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Current Every time I see an ad for a Ryan Reynolds film I think "That's so dumb." Then I go see said film and am blown away. I highly recommend "IF."


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Darin considered what Ridahne had said about this mysterious chocolate. If they made it with milk and if they served it here, they might be able to make her spiced milk. She would have to consider coming back when she had coin of her own to spare. She had a little, but it had to be used for necessities like resoling her boots and possibly paying someone to cut her hair short. That was one of the cons of preferring short hair. It had to be trimmed regularly. She had been using her knife from home to hack it short since they left The Farm, but now it was uneven and choppy. That was almost as annoying as wearing it long. She needed to find someone who could even it out.

Darin did reply to Ridahne’s comment about trying apple pie and potatoes, “I’ll have to make you proper potatoes. Those, of course, are mostly butter and milk with some salt and chives, if you can find them. We can have it before apple pie for dessert. Maybe when we finally swing back up towards my home.”

That was a long time off and thinking about that made Darin homesick again. She was tired of feeling that way. She didn’t think the feelings would ever fade. She wasn’t sure she wanted them to fade. Though those thoughts did bring her back to climbing the trees of the city. If she took off her boots, she could probably do it. She was decent at climbing; not the best but decent. She was willing to give it a shot. As such she leaned down to unlace her boots and peal them off.

As she stood, she handed them out to her companion, “Could you get these to the inn as well. I’m going to go see if I can find a place to try my climb.” She smiled slightly as she started to walk away, “I’ll try to be back by night.”

With that Darin was off. It wasn’t that difficult to figure out were to go. She did get to practice her bows as she asked for directions and advice. Most of the Eluri seemed more than happy to help. One claimed they knew that humans shook hands the way that they bowed. Darin happily confirmed that fact and found herself laughing as she helped him practice. He was enthusiastic. Darin enjoyed it as he practically ripped her arm off as he shook it up and down. Eventually he pointed her on her way, and she introduced him to a new human custom, waving. He was enthusiastic about that until she was practically out of sight.

Soon Darin found a spot specifically for tourist to try their luck at climbing the trees. There were several set apart for that use and there were ladders about halfway up. Then the climbing had to do it free hand. There were nets strung about to catch those who fell. There was an undercurrent of challenge to the whole thing. A person had to pay to have a go and then pay double if they fell. If they made it down on their own with out making it to the top, they forfeited their original payment without having to pay more. If they made it to the top and back down, they got their first payment back. There was someone at the top to give people who made it a chit. There were just as many Eluri as there were tourist. Darin supposed that meant very few people actually made it to the top. She had practically no hope.

Still Darin wanted to try and knew she would be able to make it down on her own. So, she paid the small fee and then ignored the ladders. She got a few raised eyebrows for that, but the young human ignored those too. She lost herself in the journey upwards. She looked carefully for groves in the bark were her fingers could get a decent grip. Her trip wasn’t easy, and she almost slipped a couple of times. Darin found herself moving from tree to tree. She passed the sheer trunk and moved into branches. The branches got thinner and thinner. She refused to look down. Then without processing she broke thought the canopy of leaves. She took in a deep breath of surprise as she looked across the sky of Astra. Then she let out a shout of joy as she felt the heat of the setting sun. She braced herself and pushed herself out more fully. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the heat of the sun. It had been so long.

It was odd in a way. She was human, a Child of the Stone. Yet before this journey she had spent every day under the sky of Astra. She was willing to bet that there were Eluri that had never even seen the sky, yet they were Elves, Children of the Sky. Where had those names come from. There had to be a reason for it. Darin watched the sunset and the countless stars come out. She figured that she should get back to Ridahne. There was an Eluri tied to a tree near her. She carefully went over to him to collect her chit before heading back down. She was feeling so peaceful that she didn’t process the chit-givers shocked look. She felt much better and was now worried about Ridhane coming to look for her.

Back on the ground Yari spoke to his coworker Zeven, “Do you think he’s okay? Night has fallen and he’s still not back.”

Zeven responded, “They might be stuck somewhere. We’ll give it fifteen more minutes and then send someone after them. The crazy human started at the bottom. That takes longer.”

Yari made a noise that was a cross between a scoff and a laugh, “I’m surprised they even made it pass the ladders. I do hope they are okay. I doubt the council will be happy if a human dies while visiting.”

Zeven repeated, “Fifteen minutes. Then we go up.”
I don't know much about D&D, but I think we are going to have a very interesting party.
This time Darin stayed close to Ridahne. She didn’t feel a need to go somewhere specific. She just got the sense that The Seed wanted to see all that It could. Well, see was the wrong word. It was more like know. The Seed wanted to know all that It could. As such The Seed-Bearer followed their traveling companion closely as they went up ladders and across bridges. Darin was shocked into stillness at her first sight of the market. It was busy. She had never seen anything so busy. A few people bumped into her and that got her moving again with a few bows of apology. She got a few odd looks, so she figured she didn’t do it quite right. Still no one look offended so she assumed she hadn’t messed up too badly.

Darin quickly hurried back to Ridhane to listen to the Azurei point out interesting types of food, but she kept getting distracted to stand and just look around. There were so many smells and so many sights and so many sounds. It was more than just a little bit overwhelming. Darin found herself, not for the first time, wishing she could go home. It was much more peaceful there. Then she would shake her head and rush to catch up with Ridahne. She would take her share of the load only for the market to overwhelm her again to lock her back into place. She knew she had to be drawing stares, but she simply didn’t care. Darin just didn’t know how to process everything

Finally, she got to sit down. The human took the small cup that Ridahne pushed into her hands with a small sense of wariness. The air around the whole stall smelled slightly bitter, and bitter had never been one of her favorite flavors. She had a fondness for sweet things though she didn’t get a chance to indulge her sweet tooth often. Still Darin did her best to refrain from wrinkling her nose at the smell of the beverage and even tried a decent sized swallow. That time her nose did wrinkle. This coffee, as Ridahne called it, was not her favorite at all.

She placed the cup back on the table and pushed it towards the Azurei, “You can have the rest of mine if you want it.”

Though the drink had been warm and that was nice. It was slightly chilly underneath the canopy of the trees. Even that small swallow had done something to fight the chill. Suddenly Darin found herself wanting spiced milk, but she had no idea where to get it, or even if she could only get the supplies to make it, where to make it. The human didn’t even know if it was something people in this part of Astra would know about or if she would have to describe it. It didn’t help that spiced milk had no real recipe. It usually depended on what spices were available. Still Darin found herself craving, what to her was, the simple mixture of warm milk, honey, and various spices. Of course, she mainly just wanted to be warm.

She found herself looking up at the canopy above the market and the entire city, “Tell me Ridahne, what would the Eluri of Lihaelen think if I started climbing these trees?”

To be honest Darin wasn’t sure she cared what people thought. She was just suddenly struck by a desire to see the top of the canopy. That desire didn’t come from The Seed. It was all her. That was the only reason why she didn’t just go for it. She wasn’t sure she wanted to cause an upset just yet. She just felt crowded and pressed upon. She hadn’t seen proper sun for a while as they traveled deeper and deeper into the forest. She couldn’t begrudge the journey. She would have had to come here sooner or later. She just wasn’t sure how much long she could take the lack of the sun AND the crowds AND all the newness without any familiar source of comfort. She had always been good at climbing tree. She wasn’t sure how easy it would be to get to the top, but she just desperately wanted to see the sun. She would get Ridahne’s opinion and then she might ignore it anyways. Everything up to this point may had been new, but it also had some sort of familiarity. This was completely new. Darin could feel the tension and panic crawling underneath her skin. She needed to do something quickly or she might wind up try to dig it out with her finger nails.
It's not fancy or anything but here she is!

I have an idea for a character, but I have very little combat role-playing experience. I really want to make sure she's balanced. Do you mind if I drop you a PM to discuss it?


Let me know when you've got a good idea of what species and "powers" will be allowed as well as when you're ready to see character sheets submitted. I make no promises, but I might think of something between now and then.
Though I'm leery of group role-plays the story intrigues me. I might be willing but I am a strictly weekend poster for now. That would have to be okay.
Isaac returned Ridahne’s bow with one indicating he was a host welcoming a most welcome guest, “I’m glad you decided to come back to fair Lihaelen.” He indicated Darin, “Your apprentice has been next to no trouble at all. He has been perfectly polite and perfectly willing to learn. It is always a treat to find outsiders willing to learn and young Mr. Lively has been almost overeager and a quick study.” He then continued, “However, you are correct. I am an aide to Councilman Malane and I must return to him as quickly as possible.” He turned his attention back to Darin, “It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lively. Perhaps we will meet again.”

He bowed to Darin and if Darin remembered correctly it was the type a bow a teacher used towards a student doing well, which was fitting since for a little bit she had been his student for at least a little bit. He then bowed to Ridahne; a bow of equals in two different fields. He said his farewells while he did so. Darin extended her thanks and goodbyes while bowing a bow that meant she was a grateful student. She must have done alright since Mr. Armin just took his leave. He scurried up a nearby ladder and was out of sight before too long. Ridahne and Darin were left alone, and The Seed-Bearer was left to ponder.

So, Goran Malane was a Councilman. When Ridahne had mentioned a Council that wasn’t what Darin had imagined. She had almost imagined a cross between the elders in her little village and the lord of Lively; convince they were right and certain to make sure everyone knew who they were. Councilman Malane had seemed kind to her. She had to wonder if that was because he had a received a vision knowing who she was or if he was kind to all outsiders. Still, if he knew who she was he made no attempt to reveal her or call her out for her lies. He had seemed kind and Mr. Armin had not acted like the request to return a stray outsider to where they belonged was out of the ordinary. The feelings she had gotten from The Seed hadn’t led her wrong once, so she assumed he was a good man. Well her first impression was that she liked both Councilman Malane and Mr. Armin.

She found herself speaking quietly, “I like Councilman Malane. I like Mr. Armin as well. I would like a chance to meet with other members of the Council of the Seven Winds.” She then gave her head a shake before smiling and turning her attention to Ridahne, “Well, where to now Master?” She spoke in Eluri but had used the Azurei word for master or teacher, “Back to the Market?” She laughed lightly, “I promise I’ll try not to get lost this time. I was just pulled away it seems.”

Darin hoped that Ridahne picked up on the fact that she had been wandering because of her duties as The Seed-Bearer. She didn’t want the warrior to think she was just wandering on a whim. Of course, Darin hadn’t even shown Ridahne The Seed, or rather then band that Darin was using to hide The Seed. It wouldn’t surprise the human if the Elf knew it was somewhere under her clothes, but every time Darin had gone to check the band, she had done so away from people with Talbot keeping guard. The Seed-Bearer was confidant RIdahne wouldn’t have gotten close without the horse letting his person know. She was equally confident that Ridahne would have known that Darin was checking on The Seed and wouldn’t have questioned it.
Learning all the bows from Mr. Armin, who’s first name was Isaac, was great fun. There were bows for greeting an equal, greeting someone of a higher rank, or greeting someone of a lower rank. There were bows for a master to an apprentice and apprentice to a master. Children to parents, parents to children, deferring to an equal. Bows for enemies, formal bows, causal bows. It almost seemed like there was an Eluri bow for every occasion and every ranking. Darin couldn’t help but make a comprasion to a human handshake. Mr. Armin found all the bowing, even with its miniscule differences and complexities, to be underwhelming simple. The human had never thought of it before, but she realized that how you shook a person’s hand said just as much as how you spoke to them in greeting. The distance between the two people shaking hands could say just as much as words to a person who knew the language. There were all kinds of factors that were difficult to explain to someone who didn’t grow up learning it.

Suddenly Mr. Armin stopped the lesson, “It just occurred to me. I am supposed to be helping you find your companion, yet I do not know who we are looking for. That will make this quest difficult and while I find I do not mind your company Mr. Lively I cannot spend all day with you.”

Darin smiled at her own forgetfulness, “Yes! That makes perfect sense. RIdahne Torenzi is an Azurei Eija. I suspect she will be easy to spot.”

Darin saw no reason to lie about Ridahne’s identity the way she had lied about her own. Ridahne’s name and life story were on her face and honestly there was no way of telling who had the necessary skills to read that story. If Ridahne had a problem with that she would have to get over it. Darin didn’t think she would. The whole point of the Ojih was to compel honesty by all who wore it. Darin was glad she didn’t have to be honest to everyone she met. That would make her life very difficult though she could see how being honest all the time lead to its own form of simplicity. Tell too many lies and a person began to lose track of the lies they had told.

Mr. Armin looked around to get his bearings before pointing at a level above them, “You mean like the Eija staring at us from above?”

Darin looked to where he was pointing, “Yes!” Her smiled deepened as she started to wave, “Hello Master Torenzi! I apologize for getting lost.”

Darin didn’t dare call her Ridahne right now. The story was simple. Martin Lively was a boy RIdahne Torenzi took as an apprentice for reasons that were her own. Darin didn’t want to seem to familiar or friendly with someone that was technically her superior; especially in the Eluri culture she found herself in in this city. It seemed very focused on ranking and making sure that the rankings were observed at all times. It seemed unwise to draw too much attention to themselves or to give people a chance to poke holes in their story. It was as simple lie for now, but Darin didn’t want to make it complex if she could help it. That would be begging for trouble.

She pointed at Mr. Armin, “This is Mr. Isaac Armin. He was helping me look for you.” She turned her face and smile to the Eluri, “Thank you for your help.”
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