Avatar of Landaus Five-One


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current The Multiverse is within us all. But the biggest one within me is A Fantasy RP and A Sci-Fi Series classified as "Jaina'Res."
4 yrs ago
I'm still working on a Fantasy RP, it isn't dead. Its just writer's block sucks ass... :(
4 yrs ago
I've been working on a Fantasy styled roleplay. It's still in the development stages since it has no name right now.
1 like
5 yrs ago
What's this? I'm finally updating my status in 10 months. Wonderful. I hope you all enjoy it. As well, profiles are what I enjoy creating.
5 yrs ago
The Sanctuary, VC, NCQuest, Talrae and the ILR all have one thing in common I am in them in terms of the RPs.


I am Landaus Five-One, which likes being called Holy since its A, Easier and B, I've used that distinction much longer than Landaus. I am into roleplays of any variety as long as they are interesting and unique for me to be apart of. There's a list below showing the roleplays I am interested in.
  • Sci-Fi
  • Space Opera
  • Magical
  • Fantasy
  • Modern
  • Post-Apocalyptic Themes
  • Alternate Universe / Alternate Reality
  • Horror
  • Insert any Fandom Here

I can play both genders easily, even though lately I've been playing mostly Female characters. Artificial Intelligence Characters are something of a odd quirk I like doing only because I have like a few characters that are basically massive AI Controlled Starships. Additionally, you can contact me via Discord using Holy R. Enigma#6381 for anything really. My birthdate is June 26, 1987, going to be soon 33 years old. Might as well add that these are the only two things I am going to put on here. Out of everything, I am really enjoying my time on roleplaying guild, just need to start working on the massive revamp of the Jaina'Res Mulitverse/Main Realm and the Fantasy RP I have been starting to work on. It's still in the Development stages in terms of the Fantasy RP I am going to GM.

Hopefully everyone has a good 2020 and beyond, gl and hf. As well, I'm highly interested in Strategy Games, Grand Strategy and MMORPGs aka play FFXIV.

The Roleplays I am apart of: The RP's Creator - Roleplays listed second.
Letter Bee: Iliad City: A Magical RP in an original world resuming & Academy of Noble Arms - The Golden Generation
LetMeDoStuff: Persona the Beholder
The Jest: Lost Innocence RP Reset - This roleplay went through a complete reset. The Pages are children whom gained magical powers from being infused by dust of a crystalline race. Need to still finish the required profiles I've been working on mostly been sidetracked a little. However, Sidetracking is always a pain in the ass. Additionally, The Jest is still working on all details of said roleplay before he launches it.

Roleplays that have an OOC and were rebooted once before:


Interest Checks that Caught my Interest:

Creation of Something New: Getting back into the swing of things...
The Venerdale Legends RP: Retinue of the Ariel Guardians - The Name has finally been chosen, which is the Fantasy RP that is still in development. Got many things to work on, at least its finally named. (Like the Magic System and others)

Most Recent Posts

I have finally finished the revamp to Conner & Narvia. No longer have any mention of skills, traits are the way of the future. :)
Yukimura Shinon

"Tidal Surge" | 15 |
Quirk: Tidal Wave

Interaction: Yi Helme (Sealer) @Aerandir, Aurora & Chariot @BlackMaiden, Harry Harimau @Restalaan

Shinon notices Sealer’s movements to her entering the room, but all it did was make her slightly giggle. When she hears Harry, the Class President of 1B, she somewhat gasps asks why they were here. It was nice to see him also here to see Sealer, who’s still slightly recovering from his injuries. One of two things happened; one was Sealer told her his real name and also got stuck in how to respond to Harry all at the same time. It took her a bit of time to think of a response to both things. ” Uhh, no problem, I suppose? Your real name is interesting, Yi. Also, Harry, it’s obvious why I am here, and I only got here a bit before yourself. Yi Helme needed a pick me up.” Shinon said with a smile on her face. Her look on her face was a mix of wanting to know why Sealer acted so nervously to her, but it would probably cause her to become embarrassed if she did know. ’ Hmm, I would rather not get embarrassed...’ Shinon thought to herself.

Harry’s power bar gift to Yi was a nice gesture, and all Shinon had was saying sorry from last time by, which when she slapped him. She giggles slightly cutely because of what Aurora said about not being here long. ” That is sweet, Aurora.” Shinon said sweetly to Aurora. It didn’t take long for Aurora to talk about her supportive quirk, and it was unique for one too. However, Shinon slightly more nervous and slightly back away because she was becoming slightly red on her face. She was embarrassed slightly because her inner thoughts and everything were for herself and no one else. It wouldn’t be a good idea for the shy little Aurora to know Shinon’s preferences, which lay deep within her subconscious. ’ Calm down Shinon… It isn’t like that vile Dominatrix but oh my heart. I dislike freaking out about these things.’ Shinon thought with a look of complete embarrassment on her face. It was incredibly embarrassing for her to listen to Aurora’s explanation of her quirk. However, she kind of tries to calm down by remembering that Yi has a quirk ability to seal other quirks. He was the saving grace in not allowing her to become nude.

Shinon then noticed Chariot’s voice complimenting Aurora with her quirk, and she deeply sighed slightly. It was how she acted somewhat different from how others would react to have their privacy being invaded. ” I must say I have to agree with Chariot with your quirk is useful. In comparison, I am a bit of a switch with my quirk that makes Tidal Surges or Tidal Waves. Fifteen feet tall or 50 ft tall tidal waves.” Shinon said slightly nervously because her other self is different. She shrugs her shoulders with the whole ordeal of having to switch her personality between the two sides, but her nitrogen flute is lovely. It made her kind of smile happily to hear that Chariot is glad they all came here to see Yi. ” Aw, no problem, Chariot! It’s nothing; it’s what classmates do, even though I am in Class 1A instead of Aurora, Harry, and others are in Class 1B. Class 1B is in good hands, with Harry leading them as Class President!” Shinon exclaimed with a smile on her face. While also making Harry stand out more than he already did, the classroom president of Class 1B has many more responsibilities than others.

It’s a bit funny, but Shinon is always happy, excitable only because of her parents’ home life. The Zen Hero, Darklight, is sometimes a bit of a pain, but she does love her father and mother. Mostly because he won’t let her take the easy way out and doesn’t enjoy dealing with business outside of Japan most of the time, only her mother Rei can usually have more time away from Darklight’s Agency called the Zeniful Watchers. ’ Uh, I do wonder if my father isn’t causing my older sister any hassle.’ Shinon thought to herself.

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

Kalie felt a bit strange, but it was probably the alcohol speaking to her, but it different from her usual behavior. She wasn't a party-type girl like all the other university students since they were too busy partying instead of working on their careers. In contrast, she was the opposite, and it's primarily because focusing on her future is better than having a hangover. However, something was a bit anxious about the whole situation, and it mostly was when Alex approached Jimmy and her. She was grateful to see Benkei returned to them for what happened between Graves and Kazuki. It helped that Alja was beside Benkei, which made her smile. In terms, she felt like the fight had to be about her. She was mostly confused about what Benkei wanted to say. It was clear on her face with the whole thing.

She listened to Benkei's explanation, though it felt more like an introduction.

It was clear on her face, shock, Kazuki and Kazuma were brothers this whole time. She did wonder how they knew each other so well, and this made much more sense. It didn't really help that she didn't know what the others were arguing about because of the close to have a mental breakdown again. However, it was pretty intense whatever the anger was about though. She didn't have that type of relationship with her older sister, it kind of hurt. It mostly made her realize one little thing, Kalie was forcing her ideals on her sister. She was happy that other sibling relationships were much better than Susan and her.

When Kazuma talked of skills and other things and felt like he has already spoken to Sif, she probably got from it. She listened carefully to all the others talk about what they were doing or becoming for their career choices and other things. On her face as clear as day, she was a bit shocked to hear that Jimmy was going to the University of Kansas. She had looked into that university in particular but picked K-State instead. It took her a while to think about what Kalie was going to particular say, allowing Alja to speak her mind. She felt a world off her shoulders in hearing that Kelly was 19, as she was, and there were only a few twenty years old or seventeen years old. A right mix of things, it was comforting in all honesty, but Kalie did giggle slightly at hearing what Kelly/Alja said about calling her Alja for combat. She had a beautiful smile on her face, which is better than her crying.

" Ooh, so we are going to introduce ourselves? I might as well join in since everyone else done so already." She started to wave herself off since it was so hot, and she feels a bit dizzy from the ale. " My name is Dawn Sara Hughes, who's 19 years old college student from K-State University in the United States, going to become an English Teacher. I don't know if that's going to help you."

Dawn let out an exasperated sigh of hopefulness that things are changing for the better. She's a bit optimistic, but it's just how she is, but she can lose it now and then under extreme pressures. She cannot cope well, and it's primarily her relationship with her older sister. It took a bit and kind of felt a bit more at home slightly and remembered something.

" Uh, you can call me Dawn or Kalie, I don't mind. Weirdly enough, I enjoy the profession I picked for this game. It helped me keep my plushie I kept as a little girl wholesome and together for my childhood memories. Also, Kelly, I like your name; it's neat."
Guess you are like the gif above yet again, a bit drunk. :)

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

One or two things always causes her to be a bit over-dramatic from time to time, and it’s how she is. These factors cause her to try to be everyone’s friends, even if they don’t want to be. However, there was a voice of reason right beside her, and she wasn’t going to ignore his advice. On her face was a bit of shock on hearing the name and what his friends call him. She couldn’t help but slightly giggle because it was a bit funny to say to her, but she was having problems. It’s a common thing with her always being a bit self-defeatist in most of her goals, trying to allow others to sabotage her.

” Hehe, that’s a cool name you got, Jimmy.”

Kalie spoke the truth with the words she said because he was smiling to help her. It didn’t come to much shock to her that he cleaned her tears from her eyes. She genuinely smiled back at him with what he said next. It was good to have someone there, and she still had half of her ale left, but she finished the plate of food.

” I do hope so too.” She said, ” Thank you for having my back.”

She was feeling slightly better because Jimmy was here for her. It was honestly kind of endearing. It was mostly because she never had anyone have her back or even help her out with her problems. Kalie had always deal with every little thing by herself. What happened in this game was what broke the camel's back by the announcement of being stuck in it. It does help her future in stone with how much time she invests in becoming an English Teacher. Her favorite subject is English, and it felt like the perfect fit for her. ’ I need to stay alive for the sake of being an English Teacher.’ Kalie thought to herself. She sighs softly and moves the ale she got away from her, basically not wanting any more of it. If she drinks anymore of it, she might get more drunk than she feels right now. It was a bit hard to focus right now with all that is happening.

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

It was one thing or another, and all these events made Kalie remember all the times. Other people used her for an easy out because of how smart she was. All she did was try her best in school and got excellent grades and a high-grade point average to go to any college or university. However, she chose K-State for specific it wouldn't require her to fly by plane to it. It hurts massively, but some people did care about what she was going through more than others. In the back of her mind, Why am I such an idiot? It was the only thing in her mind; she has caused herself some self-harm with her primarily being not good enough or not beautiful enough. All because she's so average outside of the game, it hurts much.

Kalie tried to smile while listening to what Alja said to Dariel, but her smile disappeared slowly. She was a bit lost for words since she could see Alja being a bit distant, but she didn't want to make it worse. All she does is make things worse with her speaking to others, and it is hard for her to understand others. It hurts slightly, but she did hear someone come close to her. She looked over to the person who was moving a seat, and it was Siegfried. The only thing she could do was blink at him slightly, still hurting, and she tried to smile. It was all wrong, with everything going on, and it mostly because of her. However, what Sig said made her feel a bit better, but she was still hurting.

" Hey Sig, I am not okay. Though you are right, your words are encouraging."

Kalie did hear Alja leave the bar to go somewhere else in the Tavern, probably to talk to the others. It was a bit hard on her, but she didn't want to make anything worse than it was already. She did have a problem with wanting to talk frequently without understanding others' feelings or desires. It has been one of her most significant weaknesses in her life that causes her never to gain any friends. She sighs sightly at all these frustrations, and it isn't like anyone would want to be her friend now. All she does is continuously sabotage herself, but thankfully the food she's eating was good. In the back of her mind, I dislike this feeling of utter helplessness... She took a while before she looks back to Siegfried and sighs slightly.

" Um, I might as well introduce myself. It's Dawn Sara Hughes. I just wanted to, Sig."

Kalie felt like it was the least she could do for Sig because she can tell there is something up with him. It is only around her, though, but she cannot place her finger on it. Her beautiful smile returns to her face. She has a long way to go to feel better, but it is something. However, what shocks her was an argument behind her, near where the others were explicit. It was over as quickly as it came up, but the voices that were apart were Kazuki, Graves, and Benkei. She shakes her head in not understanding why it was happening in all honesty. It was trying to keep herself from breaking down by trying to ignore the yelling. It would be better if everyone cools down before she involves herself in their business. However, it's so hot in this place that it might not be able to cool down.

' It's never this hot in Kansas. It feels like temperatures from Florida.' Kalie thought to herself. She moves her hand in front of her face to cool herself down slightly. She drinks her ale and eats her flat cakes, with a slight smile on her face. It was a bit of a dumb idea to get an alcoholic beverage, but she ordered it. At least, she was taking small sips of it, though.

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

Kalie felt even more hurt with what was going on between Rael and Alja, all because she is a crybaby. She did listen to what Alja was saying, and it was a heavy thick Scottish accent. In terms, the shock of seeing Dariel lift and separate Alja from Rael was in her eyes too. It felt nice to see the plate of food, even though she was still had tears coming from her eyes. She tries to get something out, but Dariel was focusing more on Alja over her right now. All Kalie could do was sigh at the whole thing, and it didn’t make her feel any better with what Rael specifically spoke to her. She finally says to Dariel with her sweating from all the heat in the tavern. ” T-Thank you for the food, Dariel.” Kalie said with a small smile. She decides to start eating the food that Dariel made her, and the first thing she did was enjoy the taste of the flat cakes. It was fantastic compare to the snack she had in the dungeon, really filling. ” T-This is good, Dariel.” Kalie said to Dariel, complimenting his cooking. She notices the ale right next to her plate, but she’s too hurt not to drink it. In terms, she puts it to her lips and takes a sip.

It did hurt her, hearing the exact things Rael said, it stung, but what stung worse as they were about to get into a fight. Thankful to Dariel for stopping it before it went up another tier of escalation. She sighs slightly; it is how she is, always crying herself to sleep after a hard day working for her goal to become a teacher. The pressures of working yourself until you reach your goals are problematic, but she wants to do that. She moves her head to look at Rael then back to Alja. ” The words you spoke in that dungeon, Rael helped me the most, no one in their life said those words. I am grateful for you protecting me. I am sorry for being such a crybaby, but being where I am from is why I am so emotional.” Kalie spoke with a definite hurt in her voice. She sighs slightly at what she said because what the two of them were saying makes complete sense. It is just all this that is happening around her is all too much for her. As her parents indulged her feelings with kindness and above all else, they could provide her.

Kalie continued to eat the food on her plate and gave each bite attention to taste everything. She does love the food; it was the one thing that brightens her day up from all the crying she has been doing. It was probably selfish of her to assume many things about what would happen after that dungeon if everyone stays alive. The one thing she had never learn about was death since she has a pretty big extended family, all living in the States. Her parents live in Topeka, Kansas, she goes to K-State University, and her older sister lives in Los Angeles, California.

In contrast, the rest of her extended family lives primarily in Missouri, Nebraska, and Tennessee.” U-Uhh, Alja, thank you for trying to protect me from Rael’s harsh but true to her words. I don’t deserve this kindness you are giving me. Many things are hard to swallow. Your accent is beautiful to hear, and I didn’t even know you were Scottish. I suck; I misrepresent everyone in my third journal.” Kalie said, with a slight smile on her face. It was odd for her to tell her third journal; she starts to blush slightly because of this. The wounds cut deep, but words cut more profound than any harm. She wipes the sweat off her brow because it’s so hot and tries to fan herself off with her hand.

It made her a bit nervous about what she would respond to get people off her from wondering what’s in that journal. Kalie sighs deeply with a bit of regret in even mentioning it. ” Uhh, it’s nothing bad… it’s just my pure, true thoughts on people I have met in this game that didn’t like my first interaction with them. In terms of how they hold themselves up compare to me.” Kalie said nervously. It somewhat shocks her to hear what Seele said they shouldn’t be at each other’s throats. However, it is what makes Seele herself, and she has so much mother energy about her it’s a bit sweet kind of reminds her of her own mother. ” T-Thank you for your mom-energy, Seele. I will behave myself too.” Kalie said.

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

Kalie was too deep in her thoughts to even notice the super tall, Alja walk over to her and sit down next to her. However, she came out of these thoughts when Alja spoke to her, and she slightly shivered down her spine. It was mostly because the words hit deep within her; those words struck a chord with her. As well, she did notice Alja was a bit look as if she has a hangover.” Hey, Alja… I’m sorry for not noticing you. Also, are you feeling okay? My thoughts are all over the place because of what happened last night. It has been I feel scared. I don’t know what I am doing anymore.” Kalie responded to Alja. Her body language was jittery and scared of all that’s happened. She deeply sighs somewhat because she made her decision on what to do next. ” I can’t bear this any longer, I need someone to know what my real name is, Dawn Sara Hughes. I can’t go back to this persona I created for myself in this game...” Kalie said quietly enough so only Alja could hear her real name. Her tears couldn’t stop coming, and it was unbearable for her; the deaths of Aag, Enos, and Atlas were too much. She never lost anyone in real life before, but it tore her heart asunder.

It shows much in her body language; Kalie was shaking a lot because it was an additional trauma at the end of the day. All her other torments involve her older sister Susan or her character, Marta. She put her hands together to stop her hands from shaking anymore than they were. ” I’m so sorry for every little thing I did to you, Alja, when this game was a game. I feel even more hopeless and helpless than I do previously. All because of my sister’s hate. In all honesty, I shouldn’t have tried to emulate my older sister’s bitchiness, but it felt like the best idea at the time creating what I see myself as.” Kalie said, pouring her soul out because it was hurting. She deeply sighs because she regrets many things; all of them stem from her sister's crueler.

The one thing she never leaves behind is her bag of stuff because of a particular good luck charm she made. She did make it with materials of what this world had to offer on her time besides filling up the player market place with her beautiful clothes. It was a gray cat plushie, which she never allows anyone to see; it wasn’t one to one replica of the one she has in the real world. ” I created this, I call him Simon. He’s my good luck charm when I am doing runs. but I have a feeling it would be better to sleep with him instead.” Kalie said, holding the Cat Plushie in her hands. She was careful with the plushie and put it back in her bag to make sure it doesn’t get hurt. It didn’t take her long to look at Alja and smile happily. ” T-Thank you for listening to me ramble on and on about my fears and everything.” Kalie said with a smile. She was never truthful with anyone but herself; her real self was better than being who she was. It is always a bit of trouble for her to deal with how others react if she acts like herself. In contrast, to how she is in the game compared to her real self.

Kalie couldn’t help but still feel something missing in her life; deep down, there were many things wrong. She tries to be a great player in this game, but that matters now. If any of them fuck up now, they will be permanently dead. It causes her to cry some more and say under her breath, I don’t want to die. She does realize she said that again, even though Rael did save her from her panic attack. ” I-I’m scared… What’s going to happen to us, now?” Kalie questioned a bit aloud. She didn’t even know what happened after she passed out after defeating the demon. ” Did anything happen while I was sleeping after defeating that demon? Besides being woke up by Kazuki’s beautiful music. He’s incredible at what he does, if anything. His musical talent is so much better than mine. All I want to be is an English Teacher for Elementary or Middle Schools...” Kalie said with a slight curiosity since she was truly and genuinely blown away by Kazuki’s music. However, he had to be slightly a bit of a jerk for what he said to her; it hurts. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know someone’s great at what they do.

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

It feels a bit nice to hear the man say it's on the house; Kalie smiles slightly happily with that news. She nods about what he says, and it's always good to build brand loyalty for whatever type of place you are working at or doing. " Thank you, Dariel Yaleioric." Kalie said smiled in return. As Kalie watches Dariel slink into the kitchen, she responds to him. " I won't, Dariel." Kalie said. She tries to think about what she will do in the future, but it wasn't like she got anything to do. At her wit's end, in all honesty, many things went wrong in that dungeon, and she broke down in front of everyone. It's a bit depressing that a little push here or there would cause her to break down like that. She roleplays for the sake of feeling better about herself and trying to hide her true feelings about others.

Kalie has always been a bit standoffish towards others because she doesn't know how to react to failure or consequences. It was easy for her to be so because of all the hurt she has in her heart. Kalie breathes in and out, trying to stop herself from breaking down again, but it's hard for her. It doesn't take long for her tears to go down her face, and she tries to wipe them away. ' I should seriously think about my actions and all I have done… I want to feel happy and not with all this sadness in my heart as I do. I don't want to die, though.' Kalie thought to herself. She has her hands near her face to stop the tears from going any further down on her face. Kalie was slightly breaking down again because of all the trouble she causes for her selfish reasons.

It made her think about becoming a teacher a bit more since it is her favorite school subject. Kalie hadn't thought much about the school she would be teaching since she still needed to get the proper credentials to teach. She would probably teach at her Elementary or Middle School, rather than High School. It made her smile slightly since the younger generations need to learn how to write English correctly. ' Come on, Dawn, you can get through this… it's not as if you are going anywhere any time soon.' Kalie thought to herself. Her little pep talk with herself stops her waterworks for now. In essence, she needs to prepare for anything, and it is what her father usually says. She sighs slightly with all that happens to her and everyone else. It hurts to say it, but she fails to make friends throughout her time in this game. All she saw was the competition and nothing else; if she tries a bit harder, she couldn't feel so empty in her heart with so much guilt.

Kalie tries to correctly think of a solution to her most significant problems, which is never understanding others' feelings. How can she be able to understand others' feelings when she hasn't figured hers out. The missing opportunities to find love or find answers to the reasonable questions for her heart has. It's still hard on her, but her parents were the most rational people in her life, and they love her no matter what. ' My feelings are all over the place. I should have opened my heart to others. Only my mother Heather and father Julian knew my feelings well. It’s probably why they intervened for me to relax once in a while before breaking down and feeling unfulfilled. But I did break down in that dungeon as if my life was over...' Kalie thought to herself with slight regret to never opening her heart to others. It hurts, and all she wants to do was deal with her path to becoming what she wants the most.

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

Kalie felt insulted, but it was her fault for not being specific in what she wanted. It didn’t take much for her to realize that he’s heavily sarcastic with what he said next. She sighed slightly while looking at the man. What he said made more sense to get something edible over gruel, that’s for sure. ” Oh, I am sorry, I should’ve been more specific. Sir, Flatcakes sound great, and ale would be good too.” Kalie said, trying to smile. It was like all she wanted to do was cut short becoming an English Teacher if she wants. All because of being trapped in this game. She did turn her head from where she was sitting and noticed more of her group entering the place. There was something in the bottom of her heart that felt so bad, and it was the words that Kazuki said still stung. It was like she was reliving her days back at high school or the university because many people absolutely didn’t care about her. They were only there for her smarts or what they assumed beauty of her.

It felt like the longer she looked, the more hurt she would become. She decided to stop looking behind her and stare back at the man behind the counter. ” How much would that order of food and drink be? Also, I should introduce myself, and it’s Kalie Augustine. So what’s your name?” Kalie asked curiously. She rarely interacted with NPCs only for quests and whatnot, like learning new spells and stuff like that. It was mostly because she would rather interact with players over dealing with the hassle of the NPCs. If it weren’t for the hack, she would still be doing what she does in this world, but now she has to keep healthy.

Something was nagging at her in the back of her mind how would the others react if she said her real name. ’ All the Gloro Inquisitors know my real name, because of my older sister constantly bitching at me… calling me worthless… calling me trash… telling me I amount to nothing and I should stop trying to become a Teacher.’ Kalie thought to herself. She tried to take those punishments by Susan jokingly, but Susan never jokes. Still, it hurts that her older sister never loved her and used her. She wants to be an English Teacher since there are so many kids who would need a loving and kind teacher to help them through life.

Kalie never once tried to give up on her dreams, but with all those outside forces combining, she shouldn't do this or that it hurt. All at once, she hadn't the courage to stand up to her biggest bully of all, her sister. Whenever she tried to stand with her head held high, Susan would defeat her with the cruelest of words, I absolutely despise you, I do hope you never try anything to make me regret being your sister. It was like the one thing that kept her head down and never once tried to use a but. If it weren't for her parents' intervention, she would never be able to have a slight ounce of freedom from her sister. She had never reflected this much in her life; all she was doing previously was the motions. It would take a long time to get out of underneath her sister's dark, beautiful shadow. However, Susan also did one small nice thing for her, which was enchant her Scythe with the Enchantments it does have. It felt a bit too nice of her sister to hate her, all the time. She had no idea, why Susan has done it or why she never asked anything in return.
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