Avatar of Landaus Five-One


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current The Multiverse is within us all. But the biggest one within me is A Fantasy RP and A Sci-Fi Series classified as "Jaina'Res."
4 yrs ago
I'm still working on a Fantasy RP, it isn't dead. Its just writer's block sucks ass... :(
4 yrs ago
I've been working on a Fantasy styled roleplay. It's still in the development stages since it has no name right now.
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5 yrs ago
What's this? I'm finally updating my status in 10 months. Wonderful. I hope you all enjoy it. As well, profiles are what I enjoy creating.
5 yrs ago
The Sanctuary, VC, NCQuest, Talrae and the ILR all have one thing in common I am in them in terms of the RPs.


I am Landaus Five-One, which likes being called Holy since its A, Easier and B, I've used that distinction much longer than Landaus. I am into roleplays of any variety as long as they are interesting and unique for me to be apart of. There's a list below showing the roleplays I am interested in.
  • Sci-Fi
  • Space Opera
  • Magical
  • Fantasy
  • Modern
  • Post-Apocalyptic Themes
  • Alternate Universe / Alternate Reality
  • Horror
  • Insert any Fandom Here

I can play both genders easily, even though lately I've been playing mostly Female characters. Artificial Intelligence Characters are something of a odd quirk I like doing only because I have like a few characters that are basically massive AI Controlled Starships. Additionally, you can contact me via Discord using Holy R. Enigma#6381 for anything really. My birthdate is June 26, 1987, going to be soon 33 years old. Might as well add that these are the only two things I am going to put on here. Out of everything, I am really enjoying my time on roleplaying guild, just need to start working on the massive revamp of the Jaina'Res Mulitverse/Main Realm and the Fantasy RP I have been starting to work on. It's still in the Development stages in terms of the Fantasy RP I am going to GM.

Hopefully everyone has a good 2020 and beyond, gl and hf. As well, I'm highly interested in Strategy Games, Grand Strategy and MMORPGs aka play FFXIV.

The Roleplays I am apart of: The RP's Creator - Roleplays listed second.
Letter Bee: Iliad City: A Magical RP in an original world resuming & Academy of Noble Arms - The Golden Generation
LetMeDoStuff: Persona the Beholder
The Jest: Lost Innocence RP Reset - This roleplay went through a complete reset. The Pages are children whom gained magical powers from being infused by dust of a crystalline race. Need to still finish the required profiles I've been working on mostly been sidetracked a little. However, Sidetracking is always a pain in the ass. Additionally, The Jest is still working on all details of said roleplay before he launches it.

Roleplays that have an OOC and were rebooted once before:


Interest Checks that Caught my Interest:

Creation of Something New: Getting back into the swing of things...
The Venerdale Legends RP: Retinue of the Ariel Guardians - The Name has finally been chosen, which is the Fantasy RP that is still in development. Got many things to work on, at least its finally named. (Like the Magic System and others)

Most Recent Posts

Fiona just sighed slightly at what Diana exactly said. It was a bit odd to say the least, that a woman like Diana would be still a kid at heart. ”I-I am trying… its just hard.” Fiona said, with a slight confused look on her face. Diana constantly gets her a bit confused with what she says but at least she’s really nice. If anything, she’s grateful for Diana’s support out of all the things, the Godfrey Family is very friendly.

”I wonder where I can sit to talk to my fellow soldiers. If the Godfreys weren’t there I would have probably couldn’t deal with the sight of those tanks...” Fiona thought to herself, with a slight deal of fear. Those tanks were always in the back of her head, with what her father was planning, which scared her. However, she noticed someone approach Diana and her with a notebook and he was also a Darscen. She gained a smile slightly since she enjoys being around fellow Darscens. However, he asked their names, which made her smile kindly. ”M-My name is Fiona, what is yours?” Fiona asked, with a nervous tick but with a smile.

She did wonder what he was writing in that notebook and was a bit curious to say the least. It took awhile for her to clear her thoughts a bit and basically look passingly at the notebook in question. ”U-Umm, what are you writing in that notebook?” Fiona questioned curiously. She enjoys writing or drawing, even though she’s not that amazing as other people in the latter. At least, she can at least draw certain things well, which specifically terrify her mostly.

Fiona finally figured out where she was going to sit, at least. Even though she had to wait for her food, which she wasn’t really impatient that is. ”Wait, what is Diana doing? Why is she face palming…? She never does that unless she remembers something.” Fiona thought to herself, with an odd look at Diana. It’s always a quirk of Diana’s its probably because she’s a mother nonetheless. Diana always does that when she cooks its a bit of a bit of a strange thing anyways. However, she wasn’t cooking right now and why would she use her home cooking homely feeling and care to something that the military has. It must mean she knows of something of the Darscen that asked them their names.

Diana couldn’t help but giggle at Fiona’s sigh and what she said definitely made her go a bit awed. ”At least you are trying, Fiona. If anything you are doing better than most people who has a father like yours. I think everyone would love to boil him in acid with how cruel he is.” Diana said, with a reassuring tone to her voice. If anything she was truthful in that since she would so like to kill Richard herself. However, her family isn’t really much about violence since they wanted nothing to do with it.

”It would probably at least allow her to sit by someone who’s around her age. Even though I was mostly going to sit where Maxi was.” Diana thought to herself, with slight annoyed look on her face. It was mostly because she wanted to chat to Maxi and the others in the mess hall. However, she noticed someone approach Fiona and her and kinda recognized him. How he was acting kinda remind her of someone in her squad all those years ago, mostly an excellent drawer. Even though, it was a bit hard to pick on whom he reminds her of. ”My name? That’s simple, Diana Elana Godfrey and yeah I have to agree with sweet little Fiona, what’s yours? Also, you remind me of someone...” Diana said, with a slight feeling of who he is.

Diana was always a bit forgetting who he is, but she did remember all her old squad mates did go to Luke and hers wedding. However, it took her a bit to remember that two Darscens in her squad did get married and had a bloody hell a lot of children. ”Wait… no way, isn’t that Ines and Franz’s Son? Uhh… Damn, why did I forget that? Guess I had too much on my plate to remember exactly.” Diana thought to herself, with a slight face palm of forgetting the resemblance. However, she kept quiet so he could reintroduce himself but this was going to be embarrassing when her lazy husband gets here.


Fiona was a bit exhausted but nonetheless needed something to eat, which would be the only place for it would be the Mess Hall. If it wasn’t for the fact she kinda had another flashback of how smug and evil her father Richard was. It was a bit much for her but she joined the military to save her family from Richard. However, she had regained her smile when noticing the menu for breakfast and remembering the name of the one who cooks their food. It was obvious since the last thing on the menu was Vinny’s Surprise. She was more interested in something else over what could be the most strangest thing ever. ”H-Hello, Vinny. Can I please have Potato Cakes with Apple Sauce and Sour Cream. That would be wonderful...” Fiona said, with a slight nervous tick in her voice with a slight elegance to it.

”I hope I did the correct thing, in politely asking for my food.” Fiona thought to herself. She hopefully did the right thing since she knows how annoying it would be to be angry at someone for no particular reason. The only person that deserves that anger and hate would be her father Richard for being an utter cruel bastard. ”E-Enjoying your day?” Fiona asked, curiously. She was a bit late in waking up so she didn’t really see all the excitement a bit earlier aka, all the angry people. If it wasn’t super obvious to how she’s been acting, it was always a quirk of hers to be a bit depressive. However, she did have some friends in this regiment alike Rosie for instance.

Fiona sighed a bit only because she should really stop trying to being stuck on the past. It’s kinda hard to deal with that problem, which is how her mother is being treated mostly. ”...I need to get stronger to free everyone from Richard’s evil including myself. One step at a time, I suppose...” Fiona thought to herself, with slightly deep in it. However, not so much to get blindsided by anything from when Vinny responds to her anyways. She’s here and going to try her best for once, however, she did notice that Rosie wasn’t here. Probably because Rosie was doing her running thing again. ”H-How does she keep her energy so up? I couldn’t really sleep that well because of that… nightmare so to speak. Dad, I-I hate you.” Fiona thought to herself again. However, the last part of her thought was spoken a bit quietly from her lips about hating her father.

Diana wasn’t really enjoying herself when she walked into the mess hall, which was because she felt like woke up on the wrong side of the bed. However, she wasn’t really hungry at the moment since she was more into wanting to talk to Maxi. If it wasn’t for the fact she was irritable and annoyed slightly. ”How’s the weather everyone? Every time I see you Vincenzo, my mood turns around very quickly. I hope you are having a wonderful day.” Diana questioned, basically asking everyone in the mess hall. Loud as ever, she liked it that way since she has family back home. If anything, it is like she had definitely grown up with a bit of a loudness to her voice. However, her stomach growled, which made her sigh and roll her eyes a bit.

She stopped herself a bit and noticed Fiona at the place to get her own food, which kinda made her go a bit awe. ”I’m into getting the same thing as Sweet Little Fiona, please Vincenzo.” Diana said, with a slight cuteness in her voice. She always enjoyed Fiona’s presence at her home when her sister came to visit anyways. However, she had her hands full with her two children, her husband Luke and taking care of Liz. She was definitely one of those people who love children, but she loved her alcohol a bit more. It didn’t help she still had her worries about her mother and father living in Castleton.

It took a bit but Fiona was struck by the what people would call a deep sigh at the fact, Diana basically want the same thing she’s having. This was always slightly annoying but Diana did have a talent of baking things and usually her food was so good nonetheless. ”H-Hi Diana, why do you always pick the same thing I eat?” Fiona asking curiously since she was always a bit of an annoyed at it. Even though, the Godfrey’s were twenty times better than her father Richard since they were always loving. It was a bit sweet to be honest, she wished her father wasn’t so heartless.

Diana giggled slightly, which made her enjoy Fiona’s questions, showed the fact she is still a bit naive. ”Just because Fiona, I am still a child at heart even though… I’m an adult. I still like apple sauce, deary. If anything, you should be eating a bit more.” Diana said, only because she knows how badly she was treated by Richard. Only because of the fact, she’s a growing girl and she would never do that to her children. If anything it was just cruel for how Richard treated everyone at that Estate, the cruelest historic estate in Castleton. It was the one thing she always saw in Fiona’s eyes, the sadness, determination and wanting to get stronger but couldn’t when living there. The only good thing about Diana she knows how children acts since she has two of her own. She takes out her flask and takes a drink from it since its always better to be a bit buzzed from time to time. ”I hope this war doesn’t be alike the first one, that was horrible.” Diana thought to herself, with an annoyed look on her face.

Automatic Rifleman
Submachine Gunner

There was one thing that Linde somewhat liked about the angry small woman, it was how she spoke. In terms of everything, she spoke a similar language of how she had to deal with being raised. However, she somewhat rolled her eyes at the measuring contest in terms of the pistols she wields. Only one of the pistols actually got her attention, which was the Python. ”In terms of everything, this woman knows her weapons.” Linde thought to herself, with a slight like not really wanting to involve herself in that dick measuring contest.

Linde heard the small woman’s name, which was interesting to say the least. However, it was a good name in terms of Linde’s thoughts on the matter but she did notice Morgan’s actions in not getting close to people. It was mostly in how she spoke mostly an angry at everything in the world type of woman.
”It is nice to meet you Morgan.” Linde said, with a smile towards Morgan. In terms of how she spoke was mostly in a friendly matter towards Morgan. Even though it would probably take Morgan a long time to be friendly with her or will probably never change in being an angry bitch.

In the case of Morgan’s job description, she basically blew shit up, translated and shot the enemy. It was very straight to the point to say the least much better than the usual demeanor of everything. She was grateful for that at least, however, what came next was a bit annoying and she sighed.
”That is a bit obvious, which we did apologize for Morgan.” Linde said with a slight snide retort back to Morgan. She wasn’t trying to be annoying with her comment but its was a bit slap in the face with what Morgan had said.

Linde couldn’t help but be shocked with what Morgan had asked of them to stop doing. They are in love and they can do whatever the hell they want, which she kinda annoyingly rolled her eyes. It’s mostly because she is highly protective over Theresa and doesn’t like anyone insulting them.
”That’s pretty petty of you to use that form of sexism, bitch. Theresa and I are in love and that’s not going to stop, Miss Angry Small Fry.” Linde said, with a bit of an angry look on her face. However, what Morgan had said next made her go like, uhh really on her facial expression. ”It’s not like we are kissing right in public or anything.” Linde replied to Morgan other comment.

Theresa was in a similar boat as her lover in terms of liking how the small woman spoke about certain things. Mostly of the weapons she was talking about and including the enemy’s quick movements in the jungles. It was a bit terrifying to be honest to listen to her, but then it came to the pistol. She had a smile on her face since she loved weapons, which her father and grandfather collected in the two great wars.
”Those pistols are definitely great, even though Linde and me only have M1917s Pistols.” Theresa said, with a smile on her face. She enjoyed doing that type of measuring contests since it gave her great joy.

In terms of hearing the name of the small woman gave her a smile on her face. She loved meeting new people, which is why she always showed people with as much kindness as they deserved. She did hear what her lover said, which is pretty much in agreement from her.
”In terms of meeting you, its a pleasure, Morgan.” Theresa said, with an honest tone within her voice. It was a wonderful name nonetheless even though her reaction to giving out her name was a bit of a stay back type thing.

Theresa was specifically listening about her job description in these jungles and it felt like a hard job. It was straight to the point and easy to follow to say the least. However, something that irked her, which felt like a slap in the face by Morgan in terms of what she exactly said. But she heard what Linde said and sighed a bit much.
”Linde, you don’t have to be so crass in your speech to Morgan. Please think about what you say to others.” Theresa said, basically trying to not start a cat fight since they just got here. It was one thing to be coy with someone and another to start a fight among comrades.

She was going to make Linde to hear her thoughts in how to properly talk to people later. However, what happened a bit later made her gasp in shock in hearing specifically what Morgan said. It felt like it cored out her heart for a second, but stopped since she heard Linde say it instead of her.
”That’s a bit mean to say to us. We are just trying to be as caring to each other as possible, isn’t that right Linde? However, you throw that curve ball at us just because you don’t want to see a cute relationship between two women?” Theresa asked, the last question was directed directly at Morgan. However, what Morgan said next kinda made her blush slightly since they actually did that once. ”Umm… its like what my lover said…” Theresa said, with her cheeks slightly red.

Linde sighed that she didn’t answer her lover earlier but she looks at Theresa specifically and noticed her lover blushing. She slightly giggled at this but it wouldn’t be a fun thing to deal with a lecture from Theresa.
”Uuh, I am sorry I didn’t respond to you earlier. I’m sorry for what I’ve said to you Morgan… Language is important, is what my lover would say anyways…” Linde said, with trying to be as honest as possible mostly for the petty nickname she created up for her. It was hard to keep up with Theresa’s teasing, lectures, which are very tiring to keep a straight face and not blushing constantly.

Automatic Rifleman
Submachine Gunner

Linde couldn’t really believe anyone in their right mind would really actually count Artillery as if it was sheep. It sounded a bit out of this world, however, her thought was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice. However, the voice sounded friendly enough in terms of the woman’s question. ”I’m doing pretty good, its nice to meet you, by the way.” Linde said, with a smile on her face. She was trying to be as friendly as possible towards the woman who’ve asked how they were doing. However, whenever she said what still made no sense in her head it irked her. Why would anyone ever think of counting artillery is beyond her. She would rather count the strands of hair on her lover’s hair than anything. ”Ugh, that just seems like a crazy men thing, I suppose.” Linde thought to herself, with an eyebrow raised to the whole situation of counting artillery like sheep.

She felt like her skin crawled slightly only because it felt like she was being yelled at by Lucas. Only because Theresa and her called him sir, she absolutely didn’t actually know the procedures of properly addressing Sergeants. She kinda thought Sergeants were officers, its how the Sergeants in the Bootcamp wanted to be addressed by new recruits.
”Uhh, sorry about that Sarge. But the boot camp Sergeant wanted to be called that...” Linde said, with a slight embarrassment to her voice. It was definitely something to get used to compared to boot camp, which will be a definite change. Hopefully for the better, however, life doesn’t give you challenges to be easy.

Linde noticed the Sarge mutter something under his breath and couldn’t help but think it was bad or otherwise. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes since its usually men mutter something under their breath anyway. No matter what it seems like it was clockwork or something but it would probably not be a good idea to ask what he said. However, when he called Theresa and her Wet Wipes it kinda ticked her off a bit, but its true. They are wet behind the ears in terms of they have no idea what actual combat truly is.
”It is true, Theresa and I are a bit wet under the ears in terms of our lack of combat, Sarge. No offense taken and thank you for the welcome Sarge.” Linde said, with a slight bit of annoyance in her voice at how Lucas said welcome. She just rolled her eyes a bit and sighed because of certain factors alike first impressions are always important. She’ll try to deal with this blow to her esteem a bit. ”This is so freaking annoying. It feels like the Sarge was being a bit spiteful towards Theresa and me for some odd reason. I really hate this why did it have to be a man leading us?” Linde thought to herself, with a very deflated look on her face like the only one to cheer her up would be Theresa. She didn’t really notice where the Mech Technician went since she was too focused on Theresa, Sarge, and the other woman who entered to talk to the Sarge. Only because of the fact, she did seem friendly enough but could just because she wasn’t truly showing how she is really. She just got there with her lover Theresa to Firebase Ember.

Theresa was in a different mind about what she thought about counting artillery. It made her a giggle a little bit because its just a bit funny to say the least. However, her entire thought and imagination was interrupted by unfamiliar voice, which was attached to a woman. It made her smile happily and wave at the new arrival.
”I’m doing pretty good, how are you doing? Linde why are you not being much of a conversationalist?” Theresa asked the woman and Linde at the same time. However, she had a small smirk on her face with her question to Linde.

Linde, however, looked directly at Theresa and sighed at the tease about not being a conversationalist to people she doesn’t know. She couldn’t really help but not really like when her lover Theresa is in a teasing mood, its endearing and all but at the same time a bit annoying.
”...Theresa… can you stop please? I’m sorry for not being much of one but I like to get to know people that are of our gender than you know...” Linde said, with obviousness in her voice. It was slightly a bit nervous too since she doesn’t really like admitting this much in front of complete and utter strangers but Theresa is one of those lovers that like to embarrass her quite too much. She tried to calm herself down from the whole situation.

Theresa giggles slightly from Linde’s reaction and it was definitely endearing to say the least. However, she was taken aback from when the Sarge got up and basically felt like he got in their faces without being. It made her completely realize that Sarge Lucas wasn’t a Drill Officer from Boot Camp. This in question made her outright go a bit like shit.
”Shit… sorry Sarge… Guess Boot Camp is still drilled into us… even though it has only been a year since that… day at Boot Camp to go here.” Theresa said, with a kind smile. It was pretty much a definite lack of judgment from Linde and her to specifically realize this is a war zone and not Boot Camp still.

She noticed the Sarge mutter something under his breath as well, in sync with Linde. However, she had a slight hint on what it would probably have been since they are a couple on a battlefield. It was a guess that’s what he muttered but she didn’t really want to ask about what he muttered. However, Linde’s probably thought about it was different as usual with her.
”No offense taken, Sarge. With what you said is definitely true and I am very welcomed to this party of being in the jungle.” Theresa said with a smile on her face. Its a bit of an oddity but she couldn’t really help but look at the Sarge and the new woman for a bit.

She than put her most of her attention on her lover Linde since she could tell she was heavily deflated and in a slightly bad mood. However, when she turned around the Mech Technician was gone alike she had to get out of there for some odd reason. She didn’t really know why or for what reason to be honest. However, she decided to look at the new woman in question and decided to ask something.
”May I ask an important question, what is your name?” Theresa asked, curiously and nicely to specifically the one wearing the tank-top, which is the woman whom asked how they were doing. It was only for curiosity sake since its always nice to meet new people, the Walton’s are always wanting to know you for the sake of being friendly. However, in the back of her mind there was a singular thought. ”Hmm… I do wonder where the Mech Technician went, since I do want to know her name. Hopefully Linde and my introductions wasn’t a bad first impression with her… But I have a feeling our first impression with the Sarge was bad…” Theresa thought to herself, with a similar feelings as her lover Linde. However, the only good news was the fact that they arrived before a combat operation happened.

Automatic Rifleman
Submachine Gunner

Linde had always had a heavy distrust of men, specifically because she wants to protect her lover’s sensibilities from them. There’s only one person she hated talking to the most of all the men in the Firebase, which was the Corporal. Even though, she’s a greenhorn on the battlefield she just rolls her eyes every time Mucker comes over and tries to talk to her. At least, she doesn’t smoke really at all because of her childhood life with her mother. However, she is off-duty in the Firebase Ember today because of the fact she needed to unwind from everything basically.

She did listen to the conversation that was between the Corporal and Sergeant. All she did was roll her eyes, mostly at the incompetence of the Corporal losing more things. However, she did hear the Sergeant say Seventeen, which confused her a bit. She wanted to ask the dumb question of specifically what the Mech Technician on the firebase probably asked the Sergeant. It was always an odd thing to hear the Sergeant say something about numbers or what not. However, when she first got on the base the firing of friendly artillery towards the jungles did freak her out a bit.
”What the heck is going on, isn't this a normal thing that people count random ass things? Ugh, men always constantly being a bit weird but he's my superior...” Linde thought to herself, with slight hint of confusion on her face.

The only thing going for her is her uniform is well upkeep and her hair is much more in regulation than other women on this base. Because she always like her hair shorter than most people, even though she wouldn’t ever want to change her lover’s pigtails. Therefore, she decided to walk to the entryway and ask an equally dumb question.
”Oh how are you two doing? Sergeant and nice to meet you, what's your name? Miss.” Linde asked, with a slight smile on her face and behind towards the African American woman, which is in the entryway. She was always enjoying to chat with people as long as they don’t show certain advancements to her lover Theresa. She’s a bit too much as a protective hen to her lover, as much as her lover is to her.

The Promise Ring shimmers on her right hand, ring finger. It’s a bit of a prideful thing she enjoys since her Jessica, gave her this as a graduation gift. This was the most wonderful thing to be handed to by her mother Jessica even though it would be much better if Angela wasn’t such a bitch. It is the only reason why she has a smile but her smile is much bigger around Theresa though.
”Theresa, can you please come here?” Linde asked, with a smile on her face. She knew that Theresa would hear her since they are in the same part of the firebase off-duty right now.

Theresa was moving her promise ring on her finger, because her finger slightly itched. However, she did hear her lover's voice, which she decided to look up. Linde was by the tent were probably was, the Sergeant was at as well as a Mech Technician. They were both greenhorns since it took them until this year to be deployed in Vietnam. She didn't really mind much of the Corporal, even with his slight annoyance of constantly losing stuff or that's what she felt like from the conversation she witnessed. ”How many times do I have to ask to be much more respectable to commanding officers? But this artillery is ruining my mood though.” Theresa said, with a caring tone in her voice and slightly teasing her at the end.

”T-Theresa, I'm sorry but you know I can't help it. Please stop teasing me though its a bit embarrassing to say the least.” Linde responded to what specifically Theresa said. She was constantly taught that military Etiquette requires introductions and what not. It's a bit hard to that sometimes because of certain reasons of not really trusting men as far as she could throw them in the case of Basic Training. However, she decided to stop for a second and cough a bit. "I'm a bit sorry for the interruption, Sergeant Sir. But my name is Linde Kayla Heartily-Walton a new recruit to this Firebase." Linde said, with trying to hide the fact, slightly bit an annoyed only because she had no real idea why the Sergeant was saying Seventeen.

She got up from her sitting position on a chair or stool and walked towards Linde, with a definite beautiful and elegant step in her walking. It was obvious she was more used to wearing dresses that fitted her personality of looking beautiful. However, she was wearing the standard uniform that everyone wears since that’s just how the Walton Family does everything when they are in the Military. It doesn’t take her long to reach besides Linde but she does stop messing around with the promise ring on her left hand, ring finger. She basically brightens Linde up a much more since she’s always been dealing with Angela’s cruelty. Basic Training was so much more harder on her than Linde because of the fact her family are successful at being apart of the US Marines. She starts messing with one of her pigtails by rolling her hair by her finger.
”Ah, its nice to see you Sergeant, sir. Oh hello, who are you Miss Technician Lady? Can't believe you actually done it Linde, but my name is Theresa Linde Walton, here as a new recruit to this firebase, Sergeant Sir.” Theresa said, with a smile and was directing her question towards the Mech Technician specifically. She was always happy to tease Linde every once in a while but this time she was definitely proud of Linde for doing what seems like a bit of a hard sale. Warming up to men, is always a bit of a hard thing to do for her since many things in her life were hard specifically Linde's biological mother.

Theresa always enjoyed chatting with her fellow Americans, even though its a bit harder to do in a war environment because of what she heard from her grandfather and father. However, she hasn't really tasted the horrors of war unlike her grandfather and father has all those years ago. It'll probably take something really major to break Linde and her in these jungles since they chose this to fight in this war. The Vietnam War is going to be a thing, since she heard of the enemy constantly attacks the base from all sides. It's probably why Linde and her were assigned to the Firebase to help out the Sergeant out. This is the primary reason why her submachine gun is on her shoulder right now because its better to be prepared than not. Even though, this will be the first time she'll be forced to take a life in, which still scares her.

It's being talked about on Discord, which is always a good thing for certain ideas and things to get through. :)
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