Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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20 days ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
25 days ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄
3 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
3 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
3 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

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Ser paced around the perimeter of the room. She'd been here almost five days now, but she still hadn't gotten used to this place. Though she had to admit it was probably the safest place to be right now. But, enough was enough. She then realized that she'd been in her room for such a long time now, and had forgotten most of the layout of the facility. Guess some exploring was in order.

She stepped out of the door and started walking. Most of the doors around here were closed, and she really didn't feel like opening them. Who knows what's on the other side? Probably someone who's a little pissed that she just barged right in to their room.

She decided for now, she should head to the entrance, and try to get her bearings from there.

Following the twists and turns of various hallways and other rooms, she at last made it to the entrance. The hole where the slide ended sat in the same spot as always, and people were walking to... wherever.

A slight rattling sound caught her attention as she continued through, and turned her head towards the slide hole. After a moment of watching, three figures emerged. One of them she recognized, but she had no clue who the others were. Everyone at once drew blasters, rifles, and other various weapons. She might want to do the same. She reached for her saber when the woman she recognized said they were with her. Letting out an deep sigh, she slouched over, relived they weren't under attack. Everyone seemed to get the idea and put their weapons away and go on their way. Now, where was she?

691, bois
Aaaannd, RP's dead.

It was just Morti's thoughts.
Morti watched as Lucan went around the Apothecary looking at things. He decided now would be a good time to check his own supply. Whetstones, a few healing herbs, rations and rope. He also checked the quiver on his lower back, hidden by his cloak. 18 arrows. Guess that'd have to do. He could always grab a few from enemy archers. He then felt the edges of his blades. Not razor sharp, but good enough to do the job. His bow, held on his back by a leather strap, probably needed a last minute inspection, too. No, it looked good to him. Was there anything else he needed?

He looked over at the counter. A small red vial sat alone, away from everything else. Morti walked over and examined it closer. It was half-full with a black viscous fluid that reeked of...tar?

"What is this supposed to be?" he asked the old man Wrys.

"Bah, an experiment turned toxic. You can take it if you want. I'm sure it'll prove useful to you some how." Wrys walked over and put a small cork in the vial before handing it to Morti.

"Heh, thanks Wrys. I'll put it to good use."

After Lucan appeared to be done, he followed him outside where Nora was waiting. Lucan then said something about her hair. The madwoman had cut it off! He then began to pay attention to his own hair. He watched as the wind blew around semi-translucent wisps of white hair. He'd never actually gotten his hair cut before. After a while, it just... stopped growing.

Lucan then asked if they were ready to go, to which Morti replied:

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'm not quite as proficient in fighting as I am in stealth, but I'll give it my best. The two can go hand-in-hand after all."

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