Avatar of Lemons


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19 days ago
Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
1 yr ago
Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
2 yrs ago
Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
4 yrs ago
Biting Spider Writing
7 yrs ago
They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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Most Recent Posts

Hmm, to Gaius or not to Gaius. I feel like Skingrad would've given him rich development, but I do so love making new CSes...

And a belated question: could someone hit me up on that Discord?

Mungry Crempsus!

Current thots: I wish I hadn't had to drop this, the plot is so thick you have to stick it in a forge to shape it. Wonder if I could jump back in at some point.

"Executive thot."

Also, trying to get caught up in this is great. There's so much good stuff to read. Especially Sora and Latro.

Here's Johnny Lemons!
Evidently I forgot to detail the ‘tek’ part of magitek, so I’ll be writing a loose explanation about airships, firearms, and technology at large in the imperium sometime this week. I realized it might be important. Oops.

2nd page in the OOC

by the way don't think i didn't notice you never talking about magitek inky

stop right there criminal scum
yo holy shit i'm still alive



"And here I thought you were competent," muttered Etoile as she watched Pagonia getting unceremoniously bashed into a tree by the giant krovar. Her eyes narrowed as she dispelled her platform and dropped to the ground. She shook her head at him. Getting close to it. What a foolish decision.

As the krovar turned its back to her, she sought out something, anything, to be a target, and her eyes locked onto the limb covered in ice. She thought for just a moment, then turned to its other forelimb and sliced two fingers through the air toward it. "Acer ventus!" There was a sound a bit like swishing fabric as a knifelike projection of air peeled away from her fingers and found purchase in a spot of corrupted, spikeless flesh near its intact shoulder. She smiled thinly as it howled in pain and stomped her foot against the ground, doing her best to draw its attention away from the tree-smashed man. She dove and rolled under a volley of needle-sharp spines that thudded into the forest behind her, then fired off another acer ventus before lifting an invisible wall of air in front of her and preparing to intercept a charge. She stomped her feet more and drew her sword, pointing it at the krovar in what she hoped was a very obvious threat.

"Come on, then! What are you waiting for? Come and get me!"

As she taunted the krovar, she peered over its shoulder and gave Pagonia a vindictive 'you owe me now' glare.
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