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Current What lies in the hearts of the drae if not madness? - Ma'doc
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"Fly you fools!"
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Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

In front of Ashkevron Residence, Askavi

Interacting with @Slim Shady @eclecticwitch @13org @Zoey White @SilverPaw

Gennar watched as his prescene was ignored by both Dea Al Mon Prince and Eyrien Warlord Prince, and thanked the Darkness that Xandar had his head out of his ass. The man was a great asset, especially for dealing with and protecting Faeril, but he was simply not likable. A rude, argumentative personality that was sadly common among the darker Jeweled Warlord Princes of his race. Trailing after both men, the Green jeweled Warlord hoped that was well, or as well as they could be as Fatima's wailing broke the clouded day. It wasn't easy losing a man and it seemed a lesson the tiny Queen was learning.

Bellinar was hovering over the prisoners, shooting worried looks towards Fatima. His brother, Denvar, perched on a stone looking out for more danger and politely ignoring Fatima's screams. Both men understood loss and both knew best to let the Dhemlan deal with the Queen. Yet as Xandar approached, Denvar didn't leave his post eyeing the Reaper with a wary look as he bowed his head in acknowledgment. But it was Gen in his gruff voice who spoke up at the news the Ebon-Grey brought. "Whatever we do we can't stay here any longer." The Warlord agreed though he looked very worried at that thought. "I think Faeril would have an idea or two, Lady, but leaving will happen. Especially if there is a traitor in the town. We'll have to pack as much as we can. Faeril will be loath to leave this place." The Warlord admitted, giving his brother both a look as they seemed to nod between them and go into the house to start just that. "We can put the prisoners in the Bellinar's room until then. If anyone wants to help... Well there's plenty of stuff that would be better off not in the hands of Lady Melian."

In front of Ashkevron Residence, Askavi

Interacting with @Zoey White

The door swung inwards with a slight squeal of protest from hinges that sorely needed oiled. The wood caught and stood firm as it snagged on an interior rug that was thick with dust before some more pushing would move the rug as well as the door. But within, the first thing that Dareen would notice would be the fact this room was smaller, though not by much than Bellinars and most likely due to Faeril's workroom. Such a room for a Healer would need to be large for dealing whatever the patient needed, especially if it was in house care. But the second thing would be the elegant window that leaked in thin light from between the dusty curtains. They were thick things, made to keep light out but the years had left them motheaten and their edges worn from time. The rest of the furniture in the room seemed to be a collection of spare trunks of stuff shoved in here for storage, spare chairs and cushions or the old memento that had been hidden rather than tossed out.

But those were placed about as if to disguise the truth of the room. Rugs were everywhere across the floor and thick with dust that hid their coloration from the observer. The walls were some color that was pale but certainly not white as was common about the Eyrie. The stone was often laid bare, but not in this room. Plaster covered the stone and the ceiling was spare of any hanging lanterns that could be lit with the Craft. There weren't even any shelves set into the wall. Rather there was a floor to ceiling wardrobe that was covered in cobwebs hiding the design that was carved into the wooden paneling. Other bits and bobs of furniture about the room was equally questionable. Small chests that really could hold nothing of any real size. Shelves that were rounded and the tops were covered with plush little creatures and the odd book. But it was the one piece of furniture that filled the center of the room. Gently rocked back and forth by an unseen hand...

A cradle, the top canopied by thin gauze veils and gently cloaked in dust.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

In front of Ashkevron Residence, Askavi

Interacting with @Slim Shady @eclecticwitch @13org @Zoey White @SilverPaw

Faeril was dead to the world as Xandar took her back to the only room he could, her workroom. The witch's wings were tight to her body and she offered nothing in way of protest which must have been a refreshing change for the Warlord Prince. Though those were not the thoughts of Gennar as he watched the Ebon Grey Warlord Prince exit the eyrie to sit on a low hanging branch. The words that Faeril spoke unnerved him but not the witch herself. Faeril would flare her wings and snarl and snap at any man or woman who offered her offense or slight, real or not, but it was to protect a far more delicate interior. One that had been badly scared by the last few centuries. The countless wounds of heart, mind and body she had healed from the victims of Hayll's taint. The loss that marred her and kept her at arms length from men of any sort. Which was not something they needed in the long run. As a witch of the Hourglass, she was hated and feared. No one would come to her for apprenticeship and even if they did she could not risk teaching them and revealing herself. So her craft would be passed to any daughter she might have. Her aunt had died childless and her mother had born her no siblings. The Craft that the Ashkevron practiced would live or die with Faeril.

Bellinar shifted uneasily as he nodded towards the two prisoners, "I'll go keep an eye on them. We don't need any more close calls." Dripping blood from several wounds he shook his head as Gen moved to protest. "Flesh wounds. Nothing I can't care for myself. Our Healer is out and we can't risk her right now. Denvar nodded in agreement as he perched on one of the large stones that served the gardens as a boundery marker and watched Fatiman and her small Court. Wiping off the bloody warblade with painstaking care.

With a sigh Gennar knew they were right and decided his own choice was best to stop the trouble that seemed to be brewing as the Dea Al Mon and Eyrien Warlord Prince squared off. While not a Warlord Prince himself, Gen had to admit that Mikhail had the balls as he challenged Xandar. Gen didn't like the man for his open hosility but he could understand it. Eyrien males weren't easy to get along with if you weren't dancing to the tune of some aristo game. Living as a rogue only shorted the temper and sharpened the edge. He had seen enough men like Xandar but none of the Reaper's caliber. "Prince Mikhail. Prince Xandar." The Green Jeweled Warlord stated cautiously. Not wanting another fight so soon after this costly one. If these two started something it could damn well shatter whatever Faeril had in motion and that, Gen could not allow.

The hall that weaved through the eyrie from the kitchen and front parlor circled about the bathing chamber and around in an 'L' shape. The back hall that was sheltered under the mountain where the three brother's room were in a row. Narrow windows letting in dim light. Across from them, and deeper under the mountain, were three other rooms. One- the middle- was Faeril's workroom where the Healer-Black Widow currently slept. The one at the end of the hall- unbeknownst to Dareen- was the woman's bedroom. A more personal place and far darker which the Black Widow preferred. But the third door was seemly there and not there. Dust formed about the base of the door, the knob was dull with little use or cleaning. The wood itself was old and worn look. Uncared for. Forgotten. An odd thing as everything else in the eyrie was pristine and presentable. It was a small detail that would have gone unnoticed if someone was walking by but as she was facing it... It was painfully obvious. Though perhaps even stranger was the slight wear of the rug in front of the door.
Athanasia Theroux / Arthur Stanford

Location: By the Forest

The following week went pretty easy for Arthur, surprisingly healed up to a hundred percent after his short bit of bed rest and food. With things put right with Andy, and all drama seemingly subsided, he was left with enough mental space to plan, and take in the new world he found himself in. Along side him, was his friend and half sister Ash, and with it just being the two of them on their own here, he found himself checking in with her, to see how she was taking things. In a technical since, he was the older sibling after all, which he supposed meant he was partly responsible for her. One morning, before they headed out for their training, he found himself asking her, "So, how're you taking all this? I think it's finally becoming real for me." He smiled, sitting on his bed, and looking over to her.

Her feet kicked back and forth in the air as Athanasia laid across the bed, frowning at a book of Greek mythology. If they were going to be tossed into a strange world with one-eyed giants and goat men, not to mention the centaur that was their instructor, then the pale girl would darn well know what was what. Even if it gave her a headache doing so. The skull, Chatters, sat by the door as added security thanks to a few little amusements she had gotten into with Demetri. Dark eyes flicked up as she grinned at Arthur. "Oh, la. Brother, it's real as you or I seeing as we are part of it." She giggled and twisted about to sit up, the book falling shut. "I do enjoy it ever so much. Well, except the Ares Campers. I don't enjoy them." Chuckling to herself the pale girl had a slightly troubled look as she gazed out the door towards the camp where the noise of other children floated through the air.

Arthur smiled over to her, and nodded at her book. "I'll have to take a read through that once you've finished, if you don't mind." He said, before shrugging a bit and adding, "I wouldn't worry too much about the Ares kids, they're not exactly my cup of tea, but we all have our place." As a group, those kids were better to have on his side than not, muscle was always something to be appreciated, and something he was woe to have against him. "At any rate," He continued, "I definitely want to take some time soon to get more acquainted with my godly side, and figure out exactly what it is we can do. Would you like to join me in that?" He asked. In theory, he assumed, anything she could do, he could do, and he hadn't tried to raise any dead yet, but that sounded like something he wanted to try very badly.

Pale hair swirled as Athanasia whipped her head about to smile like a chesire cat at Arthur. Her black eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm not done with the book yet, but if you can raise more dead than I can you can read it." She grinned with far too much sweetness and a wink that would make bones rattle. "But if I raise more than you, I get to be Leader of the Cabin. In name anyways." It had was a fun little arguement that echoed back to when they had first come to Camp Half-Blood. Who would lead? In truth they had agreed on a partnership, but with Arthur acting as the leader.

What was a little fun between brother and sister with a bit of a contest?

Arthur grinned at the notion, "Well that's hardly fair, isn't is Ash?" He said, chuckling, "You've already done it, haven't you? Aren't you at the slightest advantage?" He asked, he didn't even know if he was able to, and he wasn't about to bet on something he wasn't sure could be succeeded upon from will alone. "How about you show me how, and give me a bit to practice, then I'll raise more than you and get the book." He proffered playfully.

Ash laughed and wrapped Arthur's arm in a hug as she pulled him towards the door. "Fair enough! Now, come on! I want to see if I can call one that isn't missing any limbs this time!" The tiny girl was practically bouncing with excitement, as she beamed with delight at the prospect. The fact her skeletons were missing limbs was a constant annoyance for poor Ash, who by nature was a perfectionist. A missing head she could fix herself, but limbs were another matter.

Arthur felt himself pulled off the bed by Ash, and staggered after her, "Are you hoping to give it mine" He asked jokingly, as he slipped his arm out of her grasp, and followed closely. He hoped the camp wouldn't look down on them raising the dead in broad daylight, but he was pretty excited to be trying his hand at it, truth be told. So far, he had no idea what he could do, and he felt like raising up a skeleton would help console him in the fact that he belonged here.

Athanasia studied her brother with a serious look that didn't belong on her face. "Do you think I could detatch someone's limbs? I mean, they are bones after all." A finger tapped her lip in thought as she stepped out of the Cabin and onto the path. "What if you call a limb but it's living?" Her brow furrowed as she shook her head, pale hair swaying as she snickered. "I don't think so. What we call, Brother, is dead, right?"

Arthur blinked at her, trying to find words to respond, but was at a loss. "Well I." He tried to start, but couldn't figure out how to finish. "If we can, I don't think we should." He said, exhaling, while trying to keep a straight face. That being said, he'd file that away for if he ever had to defend himself. As far as last ditch efforts went, controlling somebody's skeleton was a pretty good one. Not something he'd want to do unless he had to though. "Let's head out and practice, yes?" He said, keeping his march forward.

There was a positively wicked snicker as Athanasia spun her heel and scooped up Chatters who, wisely, remained silent aside from the despairing wail of 'Not the eye sockets!'. Patting Arthur's arm as she caught up, the smaller girl gave a sweet smile. "Did I shock you, brother mine? I promise not to do that too much." Beaming with delight, Ash spun about in a circle, hyper and delighted with all the world. "Oh, la! Arthur, where shall we practice?"

Arthur smiled innocently at Ash's question, "Me? Shocked? Never." He said. He wasn't going to give up his regular composed nature so easily, even if that made him the polar opposite of as right now. Placing his hands gently behind his back, he suggested, "How does the edge of the woods sound? Where we were playing Capture The Flag?" That would keep the skeletons out of sight of any campers that might not want to start off their day by seeing what was probably once campers like them.

"What a lovely idea, best not to shock the entire camp just yet." Ash nodded sagely ignoring Chatter's comment of "Oh, but it's fine to scare the skull?!". Of course, it was fine, as the skull would be among his own kind. Not that Chatters really appreciated such a thing. Humming a slight tune, Ash poked Arthur's side as he folded his hands behind his back.

Arthur jumped a bit at the poke, and shooed her a bit, giving a small smile. "Yes, we'll save that for the next game of capture the flag." He said, nodding at her. As they reached the edge of the woods, he looked around, and kind of put his hands out in front of him. "So how does this work? Do you just put your hand out and hope?" He stuck his hand in thew air, as if trying to pull skeletons from the ground. He had no idea how to pull this off, and hoped her advice would assist him.

Athanasia raised a pale brow as she shook her head with amusement. "I just called to them. Like when I call to my friends- the ghosts." She added as an afterthought, that troubled look flickering over her face. "They- the skeletons- aren't like the ghosts. They followed my command like dolls." The black eyes closed as Athanasia demanded of the dead to heed her. "Come. Whole this time!" She cajoled firmly to the earth. Nothing happened and crossing her arms, Ash glared at the ground. "I said, come. Lazy bones." She hissed in annoyance. This time her call was answered as a skeleton crawled from the earth. Minus a hand, which set the younger of the two to puffing out her cheeks in frustration.

Arthur watched his sister call out for an undead servant, and thought for a moment. "No no." He said, as somebody well acquainted with getting people to follow his orders, "If you want them to listen, you need to do it like this." He cleared his throat and said. "Rise now, please." He didn't bother specifying for wholeness, any skeleton worth his time should just assume that, after all. After a few moments, he was rewarded by a skeleton clawing it's way out of the ground. He looked at it curiously, inspecting it to confirm it was whole. A smile played on his lips, clearly proud that he was able to do something like this in the first place.

Athanasia raised a brow and took a step back as her brother called forth his own skeleton from the earth. "Ah..." She noted with a nod of comprehension at how it was done. If a please was all it took, then why not give it a shot! Though, she had the idea that if Arthur could summon one, why couldn't she try to summon two? She should keep her leave after all! "Please, arise and come to play." She cajoled far more sweetly, and laughed with glee as a whole skeleton crawl from the ground. Well, if she couldn't get two at least this one was whole! "Wonderful!" The pale girl cheered, clapping her hands.

Arthur watched his sister try, and decided to go for it once more, hoping to double up. "Once more then?" He said curiously. Unfortunately, the skeletons didn't quite listen, and a skeleton half hardheartedly slicked out of the ground, looking feeble and not wanting to do much. Unhappy with his failure, he shrugged and said, "Alright, let's keep trying then." He said, motioning for his sister to try again before he went.

Athanasia clapped her brother on the back as his miserable skeleton huddled before them. Her own was whole and while that was far better than what she had got previously, the daughter of Hades was ambitious and desired more from herself. Ergo the next step seemed to be getting two skeletons, whole and not missing any limbs, to burst forth from the earth. "My last." She admitted to Arthur as she wiped at her brow, pulling strands of silvery blonde hair away from her face. "If you would please?" She stated cooly to the earth. Trying to will the dead to heed her this one last time. And heed her they did, two skeletons pulling themselves slowly from the earth. Reluctant to heed her call. Bracing an arm on a nearby tree, Ash gritted her teeth, ready to demand more answers to her call.

"Eh, now! Boyo, lassie. No need to wear yourselves out! The days still young!" Pleaded Chatters, as Ash sighed glowered at the skull even as she gave Arthur a look of wary agreement. "I am getting tired." Ash agreed hesitantly. Not really wanting to admit that fact, but who else could she admit that to if not Arthur?

Arthur nodded, the act of raising the dead was taking a toll on him. Necromancy apparently wasn't the easiest thing to do, especially on an empty stomach. "How about some breakfast, and we might get back to it later?" He offered, giving them a good way to step away from what they were doing, without having to admit that they probably couldn't take much more.

Ash nodded in agreement, looking back to her set of skeletons. "Thank you, we don't need anything." Turning her attention back to her brother, Athanasia scooped up Chatters who was grumbling to himself. "What do you think they will have for breakfast?" She wondered as she gripped Arthur's hand and impatiently towed him towards the dining pavilion.

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavillion

Athanasia whistled a merry tune as she skipped to the pavilion. Fresh clothes from the morning's tedious activities told that she had taken to her own cabin to change, or she had simply woken up late. Either could be true, not that Athanasia would admit to either. Plucking a selection of food onto her plate the girl looked over the tables, noting that her brother was not among them. Though it wasn't quite a shame as she had met many a new face over the past week and hers was a bubbly nature that was eager to meet people. Though as her dark eyes found Demetri and she caught a word or two, Athanasia rolled her eyes as she dropped an offering into the fire. "Well at least Papa's side of things is interesting. Do enjoy." Athanasia thought silently as she made her way past the trio towards where Andy sat.

"Us trouble?" She pouted mockingly with a sly smile on her lips at Demetri as she giggled and continued on her route. Neither confirming nor denying the fact she was trouble. Which she was. It was her best feature. Sliding next to Andy, the pale girl snickered. "As if they aren't trouble!" Athanasia noted with amusement to Andy as she bit into an apple. "At least we look good doing it." She grinned, flipping the long braid over her shoulder.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Faeril Ashkevron

In front of Ashkevron Residence, Askavi

Interacting with @Slim Shady @eclecticwitch @13org @Zoey White @SilverPaw

Faeril was about to snap a reply to the Eyrien warrior that would be far from polite when he took flight, satisfied with himself no doubt. Feeling the Queen pull her arm from her weakened grasp, Faeril felt herself sway. She had lost a decent amount of blood fighting with Xandar and a sleepless night hardly helped when the jitters after a nerve-racking event set in. Fatima hardly needed to be stern as the Ice Healer sat on the low garden wall that kept her annuals from the more sinister herbs and winced as her wing jolted the cut in the membrane. If there could be one kind thing said of Faeril at the moment it would be that she was far from a wriggly patient. Being a Healer herself she knew better than to fight or argue when you did need a Healing done. Too often she had been the on the receiving end of such foolishness from a patient.

Watching as Mikhail approached with a less than pleasant look, the Black Widow tried to give him a poisonous look that turned more into a weak and watery glare as the Gray Jeweled Prince lectured them. She was hardly an apprentice at her Craft to be scolded so, she thought as her temper bristled slightly. The lack of sleep and her overworked body dulling its edge, as her mind slowly sorted through Mikhail's words and worked them so they made sense. He wasn't entirely wrong on some points but there were others he just wasn't prepared to know about. Giving a weak smiling chuckle, the Black Widow rested her head against the stone pillar that served as a marker for the garden. "Your contract, Prince, to me will be complete with time... Your contract to the Lady?" She called with a crow's harsh voice after the Dea Al Mon Prince. "Do you think it not strange that a Warlord Prince of skill, a Queen with a powerful Jewel, along with two other capable men turned up at my door all at once? I am not so sought after as you might think." Her blue eyes were closed as her voice wavered with exhaustion. "I spent many a night weaving my tangled web and dreaming and drawing power to me. Powerful males to serve. A powerful Queen who could stand free of the taint that threatens this Realm. Be Xandar what he may, this corruption has left scars on him as profound as your own though in a different way. But you both feel the pull, and you both can walk away from it."

There were wing beats as Gen and his brother flew up the cliff face to reach their Black Widow again. Faeril Ashkevron staring at Mikhail as she opened her eyes, hardly seeing in the physical realm as the world took on different shapes and tones and meanings. "An Eyrie with brutal force and power who wears the darkest Jewel in the realm beside the Black. An assassin who wears the Grey. A Warlord who wears the Red. That is the start of the Grey Queen's Court. I cannot make you stay Prince Mikhail, but I can beg you to. Because if you do not... Then the tapestry will rot. The threads will untangle and fall through the Darkness and the next tapestry will begin to rot again. This time the rot will be a mold that leads to a plague. It will be fought, but how can one survive a plague? Ashes, Prince. I see black ashes." Faeril's tone took on the queer dreamer's voice as it grew in strength. Falling silent, Fatima would realize the woman had fallen into an exhausted sleep. Gennar and his brother landing and hurrying over to her with looks of worry on their faces.
Athanasia Theroux / Andy

Location:Outside Medical Tent

Athanasia had been delighted with her summoning of the skeletons, though that happiness soon died when she learned that both Arthur and Andy had found themselves in the medic tent. Why had she split up from her brother? The ‘half’ part conveniently forgotten. Some kids had been talking about it while walking to the sing-a-long and Athanasia had diverted her course. ”Missus, they’ll be fine! They’re tough kids. Why in my day-”

”Shush, Chatters.” Snapped the pale-haired girl uncharastically harsh with the skull, who wisely shut his jaw. Weaving her way thanks to a few helpful instructions Athanasia quickly spotted Andy exiting the tent and grabbed the girl up in a tight hug. ” I heard you and Arthur got hurt! Are you alright? I mean, of course you’re not! Oh, la! You had me worried!” Athanasia chattered on in a mixture of worry and relief. Holding at arm’s length the one-legged skeleton hopping up behind her as dark eyes searched Andy for injury and frowning at the bandage on her arm.

Andy tensed as Ash hugged her. It wasn’t that she was upset at the hug, she just wasn’t used to them. She knew she was supposed to wrap her arms around the other person and she did, but it was slow and obviously nervous. “We’re both fine.” She considered how best to explain to Ash that the two of them had hurt each other. “I fell from a tree, and he...well I hit him really hard with some electricity.” She held up her unhurt arm and demonstrated a spark between her fingers. “They have these squares of food that taste like chicken soup and heal up just about any injury. The arm is only wrapped cause it is sore still.”

Andy noticed the hopping skeleton and raised an eyebrow at Ash. “Looks like you had fun.” Andy wasn’t certain if she was weirded out by the skeleton and after a moment of deliberation she decided any well-decayed corpses were worth the friendship with Ash.

Grinning slightly, Athanasia shrugged as she removed her hands from Andy’s arm lest she hurt her friend further. ” Well my first one was missing an arm, then some campers lopped off his poor head.” Scrunching up her nose slightly as she turned to look at the confused looking skeleton she sighed. ”I suppose I ought to tell him to go back, but it’s rather nice to see the others do a double-take. Plus it’s so much easier to get directions when there’s a skeleton who can tap people on the shoulder and not someone short like me.” The girl winked with a conspiratorial look. Quickly sobering, Athanasia frowned at Andy with a worried look. ”How bad is Arthur hurt? And who pushed you out of the tree?”

As Ash spoke Andy grinned. She enjoyed Ash’s way of messing with people. She also had a good point. Being under five foot made it hard to get the attention of the older campers. “Uh they said triage?” It was clear to Ash that Andy had no idea what the word meant and that she had never said it before. Andy couldn’t explain that since she had had a broken bone the med tent campers had looked at her first and that Arthur would be totally fine. As far as she understood Arthur had been electrocuted and maybe they needed to do a test on him. “As for who pushed me...Wait I said fell out of a tree how did you even know someone pushed me.”

Athanasia just gave Andy an exasperated look. ’You blasted my brother with lightning, while in a battle. You are both in the medic tent, after a battle. Falling out of a tree could happen, but it’s a fight.” Apparently the daughter of Hades had some particular ideas about battles. Namely that injuries were from fights, not just tripping and falling out of a tree. ”Pushed, pulled, shoved, falling while dodging. Take your pick.” The girl pointed out. ”And besides, if someone pushed you that just means I can sick my skeleton on them.” And an ulterior motive to have a bit more fun with her skeleton, which seemed quite reasonable to Athanasia. ” After all, shorties like us have to look out for each other.”

Andy couldn’t help but laugh. “Well you’re right. I was pushed, but we made up. Sorry, no skeleton sicking. It was Arthur.” Andy shook her head. “I was in the tree with Marygold and Eva from Demetri’s cabin. Him and Kristin came across the river and I tried to zapp him. I didn’t do a very good job, so he climbed the tree but Eva wrapped him in plants. So then he got out of the plants and pushed me. I fell, broke my arm and hit him really hard with the electricity. Since we both hurt each other we forgave each other.”

Athanasia listened to the story, nodding slightly as though she understood. Though she rolled her eyes and grinned in slight delight. ”Oh la! Well at least you two forgave each other! I don’t want my friend and my brother fighting, that would make things ever so difficult!” She was worried about Arthur though, not really knowing what triage was. It sounded like something rather irritating though. Smirking like the chesire cat out of Alice in Wonderland, ‘Ash’ glanced at the medic tent and snickered. ”And I can brag about summoning two skeletons while he’s stuck with the medics.” Turning her dark gaze back to Andy, a pale brow was arched as she tilted her head curiously. ”Where are you going now? I think there’s a campfire, but I heard about you and Arthur and well… It made more sense to make sure you were both okay.”

“Brag away, he didn’t summon any skeletons, at least none that I saw.” Andy looked toward where the campfire was being started even as they spoke. She took a sigh and said, “I’m going to my cabin. Today has been long and I want to go to bed. I’ll catch you for breakfast?” She asked hopefully. Yeah, Ash had just called her her friend, something she hadn’t been expecting and felt great. Andy hadn’t ever really had a friend before so she could only hope that she was taking the right actions.

Fluffing the pale braid that hung over one shoulder, Athanasia smiled and nodded. ”Go with Andy and make sure she has everything she needs then return to the earth- rest- grave?” She ordered the skeleton with a charming smile as if it would affect the boney structure. ”Of course! Breakfast should be interesting in a place like this!” The pale girl laughed lightly as she gave a final wave to Andy before slipping into the medic tent to see how her brother fared.

Once, mostly alone, Andy sighed relieved she hadn’t hurt her friendship with Ash. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be too harsh on Arthur for his part in their injuries. Then she made her way to her cabin going slow enough for the skeleton to keep pace with its single leg hopping. “Uh, thank you.” She said to the skeleton at the door to her cabin, and the ground sucked it into it. Andy blinked at the empty air where the skeleton had been. Yeah....the weird was worth the friend. FRIEND! Ash had called her that. She decided she’d deal with the weird and the sparse cabin for the friend.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Faeril Ashkevron

In front of Ashkevron Residence, Askavi

Interacting with @Slim Shady @eclecticwitch

Faeril's eyes flashed at the insult to her close friends. "Careful Prince. You would rather not make an enemy of me." She whispered quietly with a dangerous undertone. It was all well and fine to spar verbally but to insult the men who were as close as kin to her? That was something she could not and would not tolerate. The brother's mother had suffered greatly in the spiral of terror the Twisted Queens had instilled into the Blood and even with all her skill her late aunt could not lead the woman from the Twisted Kingdom that was madness. Now the Eyrien witch lived with a caring herbalist in Aven while her sons worked to protect the Healer-Black Widow. Turning her gaze to the howling and grief-stricken Queen, Faeril gave up struggling and pulled her wings close to her body. It was a terrible thing for the girl to lose someone she was close to, but the Hayllian man would never have been allowed to join them. He had been too much of a risk that could have betrayed all the Black Widow had worked for. The reason she had drained her Jewels.

As they reached the leveled ledge in the mountain that held her eyrie, the woman sighed and shook her head at the foolish little Queen. While she could very well sympathize that would not help the issue at the current point in time. They both needed Healing and Faeril was incapable of doing it. Wincing Faeril gripped Xandar's shirt, her blue eyes hard. "I have my reasons for my... lack of stored power. Do not dismiss the fact a Queen and several capable, despite what you may think, men turned up at the same time." The Black Widow hissed softly under Fatima's howls of outrage. "I will rest you snarling, foolish cockrel, but help my brothers. Their lack of power kept me safe. Do not dismiss the rank of Jewel as the only strength a person has. Now, go let their blood rain down." Faeril chided as she turned away, pointedly ignoring him as she tore off a sleeve of her gown. The quite audible grouse of 'idiot cockrels with swords' a stinging barb sent at the Warlord Prince. Wrapping the cloth about the gash in her finger the woman turned her attention to Fatima as the blood flow slowed. "Lady, if you continue to scream you will only draw the entire village up here and I would rather they not know I am housing a Queen. Even that possible reward might prove too tempting, for we too have suffered hard times under Queen Melian and Jurrian- the Territory Queen." Faeril snapped gripping the Queen's arm as she spun the younger woman about to look at her. "Rather worry about what you can do." Hypocritical words but Faeril was quite the proud hypocrite. It was one of her more vibrant qualities.

On the Stairs Ashkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille
@Zoey White (At the top of the stairs, on level with the Eyrie) @SilverPaw (Two level above Jassen's body and two levels below Dareen) @13org (Same level as Jandar)

The Eyriens were doing the main amount of fighting, save for the Opal Prince who was flying hard away from the eyrie. Wounded though he was the Eyrien had the advantage of wings and with the three brothers caught up in their own fights he was gaining distance from the battle. As the second-in-command to Lady Melian's Master of the Guard, he wanted his mentor's position for himself and getting killed would not get him there faster. But bringing back news of the Reaper and the Black Widow might. If he had brought back the Black Widow it would have definitely have helped.

The Green and Sapphire Eyriens raced towards the earth. Haelendar panicking as he watched the ground get close as they fell faster and faster. Each time he tried to use Craft, Gen sent a psychic blast at the man forcing him to shield or get slammed into the mountain. A mistake on Haelendar's part. If he slammed into the mountain it would have saved him from gaining such speed, if at the cost of a few cuts and bruises. Not that such things were much of a worry. The Eyrien's skin was already taking a ghastly grey twinge from Faeril's poison and his reaction time was lessening. Gen had spent enough time around the Red Jeweled Black Widow to know her work when he saw it. Finally they were close enough and Gen back winged hard away from the cliff as he veered along the ground and back up into the sky. Dareen's arrow would find it's mark well enough, digging into Haelendar's thigh making him wince as he tried to veer away from the ground. Mikhail would hear Haelendar's pleading cries as the men fell but now they fell silent after a sickening crunching crash. The broken form of Haelendar far below at the base of the stairs. His wings at an awkward angle and blood smearing the ground about him. The Green Jeweled Warlord circled back lazily as he checked on his foe and was satisfied with his death.

Kellvar was not faring well as the two Warlord Prince brothers drove him about in a whirling dance of wings and blades. Bellinar's blade cutting deeply as he passed, but gained a nasty slashe across his hip in retaliation. Cursing the newest come brother winged up the cliff. Denvar's opponent whirled to face him, the blade slamming into the youngest brother's shield ineffively as Denvar laughed in mocking rage. Then grunted in pain as he was slammed into the cliff, his wings bashing against the stone hard enough to bruise muscle. Landing a few feet below on the stairs, Denvar blasted his opponent with the power of his jewel. Kellvar shrieking a insult as he fell onto the stairs just above Jandar.

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, F,4

Athanasia winced as her poor skeleton had his only arm chopped off, thankful at least that one of the campers had run from the fight. Then again, the boy had been about her own age and if Athanasia had a terrifying skeleton coming at her... Well, she wouldn't have run! A one-armed skeleton wasn't really that terrifying. It was like the joke a mummy looking for its mommy. Funny, but really not all that great. No, what concerned Athanasia was the fact that the other Ares camper had hacked her skeleton's other arm off.

Then his head. "Oh, la! Now that's just rude!" Exclaimed the pale girl looking rather crossed with the much taller boy. "He was lacking arms and you could have just left him be, but no! You just had to cut his head off." Tutting she shook her head. It had been excessive on the poor old bones. A horn jolted her from her thoughts and Athanasia shot Alannah a confused look. "What was that? Did someone capture the flag already?" She hoped so despite herself. Then she could see how Arthur and Andy were doing.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Faeril Ashkevron

Flying up the path up to Ashkevron Residence, Askavi

Interacting with @Slim Shady

Faeril gave a snarl as she moved to rip out the throat of the bastard who had snatched her from the stairway with their blasted Craft. It was fortunate Xandar had thought to put a shield up else the punch that rebounded off the Ebon-Grey and left the Black Widow cradling a sore had would have bruised his jaw. Realizing exactly who it was, the Healer-Black Widow groaned in disgust as he chuckled and teased her. Oh, teasing was fine and wonderful even. However, it was best done at a appropirate time and this was certainly no such thing!

"You can damn well leave me alone! We were handling it!" Faeril snipped, despite knowing that they had been in trouble. Squirming and paling as she jostled her injured wing, the woman peered down watching the fighting. "I can handle myself well enough, but Gen- Bellinar and Denvar-" She glared at her 'rescuer'. "I can climb the damn stairs! Just- We need to help them!" Faeril argued, despite that her own jewels were obviously desperately low on power and the red jewel that shone dimly on her chest was close to breaking. Something that would have rendered her useless to the group in terms of power and ability.

Path up to Ashkevron Residence, Askavi
Interacting with @SilverPaw
The two Tiger-eyed Warlord Princes were far below trading passes with their weapons against Kellvar. The blood of the three raining down the earth below as they ripped with their physical weapons and blasted each other with their Craft. Bellinar had a slightly upperhand against the Blood Opal Warlord Prince, despite the difference in their jewels. His brother, however, was far more successful with his more powerful blows slowly draining away the power of the Blood Opal from Kellvar's shields. Gen was not faring as well, being forced up and away from his potential allies the Warlord bared a snarl at Haelendar. "Getting tired pet?" Mocked Gen as he gasped for breath. Bleeding from half a dozen cuts. His opponent fairing far better. Haelendar had merely his shoulder bleeding, the Sapphire shield deflecting Gen's blows while his own forced Faeril's closest ally back towards the eyrie

"I swear, I'll cut out your tongue!" Howled Haelendar as he tried to shoot by the Green jeweled Warlord as he spied Xandar snatch up the Black Widow. Gen took the opportunity and slammed his fist into Haelendar's head. Stunning the man as the two began to grapple as they fell towards the earth far below. As much as he was worried about his friend, Faeril was in the hands of others who could help her. His job was to deal with these bastards.

The Opal Prince glared at Jandar as he was forced back down the stairs. "You'll suffer for this." Sword the second of command to the Mastar of the Guard. "I've never forgotten a face, and I'll not forget a Dhemlan rat's." He snarled in warning before springing free of the rocky steps to fly off. Attempting to escape the battle, most likely to summon help.

Front Garden, Ashkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille
@13org @Zoey White @eclecticwitch
As the three descend towards the switchback stairs, they could see the figures of people below dueling back in forth. Three were far below and spinning out into open air then back into the mountainside. The second group of two was falling towards the earth at dizzying speed. Gennar using his superior size to Haelendar to keep the slightly smaller man's wings closed as they pummeled each other. The closest fighting pair was Jandar and the Opal who was attempting to fly off. If it were not for all this terror and the flecks of blood that were streaking the mountain and falling down towards the earth, the scene would have been beautiful. Peaceful even.

Fatima, however, would be close enough as they began descending to see a sprawl and broken form laying on the stairs. A reddish pool spiling about the body of Jassen. The distant details of Jean being clear enough to tell that the Dhemland still lived and leaving only one who could be the figure. The beating of leathery wings were fast approaching from below, looking would reveal it to be the giant Xandar who was holding a glaring and arguing Faeril. Mikhail would notice the witch's jewels were dangerously low. A serious concern, which combined with her exhaustion earlier that morning would reveal the witch had been tossing her power about without care for her limits. Healers were infamous for it. The reason they were, by Protocol's design, required to have a male 'helper' lest they spend themselves dry and possibly to death.

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, F,4

Beaming with a cheery smile as Alannah congratulated on the lopsided skeleton. Oh, Athanasia was certain that she could do better but for her first time was not too shabby. Noting in the back of her mind to inform Andy and Arthur about this Camp Jupiter she turned her gaze towards the Ares campers who had yet to notice them. Which was all well and good! "Surprises are always fun." Athanasia remarked and gestured towards the hapless boys. The shambling skeleton teetering towards the campers with a toothy grin.

Eyeing the earth with a speculative look, Athanasia considered if she could perhaps call forth others as well? Practice made perfect after. "What missus? You gonna start a mob of skeletons to sic on them bruisers?" Cackling the skull as slim fingers hooked the eyesockets. Drawing the sword from beneath, Athanasia hoped she would not need to use it. "Hey, I didn't mean anything by it!" "I know, Chatters." The pale child smiled sweetly at the skull. "But I want to be able to throw you at thme. Oh, la! Anyone else?" She called to the earth once more in hope another would appear, demanding that another protector would. These kids were by far larger than she was and far meaner looking, and, like a fool, she was scampering after Alannah towards them. Her skeleton charging full tilt at the fighters, and what was one skeleton with a single arm going to do against three campers? "Don't kill them! Or hurt them too badly! Oh, la! I need more of them!" Athanasia muttered to herself as she sent a few orders after her shambling pirate, or as she liked to think he had been a pirate.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Faeril Ashkevron

Winged Boar in Aren, Askavi

Interacting with @SilverPaw @Slim Shady

As Jandar paused at the sight of the broken body of Jassen, Haelendar took the opening. Either uncaring or unaware it was a trap. It was Jean's bad luck that the keen warblade sliced into his side. Not a deep wound by any means, but a decent gash. Jean's returning counter, however, was far more effective as it cleaved Haelendar's shoulder to the bone forcing the man to withdraw with a string of curses. "Dammit, Kellvar grab the bitch!" He snapped to the Blood Opal Warlord Prince soared up after regaining his wings when Faeril flung him from the cliff. If they couldn't get everyone, they at least would deliver a Black Widow to Queen Melian. That within itself would be worthy victory, he hoped. Now with the Opal Prince advancing on Jean, forcing the Red jeweled Warlord's attention to him and not the fleeing Widow as he swung for the man.

Faeril herself was fleeing as quickly as she could and cursing whichever ancestor of hers thought to build the stair so uneven and steep. As much as she wanted to fix them herself it would take more power, marks (the currency of the Blood) and time than they had. Not to mention such thoughts were not going to be of use now! Hearing the beating of leathery wings, the healer tried to hurry and gave a breathless cry of terror as one of the less tended steps crumbled. Pitching her to the side. Scrambling for a grip on the wall to keep from being tossed into the air and forced to fly with a damaged wing, Faeril drew on the power stored within her jewel to blast the minion of Melian as Kellvar raced up to seize her arm. But he only got within a hairwidth of touching her before two twin figures slammed into the 'boy' sending him spinning down in a tangle with Bellinar and Denvar. Turning Faeril staggered up the steps as she tried to heal her own wing with depleting stores of psychic power.

Jean would see two other Eyriens clash with the Blood Opal Warlord Prince in a mess of blades, wings and some rather foul curses in their native tongue. A third paused looking between Faeril or Jean and swooped down to swipe at Haelendar as the Sapphire took to the air in an attempt to snatch Faeril himself. Despite wearing the weaker Jewel, Gen was more than Haelendar's match in weapon work and fierce temper. Shouting over the rising wind that promised another storm, Gennar called to Jean. "You one of Faeril's or theirs?" The Warlord demanded. "And Haelendar you bastard! You are not touching Ashke!"

"Still defending that bitch and bending over for warriors! A wonder you don't wear a dress as well, Gennar!" Raged Haelendar as he tried his damnest to break the defense of the other Eyrien.

"At least she's an honest bitch and I'd rather bend over for warriors than take it from a Queen!"

Faeril ignored the fighting as her boyos gave her a chance to hurry up the stairs. Drawing on her jewels still, she was staggering as she pressed against the mountainside. The winds growing stronger and threatening to rip her from the wall. They wouldn't be bad if she could shield, but to do that... She didn't have the energy, and that fact alone frightened the Black Widow. Because she had a feeling despite being her patient Mikhail would give as good as her 'brothers' when she was feeling well enough to be explained to why what she did was utterly stupid. Men.

Front Garden, Ahkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille
@13org @Zoey White @eclecticwitch
As the three descend they would see the sky darken slightly with another storm brewing most likely a heavy, but brief squall but with horrid timing. A few of the men of the battlefield were roused by the slight drops of water and gained their feet. Their faces aghast and pale as they saw their kin and brothers of the Court scattered about them. The two who rose had been knocked into Xandar's shield and thankfully been spared the bloodshed. Now they spread their wings and took off into the sky. From below you hear the sounds of a fight and see distant figures though it's hard to tell who is who.
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