boys ready to have some fun and ready to meet some new people. They dare you to try them.

Rai (Auburn hair):

-The eldest of the two
- The power to use lightning

Rumba (Dark gray hair):

-The youngest
-power to use thunderous shockwaves.
Prince Trio

Full Name: Richie (Red) Angelo (Yellow) Skyler (blue)

Gender: Male

These three boys were born from a spirit creature and a human. With their unnatural birth, they were born to have a supernatural ability of immortality. Being that, they've been living for about 3,000 years now and have done many things in the past such as ruled kingdoms, fought in wars, seen history repeat itself and so on but now, being wanderers to discover all the world's secrets and explore the pleasures of life, they have an eternal journey of discovery before them.

These guys can fit in almost any genre. They brothers of pleasure and seek to find such. Anyone can RP with one or all of them.


Richie: Serious, headstrong, adventurous, curious, smart, and brave.

Angelo: Cool, calm, and collected. Flirty, enjoys a little humor, caring, and very talkative

Skyler: Shy, kind, quiet at times, sort of jaded, at doubt sometimes, and morbid


Richie- Physical Therapist.

Angelo- Model

Skyler- College student
(Will add more soon)

Sorry for the hold up. I've had an exhausting couple of days.
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