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It might not be the safest, but I say:

• "Fair travels as well, what do you need?"

Welcome! Thanks for popping in and voting!
> Take the direct route past the carriage. <

With a bed and breakfast already taken care of, and a hint of urgency in your plans, the detour of a nearby village seemed largely unnecessary. A nod away from the town as you looked to your traveling companion resulted in an agreeing nod up and down from her, and you picked up your pace slightly to continue on your trip. The fork in the road was left behind as you traveled south-west, meaning that- should you keep to the path- there was no way to avoid crossing paths with the carriage. Then again, the surrounding mountain side was pure white and very fluffy. Even two humans on foot stuck out like a sore thumb in the otherwise visually featureless landscape, especially with the dark blue cape that Aika kept clasped around her.

As you approached the wagon and the people accompanying it, your view of them became more clear than a few faceless figures in the distance. Drawn by one horse, the slightly under-average sized caravan had a tarp of beige fabric covering its contents, stretched over the back with lumpy shapes of several objects beneath. One figure sat atop the wagon's front seat, bundled up tight against the frigid weather and the horse's reigns clasped in their mitts. A scarf covered too much of their face to ascribe much to their appearance, beyond a rather mundane set of brown eyes that peeked at you from between this scarf and a wool cap. To the sides of the wagon marched three more in long dark green cloaks covering their bodies. Two of them had their hoods pulled up, the one without instead sporting an open-faced helmet. At about waist level of all three of them, you could see the signature shape of a sword's scabbard underneath their cloaks.

You saw a slight shift in the corner of your eye, and taking a glance revealed that Aika had once again rested her hand on the hilt of her blade, in the same precaution she took when she had met you. The crunching of snow from the many footsteps among your pair and their group culminated as you ended up face to face with them. There was width enough along the road to simply move to the side and walk beside them, but even as you began to do so, the driver of the wagon called out to you.

"Fair travels, you two," the medium toned voice spoke in the local tongue, but with an accent similar to yours. The owner of this voice flicked their wrist, signaling the horse before them to stop. "Might you have a moment?"

• "Fair travels as well, what do you need?"

• "Out of our way. We don't want any trouble."

• Ignore the caravan crew and keep walking.
> "We should rest for the rest of the night." <

"I'm all for raising a drink to adventure but," you began as you lifted your mead to join the others above the table. You spoke again with a sigh, finally letting your fatigue catch up to you. "I'm beat. My legs are killing me Aika." You looked up at her as she half stood across the table in readiness to run out the door, the glint of adventure in her eye hesitating for a moment. "There's no way I could make it down this mountain tonight, unless I just lean off a cliff and roll all the way down," you cracked a tired smile along with your joke, which seemed to land rather well among your company here. "Ahh, of course. Tonight is the night of getting-ahead-of-myself, it would seem," Aika replied with a smirk of her own. With a mutual agreement on the matter, you both turned your attention to Umildraen expectantly.

Post-toast, his face was deep in the mug before he realized that he was now the center of attention. He looked a tad flustered as he rushed to finish his drink and reply. "Well, if it's a place to lay yer head yer lookin' fer, then look no further," he set his mug down and stood up. "Any proper mountain-guide worth his beard's got an extra cot or two layin' around for exactly this!" With his hands triumphantly on his hips, he expected some sort of awe-filled acknowledgement, but with the night growing longer and longer, he was only rewarded with two slightly amused looks veiled in readiness for rest. He cleared his throat and turned to the door behind him with a slight hustle. "Er- th'guest room's right through here," he said as he opened the way. "Make yerselves at home, an' we'll send ye off in the mornin'." With that, he made his way around the table to a door on the other side, and excused himself off to bed.

With the promise of a good night's sleep ahead of you, you and your new ally wasted no time packing it in as well.

In the unobscured sunlight, the snow was nearly blinding as you and Aika stepped out into the world beyond the cozy cabin on the mountainside. It wasn't much warmer than it was last night either, the only saving grace being that it wasn't currently snowing to make the wind even worse. The dwarf behind you waved you off with another wish of safe travels as you bid your good byes and took to the narrow path that led up here from the world below. At the least, the soreness in your legs from dealing with that troll last night seemed to be gone.

The whirling breeze kept the silence of the hike at bay, with the singular path leading the way down the mountain. The road slightly-more-travelled here was visible mostly because it simply had less snow than the area around it, enough that you could move along it without having to trudge though the stuff. As you moved along though, turning around a cliff face revealed to you a split in the path. From your altitude, you could see quite well down each, enough to see more immediately where they led.

To the south-east, the road you were more familiar with on your way up here was certainly the most direct route back home, it would bring you ever closer to the Daldon-Geland border at the base of the mountain in about another day's travel. Further down this road, you could see a carriage of some kind, accompanied by several humanoid figures walking with it, heading west towards you.

Directly south, the road steepened toward a small village. It would only take a few minutes to make your way down to it from here, and seemed to be the mostly likely destination for the carriage, but it was out of the way compared to the other route.

• Take the direct route past the carriage.

• Take the detour towards the village.
> Give Aika the chance to reply first. <

In your head, you knew the answer to Umildraen's question. At least- you knew it according to Gelish legend. What you and Aika had discussed before the dragon was indeed the tale passed down in the wake of the Golden War, a dark and bloody three years where Minervan forces sought to conquer the lands that would later become the Gelish provinces of Vatiir, Cesbury, and central Geland. On the eve of what historians now mark as the Second Era, Syr Roethel Geland led humanity to victory against the dragons, defeating Minerva's greatest general Frindiath atop the Prismatic Spire in the city of Albrigh, and capturing her son Zorkuth as a prisoner of war. A temple dedicated to his name certainly seemed like a plausible place to house Zorkuth, and in seeing the body of one silver dragon did little to dismiss the story either. However- to comment beyond common knowledge- you felt that it was not your mission to speak of. You did vouch for seeking aid, but was Umildraen the right person to ask for help? Divulging the truth of the temple here would ultimately be Aika's call.

You turned your attention to her, directing Umildraen to do the same. She seemed to share the same longing for wonder, travel and adventure that your host did, as her eyes were as glazed as his as he spun the tale of the blue knights. When it came time for her to reply though, she shook herself right and leaned over her stew one more time before speaking. "Well," she began, slowly pausing to buy herself more time to decide. "I suppose it's a rumor everyone knows about, isn't it? That- and you've been nothing but kind and helpful to us so," she reasoned out her choice- more to herself it seemed than to him. "Yes, it's true. Zorkuth himself rests within the temple's inner chamber- or rather- his corpse does."

Umildraen almost leapt out of his seat at this news, bellowing a mighty "Har har! I knew it! In m'heart o'hearts, it just had to be so!" He cleared his throat and sat back down, regaining his composure and eyeing Aika intently. "Ye say it'was his corpse, though? Ain't dragons supposed to live ferever? Unless somethin' kills 'em, that is..." his question turned into an inward wondering, and with a gasp he almost shot back up again. "Oh m'gods! Did someone come along an' kill Zorkuth?! Who'd even be strong enough to do that?! Huhh, perhaps t'blue knights did him in..." He seemed to be getting carried away again, spinning into his own theories.

You and Aika both shrugged in unison, and you took a turn to speak up. "We don't know. There didn't seem to be any wounds on his body from what we could tell. It was almost like he was just sleeping," you explained. "It's been so long since the Golden War, too. Maybe dragon's aren't immortal?" It was your turn to wonder out loud, but Aika shook her head side to side in retort. "I've never heard of a dragon that only lives two-thousand years. Even if Zorkuth was born before the Golden War, he didn't look terribly ancient up in the temple. It's strange indeed, which brings me to uhh- well- the reason we're even here having this conversation," she pushed her now empty bowl towards the center of the table and looked to the dwarf. "My master tasked me with finding out exactly everything we just told you. I need to return to Geland and give him the news of- Zorkuth's death- it would seem. In the event that we must return here, can we count on your guidance up in these mountains?"

"Aye," Umilraen replied, hoisting his mug into the air. "Hikin' these peaks is m'livelihood, after all. I'll hike ye anywhere yer itchin' to go."

"Excellent," Aika smiled, lifting her mug to join him. She turned to you, the look of ambition in her eyes. "What say you, then? Let's hit the road, we've got a long way to go and important news to carry, yeah?"

• "Agreed, let's get a head-start."

• "We should rest for the rest of the night."
<Snipped quote by MercuryHg34>

Actually, Aika did identify the dragon is Zorkuth earlier... ^^"

<Snipped quote by Light>

I'd guess you don't want to vote "We don't know" then, @Guardian Angel Haruki?

And also would this change how you want to vote @MercuryHg34?
Writing on almost 24 hours busy time no sleep makes a lot of typos. No worries I fixed em (I think) haha.
> Say something else.
[Write in: Ask Umildraen something to test his knowledge and interests.] <

"Follow my lead," you replied in your native tongue, leading to one cautious Aika and one confused Umildraen. "Wha- H-Hey," the dwarf stammered as he flicked his eyes between you two. "It ain't polite to leave someone outta conversatin' in his own home, y'know." Umildraen fell back in his chair with a thud, crossing his arms with a slightly disgruntled huff. Luckily, you quickly diffused the situation with some silvery wordplay. "Oh, no no you mistake us," you sought to reassure him, returning to the common Daldoran between you. "You see, part of the walk back down from the temple was filled with second-hand stories, tales of wanderlust and lofty dreams of heroism. Tales told from you to me, and then from myself to our new friend here Aika," you turned to face her, and her eyes widened as she became the center of attention. She nodded a bit too hard with a slightly lagging "Mhm!" You looked back toward your host, and folded your hands on the table before you as you continued. "She told me that she'd like to hear them from you directly though, and I'd certainly love to see what rumors or tales have spun about what the temple holds, before we er- burst your bubble- no offense." As you finished your deflective speech, it seemed like Aika finally picked up on what you were trying to say, and she threw in her own flare to sell the bit. "Oh! Yes Mister Nogrid, I'd love to compare notes about what people who live here believe and the research I collected. Who knows, maybe your wildest dreams are true?" Perhaps a bit too strong on the sell but, maybe this was one area you were the expert in.

Umildraen unfolded his hands and ran his fingers through his beard once more, humming a low and long gravelly "Mmmmmhhh," as he pondered the proposition. "All-righty lasses," he sparked with a renewed jovial expression. "Ye've earned ye'selves quite th'story then. Now, th'only thing that can make a story better is more mead!"

When I was but a wee lad, m'folks raised me in th'city of Jotov. Ifn' ye ain't been in Daldon for long, it's a walk n' a half down th'mountain west o'here. Anyway, Jotov's a perfect spot for folk o'all shapes n' sizes to take a trip to n' fro between Daldon and me folk's homeland below in Lasaruuj. I've been seein' travelers n' so-called "adventurers" like ye'selves long before either of you were a glint in yer folks' eyes. Th'King's men, th'Emperor's men, mercenaries, even folk you'd call vagrants. You name it, they'd been somewhere neat that wee lad Umildreaen never heard of. But when I take a gander up th'pass at that stone structure atop the highest peak in all o'Daldon, one man's tale fills me more than a thousand bowls of goat stew.

Y'see, it seemed like an ordinary day to everyone else. But to me? Every day I see someone new is anythin' but ordinary. Th'men that took a table at the bar I was workin' that night sure weren't ordinary to me. Ye take one stroll 'round Jotov above or below ground, the knights n' soldiers are wearin' red. Th'Emperor's men red n' silver, th'King's red n' gold. No, this knight n' his boys flew the bluest flag I've ever seen in me life. I sat em' down, got em' all drinks, and wasted no time askin' where they were from n' where they were goin'. Well- to me delight- it was a longer answer than I thought.

Gelish soldiers they were. Th'King's men- different King, of course. They spoke among themselves like you two just did, n' I suppose their captain saw no harm in talkin' about what he said was already common news "back home." Said they were meetin' with th'Emperor to talk about the temple atop Therakin. Yer Geland saw a nasty war with yer other neighbor Minerva quite some time ago, I'm sure you two know all about it, and word made it west of the Spine, but when they told me what was in that temple, I thought I had rocks in me ears.

Accordin' to these folk, yer King's great-great grandfather- th'man who won ye th'war- took the son of Minerva's greatest war general as a prisoner o'war. Took him west, hiked him up Therakn, dug a hole in th'mountain, tossed him down it, and closed it up good. Now- ye might be thinkin "Oh that ain't too crazy a story," but ye'd be wrong! What floored me the most was the nature of this supposed son. Turns out, he's a dragon! I couldn't believe me ears one bit! Men capturin' a dragon- alive- and sealing him in a mountain.

Umildraen tilted back another mug of mead, one that you, Aika, and probably Umildraen himself likely lost count of by now. He closed his tale with a mighty belch and let the mug clatter onto the table with a heavy fist. "Now, as mighty fine a tale they spun for wee lad Umildraen, there's no way it can be true, yeah?" He leaned forward and eyed you and Aika closely. "I mean- how do a bunch o'elves n' humans capture a dragon alive? N' why would they build a temple on Daldoran land-" Umildraen seemed to have an epiphany as he asked that last question, his eyes going wide in realization. "Is- is that why th'blue knight wanted to talk to th'Emperor? Is there some kinda deal between Geland and Daldon?" He went to take another drink, only to remember that his mug was empty, and so he stood to help himself again. "Is it true then? Is Zorkuth truly a dragon?"

• "It's true."

• "It's not true."

• "We don't know."

• Give Aika the chance to reply first.
Very busy day today since like 4am. Stuck in traffic now but when I get home I'll bang a post out. Thanks for your patience.
@Guardian Angel Haruki You should be good now.

I should come up with a more succinct way to prompt a fully open write in, I think. Anyway that should be sufficient for now.
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