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"Zombies, huh? Now we are talking," Thea said to herself as she read the newest news while on her wait to a certain shop that was trending on the social networks right now, for a reason that she was completely unaware of. It had to be a good place if so many people were talking about it, right?

"Anyway, finally a mode that's worth killing some time on. Instead of those lame-o 'bosses'," she thought as she arrived at the place and got a seat at the bar before asking for a strawberry milkshake and a pizza. If this place was worth all this commotion, it had to have a good pizza and shakes, right?

Her excitement was echoed by a majority of the Scourgers' player base. After all, zombies were supposed to be humans that got back from their graves. This would make them weak to good old hot lead, and resistant to kiddy toys like lasers. Finally, something that was going to be fun to deal with for the red players.
"I'm sorry, but you are not leaving me any choice," Nanoha said as the creatures didn't heed her request for them to talk on peaceful terms. She had a sad look in her eyes for a moment before...

"Raising Heart, let's end this now! Hyperion..." she barely gave the creature's queen time to blow her shell before Raising Heart loaded at least four cartridges, completely bypassing the required charge time for a heavy bombardment spell.

<<Smasher>> The device chimed in its characteristic mechanical voice as cherry blossom colored magic circle appeared under Nanoha's feet and a set of spinning rings created a cannon barrel aimed at the fish creatures.


Nanoha shouted as Raising Heart unleashed a massive blast of magical energy many times greater than any of the spells she used until now. Hyperion Smasher, a straight improvement to Divine Buster in all aspects.

The creatures would still be left alive, albeit heavily injured, but the cave they were in, wouldn't have the same fate, being pretty much blasted into oblivion, sending atomized debris and water flying away with enough for to turn the once aquatic cave into a gapping, dry, open-air hole.

"I told you that we just wanted to talk. Maybe, you'll listen to us, now," Nanoha said as she kept the battered fishmen under Raising Heart's barrel...
"Hey, Emon, come down here for a moment and meet me in this place's toilet, will ya? You haven't been back home during the whole day and I was busy tampering with Bird Boy's Mystic Code so I didn't get the chance to do something for you," Alex said over her mental bond to Emon as she arrived at the meeting place she set up with Bird Boy, asked for a strawberry cheesecake and a cup of tea, before taking a quick detour to the toilet.

Upon arriving there, she quickly set up a small bounded field just to dissuade anyone from entering the place while she waited for Assassin.

"Just to make it clear. I wanna place a rune on your shoes to make it impossible for those hounds to track you, or get a hold of your scent, just like I did on mine. That should make it easier for you to counter spy on them," she said as she produced a blank scroll, ink, and a pen and began writing a Scroll of Geis to use on Bird Boy.

"Also, if you can, try to stay close and ready to take me out of here just in case Bird Boy is crazy enough to try to do anything funny in a public place. I really don't wanna die just because I'm dealing with an amateur. Better safe than sorry, after all."
"Well, that went out better than I thought. You really are a cool guy, Emon," Alex said over her mental bond to Emon as she perused Daisuke's tome, after Assassin handed it to her earlier in the morning. It was an interesting type of mystic code. Employing imaginary space to store familiars was actually very thoughtful in a way.

Even though her alchemist instincts told her to, trying to dissect it further would have to wait. After laying her hand on it once and getting familiarized with the book she could just replace it with Flash Air whenever she felt like it. "Though, that kinda makes me feel like I'm the villain here," she thought as she scratched her cheek while embedding silvery glyphs all over the book, covering it in multiple layers of spells.

Once she was done with the tampering, Alex used one last spell to make all the glyphs disappear, leaving only a magic circle, in the shape of a star chart, drawn with silvery ink into the book's back cover.

After that, Alex took a trip to the nearest post office, taking the care to use magecraft to disguise, or rather, eliminate her trail, after being informed by Assassin about the magical hounds that were tracking the area near Tokyo Tower yesterday.

Upon arriving at the post office, she sent the following urgent telegram to Daisuke's address:
"Hi again, Bird Boy!

You really should take better care of your toys, y'know. If you want your book back, come to OOO at 17:30. Don't make a girl wait~♡

PS: No tricks. I know how the real you looks like."

The address she gave was that of a cake shop a couple streets away from Tokyo Tower, a rather busy place where not even the most brazen, or inexperienced, of mages would try anything.

Just to be sure, she contacted Assassin to let him know that she would be close to the Tower as well.

Once every preparation she had to do was completed, Alex took a taxi to her meeting point with the ever-so-mysterious Bird Boy. "I'm sorry, Bird Boy. You're probably gonna become my toy now. Well, it's better that than being killed, I guess..." Alex said to herself as she took one last look at the book.

"Sheesh! I guess that I'm really becoming the villain, huh?"
"Very well then," Nanoha nodded upon hearing Youmu's answer. If she could fight underwater without restrictions then this would be much easier to deal with.

"If that's the case—" she said as they finally broke into a larger section of the cave system that had even more of those creatures than before waiting for them. That was never going to end, huh?

"If that's the case," she repeated to herself. "We will just have to break right through them! Right, Raising Heart?"

<<Yes, Master. Standby ready.>>

"Ok, then. We are going to cut a path right to our main target, Youmu," Nanoha said as Raising Heart switched modes yet again, from a cannon, to a rocket-powered spear (that's also a cannon). Not long after that, she blasted away at full speed, leaving a trail of knocked out enemies, and massive hole on every wall between their current position and the target that was trying to run away from them.

"Stop right there! We just want to talk, please," Nanoha said after passing their target—avoiding to hit it with her attack—and stopping a few meters away from it, with Raising Heart—back to its cannon mode—pointed right at them.
"I see," was all that Nanoha said after she took notice of the facts through Youmu. This reminded her of the Jewel Seed incident in the worst ways possible and, if anyone who actually knew Nanoha for a long time heard the reply she gave, they would know that she wasn't very pleased.

"I see..." she said again, nodding gravely.

"We must take a step forward if we want to stop this. There's one signature deep down these caverns going away from us. I suppose that we will have to pursue it underwater. Would that be a problem for you, Youmu? If so, I can try to catch it on my own. As long as I have my Barrier Jacket, I'll be fine even if I go to outer space," Nanoha said, waiting for Youmu's answer before choosing a path to follow.
Class: Archer
True Name: Atalanta

  • STR: D
  • END: E
  • AGI: A
  • MAN: B
  • LCK: C
  • NP: C
Class Skills:

  • Magic Resistance D: Cancels Single-Action spells. Magic Resistance of the same degree of an amulet that rejects magical energy.
  • Independent Action A: It is possible to take action even without a Master. However, to use Noble Phantasms of great magical energy consumption, backup from the Master is necessary. At Rank A, it is possible for a Servant to stay in the world for about a week without a Master.
Personal Skills:

  • Crossing Arcadia B: Can move while jumping over all kinds of obstacles on the field, including enemies.
    "Arcadia, my far-away homeland, I shall jump stone by stone across the steep mountain range that lead to you."
  • Aeshetics of the Last Spurt C: Can anticipate the enemy by letting him take the initiative and then confirming his actions.
    "Go ahead. I shall pass in front of you afterward like a squall."
Noble Phantasms:

  • Phoebus Catastrophe: Complaint Message on the Arrow

    • Rank: B
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Range: 2~50
    • Maximum Number of Targets: 100 People
    • A complaint letter on an arrow seeking the divine protection of Artemis and Apollo with the Tauropolos received from the Guardian Deity Artemis. In the next turn arrows will rain on all enemies as if a downpour. Range can be set.
  • Agrius Metamorphosis: Boar of Divine Punishment

    • Rank: B+
    • Type: Anti-Unit (Self)
    • Range: 0
    • Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Person
    • The Monstrous Beast of Calydonia that Atalanta killed. A cursed Noble Phantasm where one owns the power of the Monstrous Beast when she wears the pelt.
      Even though Tauropolos is sealed, other than luck, all other stats rise. And an A Rank "Mad Enhancement" equivalent status is taken on.
      The skill "Shapeshift: A" is added. In battle, the wearer's form, therefore nature, changes.
Atalanta is has a very peculiar personality, fruit of her life experience in the Age of Gods. She can be, and most of the time is, very closed toward most people thanks to her being raised by animals, with little to no contact with humans. Acid remarks are not above her either and she could give you a chewing if need be.

She can, mellow out considerably in face of children and when enjoying herself on the wilderness, in fact, Atalanta would do do almost anything for the sake of children and the wilds.

Don't mistake her kindness for weakness. Atalanta is one of the most dangerous Hunters of the Age of the Gods, blessed by the Sibling Deities Apollo and Artemis, she can hit you with pinpoint accuracy A rank attacks in a starless night across an entire valley and her animal instincts and agility make her all but impossible to catch unguarded or keep up with on a skirmish over difficult terrain. With all these traits together, Atalanta is as good as one can expect that the Archer class can get.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Well, there you have it:

Class: Archer
True Name: Atalanta
  • STR: D
  • END: E
  • AGI: A
  • MAN: B
  • LCK: C
  • NP: C
Class Skills:
  • Magic Resistance D: Cancels Single-Action spells. Magic Resistance of the same degree of an amulet that rejects magical energy.
  • Independent Action A: It is possible to take action even without a Master. However, to use Noble Phantasms of great magical energy consumption, backup from the Master is necessary. At Rank A, it is possible for a Servant to stay in the world for about a week without a Master.
Personal Skills:
  • Crossing Arcadia B: Can move while jumping over all kinds of obstacles on the field, including enemies.
    "Arcadia, my far-away homeland, I shall jump stone by stone across the steep mountain range that lead to you."
  • Aeshetics of the Last Spurt C: Can anticipate the enemy by letting him take the initiative and then confirming his actions.
    "Go ahead. I shall pass in front of you afterward like a squall."
Noble Phantasms:
  • Phoebus Catastrophe: Complaint Message on the Arrow
    • Rank: B
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Range: 2~50
    • Maximum Number of Targets: 100 People
    • A complaint letter on an arrow seeking the divine protection of Artemis and Apollo with the Tauropolos received from the Guardian Deity Artemis. In the next turn arrows will rain on all enemies as if a downpour. Range can be set.
  • Agrius Metamorphosis: Boar of Divine Punishment
    • Rank: B+
    • Type: Anti-Unit (Self)
    • Range: 0
    • Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Person
    • The Monstrous Beast of Calydonia that Atalanta killed. A cursed Noble Phantasm where one owns the power of the Monstrous Beast when she wears the pelt.
      Even though Tauropolos is sealed, other than luck, all other stats rise. And an A Rank "Mad Enhancement" equivalent status is taken on.
      The skill "Shapeshift: A" is added. In battle, the wearer's form, therefore nature, changes.
Atalanta is has a very peculiar personality, fruit of her life experience in the Age of Gods. She can be, and most of the time is, very closed toward most people thanks to her being raised by animals, with little to no contact with humans. Acid remarks are not above her either and she could give you a chewing if need be.

She can, mellow out considerably in face of children and when enjoying herself on the wilderness, in fact, Atalanta would do do almost anything for the sake of children and the wilds.

Don't mistake her kindness for weakness. Atalanta is one of the most dangerous Hunters of the Age of the Gods, blessed by the Sibling Deities Apollo and Artemis, she can hit you with pinpoint accuracy A rank attacks in a starless night across an entire valley and her animal instincts and agility make her all but impossible to catch unguarded or keep up with on a skirmish over difficult terrain. With all these traits together, Atalanta is as good as one can expect that the Archer class can get.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
A rough awakening waited Solanne, Kanbaru, and Rose, after they passed out, following their debauched revelry in the heart of the woods in the border between the Imperium and the harsh lands of Exilia.

The first thing they would notice would be the cold bite of heavy iron chains, which would be just about impossible to escape from regardless of the tricks any of them had at their disposal, probably because they were created by someone else's tome. The three of them had the bad luck of being found by a group of Exilian slave traders and being dragged across the sands in an iron cage along with a number of other poor souls.

Their destination was none other than the slave market at the greatest hub of "civilization" on the cursed desert, the Blood Ring, a great colosseum of red sandstone built in the center of a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

There, the three of them would lay exposed, not even given the luxury of wearing anything more than a coarse cloak, since the bandits didn't care to give their clothes back to them. After all, if they were sleeping naked in the woods, they wouldn't care for a little extra exposition, would they?

"Oh my, it seems that you got a very lively bunch here, haven't you, my old friend?" a sinister looking girl said to the owner of the slave trading house as she visited it not long after the arrival of the trio, while observing their chained silhouettes, fastened to a cell carved into the same blood-red stones from with most of the "city" was made off.

"I was told that the three of you were found in a very... compromising position," she said, lifting the only thing safeguarding their dignity, with a curious look in her doll-like eyes. "That's very brazen of you. Fucking in the woods without a care in the world. Either you are completely clueless, or... you wanted this to happen~" she continued, whispering the last part on Rose's ear, just loud enough that Kanbaru and Solanne would be able to listen as well.

"Anyway, I liked what I saw here. So, I'll give you a choice. You can either become mine while I exercise my priority as the ruler of these lands. Or you can stay here and wait to become slave-prostitutes of whatever wretched bastard can cover your price tag."

"What do you say?"
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