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Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, F,4

Roman camp? Athanasia raised a pale brow frowning slightly. "How many camps are there?" The child wondered as she tapped the grumbling skull's nogging in thought. It was a curious thing and led the youngest child of Hades down a path with more questions than answers. For Athanasia such a thing was fun for her. She liked having questions and getting answers, but there was a certain level of unknown it was nest to avoid.

And she had walked right into it. Peering up ahead as Alannah pointed out the Ares campers. One a tall, older looking teen in particular. "I don't know what help I might be against them." Athanasia admitted as she shifted back and forth on her feet nervously. She wasn't much of a fighter, nor was she much of anything in comparison to those kids who came here to train. Her brows knitted together at that particular thought. Sure she was smaller, never using her supposed powers and lacking the experience of the others about her. Given she was ten this was reasonable, but to Athanasia it was a line to herself. Turning her dark gaze down towards the ground, the young girl tapped it with a foot. "Come and join me, please, its all rather interesting up here." She cajoled to the fallen and the dead. Urging some to heed her and come as her friends in their resting places of marble and stone did.

Athanasia was not disappointed when a skeletone tore free from the earth. Of course it was missing an arm but given she hadn't done anything like this before. It wasn't too bad. Nodding in approval, she gave a cheery smile to Alannah."Oh, la! I did it!" She clapped her hands softly together looking pleased as she could with the skeleton, despite having no idea what to do with it next.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Faeril Ashkevron

Winged Boar in Aren, Askavi

Interacting with @SilverPaw

Jassen stiffened as he felt Jandar behind him, the weight of the sheathed knife pressing into his back. As much as he was tempted to shove the Black Widow off the stairways, he was not foolish enough to trust these members of another Queen's Court. It went against his main desire to keep Lady Fatima in hiding. If she was to be revealed the other Queens would try to break her or bend her to their agenda. Outcomes that would put their beloved little village and the First Circle into jeopardy. He couldn't and wouldn't risk it unless there was no other choice. Hissing back equally low to the Dhemlan man who had befriended their Grey Queen, Jassen kept his words short and quiet as to not be heard by the warriors. "Do you think I want to bring harm to my Queen?"

Faeril pretended not to hear the conversation behind her as she studied the three members of Lady Melian's First Circle. The Blood Opal could have been Second Circle but nothing lower than that. Even then he was most likely a spy to keep the rest in check even within the Queen's Court. Rustling her wings in a nervousness she could not hide the woman knew fighting was not a viable option. Not when they were on this narrow stairway when her back up lacked wings. Glancing back at Jean when he offered to stand by whatever decision she made proved to be a fatal mistake.

Haelendar lunged forward his hand gripping the witch's wrist as he yanked her back into the trio. An action that threw Faeril off balance, though Jean would not a flash of temper in her icy eyes. Her glove on her right hand vanished revealing to the man's keen eye a small sharp nail that struck into the offending man's jaw as she grabbed his face and sought to drive her thumb into his eye. There were several swears as Haelender howled in pain, a sound that surely carried. His comrades yanked the witch off, and with Faeril already tired, it was not much a hassle, pinning her to the stoney side of the carved stairs. "You bitch." Snarled the Consort as he gripped his jaw. "You poisoned me!" Faeril smirked in satisfaction even as her right arm was hell tight to the stone by one man, the other pinning herself. She had filled him with a good portion of her venom before the other two had recognized what was happening. It was merely a shame that the poison would not kill him as quickly as she would have liked. It would be a long and ugly death and one that was well deserved.

Haelendar, however, placed a Sapphire shield between himself and the other two men who had come with the Black Widow. He would not risk an interruption as the Opal Warlord Prince forced the witch's hand open and pinned her ring finger to the stone. Grinning like a manic with a long bleeding scratch down his cheek that was turning an ugly red color. "You'll pay for that." Sword the man as he drew out a dagger testing it's edge. "We won't kill you, but we can't risk you harming our Lady." He sneered, "Or thinking you can get away."

Faeril struggled and thrashed against the two male bodies pinning her as she let out a piercing shriek of rage. She had heard tales of what befell the other Black Widows but had never considered that they might actually go such lengths. Cutting an Eyrien's wings off was a crime to the body and soul. It sealed them away from the sky and shunned them from their own society. A sad fact but there were a few women and men born every generation without wings to the shame of their parents. A throwback to when an Eyrien had taken a lover of another race. But removing a witch's finger to strip a Black Widow of her snake tooth, natural or otherwise, was simply cruel. Panicked Faeril let out a ringing shriek as her wings beat and slammed into the Blood Opal that pinned them. Halaender merely laughed and set the blade of the knife against the base of the ring finger.

Front Garden, Ahkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille
@13org @Zoey White @eclecticwitch @Slim Shady
The tiny woman was amusing, Gennar had to admit. A wild, snarling young Queen and while he by all right should have chucked her over the side of the cliff, Xandar's admission of knowing her soothed some of the Warlord's nerves. Though he wanted confirmation straight from Faeril before he took the young Fatima Damiana's word for truth. As the Ebon-Grey shield fell, the Green Jeweled Warlord noted his tow brothers walking among the killing field looking over the bodies for any calling cards or identification. A courtsey if they could deliever the bodies or at least find the order that the group was sent to their eyrie with. But it also alerted the oldest of the brothers as to a fact that chilled his blood.

But the Dea Al Mon beat him to it, questioning Xandar sharply as the taller Eyrien pulled the tiny Queen to him about Faeril's whereabouts. Gennar didn't like that the Black Widow was missing. It was dangerous for her to go off on her own on a good day, on a day like this? It was a stupid risk. Gripping the young queen's arm, the shorter male didn't release her into Xandar's hold. "A fair point. Where is Faeril Ashkevron, Xandar? Or did you just leave her to fend for herself after she pushed herself last night to heal you and Mikhail and sort out Dareen?" There was a cold tone to Gen's voice as he snarled deeper. "These men were a distraction."

"Gen, these are Lady Melian's people. I recognize a few." Bellinar stated in a worried tone. "Her Court was stirred up when I passed through." Gen swore and ran a hand through his head. Pulling Fatima back, he pushed the small girl gently behind him and out of the way of any potential fight. Turning to shove Xandar back away from Fatima despite knowing the dangers of stepping between a Warlord Prince and a Queen, if it was Xandar's Queen. Then his fist connected with the Warlord Prince's jaw.

"Where in Hell is Faeril, you son of a bitch? We entrusted her to you. She left the damn eyrie with you and you were responsible for her!" Raged the oldest of the brother, his siblings coming to grab his arms before he slugged the larger Eyrien. Cursing loudly, Gennar froze as a ringing shriek bounced across the mountain. His tanned face going white as his brother were paralyzed at the sound.

"They got her." Denvar whispered as Gen shook him off and took to the air, followed shortly by Bellinar.

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, F,4

"Los Angeles?" Athanasia had heard of that place before though she couldn't quite place it. Therefore, from her reasoning, it most likely didn't have any old relics about it. Her mother was often traveling to different places to identify bones and artifacts, something Athanasia found extremely interesting. Bones, in particular, were interesting and the man she had assumed was her father had argued long and hard with her mother that a little girl should not be around such things. Well, she had been and it hadn't done any damage to her. In fact, since finding out she was a child of the God of the Underworld and thus a God of the Dead, though not Death itself, her interest in bones seemed to have been a thing that was natural. Shame the senile, old oaf didn't know that! It would have shut him up quickly!

But then again maybe he did know? Was that why he and her mother had fought all the time and why he was so cold towards her? Not that she really cared. Her only care towards him was proving him wrong and showing him up. Perhaps it was a foolish thing to do, but hey, she was merely ten. Perhaps the fact her mother was having a baby would mellow out the man. Perhaps not. Her thoughts were derailed a lightening flashed making the pale girl pause in her steps. "Lightening? Was that Andy's power?" She wondered to Alannah, curiously. "Oh, la! I wish I could be as flashy." Nevermind she dressed just as flashy at times.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Faeril Ashkevron

Winged Boar in Aren, Askavi

Interacting with @SilverPaw

Faeril rustled her wings looking annoyed as they walked up the steep switchback stairs, giving Jandar a look that had withered lesser men. "Carrying you both would be the work of a warrior, my time is best spent doing things beside guiding you. Alas, someone must guide the drunk and the dim." She snipped at the Dhemlan Warlord, irritated by the question of if she knew were the Black Jeweled Warlord Prince was. As if she was looking even! She had been spinning webs to draw a Queen and a Court, not to keep an eye on Saetan SaDiablo. Though he would be trouble if he decided to take up against them, which she hoped the Court would have the strength to turn to their advantage- Or destroy him. The latter of which she was not going to mention to the Red Jeweled Warlord. He seemed to hold the Black Jeweled man in high regard and Faeril wasn't in the mood for an arguement about liabilities. "And no, I do not know where he is, though I can hazard that he's at the Hyallian Queen's feet." Though she had never been certain that the man had been their willingly. There were too many rumors about the distress of deaths of Queens and various men. Leading the Eyrien woman to have too many questions.

Jassen glared at the two strangers his Lady had taken up with. A Black Widow who held no loyalties to any Court and that wasn't even bringing in the fact they were outlawed. Unnatural women who could twist a man's mind and mutilated their bodies for the rumored 'snake-tooth'. From what the man knew it was a nail that was filled with poison that could and would kill a man. A secretive group that didn't have the legitimacy to operate in the open and served some High Priestess. It was rumored that that particular caste had dipped their hands into the minds of the Queens to twist their decisions to best suit the interest of the Black Widows. Though he noted that this one was breathing heavily as she moved up the steep stone stairs. Perhaps this would work to his interest, he could take her out at the top of the cliff and thus keep Fatima safe from this bitch's plying control- if it wasn't already too late. He hoped it wasn't, Fatima was their Queen and they desperately needed her.

Faeril paused as she swore viciously, her wings spreading to block Jandar and Jassen from continuing. A Sapphire Warlord Princes stood before her, flanked by a Blood Opal Prince and an Opal Warlord Prince. All Eyriens and all armed with deadly warblades. They had wings and would be able to fly, so knocking them off would not be viable. Then again, attacking them would not be wise. Her Red Jewel was nearly drained and these three finely dressed men were rather close to the Queen who had been harassing the village. "And why does Lady Melian send her Consort, her Master of the Guard's second in command, and her-" Faeril smirked as she eyed the Blood Opal Prince, "Bastard born, offspring?" The 'bastard-born' snarled and stepped forward, but paused as the other two imposing figures moved slightly to head off his advance.

"We figured you might be inclined to hear out our Queen. It seems she is in need of a Healer." Smirked Haelendar, the Sapphire Consort. For all he was essentially the Queen's chosen lover, he was not lacking in his skills as a warrior. "Someone of your famed talents."

"If I refuse? I have guests and patients to tend to enough already." Faeril bristled as she prepared to call in the Red.

Haelendar shrugged as he, seeming to be the speaker of the group, continued. "Then we are under orders to arrest you for various crimes. The daughter of the late Queen Nivarian. Possibly even her killer." Faeril's face turned to a hard mask as she cursed herself a fool. Trouble had been coming and while she looked for an answer to the larger picture she had dismissed the smaller one.

Ahkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille
@13org @Zoey White @eclecticwitch @Slim Shady
The brothers shoved out the door as the remaining men were ripped apart by Mikhail's wires. Denvar wincing as he looked at the blood-smeared entryway. Faeril was very particular about her home and bloodstains were going to drive her up the wall with fury. He pitied the poor bastard who got the receiving end of her tongue for that. Sincerely hoping it would not be him. The great dark dome was darker than grey for sure, but it's tone was not the dark of black. That color belonged to only one man in all the Realms that the Warlord Prince knew of, and he was certainly nowhere near here. Watching he edged about the dome, waiting for it to go down as he spotted the men withing fighting for their lives against the Reaper. A good thing the Ebon-Grey Warlord Prince had shown up when he did, but Denvar was troubled by what he did not see.

Bellinar was hard on the heels of his brother, clapping Dareen on the back as he past. It was Gen who was the last of the Saroth brothers who moved to exit the house. "Looks like this mess will be finished soon. Shame can't be said of the house, Faeril is going to skin you." The Green Jeweled man noted to Mikhail with far too much amusement. "Now who in Hell is that?" The Warlord muttered as he saw a tiny figure slip around the dome and towards the entrance of the eyrie. Moving along the garden path, lest he tramples Faeril's herbs or flowers, Gen siezed the woman by the back of her clothes and lifted her over the hedge and onto the path as he shooed her towards the entrance. "Did I miss Faeril opening a bed and breakfast? Lassy, you don't happen to know where a crotchety, blue-eyed Eyrien woman is? And while I'm thinking on it. Who in the Darkness are you?" The tall Eyrien questioned sharply, though there was a bit of amusement in the golden eyes.

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, E3 -> F,4

"Fine, fine." The mobster skull complained. "Look toots I got a name and I'd be appreciative if you used it else it'd be a bone of contention between us. Get it? Bone of contention!" A faintly annoyed look flickered across Athanasia face as she rolled her black eyes. Ask a skull a question it seemed and they just chattered away. It was annoying, but she found it rather amusing. A good few of the places she had visited with her mother had been so entirely serious and dreary it was good to have a bit of humor. Even if it was from a skull. Even in the middle of a war game.

Noting Alannah's question, Athanasia gave a small smile to the older girl. "Well I'm from Rhode Island for now." She noted with a slight frown as she stepped over a large stick. If they were scouting surely it wasn't a good idea to step on sticks. That was always bad in hide-and-seek. "Though I stayed with Mor- mother- in New Orleans for a little while. It was so awesome and my friends were really nice." The young girl shrugged looking a bit sad as she glanced back the way Arthur was. She missed having a solid friend at her back. Even if she had a ton of questions about her newly found half-brother she didn't trust him more than most of the other campers in the Camp. "They couldn't visit and Mor didn't let me go to their neighborhood. Where are you from? Did you get sent to a creepy school and have to scheme to break out of it?" She grinned cheekily. "I like that word. 'Scheme'. It's like scene but all sneaky."

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, E3

Athanasia was almost grateful that she would be leaving the stream behind, but there was a downside. It meant leaving Arthur, who had been a willing ally through the School and now this camp. Seeing her half-brother so quick to agree to the plan Athanasia sighed. "Oh, la. It sounds better than wading through the creek." She noted with a grin at Alannah, though Athanasia was privately troubled. She could boast some knowledge of the sword, but it was certainly not on par with those who had been fighting the monsters for far longer than she.

"Do me a favor and tell me if you see anything," Athanasia ordered the skull that sat on the pommel of her borrowed sword. "Without your chattering." The pale girl added as an afterthought to the disembodied cranium. Her hand tight on the top of the skull lest it fall off. She wasn't sure how much damange the skull could handle, but Chatters seemed nice enough so she wouldn't risk the odd gift.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Faeril Ashkevron

Winged Boar in Aren, Askavi

Interacting with @SilverPaw

The walk would be a long one and Faeril was not looking forward to it. Rather that she would fly there, but it was no like she could carry any memeber of their little party easily. Leave such tasks to the Eyrien warriors for did love to show off. And speak of the devil, Faeril paused watching Xandar swoop off with Queen in his grasp. Narrowing her eyes, she felt her wings rustle in annoyance. Of course he was stealing away the Queen when a walk would have helped her get a measure for the woman! And the thrice cursed Warlord Prince had her supplies as well! But her laspe in thought had given Jandar time to catch up, Jassen trailing behind. The drunk's face red and his golden eyes furious as his Lady was quite literally carried off. "Your Queen will be at my residence so I suggest you save your wind for walking." Faeril bristled at her attacker before moving to keep walking. A thin Blood Opal shield forming about her as she did so. Attack her once, shame on you. Attack her twice? Faeril would never forgive herself. Let alone her three self proclaimed protectors. Four, she amended, with the addition of Mikhail.

Listening to Jandar confirm her suspicion the woman frowned more to herself than anyone else. She was going to wrinkles at this rate. "I do not know if he is part of this corruption." Faeril denied sharply, before running a hand over her face in thought. Damn this entirely too long walk! And damn Xandar for leaving it to her! An unfair thought but she was not in the mood to be fair. "He is a part of something, but I cannot place what." And that was bothering the Black Widow on multiple levels. Faeril liked knowing things, the unknown was something even as a child she could never stand. [color=SlateBlue]"Curse that Eyrien bastard."[/oolor] She muttered as they came within sight of the twisting stairs that led up the cliff face to her eyrie.

Ahkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille
@13org @Zoey White
"They don't want peace, Prince." Gen reminded the man as the three fellows got tangled up in the wires of the Grey Jeweled Prince. He could appreciate the skill for the deadly wires forged of Craft though he wondered what else they might be put to use to. Always looking for new tools and to master them while Faeril was off doing her business, and not wearing herself to the bone doing it as she was prone to do, Gen made a mental note to ask the Dea Al Mon about the spell later. When they survived this.

However, the group outside shifted as one of their number lashed out with the power of his Tiger-eye Jewel to clash against Mikhail's Grey. "There's more of us than you!" Called on fighter with a mocking grin. "And more on the way, so what do you think you'll get by fighting?" Some seemed to agree while others shifted nervously. Unhappy with how quickly their brothers-in-arms went down. Though considering that it was Denvar who gave voice to the thought.

"What did they think they would get? They were looking for the Reaper and they balk at a Grey Jewel?" Gen nodded though he didn't elaborate himself. This entire thing smelled like a farce and a trap. But why on earth would they bring the fight to a Black Widow and the Reaper? Unless they were bluffing on the Reaper being there and using it as a smokescreen to get at Faeril. Gen gritted his teeth. He truly hated politics.

The two men in Mikhail's wires had remained still but the third who was engaged with Dareen was covered in cuts from the wires where he had been forced to block blows or tried to strike a few of his own. "I see you shattered witch!" Snarled the man, his wings remaining omniously still, something Mikhail might take note of as they were by far the most delicate part (and in some cases the only delicate part) of an Eyrien.

As Fatima and Xandar arrived they would see a crowd of fighters grouped outside Faeril's front door and the Reaper would smell blood. These Eyrien warriors were well equipt with weapons and light armor. The door to the eyrie was open and three were within as was obvious. The ring of sword on sword audible though muffled by the stone of the eyrie.

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, E2 -> E3

Athanasia considered Alannah's explanation of the powers one might receive from one's godly parent and found it rather dissatisfactory. The fact her friends rarely left graveyards and such was explained by that. She had long ago suspected them to be exactly what they were. Ghosts. The sad forlorn looks they had when she had left had made her want to stay and talk with them more, but her mother had always insisted. Graveyards were dangerous after night Mother had said. The ghosts who were friendly would be of little help against the boogeymen that went bump in the night. Shivering at a particularly nasty recollection, Athanasia eyed the rippling creek and tried to forget that horrifying night.

It wasn't that she didn't mind getting wet, but it seemed a little bit extreme. Especially if this was only a game. "Stab. Slash. Parry." She quipped at Arthur as she flipped her braid over one shoulder. A smug smile on her lips. "Mother insisted on me learning how to fight. I begged her to let me learn about fencing." Though she was barely a novice, she still knew very well which end went into her opponent and where ideally to hit. It was more about the form and the practice now than the actual fighting. Ingrain the good habits early, her teacher had said. Whatever that meant. Though that seemed about to change. Stepping carefully, Athanasia tried to keep clear as much water as she could, glowering at the slippery rocks.
@Ezekiel Curious if you have room for another? I'm toying with the idea of a hedge knight seeking service at the Red keep and a possible dragon seed from Lys from a certain clever Targaryen who ran away from home (Saera Targaryen). Basically using the hedge knight to get into positions that amuse her, if that would be possible? As for the hedge knight himself, Viserys was known for holding tournaments and Jasper Wylde was known to have twenty-nine children. I can image one of them seeking such fame. I could take Lord Jasper 'Ironrod' Wylde as well if need be. I can't see him being pleased if a son was toting about a silver-haired witch.
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